Not So Fun Games Ch. 03

Not So Fun Games Ch. 03

Fully trained to obey

For once she was pleasant rather than being simply taken, and the satisfaction he gained from her body added to her enjoyment. It was a wonderful night.

She awoke early waiting for her Master to stir. Tethered to the end of the bed, she rested her chin on the edge, gazing up at him in admission. If her husband could see her now, he would be amazed, though she didn’t give a single thought to that previous existence.

“From now on, you will sleep upstairs; and all your duties will be carried out up there,” her Master said.

She felt elated to be promoted out of the dungeon, and was so grateful for the news she wanted to cry. Holding back the tears was difficult. Eventually they welled up, to drop to the floor between her bare feet. It was a familiar view, from naturally examining the floor, with head bowed before the Master.

That morning she carried a small bundle of clothes from the basement, to a smalll closet in a small room at the top of the house. The leap up in status was dizzying. Having clothes was delightful; although so far she was not allowed to wear them. She hoped to gain permission after achieving the next step in her training – whatever that might be.

While a household-slave took care of the domestic duties, she kept to her room, busy practicing slave positions. She stretched her body to the limit, always trying to gain another inch, or keep the pose for an extra minute or two. The way she could stretch her legs out sideways and slightly back, with knees straight, was marvellous. Her Master would be very pleased with the pose next time it was demonstrated.

Once the exercise regime was completed, the next part of the training program needed to be started. The program was designed to keep her busy, and to shape both her mind and body.

She pulled the training corset another notch tighter around her waist.

“Yes!” she hissed.

There was littlebreath to spare to express her joy. She had to calm down or weak. Pulling in shallow breaths, she at last began to lose the light headedness. As Master ordered, she had brought her wait down to eighteen inches. It was a struggle in the training corset, but given time, and it would become her normal size.

With slow deliberate steps, she walked to a machine that had been brought up from the cellar. She Couldn’t sit, so stood before it, and fitted her breasts into the device. She switched it on and laid both arms over the top of it. It was like having a mammogram, only less painful. A hissing of air announced it was working. She felt it sucking her breasts into deep cups.

Her nipples were pulled tight, into smaller, inner cups. They were like thimbles and fitted snugly over the nipples. The vacuum pulled them in, sucking on them, then relaxed a little. Again her nipples were pulled.

The same was happening with the larger cups, sucking hard, then easing up on her breasts. The sucking became stronger on the nipples, and breasts. She knew what this exercise was for. While in the cage, her breasts had been exercised several times a day. They were now much larger than when she arrived. She was proud to show them off, especially as her Master had made them.

Six times a day, she used the machine in her room to improve them. Above the slim wait, they looked huge! When her nipples were engorged, they too looked enormous. She wondered when they would be big enough, as they were already heavy. The exercises would have to be kept up to keep them firm, and standing proud. They started to ache as usual. When the nipples were hurting, that was the time to stop.

Stepping away from the machine, she admired herself in the mirror. She now had a completely different shape. With both small hands around her Waist, she could almost touch fingerprints!

Even with both hands, she couldn’t cover a breast, and they were still growing. The nipples were so longand fat after the work out, they looked as though they had been inflated by a pump. They grew as big when aroused. When Master sucked on them, they became supersensitive. So much so, it did something to her cunt.

Her cunt and crotch were completely hairless. She no longer needed to shake as the folkles had been removed. It had been painful, though she hadn’t complained.

She was proud to wear a slave number tattoo just above her pussy lips. It was a permanent reminder of what she had become. The lips too had been changed. They had been slightly stretched and plumped up. It looked as though she were permanently aroused, which wasn’t far from the truth!

She hoped Master would call a halt to these body changes, as she feared she was beginning to look ridiculous. With blonde hair, she looked like a Barbie doll. Remembering the conversation of last night she wondered if she was to become a sex-doll?

The door opened unexpectedly; and her Master said, “Put on the maid’s dress – you are to serve my guests at dinner. No make-up. All the trimmings for the outfit,” he ordered, and was quickly gone.

The suddenness of his presence was as though it were in her imagination. It wasn’t an hallucination from boredom, he really had summoned her. A crash muffled by distance from the dining room, brought her around. In a panic she scrambled up off the floor to get dressed. She must not keep her Master waiting.

It was just a dinner party for his friends; though for her, it was an exceptional event – ​​her first exposure to strangers as a slave. The obedience training would be tested this evening, as she was to be a maid-slave.

The black dress was carefully pulled over her hair, and smoothed down over the tight corset. The corset pushed her breasts up into a deep impression cleavage, shown off exhaustively by the low cut dress. A white apron, cap, cuffs, and black high heels were in place – so she was ready. To check the stocking seams were straight, she lifted the short hem of the dress and adjusted the tight straps holding them up.

It was obvious she didn’t wear panties; but this was another habit well installed into any slave. She was used to be naked; and upon receiving instructions to wear clothes, she hadn’t given a thought to underwear.

In the dining room, everything had been laid out by the household-slaves. Her Master carefully examined her and nodded his approval. She beamed a great big smile, though no one could see it with head bowed, looking straight down at the shiny black heels.

“Tonight you will serve my friends. Your Master expects his slave to obey. Whatever happens, a slave must obey. Is that clear?” he demanded.

“Yes, Master,” she answered, which is all she could say.

A shiver of fear at being in the presence of others was hard to suppress, but she had been well-disciplined. Well enough not to question her Master, and certainly not to contemplate a refusal. What would be expectted of her in front of strangers, she tried not to imagine. Rather, it would be better to calmly collect her thoughts towards serving them.


Only a few weeks ago, she had been furious with her husband for sending her into this place, and to this man for torturous training. Thoughts turned to worrying how long it would take to shake off this training once home? How would she cope in the office if she were still behaving subservient to the male staff?

It might not even be possible to leave the house once home, as she would be in danger of simply kowtowing to the first man who spoke to her. The image of herself on hands and knees in the local supermarket made her shiver in fear.

Over weeks of training, the recent past, of even being married, all became a distant dream, as though it were someone else’s life.

It had been sometimes Since the hope of returning home had dwindled to nothing, until even the idea of ​​being a free woman had faded to an unimportant distant memory.


Now that the training was complete three buyers were interested in the slave. One owned a brother, while another wanted an obedient sex-slave to comfort him in his old age. The third was a pornographer, wanting a compliant model – though it looked as if he couldn’t afford the price. It was a difficult decision to make, as the first two had reached the target price, and even the pornographer had been close.

It was a risk holding an open audit; but that might well be the best way to determine her worth. The risk was that an outsider might infiltrate the tight circle of people who keep slaves. The very rich or slave dealers would be invited; but a mistake would bring them to the notice of the media, and inevitably the law.

The spectacle of such an event was exciting, and could incite a bidding war between men who Just had to have her. Others would bring slaves they had trained and wanted to sell after becoming bored with them.

This evening,he intended to sound out his friends on how well she had developed. It had been a long time since they had met face-to-face; and it could easily become an auction among just the three of them.


Shaking with nerves, she walked into the dining room, all the time working hard to keep her feelings under control, so as to serve Master with perfection before his friends. She felt the slightest mistake would let him down.

The dress was loosely flared out from high up over the hips, where the hem floated deliciously over stiff petticoats to reveal stocking tops. The lightness of the material means it swirled up around her waist with every movement, showing off her bottom.

A slight wobble in the high heels almost let her down, but not a drop of the aperitif was spilt; and more importantly, no one seemed to notice. They were deep in conversation, probably discussing business.

“She certainly has a magical look, Rob,” Nathaniel said, while appraising the maid.

All three of the men stopped to look at her as she bent to place the drinks before them. Even that slight movement revealed hard muscle cheeses with a deep separation that exposed all.

“I can just imagine the pleading look in her eyes looking out from a mask as she receives punishment,” Mathew added.

Robert smiled with satisfaction at their admission of his work.

“There has been no need to punish her with the whip as you would Mathew. She wasn’t a natural submissive, but the training has her completely subservient. She is completely trained to obey; which means it’s time to find a buyer,” Robert said.

They both chuckled at the remark, knowing he was always concerned with matching a slave with the right Master.

“It’s your technique Rob. You are so through they always complete the training as compliant slaves, without a trace of that fighting spirit I happen to like so much,” Mathew said.

Nathaniel saw right through Matthew. He was trying to talkdown the price.

“That’s what buyers want – a perfectly submissive and obedient slave. It is very presentable, don’t you think?” Robert asked.

They again looked over the compliant slave Robert had produced, which made her blush criminal.

“Let’s have a look at her then,” Mathew demanded. They could see almost everything under the flimsy dress, but this only whetted their appetite for more.

“Cock-hole!,” Robert said, to gain her attention, “Remove the dress.”

Without hesitation, she pulled the tight garment over her head in a provocative pose that lifted her breasts for them to admire. The quick response to his command confirmed how thoroughly she had submitted to the training.

The friends had examined many attractive women at Robert’s house, who were either guest slaves or trainees; but this was an exceptional beauty!

“I see you have trained her body as well as her mind,” Nathaniel commented. His tone of voice confirmed an admission for the heavypair of breasts. They pointed out above a slight wait emphasising the large bosom, making her look decidedly top heavy.

The high heels lengthened her legs, as did the black seamed stockings, held by suspenders, tightly wrapping a pair of long shaped legs. Apart from these three items of clothing, she was completely naked; yet this state affected her not in the slightest.

Rather than hide her nakedness, she revealed in the compliments – even the slightly indicated ones. Their approving comments on her body as they slowly roamed it with their eyes left her feeling light headed which she absorbed as pure pleasure.

The credit her Master received for her body and mind was pleasure. Delighted that they were complimenting his work, it was easy to accept she had become an object of admission. As an object, she was there to be admitted and used, as her name suggested.

Nathaniel broke the silence, “I particularly like the large mountain between her legs, as it bulges outso much, as though it is becoming for attention. It seems to be growing larger as we look at it,” he laughed.

He was stating the obvious as usual, to which they chuckled.

Unsure if the reaction between her legs was allowed, she felt at risk of a punishment; and that would be hard to take in front of these strangers. Letting down her Master would be devastating.

Looking at Robert, Mathew asked, “May I have a closer look?”

Received a nod from her Master, she walked over to stand close to Mathew. With a shudder, it occurred to her what he means by a closer look. She felt his hand close upon her sex, cupping her down there.

“She is very wet Rob. Do you allow your slaves to respond to all and sundry?” Mathew asked, while rubbing her nub roughly. As she opened up, his fingers probed until he was exploring her sex.

With great effort, she attempted to maintain self-control. That she was being sexually abused before strangers should have turned her off; butHer body was responding with no chance of holding back. She had been trained to respond; so there was little choice. She dare not look at her Master for fear of his being angle at her wanton behavior, yet it was only he that could save her from this man pushing her towards a climax.

Closing her eyes, she swayed with the rhythm of fingers exploring and rubbing, idly playing her like some musical instrument, while the two other strangers looked on. He was demonstrating his skill to his friends, boasting how easily he could play her.

“You said she hadn’t been trained as a slut. It looks as though she’s a natural. What are you slave?,” Mathew asked.

Their conversation was just a blur in her ears so there would be no answer until she was released from his control. He answered for her, whispering loudly in her ear, “You’re a natural slut, Cock-hole.”

At that moment, she was brought back to the reality of being in a room of strangers as a finger entered her bottom! ItDid not seem much of anything, as this hole had been stretched for a larger appendage. Nevertheless, it was a shock being fingered by a stranger among Master’s guests.

With a thumb massaging her cliporis, she was again under his control, sending her on a mission to ecstasy. Each time she neared the destination she groaned, as he brought her a little way back with a sharp pinch of pain. Then off again as he would send her a little further on the journey to nirvana.

She had been a respectable married woman, responsible for an important department in a multinational corporation. Now she was naked in front of strangers, being played with like a lewd sex toy. Her significance in life had been reduced from being a free woman – to a man’s plaything – a willing sex slave.

All the rights of an individual had been rested from her, leaving nothing more than a simple object of pleasure. Being an object means all responsibility for her actions were negated, leaving her to merelymind the instructions of a Master, which she had learned to do well. As had happened so many times recently, she let herself go.

Returning to the Master she stood at his side still breathing heavily. Feeling abused and humiliated had become a part of this new life, and it always left her feeling aroused, even after an orgasm. Alerted to what they might say, or do to her next, she paid more attention to their conversation.

“At the moment, the slave is not trained for a particular purpose. It is just a simple slave, prepared to please a master in whatever way he wishes,” Robert stated.

He patterned her bottom playfully, eliciting a coy look of pleasure. “When I have a buyer, she’ll be trained more thoroughly in a particular role, depending on his requirements,” he explained.

“It all depends on her next owner. She might be a cock-slave, a sex-doll slave, a common slut-slave, or an expensive whore-slave. Then, rather than stand there awkwardly receiving admission, shewould learn to respond appropriately,” he said, while struggling her bare ass.

“As a sex doll she would be deepen, ineffectively attempting to cover her nakedness. A cock slave would be ready herself to pleasure someone with the orifice of his choice. As a slut, she would be actively flirting with whomever a Master wanted,” he said. The others knew this already; but he wanted to see her reaction.

“A Whore-slave would actually solicit a man. Of course, only at an owner’s command. Any of these behaviors can be installed into a trained slave,” he told the others, while struggling her thighs.

She looked outwardly calm in contrast to how she felt inside. The Master said she would be sold off to another! She couldn’t imagine obeying someone else! She would have to learn how to please a new master. More than that, she did not want to leave her wonderful Lord and Master.

He had molded her to suit his requirements, or so she had thought. It now turned out she had been trained to become ready for a stranger! Could he really turn her into a whore-slave? Tears formed in her eyes, but did not fall, as she resolved not to let him down before guests.

In the kitchen, she deftly wiped away the tears, ready to return to her duties. Perhaps it was merely Master talk; and she would remain where she belonged. It did not occur to her that some time ago, she had started thinking of herself as a permanent slave. It had been a subtle change over the weeks of training; until it left her feeling comfortable with the idea of ​​being a slave forever.

She had accepted that she was just an object and her Master owned her; and therefore, he could do what he liked with her. She would have to accept this was his decision, to sell or keep her – whatever he wanted to do.


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