Three young nurses stand in a corridor, their backs to the wall. They know the time is seven-twenty seven pm, because for the last five minutes they have been staring anxiously at the clock opposite them, and then along the corridor. They dare not speak, but in each of their minds is framed the question “Will she come?” Despite what is going to happen, it will be better if she does.
In each of their left hands is carried a tightly wrapped white bundle. A hospital porter walks past them, taking some blood to the laboratories, and they quickly try to hide their hands behind their backs. He gives them a quizzical look as he passes, but does not stop. The clock moves quietly on to seven twenty-nine and the looks become even more frantic.
William Stevens tapped the desk in front of him nervously, running over what he was about to say in his mind. He was under no illusions about what he was about to do, nor did the morality of it concern him. He only hoped he could carry it off.
A sharp knock on his door made him look up suddenly.
“Come in.” he called. The door opened and a tall dark haired nurse walked in. She was followed by three rather nervous looking colleagues.
“You asked to see me.” the first nurse said and Stevens admired the way she had avoided using the term “us”.
“Yes, all of you.” he countered. “I thought you might be interested in some research I’ve been doing.” His visitors seemed to relax slightly. “I was asked by the pharmacy to look into the variation in drug usage throughout the hospital. I must admit I was a little shocked by what I found.” He paused for a moment, but no-one rose to the bait, so he continued. “Did you know that patients on your wards use four times as many sleeping tablets as those in other wards? The same with Omeprazole. Funny that isn’t it?”
“And what does this have to do with me.” The first nurse again.
“Come now Staff Nurse, we could go on sparking like this all day. I have proof that you and your colleagues have been stealing pharmaceuticals from this hospital. I have photographs showing you handing the pills onto a Mr. Paul Swanton, and of him handing you money. I have figures showing which pills went from where, and which nurses were on duty at the time. Would you like to see them?” he pushed a thick folder across his desk. The long haired nurse said nothing, but opened the file and flicked through its contents. After a while she looked up and said “And what do you propose to do with all this?”
It had seemed very easy when they started. Basically they all sequestered small amounts of drugs, and after pooling them, they were sold on the black market by a friend. The amount of money it brought in wasn’t enormous, but it helped supplement their salaries.
Fiona had organized the plan, Recruiting the others because they all worked on different wards. She was older than the rest of them, and they all looked up to her. She was a senior Staff Nurse, readyto become a Sister at the relatively young age of twenty-eight, and she took no nonsense from the doctors. Tall and confident, with dark long hair, she was a dynamic figure the others admired.
Fiona had recruited Sarah and Helen first – they were student nurses who had previously worked on her ward, and were now close to qualifying. She had taken them under her wing and helped them out when they trained under her, and they were only too happy to return the favour, especially as it brought in much needed cash. Both were blond. Helen, the taller and slightly larger of the two was a local girl, well liked by the hospital staff. Sarah had been born and brought up in Bedfordshire, but had been educated at a small private school in the area. She and Helen were best friends.
The final member of their group was Jeanette, a twenty four year old staff nurse who none of them had known very well. She had bumped into Fiona at a hospital talk, and had mentioned the amount of drug wasteagein the hospital consistently. Fiona had needed another partner and sounded her out about joining the group. She had agreed.
William Stevens was a Registrar at the hospital where the nurses worked, and was well on the way to becoming a Consultant. He was one of the doctors fast tracking their way through the system, at a cost to his social life, which, he would admit, was non-existent. He lived in the hospital, and spent those evenings not on call studying for exams or reading medical journals. His special interests included therapeutics, and so he had been the natural choice to investigate some strange spending figures in the hospital. Now he was planning to get his reward, and it asked him no end that Fiona was involved. She was a snooty, superior nurse, who was always trying to put him down and humiliate him on the ward. He knew the other nurses to Talk to, and found them attractive, so he was looking forward to the night he had planned.
Stevens paused. This was hismoment. “I don’t have to tell you what the consequences would be if told the authorities about this – sacking, prosecution, possible prison. I have an alternative to propose – not a pleasant one, but preferable I think. If you do me a favor, I could lose these documents, as long as you promised to stop stealing immediately.”
“What would that favour be?” Fiona taking the lead again, in a steady, Almost contemporary voice.
“I propose to spank your backsides – to punish you myself if you like.” The nurses looked shocked, but Fiona soon replaced her composition and snorted derisively.
“Punish us! You want your perverted way with us!”
“True. I won’t try to disguise the fact. But there again you don’t really have much choice in the matter.
“You must be joking!” Fiona again.
“Be quiet.” Stevens said sharply. “I shall expect to see all of you outside my door at seven thirty on Tuesday night. You will be in your uniforms, just as you are today, but you will not wear any panties. I shall expect to see those in your left hands. When I invite you inside, you will obey me at all times. I intend to thrash your backsides with a number of implements, and humiliate you thoroughly. Only when I am satisfied will I let you leave.
“Now this requires all of you to agree. If even one of you declines, I will inform the hospital authorities at the next possible opportunity.”
“You must be joking. There’s no way on earth I’m going to let you do that to me.” Fiona snapped. The other girls were leaving her to do their talking for them.
“Fine, then I shall inform the relevant people tomorrow.” Stevens said.
“Hold on a minute.” said Helen “There must be some way we can work this out.”
“The only way is for you to agree to my proposal.” The nurses looked horrified. He gave them time to think about it then said “Do you agree Helen?”
“If I have no other choice then yes.” she whispered.
“I suppose so.”
“Never. I’m going to report you for blackmail.”
“Go ahead. You’ll be condemning yourself and your friends to unemployment and prison whatever.” Stevens retired. He knew he could always deny their claims anyway.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Fiona stormed “I’m not taking any of this shit.” With that she turned on her heels and strode out of the room. Stevens shrugged.
“Sorry girls,” he said to the remaining three. “I’ll give you until Tuesday to persuade her. If not then I’m afraid I’ll have to report you.” With that he dismissed them and sank back into his chair. It hadn’t quite gone to plan – damn the arrogant bitch! If she did give in he would make her pay for her obstinacy.
It was Tuesday Evening, six pm. Fiona had just finished her shift and was sitting alone in the nurses office, her mind in turmoil. She had thought of nothing else all week, and had had long discussions with Helen, Sarah and Jeanette. The only conclusionthe others could come to was to accept Stevens horrible proposal, and submit to one night of hell instead of job loss and prison. Fiona was sure Stevens was bluffing and felt if they held out, he would do nothing. He worked on her ward and she felt he was an indecisive wimp. On the other hand, she could be condemning the others because of her selfishness. No! There was no way she could let him do those things to her. She wasn’t going to turn up.
As William Stevens paced up and down his room, Helen and Sarah arrived outside his door. “I can’t believe this is happening.” whispered Sarah.
“Nor can I.” Helen agreed. “Have you ever been spanked before?”
“No, I managed to avoid it by the skin of my teeth at school. What about you?”
“No never. We didn’t have it at school.” Helen paused. “Do you think she’ll come?” she asked. The all important question.
“God I hope so.” Sarah muttered.
A minute later they were joined by a nervous looking Jeanette, who noddeda greeting and then stood next to them against the wall. The group dropped into silence, unexpectedly watching the clock and the corridor for signs of Fiona. Would she come and lead them into a night of pain and humiliation, or would she stay away, condemning them to unemployment and prison?
Seven twenty-nine, and they hear footsteps around the corner. A figure appears. Thank God – it is Fiona. She doesn’t look happy, but Joins them against the wall. Helen notices that she carries no underpants, and waves hers urgently at Fiona. Fiona sighs heavily, checks that there is no-one else in the corridor, hitches her skirt up and pulls down her panties. A moment later, Stevens door opens.
William Stevens looked out, and smiled when he realized that they had all turned up. He gestured for them to enter, and they trooped into his room.
“Give me your panties.” he said. They handed them over, avoiding eye contact, and he inspected them briefly. “I’ll keep these as a souvenir, I thnk. Now I want you all to stand in a line and place your hands on your heads.” They obeyed him and he savoured this moment of submissiveness. Then Fiona said “You can’t do this to us, it’s illegal. We could sue you for assault.”
“Be quiet. You will not speak unless I tell you to. This is your last opportunity to leave. If you stay, then you have consented to what I am about to do. Try and leave and I will phone the police immediately.” Not one of them moved, though Fiona’s face showed her anger.
“Right. I think we’ll start with the ring leader.” He sat down. “Fiona, come here. I’m going to give you a well deserved thrashing.”
Fiona shot Stevens a look of pure frustration, but then walked slowly towards him, eyes downcast. This was intolerable! This man was going to pull up her dress and then spank her bare bottom. Not only that, he was going to spank her in front of three people who looked up to her. She didn’t know if she could stand the humiliation. Furthermore, shedidn’t know if she would be able to take the pain. She had never had a high pain threshold and the thought of the singing smokes filled her with dread. She hated to admit it, but she was scared, and scared especially that she was going to cry. She wanted that least of all.
Stevens gave her a little smile of triumph as she stood beside him. It was her capitulation that he wanted most of all. He slowly let his hand slip up Her skirt, feeling the smoothness of her thin stockings, then the thicker material of their tops. Finally his hand rested over the warmth of her bushy vagina. Fiona was looking up to the ceiling, blushing violently. He was going to enjoy humiliating her.
Helen watched the proceedings with a mixture of astonishment and fear. It was going to be her next. She saw Fiona allows herself to be drawn over Stevens knees. He pulled her skirt up, exploring her bare bottom to the air, and she gave a barely audible groan. He straightened her legs, raised her backside,and made her rest her elbows on the floor.
Helen could barely imagine herself in that position, although she knew it would happen soon enough. It was so strange seeing Fiona – so confident usually, drawn in such a humiliating position. Yet it was Fiona who had got hem into this mess, and Helen hoped he would be harder on her than the rest of them.
Stevens raised his hand high, and then SMACK! The noise echoed around the room, followed by Fiona’s yelp of surprise. A red hand print quickly developed on the meat of her right buttock, and Stevens sent a sharp blow to the other chef. He was rewarded with another yell. After the first two spanks, he settled into a nice steady rhythm, alternative shots to each chef, watching as Fiona’s bottom turned red. Soon she began to squirm as the shots hit their target and her legs started to kick up in the air. Each time she did so the offending thigh was met with a sharp fusillade of spanks, drawing anguished gasps.
Fiona had never experienced anything like it in her life. Her bottom felt as though it had doubled in size as it throbbed between the smokes, and after each spank she felt as though she could take no more. Her legs were kicking helplessly, and each time they did, it brought further pain. She was starting to whimper, however much she tried to keep quiet, and a feeling of despair was creeping over her, worsened by the underlying humiliation of the situation. Her eyes had begun to water, and through the tears she saw the other girls looking at her, horrified expressions on their faces. She quickly turned her face away.
Helen felt as though she was going to wet herself. She had seen Fiona’s tears, and felt that if Fiona couldn’t take it, she certainly wouldn’t be able to. Stevens landed a particularly hard slap, and Fiona let out her first anguished squeal. Her right leg shot up, bent at the knee, and Stevens deftly grasped her ankle and removed her flat shoes. It didn’t take Fiona long to realizewhat he was going to do with it.
“No, please!” she sobbed, and made a vain attempt to struggle off his knee. Stevens response was swift. He brought the shoe down hard, five or six times in short succession. Fiona screamed in agoy, pushing herself away from him and begging him to stop.
“Stay still!” Stevens ordered, and gripped Fiona tightly around the wait “You’re getting the shoe Because you were the one that organized this little scam, and because you were the one that tried to get out of having your bottom thrashed.” With this he resumed the spanking, bringing down the shoe as hard as he could, concentrating on the tops of Fiona’s thighs. Her legs kicked wildly, and she cried at every stroke. Her will was broken.
Fiona’s spanking lasted about ten minutes. When Stevens finally put the shoe down, he parted her legs and let his fingers probe inside her vagina. Helen offered a silent prayer that he would not do the same to her, and hoped that her tights would prove an adequate barrier. She watched as Stevens pushed Fiona from him.
“Stand up girl.” he said. Fiona struggled to her feet, and her uniform dropped over her backside. Stevens flicked it back up and tucked it into her blue belt. “Go and stand next to Jeanette with your hands on the back of your head.” he ordered. Then he turned to Helen. She felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stromach as he beckoned her towards him.
Helen glanced briefly at Fiona’s tear stained face as they passed. Fiona looked away, unable to hold Helens look, but Helen had no time to think about it. She stood in front of Stevens, who smiled condescendingly at her.
“Lift up your skirt.” he instructed her. Slowly Helen obeyed, feeling the cold air creep up her thighs. This was so humiliating. As Stevens saw that she was wearing tights, his smile broadened. “Did you think that they would cover your charms and lessen the pain?” he asked sarcastically. Helen blushed furiously. Naively she had thought just that. “Well I can see enough for now,” Stevens continued, “and anyway, I find tights a special turn on. I’ve been imagining you just like this, so I’m a lucky man. Come on; let’s get that gorgeous arse over my knee.”
Helen obeyed. Stevens comments only made things worse. He’d been fantasizing about her and now she was letting it happen. It was so degrading she had to bite her lip to stop herself crying as she draped herself over his lap. Immediately she feel his hand cares her backside and heard him murmur apparently as his fingers slipped between her legs, pushing the material of her tights against her vagina. Then the hand was gone and Helen heard a sharp crack, moments before she felt the impact of his smack.
A sharp pain spread across her right buttock, almost taking her breath away. It was followed quickly by another spank to the same chef, adding to the burning sensing, and forcing a grunt out of her mouth. Two similar spanks landed on her left buttock, andHelen gritted her teeth to stop her first cry escaping. The spanking continued in short sharp bursts, causing Helen to understand uncontrollably. It was unlike the methodical spanking that Stevens had given Fiona. Helen felt she could have copied with that – this was unfair. A particularly sharp shot to her left thigh drew Helens first yell, but the anger that welled up inside her protected her, and as the spanking wore on, Though she squealed and yelled; and though her legs kicked helped and her feet drummed against the floor, Helen did not cry. Not even when Stevens broke his promise and used Fiona’s shoe on her tender backside.
Eventually Helens spanking was over. Stevens made her stand in front of him, hands on the back of her head, with her legs spread. He tucked the skirt of the uniform into her belt, and proceeded to fondle her vagina through the tights. Helen didn’t know what was worse, the griping or the throbbing of her sore arse. She gritted her teeth and tried not tothink about what was happening.
Stevens was enjoying himself thoroughly, but he decided to give his hand a rest – it was hot and sore itself. He told Helen to go and stand next to Fiona, and went to his drinks cabinet. He poured himself a large whiskey and sat down to enjoy the sight in front of him
To the left stand Fiona and Helen. Fiona looked away as he stared at her. She still had tears on her face, though she had stopped sobbing. He let his eyes roam up her stocking covered legs to her very bushy vagina. He had plans for that later. Helen stood to her left. She was the one he’d fancied before all this had begun. Her face was red, but there were no tears – that would soon change. Her legs were magnificent encased in the opaque tights, large but muscular, just the way he liked them.
To the Right stood Jeanette and Sarah. Sarah looked especially nervous, fidgeting under his gaze. He’d always thought of her as a smaller version of Helen, but actually her features were much more pronounced. She had none of Helens milk Yorkshire accent, instead speaking in the dulcet tones of a privately educated girl. Stevens wondered whether she had been punished before.
Jeanette on the other hand, had a faraway look on her face. She was the one who intrigued him most of all. He had neatly pigeonholed the others – Fiona the confident ringleader, Helen the country girl and Sarah the “toff”. Jeanette he didn’t understand. She had hardly spoken when they agreed to be spanked. She was twenty-four – he knew because he had seen her records, but she looked older. Her brown hair, though not short, was tightly permed, giving it a slightly dated look. Her face was very pretty, but at the same time slightly careworn, making her look nearer to Fiona’s age than the others. Throughout the proceedings she had looked as though her mind was somewhere else. He resolved to bring her back to the present when he dealt with her.
Sarah couldn’t help fidgeting as Stevens looked at her. She wondered what her old school friends would say if they could see her now. At the small private school where she had studied it had been well known that Sarah had been the only girl in her year not to be spanked. People had even tried to get her into trouble just so that the record would go, but Sarah hated the idea of physical punishment, and had made sure she was as good as gold at school. Now, Just as she thought she was safe, she was going to be spanked.
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