Helen’s heart is racing, and her mouth dry as adrenaline courses though her. It’s an effort to stop her legs shaking, and she rubs her nylon covered thighs together, thrilling at the sensing. Ever since the ‘incidents’ six months ago, she has become obsessed with the feel of nylon, among other things. Other things that have brought her to this room, waiting nervously. A bettertacled secretary, probably ten years or more older than Helen eyes her suspiciously.
This is madness! She briefly considers making her apologies and leaving, thinking of her young children, and her husband, and the untold harm that could happen if…. But no, the decision is made. It is her forty-third birthday today, and this is her treatment to herself, if things go well. If things go badly… she shudders at the Thought.
Helen has done a number of uncharacteristic things to reach this point. Firstly, as it is Friday, she has delayed her birthday party and any celebrations until tomorrow. Much to her husband’s consternation, it must be said.
Secondly, she has shaken and exfoliated down below, leaving her pussy as bald as, well, as bald as six months ago, when the man she has an appointment with did that to her.
‘When did you decide to shake yourself down there?’ her husband had asked last night.
‘Do you like it?’ she had replied, coquettishly. He hadn’t seemed sure, but he had made love expert to her. Her husband is a thoughtful lover, but recently she has been wanting more. She has asked him to be a little more dominant, but it is not in his nature.
Helen can feel her pussy lips against the gusset of her tights, and it thrills her. That, and knowing she is wearing no underwear. She is aware that she is already moist, and hopes the dampness isn’t visible on the tights. That would perhaps be too embarrassing. Or maybe not. She isn’t sure any more.
The tights, and not wearing underwear is the third out-of-character thing Helen has done. She’s boughtthe thinnest, palest, most see-through tights she can find, knowing they leave nothing to the imagination.
The fourth thing was to ring and make this appointment, the last appointment of the day, she has specified. That was four-thirty, but a subsequent call from the office, from a confused and apologetic secretary, moved it back an hour. Helen thinks she knows why – so that they can be alone without interruptions. She’d felt so alive after that call, and even though she’d been at work, she’d found a toilet cubicle and brought herself to a satisfying orgasm. That had also been uncharacteristic.
Finally, this morning, dressed conservatively in blouse, long skirt and sensitive flat shoes, but equally un-conservatively with no underwear and a bald pussy, she caught the London train. In the capital, with time to spare, she treated herself to some high-heeled court shoes that matched the tights, and then visited a sex-shop for the first time. There she bought a large vibrator – she was going to bring her own, and had thrilled at the thought of carrying it with her. But she rather fancied an upgrade, and now purchased, unwrapped and supplied with batteries, it sits nestled in her handbag, safely zipped up away from prying eyes.
Helen glances at the clock. It is now five thirty-five. She presumes he is keeping her waiting deliberately, keeping her off-guard. She wonders if he thinks she is going to try and get revenge on him. After all, this man hurt her badly six months ago, hurt and humiliated her. But in the midst of it all, he had forced her vibrator inside her and held it in place with her tights, and she had stood in her children’s playroom and orgasmed, not once, or twice, but three times. It was awful, degrading, inexplicable, but ever since, despite all the other horrible things he did to her, and her former friends, it has played on her mind.
She hasn’t tried to analyze it, she’s not that sort of person. It’s what helped her get over the terrible events, just as she has the events of twenty-three years ago, when similar terrible things had been done to her. Instead, she has experimented a lot with vibrators and tights, and enjoyed herself thoroughly. Something, however has been missing, even when she went into the playroom and recreated her shameful scene, orgasm by orgasm.
And that is why she is here.
The phone rings and she gives a start, as does the secretary, who snatches at the receiver. She listens, nods, says ‘Thank you Mr Holdcroft’ and Helen’s heart seems to stop for a second as she hears the name. Again, she is tempted to leave, run away, but she doesn’t. Instead, it is the secretary who puts on her coat and departs, informing her that Holdcroft will be with her shortly.
So, Helen is alone. Scared, yes, but excited and aroused also. She knows what she wants to happen, isn’t sure how much of it she can control, but is determined to go ahead with it come what may. You only live once, she thinksto herself.
‘Come through!’ the oh-so-familiar voice shouts through the door. Steeling herself, Helen stands, opens it and enters.
It is a shock, seeing him. She has forgotten how plain, how un-prepossessing he is, and she begins to worry that the huge cock she’s been fantasising about for weeks, is perhaps, well, less huge than she remembered. Still, it is far too late to back out Now, and she shuts the door behind her, working hard to stop her legs from shaking.
‘Hello Mrs Parker, do take a seat’ he says suavely, gesturing to a chair, and then, offering choice, to a settee. In contrast to the small waiting area, his office is spatial and well appointed.
‘I’d rather stand’ she manages to say. She has this planned.
‘Very well’ he sights, ‘how may I assist you?’
Helen crouches to put her handbag on the floor. As she rises, to his evidence astonishment, she lifts her skirt above her waist, exposing her bald pussy to him. She is briefly amused by how shocked he is, before a wave of embarrassment hits her and she feels her face flushing. Not repeatedly, her pussy moistens further.
Holdcroft, to his credit, regards his composition quickly. ‘How perfect’ he murmurs. ‘But again, I ask the question, how may I assist you?’
Helen lets the skirt drop, unzips it, and lets it fall to her feet. Stepping out of it, she bends over to reach her handbag, giving him a perfect view of her backside. It’s nothing he’s not seen before, nothing he’s not beaten. She retrieves the vibrator, and still blushing, hands it to him. It suddenly feels right to stand with her hands submissively on the top of her head as she addresses him.
‘I would like you to use this on me as you did before, for your pleasure and mine’ she says, ‘and then I would like you to fuck me.’ She can’t believe she is saying it, even though it has been well rehearsed. Holdcroft’s eyes are raised.
‘I would need to spank you too.’
It is shocking, even though she has expected it. It not part of the plan, but somehow, it feels right. They negotiate, but this time it is she who is in the driving seat, and eventually a five-minute light to moderne hand spanking is agreed on. Between the vibrator and the fucking.
There is one condition she insists on though. ‘Dr Stevens is never to know about this’ she tells him firmly.
Being handcuffed to his desk is a surprise, but then Holdcroft is exactly the sort of man to have two sets of handcuffs in his drawers. Feeling so helpless is erotic and the vibrator slips easily inside her soaking vagina. When the strengths are pulled back up to hold it in place, it’s all she can do to prevent herself cumming straight away.
‘You can make as much noise as you like’ he tells her, and she does. In her fantasy she is being forced to do this against her will, and she tugs against her bonds and grosses forlornly as her breathing quickens.
Holdcroft takes out his iPhone and begins snapping pictures of her in this degrading position. It is an integral, yet dangerous part of what is happening, and it is the danger that pushes her over the edge, into her first, loud, wet orgasm. Her legs buckle beneath her and she struggles to stay upright.
She’s not set free though. Of course not. Last time she came three times in quick succession and Helen reckons she will have to endure at least four this time. Holdcroft settlements back and withdraws his erect penis. It is as huge as she remembers it, as it is in her fansies, and soon it will be inside her, stretching her to the limit as he fucks her! It is so amazing to be reaching her mid-forties and be having this effect on the man. She can’t take her eyes of it as she lets another powerful orgasm rips through her, and this time her legs do give way. She collapses to her knees and her arms are pulled painfully, deliciously behind her back.
She knees for a while as the vibrator buzzes inside her, barely able to move. Eventuallyshe pushes herself up and arches her pussy towards her ‘tormentor’. The orgasm is taking longer to build this time, and promises to be rather painful, but she doesn’t care. She thrills as he stands up and his penis brushes against her as he plays with her nipples. She is screaming now as a third orgasm consumers her.
He doesn’t give her any respite however. Now he’s pushing the vibrator as deep inside her as he can, his fingers playing roughly with her cliporis. Her husband is always gentle and skillful here, this is barbaric and degrading and utterly, utterly….
The next thing she is aware of is laying on the floor, now untied, the vibrator still whirling in her tights. She pulls it out, and the tights back up, knowing he will like them like them that way for the spanking. She is exhausted and exposed, and allow him to drag her to her feet, and then over his lap.
In this state, there are no bad memories of Stevens, nor of six months ago. He is reasonably true tohis word and doesn’t spank her as hard as he did last time. She does however struggle and yell and kick her nylon clad legs, because it is part of the fantasy and also to discourage him from beating her too hard. There are also plenty of breaks for him to push against her soaking wet push to alleviate the pain.
The last minute, however, is a struggle as the pace and intensity of the spanking increase. By the end the screams are real and there are tears in her eyes as she is shoved to the floor. As she lays there, massaging her blazing buttocks and feeling the heat spread to her vagina, she feels on reflection that he has kept to his end of the bargain.
All that is left now is the thrilling thought of that huge cock inside her. She starts by straddling him and lowering herself onto it, feeling it fill and stretch her pussy as she hoped and imagined it would.
Holdcroft has wonderful endurance and makes skillful use of his cock and his hands to bring her to many more orgasms. Eventually she has to beg him to stop, and he asks her if he could handcuff her once more. To her surprise she agrees.
It is in this state, hands shackled behind her back, that she finds herself on her knees in front of him, enjoying the sensing of his giant cock in her mouth, swallowing his sperm as he releases himself.
‘Thank you’ he says as he re-sheaths his penis and unshackles her.
‘Thank you’ she replies. ‘That was perfect.’ And it has been.
The train journey back is passing in a blissful haze when her phone pings. An anonymous, foreign number. A chill spreads through her because she knows this is trouble, even before she reads it.
‘Hello Helen, I hear you’ve been a very naughty girl’
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