alexia lays in the furs in the darkened room and thinks that the night is the hardest time. During the day she is busy, but the night … those nights when she can’t sleep are the worst. Stirring softly, she pulls the thin furs closer to her and snuggles. There are nights she has sisters to curl up to and can feel the body heat radiate from them, but not this night. she wonders if she will ever be one to be sleeping at the foot of a Master’s furs, or in His arms, while a girl is left behind like she is now.
her face turns to the small crack high in the wall that allows the air to circuit. If she angles just right, she can see a moon in the sky. Sometimes, two of them appear. she longs to see all three. Longing is something she is becoming familiar more with as the lonely days pass.
Softly, she mutters, “White silk girls have needs too.”
alex flings herself to lie on her belly; one arm tucks under her head and cradles her. she tries to deny the feelings that washover her when she is alone. she tries not to feel vulnerable. she tries not to feel the need that fills her heart. Need. she knows it is greater than ‘need’; she knows it is fire that is consuming her. Pent up to erupt, to seek release from a body that has been untouched. alexia moans into the pillow of hair under her face. she will never be opened. she will never be good enough. If she towers one more time ~ if she watches her sisters nadu as she knees pristinely ~ she is going to scream. she is going to throw herself on the first Master (well, maybe not the first; but, definitely, the best looking Master) who walks into the room as she slides her legs shut tightly. Do Masters not realize what happens to a girl when her legs are closed tight as she knees?
The girl is unaware that her body is moving slowly. she thinks of how she was chatissed today by the first girl for failing to put the vulo eggs in the cool room. alex means to and was going to. she had to stop to tease nidia, and then they peeked through the crack of the open door into the Hall. The two Masters did not see them as They talked, but the girls grinned as they gazed upon Them. Dancing eyes, alert to being spotted, slide over the muscle legs and large hands that waved in the air as They laughed and drew pictures in the air with strong fingers. alia’s eyes wandered to the apex of Their thighs and her smile became smaller as raw desire replaced it. nidia jabbed her and pulled her from the door, whispering softly that she was to go to the older Man’s furs that night. alia looked at her and softly stomped one small foot. That is when the first girl came in and saw the eggs on the counter; she tugged alia’s ear and pulled her to them, scolding her sharply for her inattentiveness.
As small breasts push against the fur to the hard floor, alex remembers the Men and she thinks of the younger One. He is not handsome, but He has an assurance. His arrogance makes her wish she could … she tries to still her worthless wishes as the dusty pink nipples jut out, becoming for a Man’s touch. A soft gasp catches in her throat as she feels the current jolt into her breasts and rush down her body. Pressing harder to the floor, she the ache grows, that ache that is almost pain, rushing into her breasts.
alxia moans in defeat; her body, again, rolling on to its back as she slides the furs from her. Alone in the room, her hands push at the old silk she wears to the furs. Trembling fingers lift it and shove it up to her belly as her creamy thighs part. The familiar wetness draws her finger to cares the soft folds that hide her throbbing pearl, with a whisper touch she allows the tips of her fingers to stroke the bare lips. Burning eyes look up to the tiny crack that shows the stars as she rubs and teases. her other hand cares the slight roundness of her exposed belly, running lightly about the tiny indenture of her belly button, then back towards the bottom of the silks. Each touch sends a shiver to her clip, making her aware of the release needed. alexia sits up and pulls the silks from her body, then stands in a strand of moonlight that shines on the floor. Deep brown hair cascades over her shoulder blades and down a narrow back to the roundness of her ass. Both hands move to her breasts and tease the velvet flesh, but now the hands are His. He is taking pieces of her body. He is possessing her. He, who she wishes will be the First to lay her body in the furs and push His cock into the tightness of her cunt. alia understands a primary dance as she teas the hardened nipples. her head falls back as she dances slowly about the floor, alone in the small room. Hips seems to know instinctively what is needed, as they began a rocking motion. The taut ass sways and lifts as she stands on her toes, back arching.
Creamy honey flows from her body as the rich scent of a slave in heat fills the room. The girl drops one hand to push between her tights as they part, fingers pressing to her clip. With the lightest touch, she strokes the plumant button, pushing on it and rubbing. The room echoes the soft gasps and moans that she can no longer contain.
The door slowly pushes open.
Lost in the sensings, the girl does not see the very Master she has dreamed of standing in the doorway. With her back to Him, she moves with abandon, touching and striving slave flesh. Feeling a power wash over her, understanding to it, she sinks back to the furs on her knees.
Bending back, alexia arches her back, hips thrusting upward as she remains on her knees. The Master, Gallian, leans against the door as dark black eyes watch with intensity. He smells her, and watches her body dance for Him as few have ever danced. He admires her dark lashes against soft pink cheeses as she moves with more quickness. He hears her pant as she spirals up towards release. He sees her free hand clnch the furs and pull at them, and He sees her hips fucking the air. Her nakedd body shimmers with a sheen of perspiration. His cock hardens as He watches her and His eyes darken. The stern look on His face almost softens as He sees the girl climbing, and He hears a soft voice begging.
“Master,” she whispered, “please, Master.”
Startled, He realizes she is unaware of Him as her fingers curl around her mound, pushing deeper into her tightness. As she pushes her head back, neck straining against the metal collar around it, He answers her call.
“Release, slave!” He barks.
As the feelings bursts from her, she hears His voice. Gasping, eyes wide, she looks up at Him, hips slamming to Him. Unable to stop, she stars helplessly. The girl cums before Him, falling to the furs and crying out. Soft whimpers can barely be heard as her body slows, and she lies curled up in shade on the furs.
The moonlight fades on her pale skin and her breathing steamies. Fingers remain pushed inside as she feels tears slide down her face. The release has only brough an empty longing as she hears a whisper of “Good girl” and the door closes behind Him as He leaves her to the empty furs and one moon looking down upon her.
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