As soon as my eyes opened i knew i had overslept. i jumped out of bed and raced to the shower, wondering if i would be punished. Shampoo ran into my eyes as i heard my Master enter the bathroom.
“Oh, shit!” i thought. “i’m gonna get it.”
“Morning Master!” i tried to be cheerful, innocent.
The shower door opened and my Master stepped in with a smile on His face and a big bunch of flowers from the back yard in His hand. “Happy birthday, my love.” He pushed shampoo from my face and kissed me hard as the shower flowed over O/our faces.
i could barely swallow the lump rising in my throat; He remembered! He’s so busy that i was afraid He’d forget and so i had put it out of my mind less i be disappointed. But then, standing there, wrapped in His arms with His smile and kisses on my lips, i feel like Queen for a Day. The flowers fell to the floor in a heap and my Master devoted His attention to me; washing my hair, and then smearing slick later over me and rinsing it off, all the while reminding me that i’m the love of His life; the most important person in the entire world and the source of His happiness…my heart melted. When i was squeaky clean, He wrapped a towel around me and led me to the bedroom. The bed was made and a tray of tea and toast sat on the small table under the window. On my chair was a gift with a huge pink bow and shiny flowered paper.
“For me?” Giggling, i raced to the gift and shook it fiercely.
“Hey, take it easy with that!” Master laughed and retrieved the abused package from my grip.
“My pressie!” i while.
“You’ll get your pressie in a minute, but you’re all wet,” He laughed, pulling the towel from around me and rubbing it over my dripping skin.
“What is it?” i felt absolutely juvenile, like a seven year old and i couldn’t restrain my excitement, i jumped and wriggled under the towel and when He’d finished drying my toes i grabbed the box again. If my face had frozen at that moment, i wouldbe known as the woman with the two-foot grin.
“Go ahead, open it.” There was a glint in Master’s eyes; He was almost as excited as i was. i set the box down and wrapped my arms around Him.
“Thank you Master,” i kissed His cheeses and then His soft lips. “Whatever it is, i love it, and i love you. Being with you is a gift, and i couldn’t ask for anything else in the whole world. Well, maybe a pint of Cherry Garcia!” His arms wrapped around my waist and as He held me i remembered all the times i’d been lonely before He found me. My heart swelled into my throat and my lips clung to His. If I could be absorbed into him and become another arm or even some useless appendage, i would be content, and to know that He loves me even a portion of that much, makes me humble and proud.
“So?” He pinched my butt, “you gonna open it or suck my face off?” His smile was like another kiss, sweet and warm.
The paper tore easily; not so the ribbon and i soon stood with an unwrapped box tied shut with a big bow. “Ehh,” i tugged the ends…nothing, not even a budget. i tried to slip the ribbon from the sides… too tight; when i reached for the fireplace andiron He grabbed the knife from the table and handed it to me.
“Here, this will probably do, you don’t have to beat it out of the box.” Sometimes He laughs at me like i’m simple. Sometimes i act simple just to hear that laugh. i giggled and took the knife.
When the tissue fell open i gasped with delight. It was the most adorable sundress; pastel pink and blue plaid with sketchti-straps, very low cut with the sewn-in-push-up kind of bodice. “Ooooo!” i held it up smoking, “Oh, Master! Thank you! i love it!”
“Well, put it on then, here.” He lifted my arms and sipped it over me. It fit like a glove. “Hmm,” He leered at me, “very nice.” Then He piled my wet hair into a clip and told me to sit and eat.
“Breakfast too? Gee, Master, You’ll spoil me.” i giggled, peeking under the plate cover. “Waffles!” i looked up at my sweet Master hoping that my expression relayed all my feelings of being loved and pampered, of loving and appreciating.
“Eat up, W/we’ve got things to do.” He kissed my forehead and sat across the table.
The breakfast was excellent, and though i used every ploy i knew, He wouldn’t tell me what His plans were. He said i’d just have to learn patience.
Master grabbed my hand and led me to the car. “Oh, where You taking me?” i couldn’t believe how giddy i felt, practically skipping along beside Him. i hoped this ride wasn’t going to be like the last. i didn’t want to lose such a good breakfast, last time i ended up carsick on the side of the road with my Master holding my hair for me. When W/we were down the street He handed me the blindfold and told me to slip it on. “i don’t have to lay back, do i?” i was worried.
“Hell no!” He laughed and grimaced, “no lying down while driving for you, especially after eating!” Just put it on and relax, W/we’ll beThere in a few minutes. As He drive, i rested my hand on His leg. The anticipation was killing me.
“Master?” W/we were leaving the heavier traffic of the city, and still i had no clue of O/our destination.
“Hmm?” His concentration abused slightly from the road.
“May i have another pressie?”
“What?” He looked at me quickly, questioningly.
“i’d like another pressie, Now.” My nostrils flared just a bit as i tried to hide an impending giggle and lifted the blindfold just enough to peek at Him.
“You would, huh?” Now my Master tried to stop a smile. “And what makes you think there is a pressie here waiting for you?” Master shook His head in feigned disgust, clicking His tongue with a, “tsk tsk. You, my dear, are a very spoiled pet.” The terse look on His face couldn’t hide the smile in His eyes. i was sure i could find something hidden in the car.
“Yes, Sir.” Blushing has always come easily to me, and i’ve learned to use it.
“Yes, Sir?” He laughed as He exited the freeway and merged onto a narrow asphalt stripe cutting through a rather scratchy stand of pine trees. “And just what does ‘Yes, Sir’ mean? That you agree… but with what?” He turned fully towards me, both eyes lifted sharply over serious eyes.
This was probably a good time to shrink into the upholstery, but instead, i rolled my eyes and with as much coquettishness as i could muster while keeping a straight face, i lowered the blindfold and answered Him. “Well, Suhhhhh,” i exaggerated His southern drawl teasingly, “Ah agree that Ah am a vehhry ‘well loved pet’, but definitely not spoilt. And, yesSuhhhh, ah agree that there is a pressie hidin’ here jest waitin’ for me.” i feel my right eyebrow angle up before i could stop it as my hand moved to His lap. “Suhh?” i peeked again, pulling the innocent gaze forward. “Why, Ah think Ah found mah pressie, Suhhh.” Now i was purring.
“Oh, really?” He looked at me condescendingly. “And, you think that My cock isYour pressie, huh? You are spoiled… and it’s my fault. I haven’t denied you anything, have I?”
“No, Suhhhh.” i cooed, smiling.
“Well, since it’s your birthday…” Master chuckled and slide the seat back as i unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned towards heaven.
The car slowed as my hands slipped to His belt, and when the leather slide through the buckle a shiver slide down my spine. There’s something about that particular action, the feel of leather sliding through my hand and unwrapping the prize so to speak, that makes me wet. One hand slide under the fabric to shield my Master from the bite of the metal teeth as i slowly pulled the zipper tab, folded back His pants, cupped His warm sac and scooped His soft penis into my mouth. The smooth wrinkly flesh clung to my lips as i pulled and licked, coaxing Him to rise. His cock began to swell against my tongue and my fingers toyed with His balls as he brushed the hair from my cheek and looked down at me lovingly.
“My God, you have the sweetest mouth.” It was more of moan than statement and then the car swerved off the road and stopped. What more could i ask on my day? Nothing. Master in my mouth is better than a champion cake or Cherries Garcia ice cream. i love to feel Him nudge my throat, sliding past my muscles, hitting just the right spot, that perfect place. No need to bob my head up and down like a carnival prize knick-knack; my Master fits perfectly along my tongue allowing me to relax and nurse easily. As i sucked and pursued, i wondered at the magic of my Master’s cock… how He gives me whatever i need, sometimes more, sometimes less…He fills me to perfection.
i always lose track of time, especially when He allows me to suck Him, there’s no need for me to think about anything except pleasure my Master, He tends to Everything; controls every part of the world that touches my life and keeps me safe, happy and cared for. These thoughts rambled through my mind as my fingers tangled through the soft, almost fur-like hair on His belly.
It seems sometimes that i have the power to liquidfy His entire body, to urge His whole being towards His center and ultimately into me. His balls tightened within the cup of my palm and my fingers slide to His cock, finding a slow, steady rhythm with just the pads massaging and following my swollen lips up and down His engaged shft. Pausing at the tip and sipping at the creamy drops like a hot cup of coffee i swirled slowly while flicking the hard tip of my tongue along the ridge. i can’t think of anything that is more erotic than the to taste my Master.
“Oh my God, I love to watch your lips on my cock.” He pushed my hair back and smiled at me again. “Mmmmm yes, just like that.” i struggled to keep the perfect tempo, the perfect pressure. As His hips lifted, my lips slide towards His body and the thick vein feeding His swelling cock pulsed along my tongue.
“Mmmm.” A quiet moan from the depth of my throat vibrated into an examedswallow and i wedged His throbbing cock within the circle of my throat muscles and drank as He poured His love into me.
“MmmMastermmmm,” i cleaned Him with long slow licks, coating my tastebuds, savoring every sweet droplet.
“Your mouth was made for fucking, precise.” Glassy eyed, He pulled away slowly, letting me capture the last shuddering dribbles.
“i just knew there was Another pressie for me!” i licked His belly and giggled. “Master?”
“Yes, love?” His heart still pounded heavily.
“i love you, Master.” i lay my cheek against His wet belly and cooed.
“I love you, my precious sensitive.” He kissed my head and untangled the blindfold from my hair. Then he wrapped His strong arms around me tightly and surprised contentedly.
W/we lingered for several minutes before He slipped the blindfold over my eyes again and slide His seat forward.
“Where are W/we going, Master?”
“Hush now, mind yourself. You’ll see.”
To be continued…