White Trash Ch. 4 – Payback’s A Bitch
Once again, I apologize if a half-assembled story breaks out here. Just read the juicy bits if you want. I won’t mind. Another fair warning though: While still a rude, cruel, raw and gritty stroker at heart, if you’re at all squeamish about harder BDSM, skip down to where Pegs joins the fun. Enjoy.
Stinky Pete stood in front of me while I caught my breath. Fuck, he smelled like Mount Trashmore, a city dump I was once familiar with – don’t ask. He smelled worse than the fucking hog house I worked at. Guy never bathed or washed his clothes. Way he was headed, I figured it wouldn’t be much longer before his homeboys’d be calling him Maggot. He had a thing for his teeth though. Perfectly straight, whitened and brushed to a gleaming psychology. Freaky as all hell.
Then there was P-Tat, sitting on my couch snapping a Zippo lighter open and closed and trying to give me a look. Like I gave a shit if he torched this dump. I mean, Dude, please, look at the place.
P-Tat’s moniker came from all the dumbass looking tattoos he kept getting while in prison. He was an idiot, really. Borderline retarded. But he was sort of crazy too, which in his case made him violent and unpredictable and, therefore, a stupid scary fucker. Brrr.
So okay, maybe Maggot, he was Maggot to me now even if I wouldn’t call him that to his face yet, wouldn’t have punched me if I hadn’t insulted him. But the pain train was gonna leave the station anyway. Fuckers weren’t here to snuggle and make nice, they were here on business and they lacked a certain diplomacy and subtlety.
“There’s more whupass where that came from you fucker. You owe the bank some money.” The Stinky Maggot asswipe cuffed the back of my head for emphasis.
“Terms are I got to end of the quarter. That’s three and a half weeks. So what the fuck are you even doing here?”
Call it a courtesy call,” P-Tat sneered. “We’re making therounds. You don’t got the money on due day, you ain’t gonna like it.”
Whupass? Due day? These bozos had been watching way too much TV or something. “I’ll have it. Shit. What the fuck’s wrong with you two?” Must have been the wrong thing to say again because Stinky Maggot gave me another love tap that doubled me over.
“You better have it when we come back! And don’t even think abut skipping out because you’re into us for enough to make it worth it to track you down and hurt you,” he grew at me and they headed out the door.
“Yeah, yeah. I said I’ll have it, already.” Shit. Maybe I’d better put some thought to it because I sure as hell didn’t know how I was going to come up with that much cash on short notice. I figured pushed come to shove I’d just catch a bus to somewhere, but, maybe not if they were really motivated.
Being the good son I am I’d borrowed money from the Sun Devils biker gang so my mother could get an operation and be cared for while she recuperated. Maybe Medicaid, Medicare or Medi-whatever would eventually reimburse, but shit, who knows.
So now I owed a biker gang with a pussy name a fuckload of money. If I was gonna leave I’d better stay hidden real good. Damn, maybe I could talk Tina into Canada or Mexico or somewhere.
Jesus! I could still smell that Stinky fucker. He left a goddamn trail of fucking tears behind him. I opened the windows and door to air the place out and saw Peggy getting into her trashed up El Camino. That cheered me up.
“Hi ya, slut,” I called out and grabbed my bait and tackle when she looked out the window at me.
She laughed and said, “Yeah, baby! Do I make you horny?”
“A-fuckin’-men, ya skank. Every time I see your goddamn ass.”
“You better be! My ass is still sore from the pounding you gave me last night.”
“Only in the bestest way though, right?”
“It hurts so good, cocksucker!” She smiled a killer smile and spun gravel. I watched her go and felt some moveent in the south forty as I recalled how that fine ass gripped my schlub vise-like tight. Shit, just thinking of the way she and Tina took to each other made my bone flat unbend.
I went and took another shower, muy caliente, because I didn’t know what kind of shit that Maggot fuck was carrying on his infested and sickened self. He might have Ebola, MRSA and other scary shit for all I knew and I didn’t want to take a chance. Damn. Now that I thought about it, maybe I should just move, or at least throw away the chair he was sitting in.
I scrubbed down and thought about my shitty life some more. Yeah. Definitely time for a sea change. For real. I started feeling better again thinking about a new direction and my shit-for-brain half registered a car pull up somewhere along the way.
I got out of the shower, dried off and stepped out of the bathroom to face another visitor sitting in a tattered, beat down chair. “What the fuck’s going on today? Was I suddenly living inGrand fucking Central Station or something?” I thought.
“Well, well, well. As much as I’ve thought of that big bad bone of yours, I didn’t think I’d get to see it again so soon.”
It was Beverly. Bever-the she devil-ly. The fucking anti-Christ-cum-woman who got me all twisted around and when I came out of the fog, lo and behold I was married to her and then she was gone.
But she was a sizzling hot fucking piece of sweet meat and by God and by Cuntry that sure hadn’t changed. Toned, athletic body. America’s top model looking face. Hot ass. Smoking tits.
All that world class beauty wasted by one fatal flaw: She was one crazy bitch. I mean mean crazy. On the one hand, the sex was great because “the nuttier the sluttier” and all, but she’d been plenty slutty with a lot of my so-called best friends, so fuck her.
Hard to blow them when it came right down to it though, really, because when pussy this fine is in your face can’t nary a man pass it by.
So as soon as I heard that voice my dick perked up like a dog sniffing out a molecule of food fallen on the floor. Damn, I wish I could help it, but when the fox is loose the hound goes a-huntin’.
“Fuck you doing here?” I figured an open arm welcome was the right approach, so I’d just have to take the high road. I’m big that way.
“Good to see you too, baby. You were wondering where I’ve been?”
“Crossed my mind, yeah. You and my money.”
“You’re not still sore about that, are you, sugar? It really wasn’t that much to begin with.”
“Fuck you talking about! Twenty-five thousands dollars is a shitload of money.”
“Well, a real shitload of money would have lasted a lot longer, I’ll tell you that much.”
I closed my eyes and shook my head. Fuck. Why’d I even both. At least mini-me was thinking right for a change and had gone from a spunky monkey to a limp chimp. At ease soldier!
“Where are the kids?” I asked.
“At mom’s.” Jesus. The thought of that woman raising children turned my stomach. But I wasn’t a fucking social worker and if those kids weren’t mine then, well, good luck and see you later. Oprah, I’m not.
“So why are you here?
“You probably won’t believe it, but I’ve actually missed you. I didn’t think I would, but…here I am.”
“Just like that, huh? You lied to me about everything, you fucked my friends and who knows who else, you stole my money and you expect me to take you back just because you show up?”
“I don’t expect you to warm up to me right away,” she said and stood up. “I know I have a lot to apologize for.” She closed the distance between us. “To make up for.” Inches away from me and I could Feel her sweet breath. “But I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me. In time.” She lightly gripped my dick and I gulped.
“I’ve missed this too,” she said. She looked me in the eyes and stroked my dick. The memory was strong and the boss went rogue and boinged right up like a Midwest Missile clearing the silo.
“I’ve missed how you do me,” she said and stroked me top to bottom. A light touch, like velvet, or silk, gently moving back and forth along the length of my ironwood. Shit. Five minutes with her and my dick goes crowdbar. Fucking traitor.
“I brought some toys.” She nodded at a bag on the floor. “Please, baby? Nobody does me like you do. You still remember how I like it, don’t you?”
Hell yeah, I remembered. How could I forget? She was one nasty fuck. I hadn’t even began to approach her twisted limits. Well, I was over the love bug, but I sensed opportunity here so I figured what the fuck, she wants it she’s got it. My bone, that is. The old titanium pipe she’d latched on to.
“Yeah, I remember. That’s what you want? You think that will make it all better between us?”
She smiled and started to disrobe. “Of course not. But it’s a fun start.”
When she was naked as the headliner at Coozy’s she droppedto her knees. She reached up for a little bit of hog heaven but I slapped her hand away.
“Only on my word. And no talking unless I tell you.”
She nodded and put her hands behind her back like a good little subbie slut.
I left her on the floor and shut the door and windows. I opened the toy bag and looked inside. Yep, all the good stuff and some of the great stuff. I pulled a few items out, throw them on the floor in front of her and said, “Put them on.”
Bev came up to one knee and put a black leather cuff around an ankle. She shifted position and put the other one on. Then she put the suspension wrist cuffs on. Oh yeah, she was gonna hang tough and, well, maybe it’s just because I’m just so fucking tenderhearted, I wanted her to be comfortable.
When she was buckled up for safety I told her to stand and I looked her up and down. Naked, cuffs on her wrists and ankles; hot damn I love a woman in uniform!
I attached a spreader bar to the wrist cuffs, raised her arms and attached each end of the bar to eyesbolts on the ceiling with short lengths of chain. Damn straight. This wasn’t the first time, but might turn out to be the hardest time. Good thing for me it was her turn because it might get harsh.
I walked around the woman. God, she was gorgeous. Her auburn hair was a lot shorter now, not quite to her shoulders, but looking great. Tanned, toned and an ass to die for.
And a bare twat. Fuck! Is it a national requirement now or something? Everybody’s waxing their hooha these days. Whatever. I have to admit I like it though, because I never was fond of flossing while dining at the Y, if you know what I mean.
Yep. She was still A+ fine. And if she hadn’t had some kind of personality disorder or some shit that wasn’t even on the DSM horizon yet, then maybe we’d still have a chance at happy ever after. Fuck that shit now though.
I blindfolded her. Custom leather job. Pricey, but worth the money if you reallyWant to have some dark fun. Invest in the best I always say. When she was as blind as my old little league umpire I went out to her car, stopping only to yank on some cotton sports shorts.
Peggy pulled in and stepped out of her heap mobile. “Who’s that?” she loud whispered, nodding at Bev’s car.
“One bizarro guess,” I loud whispered back.
“No!” She had an amazed look on her face.
“Yeah. Go figure.”
“What does she want?”
“I’m not sure, really. Probably another shot at what little money I got left. But for now she wants some tough love. Thinks it’ll soften me up so she can win me back or something.”
“Are you shitting me?”
“I shit you not, sweet puss.”
“Can I watch?”
Dayum! A kinky bitch. “I tell you what, Pegs. Let me warm her up first, then I’ll give you a call and you can not only watch, but you can play.”
“Fuck. Hurry it up,” she said with glee.
“But only if you put out.”
“Fuck you. Just hurry it up,” she said and disappeared into her trailer.
I looked at Bev’s car, a late model BMW three series. “Fucking cunt,” I thought, thinking about the money she stole from me. I opened the door and looked inside. Yep, something never change. It looked like that Stinky ass maggot fuckhead had made a side trip through here.
The car was dirty as all hell. All kinds of trash piled up like she’d gone cross country and never cleaned out. Lucky for me though, ’cause I found just what I was looking for; dirty diamonds. Barney for Benji the third month old and Tigger for Tommy the four month old. Perfect. A lot of shit jokes ran through my mind, but I flushed them because I had the DNA I needed for the patronity test and hankered to get back to that different loving on Bev. Booya.
I stashed the diapers in the trunk of my car and went back in the trailer where Bev was waiting patiently. I attached a nice, long spreader bar to the cuffs on her legs and secured the ends of the barto the eyesbolts still on the floor because I didn’t want her getting all shy and twisty on me when the fun began.
I selected a flogger from the arsenal and practiced my hand action and it all came back screwy split. Just like riding a whore; you never forget how.
I got some cock rise thinking of what I was going to do to her. Did that make me a bad person? I hoped not, but only time would tell.
I stood in front of the conniving bitch. Trust seemed to be a big issue with us and I didn’t know how long she’d really been in my trailer before I got out of the shower. Or if she’d maybe been in recently while I was gone. I’d have to think about that.
“So you’re back. You waltz right in out of the blue and offer yourself to me. That just doesn’t make sense.”
“I…ahh!” I slapped her across the cheek, hard enough to get her immediate attention, but not hard enough to really hurt. I’d have to build to that.
“I said no talking unless I give you permission. AsI was saying before you interrupted me. You being here doesn’t make any sense to me. But, that’s okay for now. I’m happy to do you this favor before I kick you out of my life. Now, here’s how this is gonna work. Remember your safe word? You may say yes or no.”
“Yes.” Her voice was small and I could tell she was getting in the mood for a good time pain slut style.
“Well, it’s no good anymore. In fact, you don’t have a safe word, which means you don’t have any limits. Obviously, you are to keep your voice down. If you start to use your outdoor voice I’ll have to gag you. But only because I hate to disturb my neighbors, you know. Will you do your best to keep quiet? You may say yes or no.”
“Yes.” There was the slightest bit of a hitch to her voice. Good. I was a little nervous about how far I’d go, but didn’t much care, really, so I let the good times roll.
“Stick you ass out, cunt.” She cocked her bootay out in subbie compliance and I gave that smoking hot ass a light warm-up slap. I worked up to a nice rhythm, the soft strands of the flogger laying down a nice whap-whap-whap. I moved round on her bottom making sure I covered all the local real estate.
When her butt looked to be rare to medium rare, I added a little more pop and ratcheted up the speed to a nifty WHAPWHAP. Oh yeah. She was feeling the love now, breathing harder and giving me a little closed mouth “Mmph” as the ends bit into her bottom.
I stopped. Rubbed her ass gently with my hand. Then smoked it hard as shit.
“MMPH!” Had to give it to her, she was trying, but then again, I hadn’t even gotten started.
I stood in front of her, lifted her chin up and kissed her tenderly. She chased me when I withdraw. I put my hand on her cheek and she leaned into it seeking the contact.
I caresed her breasts and stomach with the flogger. I put it down, picked up some hemp rope and ran it across her body. After a scratchy trip around the babe I wrapped the rope around her tits.
I got a nice tight coil on each one and damn if those proud hotters didn’t stick right up and out becoming for abuse. She didn’t know it yet, but her tatas were really gonna take a licking.
While her boobs were getting nice and ripe, I turned my attention to her twat. I ran a riding crop along her lips, and a little bit in for some flavoring. I raised the crop to her mouth and she sucked it in faster than a pole dancer makes a dollar disappear.
I fed her some tang a few more times to give her some pussy juice taste, but mostly because I could. Whatever. I caresed her tits, and gently tweaked a nipple. I thought about stringing her up by her tied up titties, but figured I’d save that for dessert if I was still hungry.
Red as a beet and tight as a drum, her hotters looked ready to party. I started out gently on those tightly bound breasts with mighty light slapses with the crop. Tap-tap-tap, like that.
I was glad the crop had a really stiff business end, not all soft and floppy like some of them. Made life easier for me. So I scratched her beauteous boobage all about; up, down and all around giving it more and more snap, crackle and pop as I went along.
Time flew and before you know it the she-devil-bitch was whimpering more than a bit. What a puss-face, can’t hardly take a little title torture. TFB, just wait!
I took the blindfold off so I could see her gorgeous eyes. Plus, I wanted to see her reaction to some of the things that were starting to come to mind. I gave her a loving smile then commenced to poppin’ tata again. By the time I was done she had tears in her eyes and grunts on her lips.
Once again I gently caresed her tender breasts and leaned close. She moaned and tried to give me some tongue love.
I backed up and looked her over. What to do, what to do. Ah yes, the clamps and clothingspin collection. A very nice selection, if I do say so myself.
I picked out some colored plastic clotthespins and knelt down. I pinched those pretty inner thighs that had wrapped themselves so lovingly around me once upon a time, and as I started lining up a vertical row I thought about how those same luscious legs had also been wrapped around my friends. Bitch.
I got the clothespins lined up on each leg along her tender inner flesh and gave them a few flicks for the fun of it. That got a peep out of her, but I didn’t hold it against her because she was under some duress.
Back up in boobville I unwrapped her fun bags, let them settle and admired the nice imprint the rope left on her skin. Then I circled her tits with clothespins, earning sharp gasps of breath from the loverly whoore. This was getting fun!
I stepped back to admire my handiwork and caressed her hair. Again she leaned in hard to My hand, craving skin to skin contact, wanting my love and approval. She got like that in these circumstances. Shame it didn’t last.
I picked up a cloverleaf clamp and attached it right and tight to her lip; her pussy lip, that is. One for the left and one for the right. I added a weight on a chain to each clamp for good measure and to stretch those lips right out. Then I tapped the weights and let ’em swing.
That got an, “Ahhh,” from the deceptive beast, for that’s what she was. Beautiful on the outside, rancid on the inside, though this type of loving seemed to bring out the best in her.
“I don’t have to gag you, do I? You may say yes or no.”
“No.” There seemed to be a bit more strain in her voice as though she was under some degree of stress. Imagine that.
The butt plug I put in her mouth wasn’t too big. At least not as fat as my own personal plug. She knew to slick it up real good ’cause it was taking a trip. Normally, I would have stood in front of her, held her close, kiss her softly and insert tab A into slut B. But since those wonderful tits were otherwise occurred I gave her a break and pushed it home from the southside.
I stood back and looked over. She was breathing harder, trying to stay quiet while I flicked the clothespins around a bit. After I got tired of that I picked up a ball gag. Seems like I changed my mind. Oh well.
“Open.” She opened her mouth almost as fast as she spreads her legs and I sated the gag and fastened it tight. I got my digital camera and took a bunch of pictures for my scrapbook. Making memories day by day. Well hell, that’s just me.
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