White Slaven

“How did I get started, indeed?”

Tell her the truth; or give the ‘party’ line? Maybe say that I always enjoyed being the Indian Princess that got tied up by the cowboys and leave it at that. That’s true enough to ring right, but it’s not accurate. What would it hurt to tell? May do some good, then again.

“I remember thinking when Jimmy gets out of traction; I’m going to break both of his legs again, just for spite. He had a motorcycle accident leaving his part-time job at the grain elevator. He and lost control crossing wet rail road tracks and slide into a pickup truck heading the other way.”

“You got started by accident, somebody else’s accident? That’s denial isn’t it?”

“Maybe it is, but you asked, and that’s how it started.”

Twelve days before the Senior Prom and Jim breaks a knee and an ankle on two different legs. I wanted to die, and kill him too. I’d spent four hundred dollars of my own money on that gown. I was going to wear it. I was going todance in it. I was going to be pretty and sexy. I wanted Jimmy to show me off to all the other kids in my class, and we would have too.

It’s not entirely Jimmy’s fault. He had the part time job because he didn’t quite get a football scholarship. He didn’t quite play as much as he might have. I guess I distracted him some. We’ve been dating since we were Juniors, and having sex most every week. I’m careful, I take the pill and stuff. I just know he was thinking about meeting me that evening, instead of the wet roads. That’s no excuse.

My parents always said that motorcycle of his would get me in trouble. I just envisioned traffic arrests; for rowdy in public, kinds of things. Since we both turned eighteen, we were to a tavern exactly twice. We preferred to do our drinking at parties, it was cheaper and the people there were our own age. That must have been where the idea came from.

I didn’t discuss this with Jim or anybody. I hardly had time to visit him before the prom. I did telephone all of the escort services in the directory, both of the ones in town said I was nuts and shouldn’t both them again. The one in nearby Granville said to come talk with the owner. The next day after school I made a detour on the way home. It had sounded promising on the phone; but as I was ringing the door bell of a farm house a mile west of Granville on County Highway G, I started to wonder. An older woman; at least forty, answered the door and invited me into the living room. I told her about the coming prom; Jim’s accident, and how I hoped to rent a replacement date. Admission wouldn’t be any problem, as the reservations were already in my name.

She explained it wasn’t her usual business, but felt confident something could be worked out. We discussed hourly rates, tuxedo, flowers, parents, limo rentals and discretion. I looked at bios, head and full figure shots and picked a falla from Johnsonville. I wouldn’t have to pay for his travel time, and he alreadyowned a tuxedo, if black was ok. I’d be responsible for damage and cleaning for the limo and tuxedo. I could save the driver costs if we just rented a big black Lincoln or Cadillac, my escort could drive. My Master Card really took a big hit that day.

I just went about my business up to the day of the prom. I did tell Jim that I found another escort for the dance, and I mentioned something similar to my parents. I was Really nervous; not just the prom thing, but what this guy would be like. The prom is too special for a blind date, but that is just what this was shaping up to be.

He arrived at my house almost five minutes early. He brought a flower for my mother and thanked her for helping me look so beautiful that evening. He shook my dad’s hand and promised to take good care of me; but didn’t give a specific time we’d return, saying he didn’t know how long the post party would run. He has a terrific smile, tuxedo and blue eyes. His light brown hair was parted in the middlele and gave him a boyish charm that radiated throughout the front room. He offered his hand, then arm to me as I descended the stairs, compiled me on my dress, shoes and hair. He handed me a boxed corsage of white and red roses and asked my dad to pin it to my gown. That’s when my dads’ face lite up, he smiled at me so big, and kissed my cheek softly when he finished pinning the flower to my dress. My feet fairly floated out the door with my escort.

My escorts’ name was David. David Devine a stage name I think. He works as an exotic dancer to finance his art major and physical education minor at State University. He’s a Sophomore. He also opens car doors for high school girls. What he wasn’t – was very tall. I was looking him pretty much eye to eye with me in two inch heels. During the ride to the school gymnasium he asked me how much I knew about dancing, what signals I wanted to use for him to get me drinks and how much, if at all he was to talk to my friends. Had I told them anything about him and did I want him to be a friend of a friend, pen-pal, second cousin or something other?

I had not told anyone about him, and asked what he would suggest. He said pen-pal was probably safe. He asked if I understand that there could be no sex ‘on the clock’ because that would be prostitution. That any sex was discretionary and consensual. I told him I didn’t think that would be a problem, as I had a boy friend who would have been here tonight were it not for a motorcycle accident.

He dropped me off at the entrance, and asked for me to wait for him just inside the doorway while he parked the car. That way my hairstyle wouldn’t get ruined by the weather. He certainly was thoughtful, and before the next limo had dropped its passengers he was jogging up the asphalt to retrieve me from the foyer. I produced our invitations and we located our table within minutes. He deposited my wrap on the back of my chair, reversed so my exposed back wouldn’t touch themetal of the chair and asked what I would like to drink. He politely kissed me on the cheek and walked to the punch bowl. He brought two punch glasses and two water glasses back. I’ll bet he’s waited tables a time or two as well. After sipping the punch he asked if he might have this dance.

Four dances later we returned to our seats. I was warm and he was terrific. He chatted with me and another couple at the table while I sipped punch for maybe two or three more songs. We then danced until the band took its break. He escorted me back to the table, refilled our drinks and asked me if he might be excused for a cigarette break outside, promising to return in five minutes.

The Band returned and he was back before the prom court introductions. I couldn’t smell anything but his cologne when he returned, how do You suppose he does that. We waited until two songs had passed before dancing again. We stopped maybe twice the remainder of the prom. He rubbed my feet that last time. That probably was a mistake because I didn’t last three more dances. I should have brought other shoes, but he said bare feet looked good on me, and I believed him. I looked terrific; people were watching us dance all night, every time we were on the dance floor people made way for us as we swished around the room. I felt so light in his arms, so delicious and beautiful.

The post prom party was more of the same, except the punch had vodka mixed in, and it went down much easier. A couple fellas from my class asked to dance with me, and that was OK, but I didn’t feel as special with them. Dave just stood by and discreetly watched. One of the cheer leaders walked over and talked to him; hoping he would dance with her, but he just chatted her up until I returned. Several people asked if we were going to the forest preserve to watch the sunrise, but Dave said that was my decision.

I said no a couple times and David backed me up, but eventually I relented. I said we’d only stay for a few minutes, then leave. Well it took longer than I anticipated. The vodkas were making me feel warm and friendly. Jimmy’s best friend from school had felt me ​​up during our last dance, and I was starting to think sex was a good idea. Dave had been a perfect gentleman, suave and debonair. During the ride I broke the subject of sex and Dave said he would consider it. I suggested that since sex was ‘off-the-clock’ I didn’t know how this could work. He told me that he was going to consider ‘the clock’ as having stopped when we left the post-prom party.

That sounded terrific, actually better than terrific. I suggested we park close to the trees and he agreed. He asked what kind of sex I liked, and I said I didn’t know there was a menu. He suggested several things that I didn’t know much about, then he said ‘S&M’ which I did recognize. Jimmy wasn’t interested in anything except strait fucking and ‘bondage’ sounded sophisticated. He asked me if I wanted to tie him up, or if he should tie me up. I told him I didn’t have any idea how to go about it, so could he tie me up. I would trust him to keep me safe. He popped the trunk compartment and jumped out of the car, returning with a small gym bad. He produced a condom, a couple rolls of white tape and elastic bandages. After showing me these things he asked if I was still interested. Once we started he would assume that any squirming and yelling I did was just part of the ‘scene’ because some people get off on the struggle. I said I understand.

He turned me so that my back was to him and started unbuttoning my dress. He kneaded my shoulder muscles and pushed the strraps off my shoulders. As my dress fells away, his warm hands were rubbing me everywhere above the waist. My bra disappeared as my breasts fell into his warm strong hands. The palms of his hands circling my breasts, raising my nipples and the little nubs around the tits. He kissed the base of my neck and pulled me to him. I half turned to meet his kiss and let his tongue explore my mouth. When that kiss finished he asked if I was ready. I was more than ready and said so.

He turned my back to him again, dropped his hands to my elbows and pulled them together behind my back. He held them together with one hand and picked up a roll of tape with the other. He circled my arms just below and above the elbows with several wraps of tape. He asked if it Was too tight, and I said it was tight but okay. Next thing he does is place a strip of tape across my eyes. His hands are rubbing my shoulders, neck and breasts again. After a few minutes my breathing is becoming more labored and when my mouth gaps open he stuffs in a clothes. He carefully wrapped the elastic bandage around my head to hold it in and preserve my hairdo.. He checked with me again to see if I’m OK and I nod my head yes, but I’m a little scared and very excited.

He wraps tape around my wrists and then begins pushing my dress down, I try to lift my hips to helphim. He picks me up and folds me over the front seat, my boobs hanging above the back seat foot space as he finishes removing my clothes. His hands are busy again, rubbing my thighs and exploring my privates. I’m very wet, panties soaked kind of wet. His face is so close I can feel his breath, he must be smelling my crotch. All of a sudden I feel this wet something touch my bottom and I jump, shrinking into the gag. He says . .

“Interesting, very interesting.”

He crossed my legs Indian style and taped them together. Then returned to exploring my butt. Very light touches to the insides of my thighs, followed with more licking of my clip. Soon I was breathing very hard through my nose and squirming to the rhythm of his fingers and tongue.

I felt his hands on my butt as he pushed me into the back seat. He worked me over for another twenty minutes and I must have cum three times before he exploded inside me. He rolled me onto my back and pulled the gag out of my mouth. I thank him again and again as he removed tape from my limbs. He massed my tingling arms and sucked my nipples, stroked my clip and I came again. When he finished cleaning me up, I put my clothes back on and he did up the buttons in back. He kissed my neck and mouth, thanked me for a wonderful evening and drove me home. He walked me to the door.

I trusted up the stairs and collapsed into my bed. I woke up Still in my gown about two that afternoon. When I finally came downstairs mom said a woman had called a couple times for me and left a phone number. I recognized it as being the escort service and told mom I would return her calls later. I got myself a cup of coffee and some toast as the phone rang. It was the escort service. She suggested I stopped by and see her regarding my credit card. I promised to drive over and see her immediately.

She asked me if I was happy with the escort supplied last night. When I said he was a perfect gentleman and terrific dancer, she seemed pleaseded. Seven hours at $185 was $1,295 plus $150 for the car rental. She asked if I wanted it all put on the credit card, or if I wanted a payment plan because the amount was so large. I started to say put it all on the card then got to thinking about interest rates and asked for her to elaborate. She suggested that I make myself available for dates since I was such a good dancer. She inferred that I already had a good idea of ​​how escorts were expected to behave. I told her I would think about it.

I worked off the whole amount in just over three months. I decided to keep taking dates after the debt was retired, but she warned me that not all dates would necessarily be as warm and fuzzy as I’d had so far. After a couple appointments with people that didn’t speak English I decided to be more selective. The dates became less frequent and income decided. Jimmy healed and went off to college in the fall. I decided to work for a year to help with tuition. Not really, I was just so fed upwith school, class rooms held no appeal for me. I figured Jimmy was history anyway.

I was window shopping in Granville, looking for . . . well just looking. A pink Cadillac passed me, circled the block then rolled down its rear window as I approached on the sidewalk.

“Hi. Remember me?”

It was my escort David from the prom, sitting next to him was a dark haired woman in a blue suit. He spoke again but I missed it. I approached the car and said I hadn’t heard what he said. He asked if I would like to get in, so we could talk easier. That probably bothered me on some level, but none that I was aware of at the moment I climbed into the back of the car. David introduced me to the woman. We talked for maybe ten minutes before I said . . .

“Sure, why Not?”

We drove to a hotel on Capital Drive, parked and took the elevator to the top floor. We had drinks at the wet bar in the room and discussed the scene we were about to enter. I must have missed the part about myclothes, and I’m sure I didn’t hear anything about a cane. My bottom was sore for almost a week.

It took me two months to spend all the money.


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