One Stop Shop – Part 3 – slave girl sara
As we finished Miss Wilson said I was to go and see the store manager for next week`s instructions. I hugged Sarah and we wished each other lucky then I went to the store manager’s office and knocked.
“Come in, ah sara, come in and chose a position.”
“Sorry Sir, not sure what you mean?”
“Miss Wilson says you are Extremely efficient at under desk learning.”
“I do my best at everything I am charged with Sir.”
I got undressed, because I felt I needed to be naked in case a fucking was on offer when he was hard. I shuffled under his desk. He had his cock out and was wanking, so I sucked him right in and down. He enjoyed my session, then, as I hoped he pulled out.
“Maybe a spanking would work sara.”
“If you wish Sir.” I did not wish to appear too keen.
He guided me over and his knee and I made it, so the tip of his cock was on my clip. He was an eager spanker and me knowing when I was spanked, Iwould be fucked. And I was, against his office door. I left his office for home, proud of achievements so far in my new job.
He had told me next week I was in Bathrooms and Hot Tubs, I could not wait.
A pretty straightforward night, I made dinner, set the table, cleared the table, dried up, and put everything away.
“Is it ok if I pop out for an hour or so Sir, just round to Beth`s, she is going on holiday tomorrow?”
“Sure love, home for ten o`clock or a spanking.”
“Yes Sir.”
I kissed him and left, strange he said that, I get a bedtime spanking every night anyway..
I was actually going to pop in to wish Beth a happy holiday, but we are also brainstorming to get Sir the best Valentine’s day present ever.
She answered the door, naked.
“I did not expect to see you so early.”
“I can see that, I needed to see you, I have had a great idea.”
“Oh wow, what?”
“You know how Sir loves big tits?”
“Lol, everyone knows that.”
“Well, a new mass parlour has opened in the city and offers big massages from big naked ladies.”
“Perfect, do it.”
“That is all I needed to know, have a great holiday, love you.”
On Monday I was again at work bright and early and went straight to the Bathrooms and Hot Tubs department and met Mr. Harris.
“Good morning Sir, I am sara reporting for duty.”
“How polite sara, do I know you from church?”
“Yes you do Sir, and how are Mrs. Harris, Alan, and Betty?”
“All well, thank you. Now, this is Miss Alice Jones; she will show you what to do.”
“Pleased to meet you Miss Jones.”
“And me you sara. You do know you may be naked and wet a few times sara?”
“I guessed so Miss Jones, you will find me very obedient.”
“I can vouch for that too Alice.”
“Thank you Mr. Harris, I am sure she will be an asset to the store.”
It was a pretty easy morning just taking items off shelves, dusting, and returning the items back to their place. I asked to go to the loo for a Pee and Miss Jones followed. I went for the loo roll and her hand sat on top of mine.
“I will deal with that sara, we need to make sure no contamination gets in the water.”
She wiped me then got a moist tissue to make sure.
After lunch I was called over so a client could see the exact fall of the shower head.
“Naked please Miss brown and into the cubicle. See how its shape allows it to hit almost every area of the body Sir?”
“Yes I see.”
“Would you like to feel and make sure?”
Miss turned off the water and I moved down to the open end of the cubicle. His hands were everywhere and ran a finger or two between my legs.
“Excellent, she is even wet between her legs, I will take one, with fitting please.”
I was sent to Mr. Harris`s office to dry off.
“Did it go well sara?”
“Yes Sir, he bought one, with fitting too.”
“You have quite a pale bottom sara, that will never doWhen you are showing it off in the department, would you like me to tint it with a red hue?”
“If you wish Sir, thank you.”
He pulled out a chair and sat down and I lay over his knee as if it was the most natural thing in the world, well for me it was. I was spanked to sobs then tears and he stopped.
“Would you like a cuddle now sara?”
I never answered I Just sat on his knee until I calmed down.
“May I thank you Sir?”
This time he never answered me but gently lowered me off his knee.
Usually in this circumstances, a man spanking a girl over his knee would be semi-hard, at worst, with excitement. Not Mr. Harris, he just saw my spanking as part of his job and it was the sloppiest cock I had ever released and it was my job to excite him, which I did.
On one of my breaths, with his now hard cock out of my mouth I asked, “Will I be going over your desk to finish off Sir?”
“If you wish sara.”
I got up and held my hand out to help himup, then lay over his desk, I even reached back and guided him in.
Miss Jones popped her head around the door.
“I will just leave this shower sale on your desk Mr. Harris.”
She moved my arm over a little to put the sales sheets down.
He was happy, I cum a few times so I was happy and Miss Jones made a sale so she was happy as well.
When I got home, I was asked about my day and my Sir said how lucky I had been to find such a job and it was a job made for me!
Friday and my last day in that department, I had a shower display to model in the morning and got dried in Mr. Harris`s office, got a light spanking and a seeing to over his desk again.
The afternoon was a completely new experience. The day before Miss Jones had put water in one of the hot tubs plus the chemicals needed for a client to try. The shop closed at five and at four the doors onto the roof area where the hot tubs were displayed were locked.
The client and his wife were getting their bathing costumes on in the changing area and I got naked outside and sat in the hot tub waiting. Miss Jones came out and spoke to the couple and brought them over to the tub.
“Stand and say hello sara, good girl.”
“Good afternoon Sir, Miss, welcome to the Rub-A-Dub club.”
They all laughed and I held my hand out in case they needed help getting in.
I recognized the girl, she was from our school, a few years older than me, so, if she was from our school and they followed our faith then she should show the signs on her bottom. She turned around and backed into the seat near me, yep, I was right, some faded stripes and red from today`s spanking, just like me. So, I stood up and turned found for them to see, as if I was being polite and I was standing until all were sat down.
“So sara brown, would Adam be your brother?”
“Yes Miss, do you know him?”
“Yes he was in the class above me, so were you in the class below?”
“Two years below Miss.”
“Were you ever over Miss Gladstone’s knee sara?”
“Many is the time, and often Miss, it was if she would spank one or two a day, every day so it soon came round to your turn again.”
“A letter home to your parents?”
“Yes Miss and a strapping off my dad then every third strapping was five stripes Miss, happy days.”
“Happy days indeed sara.”
Miss Jones went through the simple controls.
“Can I help you in any other way Sir?”
“Yes, hop in, let me see how comfortable it is with four in here?”
I had a tingle with that, that plus with Sir pinging my nipples. I had wondered if Miss Jones`s tits would hold up sticking out when braless. And wow, they did, what a figure she had, like a model. She too had fading stripes, but only just, maybe two days old, yummy.
“Remove your costume love.”
She did as she was told, and he fondled her ample chest as he had mine.
He seemed very impressed with our display.
“Yes we like it and will take one like this with the changing facilities and installation please.”
He stood up and dropped his trunks, what would I give for a suck and fuck off that!
“Ok all, anyone wanting a fucking to seal the deal, out now and lean over the tub.”
Guess what, it was all of us. I took the middle place and got fucked as he went along our line and back again. He finally cum with his lady.
Am I still in that job? You bet I am, it has everything a girl could ever need, and more!
They set me on as a `Star Worker` meaning I go to which department needs me.
Did I ever tell you about what happened when the group Chairman came, talk about bending over backwards to suit someone????