Who's (Tied) Up For Lunch

Well, it’s not the story I expected to post next, nor even one I had been close to finishing. However, it is the story that broke my writer’s block, so I’m simply happy to have a finished story to post.

I did kind of rush the editing as I was excited to be writing again, but I think I got it poisoned up fairly decently. I’m sure you’ll tell me in the comments if I’m wrong. I’m also sure that you’ll tell me it’s too short or I left this or that out. Sorry, but this is the entirety of the story I envisioned. As I’ve said before, it I envision more, I’ll write more. Just don’t hold your breath waiting.

I normally don’t like multiple PoV, but I couldn’t make this one work with a single narrower. So, there are three characters and three different PoV in the story. Sorry about that.

I do hope you enjoy it!

* * * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was anxiously awaiting the end of yet another boring meeting when I felt my phone vibrate.

[I was bad. Took a personal day.]

It seemed like a strange time to tell me, so I texted back.

[You okay?]

[Great! Hit the salon.]

[Nice! Enjoy.]

[Tied up for lunch today? I will be…]

That got my attention. My wife can be rather kinky and loves to do self-bondage when I’m not home. If I’m lucky, she will text me and then it’s a race to get there before she gets free. Sure enough, my phone vibrated again almost immediately.

[The ice is melting. Hope you find me in time!]

My first instinct was to bolt from the room. Unfortunately, I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, as somebody was already standing at attention down there. It was torture to wait for the meeting to wrap up so I could make my escape. I didn’t even Both to swing by my office for my jacket, but just headed straight for the parking lot. Luck was on my side, and I made it home in record time without getting pulled over for speeding.

* * * * * *

I wasn’t surprised that the master bedroom was empty, since Sara had said I would have to find her. I still checked, as it would be just like her to have me search the rest of the house while she was waiting in our bed, laughing at me.

The guest bedroom was also empty, so I figured she must be in the basement. I was heading for the stairs when I heard something from our daughter’s room. Beth was 20 years old, but still lived at home while attending the local college. She had a full schedule on Tuesday and Thursday, which is why we could play over lunch on those days. I silently applauded my wife, as that would have been the last place I would have looked if she hadn’t made any noise.

I knocked, on the off chance that Beth had come home, but heard only a muffled response. I opened the door to reveal my bound wife on our daughter’s bed.

I had never seen that tie before, but silently appreciated the view. All our beds were four-posters, which made them ideal for this. She was kneeling with her ankles secured to the bottom two posts and her wrists to the top two. I could see an ice cube on the towel by her hand and there was a lot left. I guess she wanted to make sure she didn’t get free before I made it home.

What was new was the rope running from one knee, up and over the back of her neck, then down to the other knee, forcing her to keep her ass in the air and her face in the mattress. I was guessing she had a ball gag in her mouth from the muffled sounds she was making, but I couldn’t tell for sure because she had a hood over her head. I was also guessing she had earbuds in, as I could hear bits and pieces of what had to be porn coming from the hood.

My silent appraisal of the new tie was interrupted by a buzzing sound and then that same moan that led me to this bedroom. Apparently, she had a new toy that could be Programmed for random sequences. I’m not sure why I had never thought to buy her one of those. That also drew my attention to the fact she must have gotten waxed while she was at the salon. I guess it’s true that going bare makes a woman look younger and I certainly appreciated the new look.

Still, my time was limited, so I stripped down and started playing with her body. I knew it well and it didn’t take long before she was practically purring while shaking her ass at me. I slipped the vibrator out of her pussy, only to notice that it had a bulge to help it stay in place. Whoever designed this toy really know what they were doing. Laying it aside, I repositioned myself so I could taste her nectar.

Soon my face was dripping as she was grinding herself back onto my tongue, so I moved up and slowly slipped inside her velvety passage. I don’t know if it was the position she was tied in or if her Kegel exercises were paying off, but she felt tighter than usual. She moaned again as I bottomed outside inside her. I started with a slow pace, but soon worked up to pounding her hard and fast. Reaching under her,I rubbed her clip and lightly twisted a nipple. She came instantly around my shake. By the time I shot my load deep inside her, she was up four to one.

I went back to gently playing with her body until we both recovered enough for round two. I pulled the plug out of her shaped ass and added a bit more lube before carefully embedded myself in her back door. I started slowly but ramped up until I was pounding her into the mattress once again. I was slightly disappointed in myself as I only managed to bring her off once more before I reached my own peak.

I realized that I was running late, so I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned us both up. The key was still trapped in ice, so I couldn’t free her. Instead, I slipped her toys back into their respective holes, kissed her body a few more times, Then got dressed and hurried back to work.

* * * * * *

I was starting to get worried by the time I heard Gary get home. Normally he only has to work late when heTake a long lunch. Not wanting him to see my disappointment, I stood facing the stove as he approached.

He wrapped me up in a hug from behind and started kissing the sides of my neck. Still horny from the missed opportunity earlier, I started grinding my ass into him. I was surprised that he didn’t react as strongly as I expected.

I was brought back to the present as he spoke. “Did you have fun this Afternoon?”

I told. “Yes, but it would have been more fun with you here.”

He released me and stepped back, only to spin me around. “What are you talking about? I WAS here.”

I was about to demand that he explain himself when Beth came in from the direction of her bedroom, rather than the front door.

* * * * * *

I realized I had Walked in on something as my parents stopped their conversation to look at me.

“You’re home early. Everything OK?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” I said as I sat down, only to grimace and carefully readjust. Billy had never fucked my ass before. I wasn’t sure what had gotten into him today, as he’d never been that forceful either, but I really enjoyed it and planned to make sure he did both again. He also felt larger as he filled me, but I assumed that was just the new position. It was definitely a keeper as well.

“The network went down on campus, so they cancelled classes. I invited Billy over for lunch and then spent the day in my room.”

I was concerned as Dad suddenly went deathly pale and slumped into the closest chair. Mom looked confused for a moment, before going pale as well. I was about to ask if they were okay when my phone chirped. Looking down, I saw I had a text from Billy. It was my turn to go pale as I read his message.

[Missed your text. Forgot to unmute. Would have been awesome. Next time!!!]


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