Warning! This story includes very heavy BDSM, rough sex, anal fucking and other nasty stuff. As usual there is also a romance but it is secondary to the stroke. Another caveat: I don’t write with a dictionary or a thesaurus at my side. I use words which are familiar to me—words I use in daily conversation. I am not writing stories for children. If you are the persistent anonymous poster who wishes I would use smaller words so that you can understand them, just give me a zero and move on without comment.
Diana. So unlike any woman he had ever known. Their relationship was insane and completely impossible. She was his boss for God’s sake; more often than not a difficult, demanding, ball-busting boss. Although he was a couple of years older thanks to a military stint, she was several years senior to him in career advancement.
She struck the fear of God into every man in the corporate headquarters—certainly those who worked for her. She could be an impatient perfectionist who seldom if ever took the time or effort to stroke her subordinates. It was all about getting the job done—accomplishing the mission—and if feelings got hurt, so be it.
Dating your own boss was not smart in the modern corporate world; fucking your boss was sheer career ending folly. No man in the organization fucked with Diana; John wasn’t fucking with her—he was fucking her virtually every night of the week—albeit on her terms. He was doing her bidding. Her terms were beyond weird; they were decidedly kinky. He would once have considered her sexual requirements perversion but she had pulled him into her dark world and he had become as addicted as she was. She was such an incredibly beautiful woman; under different circumstances…
As dominant a personality as Diana was in the workplace, no one could have imagined that she was a classic submissive sexually. She enjoyed—need–pain to find satisfaction. More than pain, she needed humiliation, severe bondage and role plays which involved forced, often brutal penetration in every orifice. She craved domination.
She enjoyed activities that he had only read about previously and some that he could never have imagined. His conscience had long since deserted him; he had completely succumbed to her will. No, it was even worse than that; he had become her enthusiastic partner and enabler. He doubted that he would ever again derive sexual satisfaction from “normal” activities with a normal woman.
She was tightly bound with ropes in her favorite position; her posture resembled that of a jumpey. Tied cruelly to the used piece of equipment most often found in gymnastic competition, her long, well shaped legs did not reach the floor. Her excisite rump, spread open lewdly, projected past the end of the implementation, further elevated with a small foam wedge. All the trappings were in evidence. Her turgid nipples exhibited multiple clamps designed with one purpose in mind—pain–as did her blood engorged labia. A ball gag was inserted in her full mouth; it was a new one since she had bitten the previous one in half a few nights earlier.
Her perfect globes where uniformly red thanks to rigorous attention at his hands. The leather razor strap had been first; it was her favorite. The leather cat-o-nine-tails followed by the short, stiff crop. He had to be very careful with that one as it could easily break the skin. Then back to the straw, precisely applied to her ass, cunt, back, face and on other occasions her luscious breasts. The large, plug-in vibrator had been skillfully applied to her clip over and over, bringing her to the very edge of release but then sadistically withdrawn at the precision moment.
Her bladder had emptied as was common in this scenario. He had punished her for her carelessness…as she had expected. She knew what was coming now; it was always the climax of this role play. He sensed that it was her favorite part…knew too well that itwas unquestionably his.
“Beg for it, slut! Tell your master what you need. Beg for it, my dirty little bitch.”
“Fuck me in the ass.”
The strap came down hard; her full rump quivered; her cunt twitched and her sleek form compromised in ago. The combination made his cock shiver in anticipation. He’d come to love this part…loved watching her flesh quiver…that perfect ass…bare little cunt.
“Respect, you fucking whore! Show me the respect I am due!”
“Please, master…fuck my ass.”
“Like this?” he into, forcing his long fingers to their depths in her tight little shitter.
“Yes, master! I want your cock there, master…please…your cock.”
Removing his fingers he proceeded to the next phase of her torque. “Maybe this?” he said, forcing the bulbous head of the plug-in vibrator past her anal ring. She understood again…cried out…screamed as the disappoint—and pleasure—quickly registered in her consciousness.
“Your cock, masterr. Your cock there, please.”
Removing the object he inserted another not quite as large but designed with an even more delicious purpose. A low amperage electric shock inside her rectum…it was her new favorite. He hit the on button. Her entire body spasmed uncontrollably. She pissed again; drool flowed from her pretty mouth. A long, guttural scream followed. It was during the last use of this horrific tool that she had bitten the ball gag in half. Twice more he activated the switch. Twice more her body jerked grotesquely…but also, so pleasantly…erotically. Enough. It was time.
“I beg you, master. Your cock…in my ass…fuck my ass with your cock, master…please, master, do it now.”
Diana had introduced him to anal sex. He’d never found it appealing before. It was the only way for her—the only way she could derive complete release. He had been tenative at first. He was no longer remotely so. He’d tried to fuck her pussy a couple of times but that wasn’t part of her scripts. He had come to the realization that he would never again be satisfied with regular sex. He now needed the sickness as much—or more—than she did. He would fuck her ass now, balls deep on every stroke, slamming into her bowels with a ferocity that should have alarmed him but no longer did. He knew he would last a very long time in her dank furnace…she had trained him so well.
When he came in her asshole, it would be unlike any release he had ever imagined. It just got better every time he did it. While it might have been a completely agreed upon role play between consenting adults, it was a rape…a rape she desired—demanded. A rape that he found exhilarating. Later he would be deeply concerned about what he had become and even more troubled by the fact that a brutal and sadistic anal rape of a beautiful, tightly bound young woman was now the only thing that satisfied him.
The last few times they had acted out this fantasy he had become even more sadistic, if that were possible, slapping and pinching her bound body mercilessly. He had thought she would complain afterwards. Instead she had later compiled him for his increased brutality.
He was angry with her—angry at what she had let him become…angry with himself for what he had allowed himself to enjoy—no, expect, require and need. As he slammed into her tiny opening, he slapped her full rump with abandon, twisting the various clamps to increase her pain. A hand now at her throat…her idea, of course…just the right application of pressure as she bordered on asphyxiation. And then release…glorious, exciting, earth shaking release.
The script was so detailed. The ball gag ripped from her mouth as his still rock hard organ forced its way past her lips.
“Take it all, mouth whore! Don’t stop until your nose touches me! All the way now. Excellent! Now hold it there—don’t gag, you filter slut! Don’t puke on me, bitch! Take it all!”
All accompanyedby a series of blows to her quivery globes from the razor strap. Fucking her mouth—her throat—now. Holding her head by her soft blond hair…in and out…abusing her mouth…her lips obscenely stretched around his girl…he loved this part. It made him feel younger…back at the time when coming twice without a break was easy. She had brought that back to him…one cum was never enough…so many hours of Anticipation.Yesssss! Take it all, you sick little bitch! You want it and need it! Just as I do.
He would release her from her bonds and remove the clamps. She might or might not kiss him but even if she did it would be perfunctory. Often he received little more than a terse, “good job” or “nice” as if he’d just completed some required project at the office. Maybe there would be a hint of a smile. She would leave the basement and go upstairs to shower and dress. There would be a business hug and a superficial kiss, followed by, “see you tomorrow at the office.”
The following day she would revert to her business self, certainly neither harder nor easier to deal with. There was absolutely no relationship between their office working environment and the other one. She certainly didn’t cut him any slack nor was she more demanding on him than on his peers. He liked his job in spite of how difficult she could be to please. He knew he made more money than his peers. He was very good at what he did. His superior remuneration was in place before Diana had become his boss.
Maybe she’d be promoted soon…promoted and moved out of his life. Then he could end it once and for all. Then perhaps he could get back to normal again, fearful that he wouldn’t ever be normal again…certain that he could not live without the sickness…without her.
“John? Step into my office for a minute.”
“You’re being promoted; you’re moving to San Diego, effectively immediately. Contact HR for your relocation package. They need you on site ASAP since you’re filling an unexpected vacancy. You are a VP as of today. Congratulations.”
And then, not even a handshake, just a return of her eyes to whatever was on her desk indicating that he had been dismissed. He was completely taken aback. He’d assumed that the higher ups recognized his abilities and contributions but had thought he was at least a year away from a promotion.
Away from being a headquarters staff wienie and back to line management in the field. Away from Diana. Away from their other life together, if you could even call it a life. She would be no where in his chain of command. He was finally free. It was for the best. This sordid episode in his life was over. What scared him at that moment was his uncertainty that he could live without it…without her.
With the realization that he no longer worked for her, he found it easy to avoid her during his few remaining hours in the corporate headquarters. He was on a red eye to the West Coast by early evening. He had already arranged for his furniture and possessions to be packed up and transported. Anxious to complete the transition in record time, he found a new house in less than a day and set the wheels in motion to close the sale.
Returning to his former home before the end of the week, he hardly supervised the packing and loading of his stuff. They were pros and the company in question had executed many moves for the company and done so flawlessly. He stopped by the office to tie up any loose ends and possibly brief his replacement. Rather than promote from within the department, someone was brought in from the field to assume his former role, much as he had been brought to the job.
His replacement was a pleasant if not particularly attractive woman from another part of the country. They met briefly to go over pending projects. As he walked to the exit door, he saw her, Diana, in her office. The door was closed but through the glass it was clear that she was beating one of his former workmates.Fuck it. Time to move on with your life. He left without saying goodbye.
Southern California was a delightful change from the frigid upper Midwest. He discovered that his direct reports were a talented lot who demonstrated a high degree of diligence, compete and loyalty. Six months later he was well settled in professionally and socially. Corporate Headquarters was almost a distant memory. Diana was not as distant a memory as he would have liked.
He doubted that he missed her; they had never had a close, personal relationship. He dated and fucked a suitable association of comely young beach babes. As he had feared, Diana had completely spoiled him for anything remotely normal. It just wasn’t the same.
When he’d received the email he’d had mixed emotions. While he and Diana were technically of equal rank, she was senior in tenure and would probably be promoted to the next level well before he was. She was coming to visit hisoperation as part of her headquarters responsibility. He would be polite and gracious. He had decided in advance that their interaction would be strictly professional.
To his surprise, Diana both charmed and impressed his people. He realized that he had never seen her operating outside of the headquarters. He was not her subordinate any more. By the end of the day—at least from a business perspective—he was glad she had come. Her presentations had been stellar and had been well received. At the dinner with his reports, she had been charming and gracious to all involved. At least one of his younger folks came up to him and commented about how nice she was and how helpful she had been. As the underlings took their leave as was expected, he found himself alone with her for the first time.
“John, you’ve got a very sharp group of people here. My compliments. You’ve obviously had an extremely positive impact and have hit the ground running.”
“Thank you, Diana; that means a lot coming from you.”
“Look, John, I realize that my style back at headquarters can be daunting. HQ pukes too often start believing that they are royalty and more important than the people who actually make money for this company. Maybe I’m a little rough on them—but I never want them to forget that we work for the field, not the other way around. I’ve missed you. You never said goodbye.”
“We hardly knew each other, Diana, personally or professionally.”Uh, oh, that had to be the booze talking!
“We shared some…moments.”
“Which I enjoyed more than I wanted to admit.”
“So you did miss me?” she said, almost flirting with him.
“Diane, I have one too many drinks under my belt so I’m going to go way out on a limb here. You introduced me to things that…let’s just say, you broadened my horizons and I regret to say that in spite of myself…I got off on it.”
“So you do miss me. The feeling is mutual.”
“Diana, we never even went out on a normal date together. What we did was…”
“Your word but…yes.”
“But you enjoyed it? I know I did. You were very, very good…beyond my wildest expectations. Who did we hurt? It was consensual. It met my sexual requirements to perfection. I never forced you to participate—I made that clear up front. You went along and you…got off.”
“Diana, do you ever just…”
“Do it like normal people do? Of course but it’s never remotely as exciting…stimulating. Uh, oh, let me guess. You’re having trouble getting, ah, release with normal girls? You miss the action more than you thought you would? Can’t find a woman in this neck of the woods who is into your newly acquired perversions?”
“Short of running an ad in the personals—no! I don’t want to go back there. I’ll get past it…get normal again.”
“Trust me—you won’t. It doesn’t work that way. You’re hooked. And you’ll want it again. Look, John…you were only the second guy I ever got that crazy with.”
“Pardon me?”
“I’ve been a ball buster since my playground days. It’s served me well in the corporate world. I learned to smoke fat Cubans and drink single malt. Unfortunately my style didn’t translate well in the bedroom. Too damn many shriveled dicks. Then I met a guy—right here in San Diego. He was a Marine. God, I’ll never forget the first time! Slammed me over the hood of his truck and…we were more than just kinky sex partners…we had something. I was going to take a lateral and take the job out here. The one you have now. As soon as he got back from…” Her voice trailed off.
“He didn’t come back…did he?”
“No…I lost him.” He’d never seen tears in those beautiful, big blue eyes before.
“I’m so sorry…for your loss.”
“You were in the service…a Marine, I seem to recall. You guys can’t really hide it. Oh, you don’t look like him…but you carry yourself like him…walk like him. You were the only one who reported tome that never seemed intimidated by my bullshit—always polite but never afraid to push back. Once you’ve had a Marine…”
“So that was it.”
“I suppose. Look, you and I got…stranger…than he and I ever did. With him it was rough, hard and nasty–less the tools and toys.”
“You never treated me with even a hint of…affection?”
“It was just sex…nasty sex. I wasn’t looking for…certainly not with someone who worked for me! Didn’t want you to think it was more than…getting off. Didn’t want it to get…personal.”
“So I was an experiment? See how far you could take it?”
“Look, John, it even got a little weird for me. I kind of enjoyed the nipple clamps…not so much the labia ones. That electric thing we used toward the end—the one you stuck in my butt–wow! The asphyxiation scared me. The spanking? Oh, hell, yes! Got to have the spanking, particularly the strap…loved the strap. The throat fuck was OK…the ass fuck, well—mandatory in myview. The words…being told what a dirty slut I was…just added to the allure. The bondage? Sure, but you’re bigger than I am—stronger; you could have gotten that fat cock of yours up my ass without the ropes…forced me to take it deep and hard in my bowels. I would have fought you but you would have won. Held me down…made me…made me your slut…your woman. Your cock is bone hard right now, isn’t it, lover boy?”
“Painfully so.”
“What did you do with all the toys?”
“Boxed ’em up and thought about shipping them back to you.”
“I don’t suppose they’re in the trunk of your car?”
“Don’t have a trunk. I drive a truck and, no, they’re at home.”
“I’ve got a room not two minutes from here. I didn’t bring any toys but we could certainly improve. What do you say—for old time’s sake? You know you want to…you know damn well no other woman can do what I can do for you…don’t you?”
“You never let me…”
“Fuck my pussy? Too personal…more personal than I was willing to get.”
“I want your cunt—slut. You’re not thinking of denying me—are you?”
“Certainly not…master.”
“Take off your hose—and panties.”
“Show proper respect, bitch!”
“Yes, master.” She compiled in a matter of seconds.
“Show it to me, slut! Show me your cunt!”
“Very nice…fingers now…fuck yourself, you horny little bitch…you know how. You have your master’s permission. Cum for your master.”
It took less than a minute; fortunately there were no other people close enough to realize what was happening.
“My ass, master…it’s so empty…needs to be filled…needs your cock…begging you…need your cock.”
“Your pussy first—slut…then if I feel like it…your dirty little ass.”
“Not dirty, master…clean…for you…the way you like it…ready for your fat cock.”
“I can’t keep this bullshit up. Stop calling me, master. Look, let’s just go up to your room and I’ll give you the nastiest, hardest, roughest fuck of your life. I’ll slap you around, pinch your titles, tell you what a fucking cunt you are and then ball your tight little ass–and pussy! I’m tired of the role play bullshit. I admit it—thanks to you, I like rough, nasty, anal sex. I get off on a hard fuck. Let’s just go do it without all the pretend bull shit. Can you live with that?”