Who would believe I am here now? Well, to be honest “here” is not a good description of where I am. I am in that dream space between “here” and “there”. It is a wonderful place where everything is possible, but let me try and explain this better.
Physically I am tied to an “A” frame at a Ds party…my first!! For those that do not know what an “A” frame is think of a tall metal triangle, maybe 8 feet tall and four feet wide at the bottom made of one inch tubular steel. Two horizontal bars cross it…one about six inches above the ground and the other about four feet up. A third steel leg is at the back providing support as the “A” leans back slightly. From the top of the “A” hang two long ropes.
I am standing in a position of “surrender”; my hands above my head holding the sides of the “A” and My feet nearly four feet apart. At first I was holding the bars…then He snaked the ropes around my wrists and forearms so I lost any option…now I know my hands could not move even if the ropes were not there. The ropes continue down and also fasten my ankles to the lower bar holding them apart. Got the picture?
As to what I am wearing, well I retain, from top to bottom, my black silettos, black sheer stockings held up by suspenders from my new black (and red trimmed) corset. The corset has now been tightened so that my breasts spill over the top of it. Other than that I wear only my collar, a dreamy smile and a red arse.
Let us talk about the corset first. This was new, bought to be wound for Him and He helped me put it on earlier. Even then He fastened it tighter than I thought I could bear, but it is funny how one adjusts. As I said this was my first visit to a club and I was very self-conscious. He had told me I looked beautiful, but still I wanted to cover up. I had brought an almost transparent long silk shirt and He allowed me to wear it under my coat as W/we travelled and to believe that I could wear it in the club. However as W/we checkedin our coats and I turned to Him I knew that option no longer existed and maybe never had. To my surprise it felt right to be so exposed.
Oh yes, at that point I also had a pair of black silk panties on. I don’t quite know why but they were under the suspenders between corset and stockings…not over. Why had I dressed that way?
When W/we entered the club He fastened a lead to my collar and dragged it around my shoulders. W/we spoke with friends before going to see what delights the club held. For this He took charge of my lead and I walked behind Him as elegantly as I could on my silettos. He made no allowances for my footwear and to my surprise I managed well.
I had a approached this night in a mix of fear and excitement. I wanted to come, but I had no idea what I would find or What He would do. Now I was here I was just “here” and absorbing it all. I was looking in the rooms and at the people. They registered, but at the same time they didn’t. The world W/we occuried compiled Him and me and anything else was almost superfluous.
In the centre play area were a good number of pieces of equipment…most of them being used. There was a rope web and two naked female subs were being expertly tied to either side of it. There was a spanking block, again being used, and an “altar” where two Dommes were binding a male submissive. There were various whipping posts, a St Andrews cross, the “A” frame (of course) and a rack! I have always wanted to use a rack or more accurately be used on a rack and I said so. Maybe that is why, that night, that fantasy was not fulfilled.
Additionally there was a “relaxation” area at the back, but it was the equipment that kept His attention.
The people were a real cross-section many using the equipment, but even more watching. The atmosphere was calm, but serious. For some reason I did not want to walk across the open play area, but…as you might expect…I had no option…though I confess I was pulling on my lead!
We returned to the people W/we know, where I had left my case that contained the floggers, clamps, paddles, etc. that I had been instructed to bring.
He decided it was time my panties were removed. I had NEVER done this in public before and while I had mixed feelings the thought of denying Him never crossed my mind. The debate was more about how and where they would be removed…at the table…in the ladies room…with a knife…by me…by him…etc.? In the end His patience snapped and He RIPPED them off me with His hands as I stood beside His chair. There had been no warning and …WOW!! My panties were merely scraps of material now and I had experienced a rush like never before.
He had tightened the laces of my corset such that my breasts would not stay in it. I loved the way I felt and looked now.
So that was settled and He led me back into the play area…me carrying the case of toys. Whatever I had hoped for I don’t think I ever expected the “A”frame, but it was free and He walked straight to it.
He carefully positioned me and fixed me…all the while His hands gently trailing over me….exciting me…his lips brushing my neck. How could I be there bare arsed and in public…breasts spinning out of my corset and over the horizontal bar. Although I was facing away from the room at this stage I KNEW people were around, but not if they were watching. I Actually faced a darkened drinks bar with mirrors behind it. I looked hard into the mirrors, but by some quirk of science could not actually see much and I stopped looking after a while.
He spent some time on my arse using first His hands….alternating spanking and soothing…each time His spanks got harder and His soothing got longer…..he was whispering in my ear and soon I started to drift. Not so much that I did not know that from time to time He moved round in front of me..lifted my chin to look deeply in my eyes…and to pinch my engorged nipples as they hunged before him.
He moved onto a soft, but heavy green leather flogger. He trailed it over my shoulders and up my legs before starting a steady rhythm on my arse. He is a big man…nearly 2 metres tall and when He used His strength the flogger rocked me on the frame.
By now I was in that nowhere space and cared not who watched, just that I was His and that I was pleasure Him and …yes….I was loving it!
His last act on me was to use a new flogger on me. This one had black and white plained tails with a black leather “butterfly” at the end of each strand. He used this to perfection flicking it at the end of it’s range so those “butterflies” kissed my arse each time….each one biting me until my arse was just wonderful!!
So “here” I am …like I never dreamt I would be and love every moment…every touch. Part of me wonderers “What now?” while another part does not care! He can do what He wishes and I know I am His.
In fact I feel Him gently releasing my ankles and then unbinding my armsone by one…gently lowering them and allowing the blood to return. I silent sight goes through me to think it has finished.
But once again He surprises me. He turns me over slowly so that now my back is to the “A” frame and to my shock and delight He returns me to the “surrender” position; once again snaking the rope around my raised wrists and forearms and tying my silettoed ankles wide apart.
By Now I “know” people can see me openly and may be watching, but it is like it is beyond my senses and cares to determine if they are doing so. The first touch I feel is as His fingers slip between my soaking labia and start to gently massage my clip. I moan as part of me screams silently with horror and the rest screams silently with delight.
Will He makes me cum? The shame! The excitement! I could never have contemplated this in the cold light of day, but now it seems so possible, so right.
His fingers move gently, but inevitably…His lips on my neck and He whispers in my ear how pleased He is with me…how He has enjoyed me this evening…how He wants to give me a gift! His fingers slip deeper to my eager opening. I am lost now. My body is afire with sensings…my mind torn and venturing into new territory.
I feel my climax approaching….His words have become just meaningless mix of sound, but are a wonderful care on my ear. My body is just a tool for Him….to use for our mutual pleasure.
After an eternity I hear Him instruct me to cum and immediately my body responses. The waves of pleasure amplified by my forced immability.
When He decides I have had enough His fingers leave me and again He gently releases me and kisses me…on the lips! He supports me as I recover then gently leads me back to our friends…watching over me to ensure my well-being.
Who would have believed it? To be displayed, flogged and made to cum in public. Not me a few hours ago!!
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