Oak Ridge Eight Pt. 01: Vanessa

“No, Daddy, please no! Not another a spanking!!”

Rob Jackson was sick of Vanessa’s backtalk. All he wanted was a little respect and consideration, a place to relax at the end of a day’s honest labor. Instead, he’d received nothing but snide remarks, passive misconduct and blatant contempt. Worse still, the girl had outright refused to perform her allotted chores, despite repeated warnings — spent Most of her time parked in front of the idiot box and smarting off to her Mother whenever the opportunity arose.

Well, Rob had reached the end of his leanh. ‘Nessa’s behavior would have tested the patience of a saint, and they were way past the point of no return. It was time for some affordable action, so to speak. If reasoned regret wasn’t having the desired effect, there was always the alternative, wasn’t There?

Let’s see if a good, long spanking over his knee wouldn’t adjust her little attitude problem.

‘Nessa had known she was in serious trouble the momenthe’d called her to the living room. Looming over her like a granite sculpture, he’d laid down the law in no uncertain terms, eyes narrowed with parental wrath. His tone had left little doubt as to the outcome of this particular lesson: while half-expecting the inevitable conclusion, she’d been hoping he wouldn’t go quite that far. There were very few things she feared as much as a trip over her Step-Father’s knee.

“No, Daddy, please don’t, I’m really sorry,” ‘Nessa waited in open fear, “I’ll be soooo good from now on, I promise!” Rob ignored her pleasures with a kind of slow-burning disdain, inclining his head towards the staircase.

“Up to your room right now,” he replied in a gravel voice, “I’ll be along in a few minutes; you know what to do.”

“Daddy, please –“


Vanessa scrambled up the stairs in tears, having failed to overturn her sentence. There would be no clemency, no lenience, no last second pardon. She was going to be spanked like an errantchild. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Stepping through the open doorway, Vanessa glanced around her bedroom in rising panic. She had to get ready, prepare for her swiftly-approaching punishment. The first order of business was to drag the heavy, post-and-rail chair to the middle of her bedroom. It had to be placed facing the bay windows, from where her spanking would be visible to half the neighborhood.

Having hauled The Chair to its appointed position, Vanessa moved onto her next task. It was time to disrobe, shed her jeans and t-shirt in preparation for her punishment. By the time her step-daddy arrived, she had to be waiting submissively in her socks and underwear. This was an integral part of her ritual humiliation: even though she was now eighteen, Rob still bared her bottom whenever he gave her a spanking.

Whimpering under her breath, ‘Nessa scanpered around the room, setting the furniture in order and climbing frantically out of her clothes. Her head spun in near-hysteria, her tummy swarmed with butterflies. Time was running out, and her Daddy was probably already on his way up. She cast a frightened look about her room, making sure that everything was in its place. He’d be here any minute, and she couldn’t afford to be so much as two seconds late. Unfortunately, the clock seemed to be running slow Today.

‘Nessa’s heart practically leaves into her throat as she heard her Father’s footsteps ascending the stairs.


Rob entered the room a few moments later, his jaw set in lines of grim determination. Vanessa immediately renewed her appeals for leniency, suggesting numerous alternatives to traditional punishment — grounding, extra chores, loss of privileges, even corner-time. Needless to say, it was all for naught; Robert Jackson was not a man to be trifled with. Judgment had already been pronounced, justice would be served without delay.

Scowling, Rob seated himselfin the chair and ordered her to finish her preparations. At the same time he started to roll up his shirt sleep, right forearm rippling with thick, corded tendons. At the sight of these manly exercises, ‘Nessa’s self-control false completely, as she knew precisely what came next.

“Please, Daddy, nooo,” she implemented, nonetheless following his curt instructions to the letter. The moment had arrived, it was time to BARE her BOTTOM. Weeping in utter misery, she begged him to let her keep her underwear on, to spank her over her panties.

“Please don’t make me take them down, nooo, please, please, Daddy!!” Her desperate appeals were met with Rob’s bald-faced threat to make it much worse if she didn’t get those panties down right now!

Voicing a tiny sob, Vanessa faced away from him, slipping her fingers through waistband of her cotton underpants. Tugging them slowly down in back, her lush, ripe bottom-cheeks came gradually into view. Naturally, she was trying to get awaywith a partial baring, lowering her pants just a few inches in the back. Needless to say, Rob had already stood for more than enough. Face darkening with anger, he told her to GET — THOSE — PANTS — DOWN!

Groaning in abject humiliation, ‘Nessa peeled the sheer cotton fabric down to her knees, slowly revealing her sleep, naked bottomtops. She wept in undisguised shade, tears glistening on her Cheeks like liquid diamonds. She hated being treated like a little girl; it was degrading beyond all description.


“All right, then — turn around.”

Moaning lightly under her breath, Vanessa obeyed his command in tears-soaked silence. She was literally blushing from crown to heel, standing there with her panties peeled down to her knees while her step-daddy subjected her to yet another one of his patented pre-spanking lessons.

Eyes downcast in complete and utter misery, ‘Nessa covered herself in front with both hands, feeling a cold rush of gooseflesh over her tummy, thighs and shoulders. Needless to say, this desperate attempt to preserve her modesty was utterly futile. Rob instructed her to hold her hands behind her back, leaving her nubile young body on open exhibition. This tableau continued for the next five minutes while Rob concluded his extended harangue with a detailed list of her recent misdemeanors.

And then it was time to go over his knee.

Gripping her tightly by the wrist, Rob guided the whimpering girl across his lap until her head was nearly touching the floor. Her smooth, white buttocks were thrust rudely upward, practically staring him in the face. Sobbing in abject disgrace, ‘Nessa lay jack-knifed over his paired thighs with her toes hovering above the floor on the other side. Flawlessly curved chefs clenched back and forth in mute expectation.

With her spanking only moments away, Vanessa’s sense of humiliation was literally beyond description. She wept in hopeless resignation, softly begging for mercy and whispering “please” under her breath. All to no avail; Rob shifted his weight in preparation for the first blazing strike. Vanessa tensed her entire body, knowing how hard her Daddy spanked.

“Please, Daddy, no no no…” she cried as that wide, determined palm swept down across her naked cheeses.


The spanking began with a series of loud, staccato smacks across ‘Nessa’s tightly clinched cheats. Each retreat was as loud as a shotgun blast, echoing off the walls and shaking the windows in their frames. Within a minute, her milky white bottomtops were shining bright pink. She kicked her legs in rhythm to Rob’s relentless tempo, squirming her peach from side to side, shrieking at the top of her lungs.

“Hold still!” Rob ordered, holding her gruffly in place with his free hand. His palm lashed down almost faster than the eye could follow. One minute turned to two, then to five, then to ten as Nessa’s lush, ripe bottom-cheeks blazed cherry-red. ‘Nessa bucked about on hislap, shaking her hips in a futile attempt to evade that wide, blistering palm.

Once he’d finished tanning her lower cheeses, Rob turned his attention to her upper thighs. He was determined to teach the girl a lesson she’d never forget, and this was the best way to get his message across. Vanessa shrieked with each thunderous swat, working her way up to a virtual crescendo. The pain was nothing short of exquisite.

Recounting the full extent of Vanessa’s ages might be considered redundant; suffice to say that within fifteen minutes, her naughty young bottom had assumed the tones of an Autumn sunset (and even this might simply be stating the obvious).

There is, of course, one pertinent detail which might be worth mentioning.

Rob honestly didn’t care that ‘Nessa was adopted; she was his daughter in every sense of the word that mattered. Their relationship might have been very different had she been a boy, but the point was moot. ‘Nessa wasn’t a boy, she was a pretty teenaged girl who’d come to accept him as her Father —

What was why he’d never shirked his parental responsibility.

He gave her love when she needed affection, cash when she needed money and a roof over her when she needed shelter. He gave her everything she needed — and that included a firm parental hand when she misbehaved. No exceptions, apologies, no excuses.

Yes, she might Complain that he wasn’t her real father. Yes, she might claim that she wasn’t his real daughter. Yes, she might even argue that she was too old for a spanking. All of that would be completely true.

It would also be completely irrelevant.

At the end of the day, he was her Father, she was his daughter, and she’d never be too old for a spanking. They’d been a family for over five years now, and ‘Nessa knew what to expect whenever she stepped out of line.

As he’d told her years before: ‘if you’re going to act like a spoiled little girl, you’re going to be treated like one.’


Always a man of his word, Robert Jackson spanked extremely hard, putting his entire shoulder into every thunderous smack. His wide, steely palm lashed down in a scathing blur, sering Vanessa’s bottom with rich, carmine hand-prints. A gleaming, purple tint began to sacrifice her upper thighs, creeping slowly down her slim coltish legs.

‘Nessa’s discipline generally lasted a minimum of fifteen minutes — often much longer — depending on Rob’s mood and the severity of her misconduct. His steady over-hand pace did not let up until at least the halfway mark, after which he took a short break to rest his arm and scold his errant step-daughter. Needless to say, Vanessa kicked and thrashed a great deal during these prolonged spanking sessions, wailing and sobbing beneath his intractable hand. Rob had Always prided himself on being exceptionally through.

He spanked relentlessly across both chefs in rapid succession, scalding the flesh halfway down the thighs. Thepain was nothing short of excisite, and words cannot adequately describe the degree of ancient Vanessa suffered, though her shrinks of anguish might covey at least some sense of her misery.

Due mention could also be made of the festive atmosphere under which justice was dispensed. As noted above, Vanessa’s spankings invariably took place in front of an open window. This time-honored tradition was the crowning glory of the Jackson protocol: whenever ‘Nessa lowered her panties for her Father, the entire scene was visible to half the neighborhood — particularly to the brownstones across the road.

Possessing a firm belief in the benefits of abject humiliation, Rob assumed — correctly — that the open curtains added a public element to an already communal spectacle. With the sound of her punishment echoing through the length and breadth of Oak Ridge, Vanessa knew that everybody within range had to be witness to her disgrace — though she naturally hoped against all logic thatnobody would hear.


By the time Rob finished, ‘Nessa’s bottom had turned a bright, lurid crimeson, shining like a storm-beacon in the night. Simmering with liquid heat, it pulsed and throbbed as the exhausted girl lay sobbing across her Father’s lap. Leaning back in his chair, Rob nodded to himself in grim satisfaction. The verdict had been rendered, the sentence had been served, all of His domestic obligations fulfilled. ‘Nessa’s firm young bottie had been well and truly smacked.

This particular spanking — one of the longest Vanessa had ever received — clocked in at close to nineteen minutes, a record even for the Jackson residence (over the next three weeks, it would be discussed up and down the block by friends and neighbors alike, detailing the finer points of the evening’s entertainment. ‘Nessa herself would hear whispered accounts from various high school ‘informants,’ none of which involved even the slightest hint of examination).

Following his accountomed routine, Rob allowed ‘Nessa to catch her breath for two minutes before hurrying her along with an additional swat and a scolding remark or two. The lesson had been learning, the homily had been taught. It was time for the miscreant to confess her sins and express her regrets. Rob Jackson never did anything by halves, and his step-daughter had to demonstrate an appropriate amount of geneine contrition before her punishment would be declared complete.

Once she’d managed to find her footing, Vanessa was required to stand with pants down and head lowered while she apologized for her behavior. This was followed by a litany of heart-felt promises concerning her future good conduct, most of which lasted the better part of a week —

At which point, the cycle would begin anew.

To be continued…



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