Nurse's Training

I am not a doctor. If you *are* in the medical field, I would love to pick your brains on some anatomy and instrument terms.

Happy Reading!



“She is going to kill someone.” I thought with a sight.

Not by mixing up drugs, the common mistake. Or marking the wrong leg to amputate. No, she would just flirt with one of my older gentleman patients and he’d die of a heart attack. Gentlemen? Hell, she flirted with the cute ladies too. She was a damn good nurse. I couldn’t risk firing her – who knows what I’d get? But something had to be done.

I tried talking to her. I even threatened her with a spanking, once. Her dreamy smile made me think that would not really be “punishment.” Hmmm… but…

“Nurse?” I said, as I poked my head into the reception area.

“Yes, Doctor?”

“Do we have any more patients today?” I doubted it, it was minutes until the office closed.

“No Doctor. Ms. Heartwood is first at 9:00 o’clock tomorrowrow morning, But Mr. deMear might call tonight if he still has dizziness.”

I loved that about her: efficiency. Her dress was buttoned up, even if the buttons were slightly strained. A smile on her face. But yes – it would have to be done.

“Good. Lock up then, and come to my office. There is something I need to talk to you about.” I said, in a somewhat distant, business voice.

“Yes Doctor.” Gods, I loved how she followed orders. Not without question: I wouldn’t have a brainless worshiper. But she seemed to enjoy obeying me.

I grabbed a few things from the examination room, then cleared my desk. With computers, there wasn’t much paper to worry about. I put my tools in the drawer, and thought while I waited.

It was not a long wait. Nurse paused at my door, an expected smile on her face. She had taken off her shoes. And her dress was unbuttoned almost to her bra-strap. A perfect opening.

“Yes, Doctor?”

“Come in, Nurse. Shut the door, and stand infront of the desk.”

She shut the door and came to the front of my desk, standing there with her hands behind her back which caused her chest to push forward. Almost as if she were standing at attention, for inspection. I took a long few minutes inspecting her.

She was petite, but curvy. Generous breasts, well proportioned on her frame. One could call them “milkable.” Her hair colour changed occasionally: today she was dark. Bright, shining eyes. A round, eager face – a face that I suspected could show many emotions extremely. And a spankable arse, under that crisp white uniform.

“Nurse, I run a refrained, conservative office. My policies are bound by my Hippocratic oath, and best care I can give our patients. Your behavior, I am afraid, is a bit… libertine.

“Wearing your dress like that, showing off your general charms – it could give Mr. Pimsol a heart attack! The display arouses me! Think what effect it would have on that eighty-four year old man!”

She fidgeted slightly. But I caught the slight surge and thrust of her breasts when I said, “arouses me.” Her hands still tucked behind her back. Perfect.

“And your reading material. The other day, you left a book by Cecilia Tan on the lobby table. Yes, Nurse – I’ve read her work. Hardly suitable for a doctor’s office, wouldn’t you think? And we seem to be using up examination lube and gloves faster than I expected. The autoclave, Nurse, is strictly for medical equipment and not for your personal… toys.”

She blushed and murmured, “Yes Doctor.”

“I’ve spoken to you before. Gave you guidelines and training. Even threatened to spank you! Obviously, my training has not been sufficiently …rigorous.

“What would you suggest?” I asked, and sat back in my chair, steering my hands.

She looked down, still blushing slightly. “Maybe… you should spank me, Sir. I’ve been very naughty.” She tried to say it calmly, matter of fact. But I could hear the hope in her voice. The arousal. Got her.

I surprised, theatrically. “I am afraid I will have to, Nurse. Though I fear I will have to go beyond a simple spanking. I might even enjoy this.” That last was unscripted, but her look of eagerness, of hope was delightful. I doubt she was thinking of the blurring of Doctor / Nurse boundaries.

“Come to the edge of the desk. Hands behind your back. Grip Your elbows.” I stood up and walked around the desk to stand slightly behind her to one side. She stood there, pressing her pubis against the edge of my desk, looking straight ahead. Her breathing had deepened.

“Spread your legs. Wider,” now they were over should width apart. “Lay supine on the desk.”

To comply, she had to lever herself down, exercising her toned stomach muscles, and lift up on her toes. It pushed her ass up, inviting. So inviting: her bent over at my command, her ass in the air, the edge of her vagina at the edge of the desk, toes just barely touching the hardwood floor, bare balanced. She wore a short, flirty nurse’s dress – not far different than one might find in an erotic costume shop.

I lifted it away as I spoke, “I am going to give you three sets, Nurse, to start. Then we shall see if you need further discipline. The first set over your panties. Red lace, Nurse? Really? They won’t protect you much. The second set, I shall remove them. And the third set shall be quite…firm. Do you understand my orders?”

“Yes Doctor Sir,” She answered, her voice starting to get dreamy and breathy, “You shall spank me as I lay here, my arms held out of your way. The first set of spankings shall be over my panties. The second set on my bare ass. The third set also on my bare ass, and much harder.”

‘Doctor Sir’? I Shook my head in bemusement. Then began.

“I will not count strokes on this, just warm you up,” I told her, as I started to pat her red lacy covered ass. Using mostly my fingers, with just an occasional palm pat, I steadily worked all over her arsecheeks and the top-back of her thighs. Light blows, but quick. Always varying my aim, moving in progression in circles, up and down. Though I started very lightly, towards the end of the set I was giving her gently firm spanks. Her breathing was deep and steady, and she undulated slightly, subtly rubbing her pubis on the edge of my desk. I could see – and smell ever so slightly – her panties growing moist. I finished with a tiny cadence of threes on each side.

In the pause, I caressed her ass, softly rubbing where I had spanked.

“Set one is done. I shall now remove your panties, Nurse. Close your legs, and lift your vulva off the edge of the desk to assist me.” That was harder for her to do, as I knew it would be. I enjoyed the sight of her wiggling and shifting, grinding her hips on the edge as she tried to close her legs and lift up. She succeeded, lifting her ass higher in the air. What a beautiful sight.

I hooked my fingers under her dress and intothe waistband of her panties, pulling them down over her hips. “Spread your legs slightly” I murmured. That freed that damp fabric from being trapped by her thighs, and crouching, pulled her thin panties completely down her legs, then guiding her feet our of them one leg at a time. As I stood again, I ran my fingers lightly over her stretched leg. She shivered.

“Spread your legs again, Nurse. Wide. Up.”

“Yes Doctor Sir.”

Her skin was not as red as her panties. Yet. But I could see a lovely blush starting on her pale flesh.

“Set two. I will give you two rounds of five spanks on each chef, a total of ten spanks per side. You will count them for me. On the first round, you will tell me if it is comfortable for you, or near your edge, or if I am hitting too hard. On the second round, you may tell me if there is something you think I should know. Do you understand the orders, Nurse?”

This was standard Medical Process process: explain and repeat the instructions. It was amusing how well it fit with this variation of “procedure.” Amusing, and arousing.

“Yes Doctor Sir.” My cock grew harder each time she said that. “You will spank me ten times on each ass cheek, in two rounds of five spanks each side. During the first round, I am required to tell you how it feels to me: just right, too hard, edgy. On the second round, I may tell you if I need to, but am not required to speak. I shall count the blows for you, Doctor Sir.”

I grinned. A hard, evil grin. No, this was not punishment at all. But that would come.

“Are you ready to begin, Nurse?”

“Yes, Doctor Sir.” She replied in that dreamy voice, a certain eager anticipation in the tone.

“Count…” I reminded her, then began steadly spanking her right gluteus maximum.

“One, Doctor Sir. A bit light.” I actually already knew that. One of the pre-requisites in my field was being able to read a patient’s body, to not guess, but _know_ where they are feeling pain. Or pleasure. And how much.

“Two Doctor Sir, still light”

“Ahh…Three Doctor Sir, just right.”

“Four Doctor Sir, just right.”

“Ah! Five Doctor Sir, a bit edgy. Left side now.”

I smiled to myself and shifted aim. She was priceless.

“One Doctor Sir, just right!”

“Two Doctor sir, a bit light.”

“Three Doctor Sir. Ah. Right, almost edgy.”

“Four DoctorSir! Edgy. Ed..”


“FiveDoctorSir! Hard Sir. Doctorsir! Hard!”

Ah… just what I wanted. Now I had her range.

I caressed her back, holding her clutched arms gently with one hand as she settled from that last hard spank. It was a bit hard. But it would not be the last.

In a moment, when she lay calm under my hands again, I started the second round.

“Round Two.”

“Yes Doctor Sir.”

“One, Doctor Sir”

“Two, Doctor Sir…”

We progressed. Two “just rights”, two “lights, then finishing with an “edgy” – the far side of the edge.

“Five! Doctor Sir! Ahh…” I paused, waiting, but she did not say anything more. I smiled, caressing her ass, running the flat of my finger lightly up the valley between her glutes. And began on her other chef.

Again, two “just rights”, two “lights”, then a slight pause. She has the rhythm. Squirmed at the “just rights”, relaxed and surprised at the “barely enough”. Then tensed in that pause. She knew what was coming.

“AH! Five, Doctor Sir! The end of this set!” There was relieve in her voice. But a bit of wistful longing. Had she forgotten the third set?

“Relax a bit Nurse.” I said softly, rubbing her arse while I held her down very gently with my hand on her arm. More of a comfortable hold, rather than a restraining grip. She relaxed, singing as I caresed and massed her. Her legs starting to shift, spread.

“Spread you legs wider” I ordered softly, commanding her to do what she already wanted to do.

As she spread her legs further apart, having to arch up on her toes even more, I allowed my caressing hand to drift between her tights, and lightly – every so lightly, teasingly – stroke her labia minor. My fingers came away damp, even from that light touch. I smiled.

“Soon,” I said, letting my middle finger rest between her pussy lips, as I continued to massage her arse with the heal and palm of my hand. “I will give you the last set. For now. Until we decided. I am disappointed in your wanton behavior. No, Nurse – that is not accurate: let me be precise. I am disappointed in you displaying that behavior for my patients.”

I gripped her arms hard, holding her firmly to the desk. My other hand still, the finger between her pussy lips pressing in slightly, not quite entering her. Where she was wet and flowing.

“You will save that display just for me, do you understand?” My voice hard, cruel. Loving.

“Yes, Doctor. Sir.” I pressed my finger inside her. “Ohh, yes Doctor Sir!…” there was joy in her distant voice, coming from where-ever she was flying. She was ready. Now to start the wind lifting her wings.

“Yes Doctor Sir.” Her breathing was deep, quicker. She would be heaving before the set was through, I knew. In that far away, floaty voice, she continued, “Punish me, Sir. Make it hurt. Stand me and strip me. Do what you want to me, Doctor Sir. Please.”

“Good. Endure. Just five on each chef. Are you ready?” I held her down firmly, and she relaxed and tensed all at once under my controlling grip. Her toes tried to grap the hardwood floor.

Then: “Yes Sir. Please…” she begged. I am not sure if she begged or mercy, or begged for punishment. Both.

This was mercy. Her punishment would come. Soon.

Smack! I slapped my palm down hard on her left chef. She jerked slightly, but was held in place by my grip her crossed arms.


Smack! Again, close to the same spot. Very slightly harder than the first spank.


“Three” slightly harder still, centered between the two previous spanks. Her arms pressed up against my grip as she tried to shift her body. I pressed down harder, trapping her.

“Four.” Harder. Again on the same spot. She cried out, her toes scrapbling on the hardwood floor, trying to push herself up and away on the desk.

“Now five, Nurse. Last on this side.” I told her softly, almost gently.

Smack!! The blow was anything but gentle. Fierce, directly on the same abuse spot, my full palm. She spasmed, head and chest arched off the desk as she cried out. Then slumping back to the desk, panting. I caresed the fiercely red and heated chef. Nurse whimpered at the touch.

“That was the left side, Nurse. I must do the right side now. I saved the right side for last: it is at a better angle for me,” I told her. “I will have more control. And power.” She still understand me. Her panting frozen with an inbreath gasp as she understand my meaning.

“endure,” I murmured.

I counted first this time, a fraction of a second for her to prepare.

“One” I brought my palm down hard and flat, centered on her right cheek. She moaned slightly, panting hard, her entire upper body bobbing with her breathing.

“Two” A slightly louder voice, her cry also slightly louder. The smack of my palm on her flesh louder still.

“Three” Smack! The same place. Her outcry faded to a moan, chopped into little yips by her panting. Her legs were twitching randomly.

“Four” I said, and she whimpered plaintively, trying to crawl up the desk, trying to escape. She could go nowhere – she was locked in my grip. Locked in my will. And so I spanked her, again fiercely hard, again on the same sensitive spot. She spasmed up again, her whole body going rigid, legs kicked out, muscles taught in her calves and thighs, back arched. My palm was still where it lay, on her enflamed ass, holding her steady. Her cry a howl.

As suddenly as she went rigid, she lost tension and slumped to the desktop again, silent. Chest heaving, her head turned to the side, her eyes unfocused. I caresed her fiery asscheek and she let out that same plaintive, drawn out whimper. Her eyes focused, wordlessly beseeching me.

For what? To stop? To give her that last blow?

“We could stop, Nurse” I said, softly. A long pause, quiet except for her heaving, laboured panting. I raised my right hand in her sight, my left hand still gripping her entwined arms. Her eyes followed my lifting palm. I stood there, hand upraised, her eyes watching me. The question hung in the air, like my hand.

Then I feel one of her hands let go of her arm, turn, and grip my wrist. Tight. Her eyes closed, she stretched her head up, exposing her neck. And her body went completely sill.

“Five” she whispered.


I brought my palm down.

The howl fading to a moan, the arch-back spasm, the locked and rigid legs. Tension releasing gradually this time, her resting on the desk, the rocking breath deep but not out of control.

“Five, Doctor Sir.” she panted out “Left. And Right,” a few pants to catch her breath, then “Sir.”

I smiled. Releasing her arms, gently disengaging her death-grip on my wrist, I moved her arms up over her head and massed her shoulders and biceps.

“What are the next orders, Nurse?” I asked, gentle and firm.

“You are going to stand me up, Doctor Sir. And strip me. I’ll..” she panted, “ ready in a moment, Doctor Sir. Please?”

“Of course. Mistakes happen when we rush, Nurse.”

While she was recovering, I continued to massage her back, her arms, her legs. Carefully avoiding her arse, though the temptation was great to cares that red skin. Also avoiding her soaked pussy. For now.

Ina moment, she started wiggling back down the edge of the desk, to put her feet firmly on the floor. I helped her stand up, and steadied her as she swayed slightly, guiding her a few steps back from the desk and turned her, so I could access the front of her dress.

It was a vintage piece, her nurse’s dress. Though quite professional with the buttons all buttoned, the way she wore it now looked quite… erotic. Nurse would make a good test for erectile dysfunction: any man who didn’t get hard looking at her definitely needed Viagra. I am the Doctor – I had the option of seeing her out of the dress, as well.

“Stand, feet apart, hands on your head.”

She compiled.

I unbuttoned her dress and pushed it to the sides of her breasts so it hung framing her torso. Her white bra was a front closure, so I unhooked that as well. Then pushed it to the side, caresing her breasts with my palms as I did. She breathed in and surprisedly, pushing her chest towards my hands. I stepped back to admire the sight.

With her hands on her head, the dress hung on her shoulders. “Drop your hands” I ordered.

She lowered her hands, pushing her shoulders back and chest out. The dress slide off her arms, taking the bra with it. Ah… clever Nurse! I smiled to let her know I noticed.

Walking back to my desk, I took my “tools” from the drawer. Modified Pennington sponge forces, a Briggs speculum. A vibrator. Her eyes focused on them, the play of eager delight and trepidation chasing her face was delightful.

“You have been very naughty, Nurse. I shall have to ensure my training is effective this time. These should help you stay focused on the events at hand” I said, holding up one of the forces. “Hands behind you head, Nurse. Elbows back.”

With Her hands cradling the back of her head, her breasts were thrust out, ready for attention. I spent a few moments stroking them, gently squeezing them, rubbing the nipples with my thumb. She half-closed her eyes, and stretched her elbows back as far as she could to push her tits into my care. Her nipples were quite hard. So was I.

Pinching one nipple and stretching it out, I clamped the forces on it. Lightly, but still quite a firm pressure. She gasped and moaned in the same breath, then exclaimed softly when I let go of the clamp and it bounced in the air, dangling from her erect nipple. The stainless steel tool’s own weight acted as a constant tug on her clamped nipple. Then the other side: pinch and stretch, clamp, the “click-click” of the ratchet mingling with her short moans.

“Step towards the desk. Stop.” Now she was a pace away from my desk. Far enough that I had easy access all the way around her, but close enough that I could flatten her chest to the desktop if I needed to hold her in place. I might.

“Would you like to touch yourself, Nurse?” I asked.

“Oh yes! Doctor Sir” She replied eagerly, her hands loosening at her head in anticipation.

I stepped up beside her, slightly behind so I could talk softly in her ear.

“Would you like to lower your hands, and put your fingers on your clip?” I asked softly, lust in my voice. She started trembling at the image. “Would you like to rub yourself? Perhaps slide a finger inside your vagina, so slick and well lubed already. Then two, plunging in and out. Your fingertips on your cliporis. Or do you use the sides, and slide along the slide sides of the cliporal shake in a v-fingering? Would you like to show me how you masturbate, Nurse?”


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