This is basically an erotic love story and of course all characters are over 21. It will definitely not start out as a love story, but it will get there. Please vote often (fives are most welcome) and of course please leave constructive comments.
Chapter 6
Debbie looked at the castle courtyard and immediately knew where she would set up the chairs for guests and Where the collaring would take place. She wanted to be collared at the edge of the courtyard with nothing behind them except mountains and sky. Debbie was giddy with anticipation and shifted into a creative frenzy as she worked. She worked together with the wedding plans that they hired to design the beautiful look for tomorrow’s ceremony. While all this was going on James enjoyed a beer, watching the women flit about in their creative fever.
The chef created a wonderful meal for them that night. The small gathering of friends spend the evening gathered in the courtyard mixing dinner with almost every kind of alcohol imagineable. then the stars twinkling in the sky above, it was fairy tale idyllic.
James pulled Debbie’s to his lips where they kissed sweetly then James said, “Are you ready to be collared by me and be my submissive slave forever?”
“Oh yes, yes forever, 1000 yeses. I’ve never wanted anything like I do this. I want to belong to you forever and I want a collar to show everyone that I’m yours.”
As they lay on the deck the next morning, they started hearing people waking up and shuffling around below them. James and Debbie looked in each other’s eyes with the resignation that now the need to get up and face the morning. They kissed once more then James swatted Debbie on her sexy tush as she giggled and ran for the shower.
After the shower Debbie spent an inordinate amount of time fixing her hair and makeup until she knew she looked beautiful for her master. As she stood naked in the bathroom, she tried to picture the collar around her neck. Would it be massive or would it be elegant, either way everyone would know she belonged to Sir James?
She felt a quiver deep inside her and knew this was a very special moment. She carefully wrapped a robe around her slim successful body and before she turned to join her master breakfast, she once again looked in the mirror. She tried to picture how the collar would fit in with her robe or Other clothes. She joined her master in the bedroom and together they went to eat breakfast.
They went down to the kitchen and joined the raucous crowd fighting for coffee and food to bolster their energy for the upcoming day. Shortly after their breakfast the castle began filling up with all the anxious photographers and guests for James and Debbie’s collaring ceremony. The whole day was speeding up, trying to get everything done before everyone knew Debbie was owned by James.
James stood on the court facing two rows of chairs surrounded by candles and flowers. He looked at the back of the courtyard saw the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen smiling at him waiting for the ceremony to begin. He’s known for some time that he’s the lucky man in the world. However, looking at that incredibly beautiful woman ready to offer submission to him had his heart beating wildly in his chest. This incredible journey has brought them to this point, feeling the joy and the honor of Debbie’s submission welling up inside him.
The music started and Debbie walked relatively down the aisle towards her master. The crowd faded away and James filled her vision. She felt butterflies and an exhibition as she slowly walked towards the man, she would soon be devoting her life too. He was ruggedly handsome, Masterful and he made her knees week every time she looked at him. She never imagined that she would be doing this, but now she couldn’t imagine not submitting herself to him.
When she reached James, she cast her eyes downward looking at the floor. James looked at the woman he loved so dearly and resisted the urge to pull her into his arms. He stiffened his resolve then said, “Debbie, why have you come here today?”
With her eyes still downcast and in a quivering passwordate voice Debbie said, “I come here to give myself and commit myself to the only man I’ve ever truly loved.”
“Are you offering yourself to me? Are you offering me the greatest gift you have to give … your submission?” James questioned.
“Yes sir, I do.” Debbie responded.
“Debbie lifted your eyes to mine and once again tell me what you want.” James asked.
Debbie lifted her eyes and James could see nothing except deep abide love living there. In a strong determined voice said, “I’m here to offer my heart, my mind and my body to the only man I will ever call Master. I want to offer my submission to you in all things and be you’re submissive for the remainder of time.”
James reached up and lovingly caressed her cheek and said, “Turn around my love.”
Debbie cast one more loving look in his eyes then turned her back to her husband. James reached up and undid the clasp of her dress. He began to slowly pull down the zipper allowing the dress to part revealing her silent lightly browned skin. As the zipper came to rest on the bottom stop James reached between the gap of her dress caressing the skin around her waist. Then as he pulled, down the top revealed her beautifully bronzed breasts capped with her turgid nipples. He continued to push the dress down over her hips until gravity took over and the dress pooled at her feet.
James’s hands caresed down over her back then over beautiful tight and muscled butt. Then he reluctantly withdraw his hands and said, “Turn back around my sexy Sub.”
James held out his hand and Debbie took it as she stepped out of her dress. James was still holding her hand as Debbie knelt in front of him. She lovingly whispered, “Master I am naked as when I was born and now,I’m being reborn to serve the man I love. Master, I have never known love until I gave myself to you. Please accept my devoted love and my submission as a commitment to serve you forever.”
James pulled on her hand and said, “Rise and meet my eyes.” Debbie stood and looked up into James’s eyes knowing that’s where she belonged. James looked at this stunningly beautiful goddess standing in front of him and asks one more time, “Debbie my love, do you freely give yourself and your submission to me?”
Debbie felt tears start to spill from her eyes and cried, “Yes, Oh yes, I give you all of me, Master I want this more than anything in the world. I want to serve you for the rest of my life, bringing you only joy and happiness. I don’t just want this; I’m going for it. Please may I wear your collar Master, please?”
James turned aside and picked up a case, opening it revealing the most exciting silver and ivory collar Debbie had ever seen. It was a 2 inch tall collar and sheKnow it would beautifully cover her entire neck with posts of Ivory woven together with Silver bands and threads. It was truly exhaust and she gasp with the beauty of the collar and glanced at James, awed with the beauty of his gift.
James whispered in a voice only audible to Debbie, “It was the most beautiful collar I could find, but still pales in comparison to the beauty that will be wearing it.” James picked it up and placed it around her neck. Debbie could feel her tears filling her eyes once more with the beauty, commitment and significance of this moment. The love she was feeling this moment was overpowering and it was washing over her.
“I offer you this collar is a symbol of my love and as a promise to always love, honor, praise, praise and protect you. There will be many collars with each being the symbol of my love and devotion to you. I promise to love you always, being a kind and honorable Master. From this point forward, you will be my devoted service and I will beYour kind and beneficial Master. The love we have for each other has brought us here and the love we share has defined the roles we will now live.”
With that James reached behind her and Debbie felt the collar tightened around her neck as it snapped shut with a loud click. The beauty, commitment, security and most of all, the overwhelming love rocked her body. As he snapped the collar shutt, she fell to Her knees wrapping her arms around James’s legs, weeping and crying, “Thank you, oh God thank you. Thank you, my Master, for making me yours and allowing me to love you with all that I am.”
James pulled her arms away from his legs and knelt with her, together they held each other kissing deeply, passwordately, but most lovingly. When James pulled back from the kiss, Debbie’s face was streaked with tears but the radiant joy and happiness on her face shone brightly, clear for all to see. James stood pulling her with him and with one last loving glance in her eyes he turned herin his arms to face the audience.
With his arms still tightly wrapped around her middle he said, “Ladies and gentlemen may I present the love of my life and my devoted submissive … Debbie. We are sharing the power that God has given us. We have chosen our roles in life. As the Master I will lead and as the submissive Debbie will follow, but the only power I have is what Debbie gives me. Her submission the greatest gift a woman has to give. Being her Master is an obligation and duty that I will gladly bear.”
“It takes strength and courage to put your heart and wellbeing in someone else’s hands. You must love, respect and trust that person with your very soul and Debbie has surrendered to me. Now she belongs to me. I own her now, but with that ownership comes the responsibility to love, honor, cherish and protect the woman whose love holds me captive. I understand the fragment nature of love and trust. Before all of these witnesses I vow never to break the bonds of trust wecreate this day.”
“So that everyone understands, today we are joined together. Our love, respect, and trust define us, not the roles we play. And roles they are, for together we create a harmonious dance, with one leading and one following. One is not more powerful than the other, but together we are beautiful, powerful and unstoppable. This I will protect with my very life.”
Debbie shivered with the moment and pulled his arms tighter around her as she stood oblivious to her nudity while James presented her to the audience. Everyone in the audience was jealous of the happiness that showed on her face, with many wonderings if they could ever be that happy. The beauty of occasion made every one of them want to be in someone’s arms.
James led Debbie back to her dress, she stepped into it and James pulled it back up zipping her into that tight formfitting, very beautiful dress. Once Debbie was firmly back in her dress, she twisted in his arms wrapping her arms around his neck and gently kissed him saying. “James, I love you so much and I’ve never known the kind of happiness I’m feeling right now. Thank you for the beautiful ceremony and incredibly beautiful collar, but most of all thank you for making me yours. Nothing in my life has ever felt as wonderful as belonging to you, thank you my Master.”
Hand-in-hand they walked into the party and all photographers present began vying to take Debbie’s picture with her new collar. She looked up at James and smiled lovingly as she went to go fix her makeup and have her photos taken. Debbie was in high demand for congratulations and photos. For the most part James and Debbie made love through their eyes across a crowded room. Only few times was James invited in for the pictures.
Many of James friends kept him company as the party went on and on. They all felt the ceremony was beautiful and very moving. None had ever been to a collaring ceremony and wondered if they were all as beautiful as this one.James had never been to a collaring ceremony either and told them that with some internet research, both he and Debbie created the ceremony.
James went to stand by the bar idly watching all the photographers pose Debbie into traditional wedding photos as well as some erotic photos as well. Debbie glanced over and saw James sitting at the bar and he could see she immediately forget about all the photographers. She waded through the crowd so she could wrap her arms around James. She held herself pressed against his chest, hearing his heartbeat and smelling the scent that told her she was loved.
As James held her stroking her face and hair and naked shoulders, he could hear the cameras clicking in the background. He softly kissed her in front of the cameras as Debbie clung to him suddenly needing to feel him next to her. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him over to the photographers and she told them. “This is a special day for both of us and if you want more pictures, they will be of us and not just me.”
Once again James saw her touching and struggling the collar as she spoke and it just reinforced how much she loved him and how much she needed him. James felt himself struggling the collar as well and when she felt it, she let her head fall back presenting her collar bound neck for his attentions. As Debbie felt him caressing her and the collar, she felt a tremendous wave of loving warmth echo Through her and she knew it was time to leave the party for a while. She looked up at James and she could see he was feeling the same thing, so they excused themselves saying that Debbie was going to change outfits.
As they went into the Master suite and shut the door Debbie dropped to her knees and pleased. “Master, please may I have your cock, I need to feel you and taste you. Then I want to spill some of Your seed on the dress so I will always remember this day.”
James looked at that beautiful loving face and knew he could never deny her anything. “Yes, my love, but after you’ve spilled my seed on your dress, I want you to take it off and I get to ravish you, until I get tired. Then I’m going to make love to you until you scream the name of the man you love.”
Debbie shivered knowing is once again he was going to take her places that others only dreamed about. She hurriedly fished his already hard cock out of his pants and lovingly kissed it all over before she began to swallow it down her throat. She loved the taste of his cock and precum on the tip as it slide down her throat. With his cock buried in her throat she smelled the heady musk of his balls. Debbie moaned deliciously as she slide his cock in and out of her throat, relishing his hard shake in her mouth and taste of his cum on her tongue.
Debbie knew as she moaned the viruses were driving him crazy and would make him cum quickly. She loved having his cock in her throat and she delighted in his taste, but her greedy pussy was demanding attention.
She felt him grab her head and groan sending thrills through her. Whenever she gave him more pleasure than he could stand she felt incredibly sexy and powerful. Hearing him groan and feeling him lose control gave her goose bumps. She was his vessel, his to use however he wanted and at moments like this she knew he owned her.
She moaned and swallowed trying to coax the cum from him. She wanted to give him a taste of all the excite ecstasy that he gives her. At this moment it was her turn to love and worship the man she called Master. Her hands grabbed his ass trying to push more of his cock into her mouth. She wanted him to know how much she loved him and make him cum so hard his knees buckled. She belonged to him, but he also belonged to her.
She felt for him swell inside her mouth and with that she knew he would be cumming any second. When the first shot of James’s cum hit the back of her throat she barely tasted it as she swallowed it. She loved his taste on her tongueand wanted more almost forgetting that she wanted to stain her dress. She pulled his cock out of her mouth just in time to get a good rope of cum on the dress. Then she greedily stuck his cock back in her mouth feeling his cock pulse in her mouth savoring his taste.
Debbie continued her greedy attentions to his cock until James pulled her up by her shoulders. As she looked at James through her lust-glazed eyes, she saw fire in his eyes and knew it was going to be one of those nights that devastated her senses. James quickly turned her around and throw her on the bed, quickly unzipping her dress and striping it from her. As she felt the dress leave her feet she tried to turn over, but James held her face down on the bed began to lovingly cares her ass.
Debbie squirmed on the bed wanting him to take her, ravish her; tonight, she wanted him to Master her. As she continued to squirm suddenly his hand came down hard on her ass and she jumped in surprise. She squealed at firstin surprise then in anticipation of more. James softly caresed her firm delicious bottom as Debbie began to moan lightly, shifting her hips back and forth. Then she lifted her ass in a silent plea for more. James compiled with another quick swat to the opposite chef in Debbie jumped and moaned lifting her ass for more.
James ran his hands up over her naked back and lay down beside her whispering in her ear. “My you’re a greedy little Sub today, aren’t you?”
Debbie turned her head to look at him and said. “Yes, Master I was so wet waiting for you to take me ever since you collared me. I want you to take me, to use me as your play toy and devastate me, so when I walk out of this room I want to be floating on a blissful cloud. I want to display my used body with my reddened ass to Everyone.”
She crawled over drawing her naked body across his as she laid her head on his chest and whispered. “I’ve never known love and happiness like this, I feel like my heart is going to exploit in my chest. James, I love you so very much and right now I need you to show me who my Master is, I want you to use me like only you can.”
James pulled her up so he could kiss her lips and after their lips touched James grabbed her breast and cruelty twisted her nipple. Debbie arched her back seeking more of his loving dominance. His harsh nipple play was sending bolts of Passion directly to her pussy. Debbie’s whole body started squirming as she felt sensings from her red ass, to her tortured nipples and needy wedding folders. James grabbed her hair and pulled her head to his lips where his tongue sought to dominate her mouth.
As suddenly as it started it ended and James pushed her off to the side and lifted her ass into the air. Once again, he slowly caresed and warmed her taut satiny cheats. Then with two quick swats turned her ass and nice shade of pink. As he caresed her incredibly sexy ass, he vowed never to neglect this piece for beautiful anatomy. He pulled open the drawer on the bedside table and pulled out some lube, a butt plug, as well as a vibrator.
He lubed one finger began to work it into her ass, then moved to the butt plug and began to work it into her brown star. Debbie felt the plug going in, loving how it stretched her then her sphincter snapped shutt. Then he started pushing in again. She was stretched a little bit wider before her sphincter snapped shutt. The plug was locked inside her and she realized this plug had two bulbs. James gave her two quick spanks and across the back of her ass and driving the plug deeper inside her. Debbie gasped with the double sensing of the spanking and the plug going inside her. With her pussy already dripping she knew she was going to have a hard time controlling her cum.
James pulled Debbie over into his lap and as he did Debbie felt something pressing against her clip. A quick swat on her ass shot a hard spasm from her reddened butt through her stuffed sphincter to her inflamed clip now pressed hard against something that was going to drive her crazy. James whispered to her. “You may cum only when I give you permission, but once given you permission you can come as long and as many times as you want for the rest of the evening. Do you understand my love.”
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