Amanda had already spent 4 days at the NYRR facility working in the Inmate brother. It was exactly as degrading and humiliating as it sounded. She spent 18 to 20 hours a day on her knees, all fours or back serving the guards and overseers. The positive to her prediction was she was given a few days to gather information and learn more about her precarious situation.
The whole operation was a cycle of back breaking labor, inmates would be ferried across a large lake to a rock quarter where they would break large limestone rocks into gravel. Other inmates would be assigned to haul the gravel filled carts back to the galley ships. Where yet other inmates would row at the oars to transport the crushed gravel back to the camp and gravel trucks for sale.
Amanda had also learned that her degrading sint in the brother was almost over. As one of the other girls had said. “They like to take the prettier women to the brother for a few days to ‘break them in’ before starting themon a task.” She had also seen first hand the women begging not to be dragged away to the mines or galley. She couldn’t imagine that someone would actually want to stay in the small building and be used by everyone on the dirty mattresses.
The good news for Amanda was that apparently the contract she signed was binding and at the end of the day when the work camp was assembled they would congratulate the women who reached their goals and unlock their collar and chains. She Steeled herself with determination to lose that weight and get herself free of this twisted semi-self imposed prison.
Amanda stood naked on the scales, like she had every morning, staring in disbelief that she’d gained 6 lbs. As she stepped off the closing of her metal collar and restraints told her where here extra weight had came from. “They’ve got to be kidding.” She muttered realizing she’d not only need to meet her goal of 115 but weight less to account for the shadowles.
This morning was differentent than the previous four. Amanda was weighed and sent to breakfast earlier than normal, she knew the hard work was about to begin. She found her tray along with her dirty, skimpy clothing that she hadn’t seen since she was stripped in the yard at her arrival. She hastily ate and dressed before the guards would come to get the inmates.
“Line up!” She heard a guard shout as he entered the mess hall.
All the women immediately bolted from the seats and curried out into the yard to form lines. Amanda intelligently followed suit and found a spot in line. She watched the rows infront of her have their collars connected by chains and then ushered to the lake. Soon it was her rows turn, she shivered as she felt the chain attached to her metal collar and locked. The guard smiled looking sadistically into her eyes. “Well, well fresh brother meat Here.” He said pausing to give Amanda’s heavy tits a firm squeeze through her tank top. “Yes. I’m going to enjoy keeping you on task today.”
The lines of women filed into various wooden galley ships and were told to sit on the deck. Amanda sat down with the other women and studied the galley ship and its inmates. The galley inmates were kept naked and she could see various welts and crueles on their backs from whippings. Soon the oars began turning and the galley ship began rowing towards the far side of the lake and the rock quarry.
An overseer’s whip started Amanda as a galley inmate to her left received fresh blows, two to her back and one across her flat stomach. “Pick up the pace Galley wenches!” The man shouted curling the whip back into his hand. He walked back and forth between the isles looking for slow oars to punishment. When he found none and was pleased with the pace the cruel man walked over to the quarry inmates and looked the group over.
“7747!” He shouted pointing at Amanda. “Over here now!”
Amanda stood on the swaying ship and made her way past the large group of sitting women to present herself to the man. He roughly grabbed her and pulled her with him back to the isle between the oars. Pushing her to her knees he unbuttoned his pants, “Let’s see if you learned anything in that brother. If you can’t get me to finish before we reach shore I’m chaining you to an oar.” He cracked the whip hard against a neary redhead’s tits just to emphasize how cruel that fate would be for her.
Amanda hastily went to work with her mouth and hands. She slurped and gagged trying to get him to finish with her as quickly as possible. She was humiliated and degraded performing such lewd act in such an exposed place. Images of the last four days filled her mind as she wished he would be done quickly.
She managed to taste his salty bitter cum several minutes before they reached the other shore. “Now lick your dirty whores spit from my cock.” He said gripping a handful of Amanda’s hair and forcing her to continue the degrading act. Some of thegalley inmates had taken the opportunity to slow the rowing during his fun and he quickly noticed and delivered several blows to the offender’s backs.
Amanda was last off the ship and the cruel man made sure to tell her. “You’ll be doing that every day until you fail and I chain you to an oar.” His sentence of Amanda’s fate during her twice daily commute sent chills down her spine.
An overseer grabbed the left arm of Amanda and ushered her deeper into the quarry. It took them several minutes for him to find her a work space but he presented her before a huge several ton rock of limestone. A ring drilled deep into the limestone had a long chain that he attached to her left ankle restraint. He shoved a pick-axe and sledgehammer into her hands along with some clothes gloves. “Break off large pieces with the pick and crush them with the hammer. Nothing larger than this.” He ordered showing her an inch in diameter gravel. He turned and started to leave before offering one piece of last advice. “Oh. And lose the shirt… unless you want it to get shredded when I make my rounds with my whip.”
To emphasize his point he struck out with the long black bullwhip striping it across Amanda’s upper thighs below her shorts.
Amanda nearly collapsed in pain as the harsh lash cut into her thighs. She quickly recovered and pulled at the bottom of her thin tank-top pulling it up over her head and disregarding it neary. She didn’t want to feel that lash again and put on her gloves and raised up the pick-axe.
Amanda raised the axe trying to break off a chunk of the hard limestone. She could feel her muscles start to strain and begin the physical exercise she would endure all day. As she struck away at the rock she had a moment to Take in her surroundings and other inmates chained to their own rocks or burden. One blonde to her left had broken a large chunk off and was hammering into it with a sledge hammer. She was already covered in sweat and furiously working to make the chunk into gravels.
Amanda watched as she swung away at her own rock as a wooden cart pulled up to the girl. The wooden cart was pulled by another inmate dressed in strange straws and shoes. The straws were harnessed around her body and connected to the cart. Her arms were behind her in some type of arm binder also attached to the cart.
The blonde pulled a shovel from the cart and began to tossing gravel she’d crushed into the back. It took minutes but soon the cart was full and Amanda watched the inmate pull the cart sluggishly away. Amanda had managed to knock off a decent size chunk and switched to the sledgehammer to crush it.
Her arms started to ache as she slammed the metal into the rock. The gloves were sturdy enough to keep blisters from her hands but her body would be aching after 14 hours of This. She slammed into the rock hard making pieces break off and shatter covering her in a thin layer of dust. Amanda kept at it determined to smoke this rock like she wanted to smoke the head of that galley overseer.
It took less than an hour for Amanda to be exhausted. She was drenched in sweat and her thin cotton shorts clung to her hips and ass with wetness. She had gathered a nice pile of gravel and soon one of the cart girls made their way to Amanda’s. She shoveled the gravel into the cart taking notice of the bit gag in the woman’s mouth. She then noticed the long leather boots working their way up the woman’s powerful legs. Amanda knew that if she could get transferred from breaking quarry rocks to pulling carts she’d make that 1500 meter time quickly. She did have to avoid that asshole on the galley ship. He could throw a chink in her plan.
She whispered to the cart girl. “Hey. How do I get your job?”
“Mhhhphmmmn mphmmpuna.” The girls reply wasn’t understandable through her bit gag.
Amanda then felt a fire erupt on her back!
Then across her thighs.
She squirmed turning to see where the pain was coming from.
“No talking!” The overseer shouted coiling back his whip. He struck it forward again landing this time higher on the side of Amanda’s chest. Instantly red lines showed through her pale flesh as she tried to whimper an apology and continue shoving.
He stopped after two more blows and gripped Amanda by the hair. “Stupid sluts.” He pushed her bent over the back of the wooden cart and shoved her face and chest first into the gravels. She felt him pull down her wet shorts and his own member press between her legs. “I’ll teach you to keep that mouth quiet!”
Amanda surrendered to the abuse as he rocked her back and forth against the cart. The woman pulling it simply watched as Amanda was taken brutally from behind. The man gripped the back of Amanda’s collar jerking her head back to him and slightly choking her as he finished with his dirty lesson.
“Now get that ass back to shoveling.”He said leaving her in a dirty sweaty heap.
Amanda managed to work for the next several hours with no further punishments or lessons. Finally inmates carrying large pails of water and a bucket of some type of muscle approached Amanda. They divided up food and water for Amanda to eat and drink and told her she was allowed a few moments break to rest. While Amanda sat and ate the muscle one of the women tenderly dabbed at her whipped back and tighs with a wet rag removing dirt from the bruises and welts. Amanda thanked her with a nod and the women curried away to feed the other inmates.
Amanda’s topless body hammered and picked away at the large rock for several more hours before the overseer paid her another visit. This time he lashed her back for failure to “work fast enough” and then made her face him and press her back to the cold large stone.
He stuck out slamming his whip against Amanda’s chest with a large. “CRACK” of his whip. Amanda screamed in pain as fire escapeted and she wanted to clutch and protect her breasts from more lashes but she held her arms outstretched like he had ordered.
Blows crisscrossed her tits and stomach as she nearly cried in the pain. He stopped and moved to her, gripping her tights and lifting her legs to wrap around him. He fucked her again hard against the rock.
“Yes. That’s it. I love looking at fresh whip marks while I take you quarry slaves! Fuck yeah!” He said forcing her to ride him pinned against the rock. “You seem to like it too! Dirty whore!” He said as Amanda blushed in shame. The submissive side of Amanda was burning with desire from the forced labor, harsh punishments and the forced sex. She clamped her legs tight around him and humped her hips down to meet his upward thrusts.
He left her minutes later sitting on the ground against the huge rock. She panted trying desperately to catch her breath and clutching her chest and the fire that burned on her skin. She managed to get to her feet and start again breaking rock.
The sun was setting when the man returned again. Amanda’s body was wound out and she could barely lift the pick-axe to knock off another chunk but she was still trying. He took her tools and helped her lift the tank top back over her head to cover her welt covered chest and back. Unshackling her ankle he pointed to the galley ship. “That one. Apparently one of the galley Overseers has been looking forward all day to having you accompany him back.”
Amanda sluggishly made her way back to the ship, Knowing she had one last task to complete before she could collapse in rest.
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