I was short of sleep that night, thinking of the possibilities that seemed to be open in my meetings with that woman. My glimpse of the girl on the stairs also made me curious to know more. The mediocre coffee and pastry at my pension seemed harsh and dry to me as I swallowed them without much interest.
The walk from the Metro to her building was too slow for my feelings. I had not said when I would return, just that I would be earlier. It was warmer outside, with the sun lighting the front of her apartment as I arrived there.
She did not answer the door when I knocked, so I knocked more loudly, then turned the handle and pushed. It swung inward and I walked into her rooms, closing it behind me. After she had accepted the kneeing position yesterday I had confidence in my position regarding her.
I was still amazed when I found her kneeing beside my chair from yesterday, dressed in the yellow and grey taffeta described in the book. Her hair was dressed and glossy,with clips and long pins holding it back from her face, yet flowing part-way down her back. Her face was made up, with crisis lipstick, dark eye shadow and dramatic highlights. If she had done this herself it was a work of brilliance, to emphasise the gorgeous woman that was within the plain one I had met previously.
The dress was in the style of an earlier generation, with wide skirts and underskirts that flowed in a circle across the floor around her. The bodyce was very tight and pushed her breasts up beneath a lace shawl. She was breathing deeply and steadily, making her shawl move in a fetching way. Her eyes were downcast, and fixed their gaze near my knees.
It took me some minutes to take in this scene, so much was changed by her choice this morning. The question that was in my heart came to my dry lips. “Have you chosen to offer yourself to me in this way? Or is this some way to help you to recall the past? Please explain yourself.”
Her voice was clear and calm as she replied. “I do not offer myself at all. My role is as it always was since my first time at Roissy. I exist to serve, to be accessible to any that may desire to use my body for their pleasure. I cannot be rapid, my consent has been long since given to any use or punishment that others put me to. This was made clear to me by Sir Stephen, that I had no independent will, just the acceptance that I was his to use, to torture or to offer to his friends. I have lived by that consent to serve since that time. I felt that you might be interested in seeing me as he made me, with this dress that was part of that life for me in the early time.”
“Please stand up and close your eyes” I spoke and went to stand closer to her. She did so, using only her legs, without needing her hands for the action. She clearly had learned Much and had maintained supplementalness, poise and strength. Her breath came more quickly and colour rose in her cheeks. My finger stroked down the side of her cheekbone and across her lips, which were moist and slightly parted. She held her breath for a moment, before taking a deep intake.
My hand reached for the long pin that held the ends of her lace shawl together. As I fumbled to unpin it, the sharp point scratched the skin beneath, making her gasp. The shawl fell away to reveal a superb chest, with firm breasts of modest size but classic shape. Her nipples were coloured a deep Passionate red and hardened as I watched. She was trembling and breathing in short but deep intakes. The scratch was obvious, with a drop of blood forming on it. My hands stroked her, then gripped her breasts strongly as her breath came in gasps and strong colour rose in her skin and face.
I released her after squeezing her nipples that were now long and rigid. “Turn around please, and place your hands on the chair”. The dress rustled as she obeyed. Her rear was towards me and I parted the slit in the folds of her skirt to reveal a beautiful rounded bottom. At first I did not see what I expected, then looked lower to find the brands-bracketing her anus rather than higher on her buttocks. A fitting site, I decided. My fingers stroked the deep burnt ‘S’ on one side, ‘H’ on the other. She flinched as I did so, her legs parting a little more. There were many light silvery lines across her bottom, old scars, I guessed.
I ran my hand down between her legs, where I touched warm wetness. Her lower lips were engaged, with a very prominent cliporis erect at the far end. She showed as she spread herself for my hand. A lush handful of public air showed droplets of moisture near her vagina. I could not resist sliding two fingers inside her. She moaned and flexed her hips and I felt her tighten around my fingers, with a powerful grip. Had she always been this sexually charged, or was it a product of her training and years of use?
“How long has it been since a man touched you like this?” She was not able to speak until I withdraw my fingers andThen her voice was weak and breathy.
“You are the first in nearly 8 years, for a number of reasons.” I gestured for her to stand upright again, then I sniffed my fingers, which smelt very richly of her arousal. I then pushed them between her crime lips and felt her tongue eagerly lick them clean. My sex was aroused, yet I had come for a business purpose-recreation must wait. I bad her follow me and walked Through into the adjoining room. There was a carved Art Nouveau desk against the wall, beautiful rich timber, yet spindly legs. I pushed on it to be sure it was strong to serve my need today. I pulled up the chair and sat towards one side of the desk and made her sit on it within reach of my right hand. “Pull up the skirt and spread your thighs. I want to touch you while you continue your story.” She compiled with a will, raising one knee to facilitate my access to her sex.
‘You were newly arrived at Samois, with your baby, you had both been checked by Anne-Marie andfed. This was a new phase of your life and a different person was in control of you. How did you feel at the changes forced on you?” I was struggling against my desire to throw her on the carpet and ravage her. No wonder men desired her- she radiated sexuality and submission in her every movement, gesture and look. In her forties she was glowing, mature and very desirable- the years of submission had poisoned her like a jewel to shine in this way for me.
I could not believe my luck, yet could not forget my mission. This was the real woman behind the book, whom I had come to interview for the story of a lifetime- both hers and mine. I settled for a hand on her thigh, close to the mood- I needed to concentrate, after all.
She began more clearly, pausing from time to time for the memory to refresh in her mind’s eye. “I did not Consider my feelings, nor did Anne-Marie. To be under the control of another was my normal state and I was grateful for the warmth, the bed and theroof above me. The alternatives I had been considering a few hours before were much harsher and colder. I had my daughter to care for, and this was at least a safe haven for a while.
“For the first week I was left to myself, to feed my girl and recover from my experiences, and my lip was healing well.”
At this I was curious to see the evidence of the rings and Eric’s violence, so looked at her groin more closely while turning her lips with my fingers. There was long-healed damage to the left lip of her sex, with a tear down to near the base and some ragged edges. A savage wound, yet borne with the same calm submission that she seemed to apply to all that befell her. The lip that I felt was slick with her arousal, and she opened herself a little more to my gaze and fingers.
“I ate my meals in the kitchen, with the housekeeper, a woman in her thirties who wore a severe uniform. She did not speak to me, just laid my food before me and cleared the dishes away afterwards.I decided she must be deaf and tried to use signs to ask her questions. She was embarrassed and shook her head, I did not know why. At that moment Irene came in to the kitchen and saw the situation. She went behind the housekeeper and seized her head at either side. She said ‘Open your mouth and show your shame, Gestapo whore’.
“The poor creativity blushed deeply and compiled, revealing a horror within. Many of Her teeth were broken, yet worse was the empire stamp of her tongue which was behind them. Irene went on; ‘She had a luxurious Occupation while true French men and women suffered and went hungry. She welcomed the Boche with open arms, mouth and legs, living the high life and rewarding many of them with her body as they tortured and killed our people.
“‘I found her outside their barracks at the liberation, bleeding and barely alive. Her beautiful Allemande lovers had cut her tongue so she could not betray them and the mob who looted the building had beaten her near death. They made sure she could never attract a man again.’ Irene lifted the wig from the woman’s scalp, revealing burn scars that would never bear hair. ‘I saved her and she repays me by serving here. She is not a slave, she is just a useful item in the kitchen. She must obey all here, no matter their status. If she was to go from here, her life would be short and painful. She needs regular treatment from Anne-Marie for her injuries. There are also many outside who know her and remember her behaviors. The Boche had taken her to their torture rooms and executions as entertainment. The survivors remember her face.’
“As the pathetic creativity restored her wig and rushed to the pantry weeping, Irene said to me ‘come to the front of the house, we have a plan for you to pay your way here’.
“I followed her upstairs and through the door that led to the part of the house that I knew from my first time there. It was overcast and cool outside. Anne-Marie was sitting by a blazing fire,Her dog at her feet. She signed for me to stand near her and I was grateful to be close to the fire. My nakedness was uncomfortable sometimes. My breasts were uncomfortable full, as my child had slept for several hours. They hung more heavily on my chest which was a new feeling for me. I was disturbed to feel drops of milk leak from me as my body responded to the warmth and thought of my girl. Irene saw this and licked the drops, then each woman took a long suck. They giggled and kissed each other passwordately with the milk still on their lips. My moans as they sucked my breasts seemed to excite them. I feel weak with pleasure as they sucked.
“‘We are going to use you for our mutual well-being as well as pleasure. This property takes a great deal of money to keep it up. We will keep you here for the time being, and put you to use to generate a new income. The housekeeper will care for the child while you work for us.’ I assumed they would prostitute me for money, as at Roissy, whomer my body had suffered and served to earn cash. While this proved to be true, later, at this time Anne-Marie had a different plan in mind.”
Anne-Marie and Irene stood up on either side of me.”‘ When you have fed and put the he child back to sleep, put on the coat that is on your bed. We will go on an errand to Sir Stephen’s house’” As she said this I felt her open herself a little More and lubricate richly. That man’s name had an effect on her. I slide a third finger inside and she stopped speaking, with her mouth agope. My thumb rubbed her slimy lips, touching her cliporis with each stroke, she flexed and moaned slightly as I did this. I withdraw a little as I had a mission to complete, I needed her to speak.
“I wore the fur coat from my room which came to my knees, and was warm and lined with satisfaction which quickly warmed against my bare skin. We went in the Alfa to Sir Stephen’s town house, where the three of us went to the door and rang the bell. After a time, Norah answerred and ushered us into the drawing room. She pulled dust covers off the furniture so the women could sit down. Anne-Marie gestured to me to stand near her, and stroked my thighs and bottom while she spoke.
“‘ I believe you were responsible for dealing with O’s property when Sir Stephen left?’ Norah’s eyes were on mine, reminding me of the punishments she had given so fiercely in the past. Her dark-skinned hands were spare of flesh, yet strongly muscled. Norah spoke quietly, ‘I sold most of her possessions and sublet her apartment. As my master had instructed I collected her cameras and studio equipment and they are stored in the basement here. Is that what you would like to take away?’
“The four of us went down to the basement where we found my cameras, lights, backdrops and the few props that had been in my studio. In a large chest she had placed my dark room chemicals and enlarger. Anne-Marie bad me take the cameras and some film. Irene seized a light standard and we reTurned to the front door. Irene told Norah that a van would come for the rest of the gear in the next day or two. Norah replied, ‘I am always here, for two years I have managed his house faithfully and fulfilled his instructions. That has not changed.’ As we drove away I regretted the fear that prevented me from asking about him- was it my fear of punishment or fear of Norah’s answer? If Norah’s service had not changed what had changed- his life, or health?” She looked as if her mind and feelings were many miles away. It made her look even more desirable.
I had had enough. I stood, pulled her to her feet and kissed her hard on her open mouth. She moaned and opened it very wide. My hand was buried within her sex, so I pulled it free, spun her around and bent her forward with her breasts on the desktop. Her dress fall down and she pulled it back up with one hand- making herself freely accessible. I opened my pants and freed my hard phallus. I drove it straight into her wet sex, wherere it met little resistance until I could feel the very end. She gasped, panted and moaned “thank you thank you thank you” as I stroked deeply while I gripped her breasts and used them as handles to pull her back onto my cock. The rough my treatment the more excited she became. So wet had she became that there was little friction, so I pulled out of her and pushed it between her brands. She squealed as she was stretched by my invasion of her rear. She was so tight as I drove in, her grip on my sex stimulated me to my climax in only a few strokes- she moaned as I grunted and spilled my seed deep in her bowels.
I fell forward onto her back, as my cock softened inside her. After a couple of minutes I stood up and pulled free of her. I let her go and she slipped to the floor, where she wrapped her arms around my knees and sucked My penis into her mouth, licking and sucking it until it began to harden again. I pulled it free of her, she made a sound of disappointment, then whispered”thank you Master, please use me for your pleasure. I am yours.”
I knew what needed to be done next. I hauled her to her feet by the arm, and pushed her roughly over the back of the chintz couch and throw her skirt over her back, She spread her legs wider to allow me to enter her again- her sex was dripping with arousal, her anus was slightly ajar and wet with my seed. I pulled the old soft belt from my trousers, stood a pace back and laid it hard across her buttocks. She screamed as her lust was punished shockingly. Three more strokes followed as her screams increased, the surprise replaced by true pain. The skin of her rear showed bright red stripes that began to swell as I replaced my belt.
“Thank me!” I said sharply, and she did so fully.
“I thank you gratefully for your loving punishment, sir. The pleasure I took in your use of me deserved your correction”
I returned to the other room, put some more wood on the fire and sat again on my chair. I waved for her to sit on the floor beside me. Her makeup was smelled, sweat could be seen at her throat and on her arms.
The next phase of her story would be more strange than I could have imagined.
To my small group of loyal and tasteful supporters- Thanks!