The old bastard was going to pay. Mr. Prior harassed every nurse on the ward for weeks with verbal assaults, slapses on the ass and pinches thereabouts. It was my turn tonight to receive this nightly dose of abuse. None of us could stand it any more and I was going to do something about it. Tonight was the night.
It was New Year’s Eve. I hated working holidays, but didn’t mind the extra money and quiet time, especially tonight. Oh tonight! For Mr. Prior, it wouldn’t be so quiet, at least not in his head. He was going to get a dose of his own medicine and just maybe something a little more.
2a.m. I made my rounds without incident. Betty, the head nurse was out cold from the couple of drinks she’d had earlier at the ward’s New Year’s Eve party. All was silent. I slipped into the bathroom which happened to be located next to Mr. Prior’s room and changed. I walked up to his room door and swung it open.
He didn’t hear me come in. I closed the door behind me then quickly went up to him and tied his ankles and wrists to the steel bars of the hospital bed with three foot rubber strands I’d cut from the phlebotomy lab. I then tapped a cotton swab gag over his mouth.
Mr. Prior injured himself in a hit-and-run car accident a month earlier. With no insurance, no job and no family to speak of, he was milking the free ride as long as he could to stay County General Hospital. The current ‘injuries’ he claimed were now ‘internal’ since initial scrapes and crueles healed after the accident. The overworked doctors and interns never found time to properly diagnose and rid us of him. Therefore, he stayed in our ward and continued to harass us day in and day out. Until now….
With these maladies, Mr. Prior received a healthy dose of prescription medicine. He was mostly on paintillers and sleep medicine which he would take as several pills, two to three times a day. I’d given him an extra dose of Lunesta earlier that evening, which he didn’t notice. Hewas out cold while I tied him.
Mr. Prior was bound and gagged. He could not make a sound nor move. I was ready; so was he. It was then when I decided to wake him.
Tapping him on the forehead with the tip of my finger I said, “Mr. Prior, it’s time to wake.”
He shook his head and opened his eyes. I could tell he didn’t know quite what to make of where he was. He tried to move but Couldn’t. He grumbled, then looked up at me.
“Yes, Mr. Prior. This is Janet. Your nurse tonight. I’m dressed up, just for YOU on New Year’s Eve. Since you’ve been such a GOOD patient to all of us here on the floor, I’ve decided to give you special treatment,” I said.
When he did gather his senses, he looked up to see me in my nurse New Year uniform. It was a black PVC dress with two red stripes down each side in front and zipped down the middle to my belly button. With open back, black vinyl panties and gloves to match along with the six inch leather platform boots that zipped up the side, he saw me in a very different light. I grinned at him and let the shock settle in for a moment.
I saw him feel and twist the binds on his wrists and ankles. When he realized he could not move, his shoulders dropped and the strain settled a bit. He instantly knew he could not speak with the gag in his mouth. Once I felt he knew what his prediction was, I began to implement my plan. I walked over to him with the syringe in hand and leaned over.
“Do you know what’s in here, Mr. Prior?” I ask.
Shakes head.
I squirt a little out of the tip of the syringe and let of fall onto Mr. Prior’s cheats. The smell of Lysol is in the air. His eyes widen.
“Don’t you like a clean room, Mr. Prior? You always complained about your room being clean. Now it smells like lemons, doesn’t it? DOESN’T IT!?” I said. I placed the tip of the syringe onto the left side of Mr. Prior’s neck. He was shaking now and began to sweat.
“This won’t hurt a bit,” I said and pressedthe needle into Mr. Prior’s neck feeling for the left jugular vein. Once I knew it was in there, I stopped and let the syringe settlement on Mr. Prior’s pillow.
“The needle is in your jugular. If I press the syringe, you’re dead. You make a sudden move, you’re dead. You got that, Mr. Prior?” I told him that and took the gag off.
“Yes, Nurse Janet,” he said.
I climbed on top of him and straddled him. My knees were under his armpits. I looked down at this helpless, middle-aged loser who’d made so much trouble for all the nurses here. He’d harassed all of us and made us feel like worthless whores. Now, he was under my control.
“Do you understand why you’re in this position right now, Mr Prior?” I asked.
I leaned forward looking straight into his frightened eyes. “Good. Because, motherfucker, you’re about to pay for what you’ve been doing,” I told him.
“You’ll do exactly as I say and how I say it. Not a sound will come out of you or that syringeGoes empty. Got it?” I said.
“Yes, Nurse Janet, he said.
I squeezed my thighs and felt his chest rise under me. My pussy getting wet from the power I had over this man, but I had to stay focused right now. Focused. I slapped his face with my right hand and stood up over him. He made no sound. Good boy, I thought.
I took off my nurseie dress and turned my back to him and said:
“Do you see this ass, Mr. Prior? The one you’ve been grabbing, pinching and slapping at your fucking leisure over the past few weeks? This ass is a fine work of art. The patrons are not allowed to touch it. (I slap it with both hands) I’ve worked hard to acquire it and few have possessed it.
You and creeps like you are the lowest form of the earth, thinking you have the right to do whatever you want, whenever you want to women and treat them with no respect. I’m here to set you straight, starting right now.”
I got back on the bed and turn my back to his face.
“Now Mr. Prior, being the dirty old man you are, you need to clean up your act. Starting with my ass. You’ll lick it clean right now!” I said as I squatted down over his face and spread my cheeks over his mouth.
I felt the long wet strokes of his tongue going up and down the crack of my ass. The long strokes shortened into quick flicks right around my little hole then encircling it. The movements of his tongue rotated back and forth against the pressing of my grinding hips against his face. I tried to resist, but my fingers buried into my ass cheeks, pulling them further apart for him. My pussy was drenched.
“Is my ass clean, Mr. Prior?” I asked in a quivering voice.
“Yes, Nurse Janet,” he said, pulling his head back.
“Good boy,” I replied.
I sat down on his face and smoothed him. I let him catch his breath every two minutes or so. While I was sitting, I opened his hospital gown, revealing his naked body.
I then got off the bed and went over to the corner medical cabinet and grabbed two tubing clamps. Walking back to the bed, I held them up in the air to ensure Mr. Prior could see them as I walked over.
Without a word, I attached the clamps to his nipples, making the clamps stand erect. I then told him:
“Mr. Prior, you’re feeling some physical pain. Let me tell you that’s nothing compared to the mental anguish you’ve caused us pretty little nurses here on the ward. (I flick the clamps) We’re on our feet all day, walking the floors for 8-10, sometimes 12 hours a day taking care of legitimate patients. (I start to take my boots off) It’s very tiring and we don’t like to put up with, how can I say it…asshole patients like you. Got it?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said and nodded.
I climbed on the bed and sat on his stomach, slowly flicking the clamps back and forth.
“Mr. Prior, you’re going to take care of my aching feet. I’ve been standing all day since 4pm. Lick these soles and clean between the toes,” I ordered.
I pResented my right foot in front of his face and he began to lick and suck. He started from the heel and worked slowly, meticulously up the arch onto the balls of my foot with his tongue, stroking it with a masseuse’s touch. I flicked the clamps and felt him strain against the binds. When he got to the toes I spread them wide for him as he took each one and sucked it hard and cleaned between each, rolling his tongue along the smooth skin of my manicured foot. Once he was done with the right one, he turned his attention to the left. I pushed his head back onto the pillow with my left foot when he was finished and said, “Good boy.”
I rolled off of him and onto the floor, I turned around to face him. I put my hands on the bed and laughed, “So, Mr Prior, what do you have there?” (pointing to his erect cock)
No answer.
“Cat got your tongue or is it something else? Where’s your badass attitude now? Do you need to show off your manhood to me? I think maybe you do. You’re SUCHa ladies’ man. I bet you can last for hours and hours and satisfy a girl like me over and over. What do you think? (I flick the clamps)” I said.
No answer.
“Let’s see what you got for a girl like me, shall we?” I tell him.
I walk back over to the medical cabinet, open it and search for a minute. I grab some scientific gloves and rubbing my hands with some lube I Just happen to have in my purse (how’d that get in there?), I stroll back over to Mr. Prior and say:
“If you can last, let’s see, 5mins, I’ll give you a surprise, OK, Mr. Prior? I’ll even tell you what it is. I’ll suck your cock. And I don’t mean just an ordinary blowjob. I’ll give you the best head you’ve ever had in your life. Any way you want it. I’ll make you shoot a load across the room, it’ll be so good. Is that a deal, Mr. Prior? (I smile at him)
He nods.
I take my lubed up hands and rub them together, looking over at Mr. Prior’s sweating face. I flick the clamps for good measure and tell Mr. Prior just before I start, “Any way you want…” and lick my lips from my chin up in a circle across my mouth. I began to stroke Mr. Prior’s cock with one hand, starting at the base and twisting it as I move upwards. Up and down, up and down….I began to pick up the pace….Splat.
“Mr. Prior! That was not even one minute! Naughty boy. What will I do with you? And, what will I do with this mess you made?” I ask him.
“I don’t know, Nurse Janet,” he said.
I wipe the cum up with my gloved hands and smear it on his chest and face. “You don’t know. Now that’s an answer,” I told him.
“I see you don’t like this mess on I’m making all over you. It isn’t very pleasant, is it? I said as I slapped him across the face.
“All those times you called us nasty things and made us nurses feel ashamed. Now it’s your turn to be a little humbled,” I said. I slapped him again and flick the clamps. I take off the gloves and throw them at his face.
Just then, I hear the door burst open and someone come rushing in.
“Yes, it is time he’s a little humbled,” a voice injects.
“Betty!” I said, “How long have you been watching?”
“Long enough, Janet,” she said smiling.
“Well, as you can see, I was about to start humbling Mr. Prior a little more. Would you like to help?” I asked.
“Oh yes, gladly. What did you have in mind?” Betty inquired, looking down at the helpless Mr. Prior.
“Well, since Mr. Prior made a mess, his cock seems to have gone limp. I think now is the time to see if Mr. Prior can show any emotion towards us nurses. Don’t you? I mean….he always treated us with SUCH respect. Him and his little cock there MUST have real Feelings for us, right? What do you say we give it a little test to see if it will it has any feelings for us now?” I say to Betty as I stare down at Mr. Prior.
“I agree, Janet. I mean, he’s grabbed my ass and tits so many times, I’ve come home bruised and aching. That on top of him rubbing that little limp cock up against me every time he got the chance,” she says while tapping a rolled up gauze pad over Mr. Prior’s mouth.
“Disgusting!” I say as I walk over to the medicine cabinet again and begin to search. Meanwhile, Betty strokes Mr. Prior’s hair while whispering in his ear. I can’t make out what she saying, but he is squirming under the binds, twisting his wrists and ankles. Here it is. I walk back to the bed.
“I found it Betty,” I said, holding the object behind my back.
“Oh goodie. I think I know what it is and I think Mr. Prior’s true feelings will come out when he’s tested,” she giggles and continues to stroke his hair.
She guides his head forward and holds it in place. I stand in front of the bed and bring the object out in front of me. His eyes widen and he shakes his head between her hands.
Nodding slowly, I tell him, “Yes, Mr. Prior, it is a catter. One just for you and your limp dick.” I bob it up and down in my gloved hand.
Betty begins to laugh. “You HAVE to let me do it,” she says.
“Absolutely, Betty,” I tell her, “he’s all yours.”
A Foley catter is measured French units (F) or gauges. One F is equal to .33mm or .013 inches. Mr. Prior’s teeny penis size is approximately 10 F on the Foley catter scale. The catter I handed nurse Betty was a size 21 F. I sat down beside Mr. Prior to get a nice view of the show.
After fifteens minutes, Mr. Prior’s emotions had gotten the best of him. He’d passed out. The catter was in place and Betty was very pleased with herself, I must say. There was much sweat and a tear or two on Mr. Prior’s pillow, but I do believe he feel the emotion and pain of being humbled. He may even feel it when he wakes up.
When the show was over, I quickly got dressed and walked over to Mr. Prior. I took the clamps off of him and put them away then untied the rubber binds and put them in a pile to take with me when I left hisroom. I removed the gag and throw it away in the neary trash basket. Betty straightened up the rest of his room and dressed him, leaving the cater in place. Finally, I slowly removed the syringe and squirted the Lysol on the floor then spread it around with my boot. I placed the syringe in my pocket to dispose of after we left.
“I don’t think he’ll be harassing us any more, do you?” she asked as we were leaving Mr. Prior’s room.
“No, I don’t think so,” I said, “and if he does, he’ll get more special treatment.”
“Yes, and he’ll have a pleasant reminder of the consequences when he wakes up,” she says.
“Won’t he ever! You did one hell of a number on him!” I tell her.
Laughing, she said, “You did too! Hey, where’d you get those clothes?”
“Oh, Dr. Hughes buys them for me,” I tell her.
“The ER doc! She’s married!” she yells at me.
“That’s right…”I smile at her, open the door and leave Mr. Prior alone.
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