White Witch Ch. 03

As I came to, I heard Mistress says, “NO she is mine, you lost her when you betrayed her.” Owen in his black legs and tight vest over a white ruffled shirt. What he called ‘Pirate’ casual. Mistress turned on Tanya, as the woman tried to straighten her red halter mini dress which had several cum stains on it.

Tanya also had clumps of semen in her hair tousled from sex. “Tanya you are Not allowed to touch my girl Either. If you try I’ll have her slap you down so hard…”

Mistress felt me ​​come fully awake, she turned and came to me. This one felt Tanya casting and blocked her spell, Tanya was a little perplexed a when nothing happened. My Mistress spoke “Oh my sweet slut, sorry I overloaded you. Now tell these two who you serve my sweet slutty sister.”

I sent to my Mistress, {Mistress remembers being my sibling, for how long my Mistress?}

Mistress replied {Since I woke, but I had no control till last week then I started planning how to surprise you and your damn EX almost screwed it up. Now My magical slut tell them who you serve. Take the Bracelets pose.} I felt Tanya trying to over come my magic stasis I placed on her. I stripped her, pinned her to the wall spread eagle, and left her there fuming.

I climaxed as mistress kept the phalic shields moving inside her slut, a puddle forming below me as i knelt. This one throw her shoulders back, thrust out my breasts, spread wide my tights for Mistress to see her sluts leaking cunt and hands claped tightly behind my back. “This one serves her Mistress Sister Apprentice Jessica.”

Tanya struggled, this one know that she would try to cast something against my Mistress once released. To keep that from happening I placed Tanya in the Bracelets pose as well, before my Mistress, “The power of the White Witch has not Diminished because she serves. This one has become stronger than ever, thanks to her Mistress. You shall either be good or I shall make you hers through my will.”

I released Tanya, still blocking her magic, she tried to port out, “Sorry Tanya but we need your help with this it may be the end of the world I guess my ‘Ex’ did not tell you that, as he was to busy filling your holes.”

This one turned to her Mistress “Mistress please forgive this ones outburst, this one only did so in service of Mistress.”

Jessica smiled and caresed her slaves cheese, “It’s fine my magical slut you did well. Now Magical Trainer you are in-charge of this meeting as you’re the White Witch and I your humble Apprentice.”

As I stood up I formed the clothes that Mistress had described, adding a white ruby ​​studied collar with ‘Jessica’s slut’ on it. White and ruby ​​cuffs on my wrists and ankles, the Ballet boots tigh high with locks on the laces.

“um Mistress may this one make a suggestion for a top for your slut to wear?” she nodded, I replaced the white silk blouse with a white quarter cup corset, that took my wait to down six inches to twenty inches around with a lock on the laces. All but the very bottom of my breasts were on display, and pushed higher making them look larger than the D cup they were.

My Mistress Smiled, “Very nice my slut and I love the cuff and collar additions. My Ruby Slut!” She kissed me and i felt the phalic shields pulse and grow in my cunt and ass. My climaxes peaked and continued to undulate as Mistress’ phalic shaped shields vibrated in this slut, {Slut you can cum as much as you wish, it will keep you charged. Later we shall make use of those cuffs. Now get on with your work my Magical Trainer.}

I reached out to the Lay Lines to see what I could find out about the Priestesses of Gaea. My mind was filled with more knowledge than I even expected. Everything that Owen and Tanya Know, even things like the locations came to me through the ley lines.

I projected a world map with Icons showing the locations of the four Priestesses. “We know what my Mother’s situation is and will cost Millions of lives if we rescue her now. Of course if it is our best choice that is what will be done. We need to investigate the situations of the other three Priestesses. Mistress Jessica and her magic slut will travel to the Arctic circle to see if we can rescue Tryphna. I hope that we can avoid the loss of the fountain with just one of the Points of the Skye. Owen you are to go to Tokyo where you will find Mina. Tanya your destination is Brisbane, to find Chelsha. Once we have found the other three Priestesses of Gaea we will connect and figure our best course of action. I shall keep mental links open so we can stay in touch.”

“My Mistress and her slut will be leaving at Mistresses leisure, you are welcome to use one of our spare suites to prepare, or if you wish to leave now this one would be happy to send you on your way.

I heard Owen trying to be discreet {Want to be filled in a few more times Tanya, before we head out.}

{Um Guys Mental Link, that would have been a lotless creepy if you’d just whispered to her.} “Of course knowing you, you were probably anticipating it might make me interested in a three way, Eeeeewww.”

Mistress Jessica remarked “Actually he wanted all three of us in his bed. Something I was going to keep from my magical slut, since it was business between Owen and your Mistress. Because you are so very powerful though I am sharing to let you know that if I wished it so you would be in bed with them. However, never with either of them unless you say it is okay and they are the only ones you have any say in. Do you understand my slut?”

“Yes my Mistress, no matter who or what Mistress gives her slut too, her slut will do as she is told cheerfully.” I mean it too, though sex with Owen would be difficult if I had to initiate it, but would do so with no reservation if Mistress ordered her slut to have sex with them.

Mistress sent {My magical slut you make me proud and I am sure you always will. Knowing you would do anything I ask of you.}

Replying to Mistress, {Mistress seems more powerful than I expected of my Apprentice, able to mask Mind calls with others that I set the connection with, and reading your magical sluts mind.}

Knelt at Mistress’ feet I waited for her command, Mistress stoked my hair and kept her phalic probes pulsing inside her slut my nectar pooling below me, I was starting to get thirsty. Mistress handed me a dildo it sloshed a bit when I took it in hand. Soon I had it most the way in my mouth and part way down my throat. The liquid in the ‘cock’ was sweet and tasty, it slaked my thirst yet seemed to charge me up even more. My ‘drink bottle’ disappeared when it was empty.

I noticed Mistress had taken a few steps away. Then after a few more moments, Mistress stepped back towards me away from Owen and Tanya, “NO MORE Negotiations we are done. You may go, let me know when you would like to be ported I will have my magical slut do so.

To the sanctum my slut.”she touched my arm and I ported us to the sanctum Placing Mistress on her new throne and this slut at her feet in Bracelets. “My magical slut is very good, picked the throne design from your Mistresses mind yet did not hear the negotiations and offers for the use of my magical slut from Owen or Tanya. Or are you pretending to have not have heard them?”

I was surprised, Tanya asked for me as well, “Not pretending my Mistress, that would be worse than a lie. This slut did not hear any mind calls between Mistress and Owen or Tanya.” I shivered in fear as what happened is impossible, and should not have been able to happen. Because any conversation held over a Mind Link is heard by the originator. I was quaking afraid of Mistress dismissing this slut.

Mistress was standing above me, stroking my hair, “No my magical slut you are mine and it is because you want it that you tuned out Mistress’ business. They told me there was know way you could not be listening, but you sat thereunaware. You are so perfect, you deserve a treatment.”

Next we were on the bed, my cuffs attached to the four posts of my canopy bed. Mistress caresed her slut, running her fingers over the exposed skin of her property. Still much was covered with the silk and satin corset and the thigh high leather boots. I glanced up there was a mirror, and I noticed something just above my Venus shaft it was two lips topped with bunny ears and a cotton tail just showing below the bottom one, Mistresses brand on her property. I quivered as I began to climax as Mistress caresed and licked magical slut. The Vibrating phalic shields still in this ones cunt and ass. It all became fuzzy as so many orgasms hit me at once, and continued to do so. The pleasure was so intense, “Thank you my Mistress.” I uttered joyfully over and over.

Mistress ordered, {Send them on their way they are at the bedroom door peeking through door, but I heard it squeak.}

I Ported Owen and Tanya without their clothes, Mistress bit this sluts right nipple hard, {My little imp, making me love you even more.}

Tanya cried {AIEEE, naked in the Lobby of the Hilton, not nice.}

Owen reported, {I knew you still cared about me a little, hot tub full of women. I’ll stop pursuing Jessica’s magical slut.}

I put a LBD on Tanya, {Sorry Tanya, I forget the dress and accessories, was um distracted.} I released the hold on their magic flow and got back to the thing that mattered most, enjoying the attention from Mistress.

{Oh what a prize you are My magical slut. I promise to work as hard at learning Magic from you as you have given your all to me.} I remembered the First time Master gave this one her first experience as kijara…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I was nervous, Will had set up a chance for his kajira to perform. I had seen some of the guys arrive, and was complaining, “Will,…” he had smacked my bare tigh with the flogger. “Master, they know me, I am not ready to be outed at school as a slut.”

I was in my junior year and most of them were Will’s freshman friends. Still being so well known as the White Witch, amazing what a few flashy banishings of rampaging monsters, and your the talk of the campus. The worst of it was half of the thirty plus guys were in my classes for magic or martial arts. “My slut is one of the best magic users in the world and can’t cast a disguise, you disappoint me I should sell you now.” Will was smiling but he was right I had let it get too me.

“Master is right, if your slut did nothing to over come her fright.” I transformed into a fan-boy’s fantasy vision of Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura. It was a little slimy, a basque top, with a very short skirt and boots with four inch heels. The extremes were a forty two G sixteen inch waist, and thirty eight inch hips.

Since I would have to keep the disguise up for a day or two, I went with a thirty six E, twenty two inch waist and thirty six inch hips just a couple of inches here and there different from my natural thirty two D twenty six, thirty four figure. It turned into a magical thirty seven hour orgy, I had been whited out, lying in a kiddie pool the cum from forty two men in me or on me.


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