White Lily Ch. 01

Ally is standing obediently in the center of the living room, naked apart from the jewellery I insist adors her exposed flesh. She wears a silver tiara in her hair and heavy dangling ear-rings that catch the candlelight with each slight movement of her head.

White Lilies scattered around the room emotional a subtle fragment.

She is blindfolded and unaware of what I have planned for her. Continuing down her naked body, Ally has a silver chaser around her neck and several silver chains falling between her perky breasts. Both of her upper arms are adorned with silver armslets and her fore-arms jangle with a myriad of bracelets as she milkly strokes her cliporis.

Two silver chains hang from her waist, crossing on her naked hip. Ally has more silver chains around her ankles and her fingers are slightly constrained by silver rings that join across all four fingers.

Ally looks persistent, beautiful and tenatively submissive in the gentle glow of the candles. It isNot so much that the jewellery compliments her beauty, but more that her sensitivity gives a purpose to the jewellery.

I love to see her looking so radiant, so aware of her sensitivity and her confidence in the affect it has on me. She wears a white lily in her hair.

Ally has been standing for some time, stroking her cliporis, her mouth slightly appreciate at the unknown flowering of the evening. I can be a cruel man.

Attached to each of Ally’s nipples is a thin wire, tied into a slip knot and then tightened around each nipple. The wire hangs teach across the room and out of the door.

Ally’s nipples are large and prominent; enough for her to self obviously wear padded bras. In the security of our relationship Ally stands with her nipples fully exposed, stroking herself in expectation of the evening.

I love the lines around her mouth and eyes, lines of experience, lines of a fully aware woman. Not for me, the empty thrills of young submissive women.

There is no real satisfaction in training a young submissive, it lacks any real challenge. They are too malleable.

Ally is middle aged, mature and fully aware of her sensitivity.

Before meeting me, her sex life had been straight as an arrow. How different her journey now, standing naked, biting her bottom lip in endearing anxiety, submitting herself to my whims and strangely never having been found as beautiful or as admitted as she is right now.

Her jewellery glitters in the flickering candlelight, accentuating the slight movements of her hands as she strokes her cliporis.

I have transformed Ally from the middle aged suburban housewife and her mundane existence into a creativity of extensive beauty; the exotic submissive woman who strokes herself before me.

Walking over to Ally I take in the scent of her arousal. Ally will not orgasm without permission and it has been several months since I allowed her the pleasure. Ally has even begged me not to have to touch herself because she finds her denial so overwhelming.

Ally’s little struggles are always a beauty to behold. As beautiful, intricate and delicate as a white lily.

I gently guide her hands away from her wet pussy and place her hands on the taught wire.

“Follow the trail, Ally.”

I gently stroke her prominent nipples.

Ally obeys, giving the wire a gentle tug. The wire give a little and then suddenly Ally cries out as her nipples are yanked hard by the wire. She totters forwards, her jewellery tinkling and jangling. Instinctively, Ally’s hands cover her nipples.

Ally’s expression is an endearing mix of confusion, pain and humility.

“Keep going”

Tentatively Ally takes hold of the wire again. Instead of pulling on it, this time she keeps a hold of the wire and steps forward, chains jangling, taking the slack in and then stepping forward again. Ally is very unsure, her blind, jangling steps are wary; her mouth shows her concentration and tension.

It takes quite a while for the wire to reveal its secret, but eventually Ally makes her way from the warm blinde, along the hallway and take a nervous step into the kitchen, still anxiously unaware of what awaits.

The warm white lily fragment is gone. In its place are cold kitchen tiles and the smell of household cleaners.

A few feet away from Ally, also blindfolded, is Amanda. The two women share an office and do not like each other. I encourage their animation, it provides many possibilities.

Amanda is similarly naked with her own vast amount of silver jewellery dangling and swinging with her every movement. She wears a red orchid in her hair. The end of the wires are attached to both women’s nipples.

Neither woman is yet aware of the others present.

The two women stumble carefully forward, step by step, nearer to each other, both anxiously trying to avoid a sudden tug on their sensitive nipples.

A foot apart the two women sense eachOther. Ally is five foot two, a good six inches smaller than Amanda.

“Keep winding up the wire until you reach the end.”

Both women think I am talking only to them.

Ally takes another step forward and collies with Amanda, Ally’s face squashing into Amanda’s chest. They both stand stock still, trying to assess the situation in their blindfolds, ears straining for a hint from me.

I know they have a hundred questions and only their faith in me and their training maintains their position in this cruel game.

“Find the end of your trail”

The two women fumble with the wire, in close proximity to one another now and eventually Ally’s ringed fingers follow the wire and make tenable contact with Amanda’s nipples.

I wait until both women are standing holding each others nipples, waiting for my commands.

They know now that they are in competition this evening. This has never happened before as both women have been trained separately.

I can see the defenseness in their body language.

Their arms collide occasionally in the struggle, silver bangles focusing against bracelets, naked arms touching as they hold each others nipples.

I cut the wires and then tie the ends together. Ally and Amanda are now attached to each other, nipple to nipple by three inches of wire.

Ally’s small, perky breasts are pulled upwards just as Amanda’s are pulled down as a result of the difference in their heights.

I remove their blindfolds and the two middle aged women find themselves staring at each other in the cold light of the fluorescent beam.

This is a moment to savor. Two proud middle aged women, both with a secret submissive streak suddenly exposed to each other.

Their secret selves exposed: Red Orchid and white lily.

In addition, their breasts are placed in a situation of conflict, of comparison and competition. Their breasts, so often a symbol of women’s sexuality, now exposed to each other and placed in direct opposition to each other.

I know these women dislike each other and their mutual humiliation is a delectable pleasure.

They stand staring at each other, clearly uncomfortable. Both are vulnerable, both women compete in their mundane world, battle out petty vendortas within the safe boundaries of polite society.

These expectations have been removed.

There is no room for Passive aggression here. Here the two women must face each other naked and boldly. There is no garden fence to hide behind, no workplace decorum, no turning back.

Each woman has been granted the privilege of seeing the other stripped of their everyday defenses. The fluorescent light is cruel and unforgiving, exposing the women’s flaws to each other in a ghastly glow.

I watch and wait to see what will unfold.

I want them to confront their intimacy, to have no option but to face their enemy in uncomfortable proximity, their nipples binding them together.

Watching their faces as they struggle to accept the enormity of their prediction is extremely arousing.

“You! You fucking bitch!” Amanda says, breaking the tension and silence. She spits in Ally’s face.

These sisters in woe need to learn to work together. A lesson that may take them some time to learn.

Ally doesn’t say anything. Her face shows a grim determination.

Ally’s adorned and naked arms embrace Amanda’s mid riff. Without a word, Ally’s nails dig deep into Amanda’s flesh and then rake along Amanda’s side and back, causing rows of raw red lines.

The battle has begun.

With their nipples bound together, their options are limited. Neither dares to move too much and both women now begin raking each others bodies with their nails.

Two middle aged women, Both so sedate in their everyday lives, stand adorned to the hilt in silver jewellery scratching and nipping each others flesh, unable to pull away because of their joint nipple wires.

SoonBoth women’s backs and sides are raw and slightly bleeding in places, both are smoking and panting from their efforts. Ally’s buttocks are scraped quite raw and both women have severe scratches on their naked thighs. Any sense of demeanor or dignity is gone.

These women desperately want to triumph over each other. They stand glaring at one another, both sets of nipples pulled outwards by the wire, breathing heavily onto each other, close enough to kiss or hurt one another.

I enjoy their competition, their willingness to reduce themselves to fighting bitches in competition for me. I use more wire to tie their hands behind their back and bid them knee with their nipples connected by the wire.

Standing near to the two women, I can feel the heat emanating from their exercises, hear the panting of their breath, and most delicious of all is the fuming hatred between these two women as they face each other.

“Use your breasts. Fight”

Kneeling with their hands sereted behind their back, both Ally and Amanda’s breasts are pushed forward. Ally began by suddenly pushing her left breast into Amanda’s right breast. Their sweating, tender flesh collies, breasts squashing against rib cages.

As they pull apart both women forget about the wire and give themselves a vicious wrenching of their nipples. Their squeals and sudden movements back together are delicious.

The contest lasts quite a while, both women giving their all. After twenty minutes I retire to the locke and watch a movie, occasionally pausing to check I can hear their grunts and jewellery rattle as they battle. They need to be free to focus on their little prediction without distraction.

After two hours I return to the kitchen. I see Amanda’s naked back and haunches glistening with sweat and covered in scratches.

Over Amanda’s shoulder I can see Ally’s face shiny with sweat and assigned with a stoic resilience to the pain that must be cursing through her breakfaststs.

Both of Ally’s perky breasts are covered in abrasions, presumably where the jewellery has added to their breast collisions. The flesh of both breasts are a pulpy red and the usual smooth outline of her breasts is changed to a conglomerate of swellings, bruises and abrasions.

Walking round I see that Amanda’s breasts have fared no better.

I can only imagine the intensity for the two women in two hours of giving and receiving pain, every little victory and defeat and each little moment of triumph.

They look mentally and physically exhausted and both are clearly aroused from two hours of intimate nudity, touching and adrenalin; simply human nature.

I doubt they have spent the full two hours in combat, but the prediction alone is tantalizing and the marks upon their bodies serve testament to their ordeal. It is enough.

Both women have make-up streaked down their faces. They have cried through their pain, they have fought with their aching breasts for two hours. I am proud of both Ally and Amanda.

I untie their wrists.

“Do we have a winner?”

“No yet, but I’m going to fucking kill this bitch!” Amanda says, glaring at Ally.

Ally is nursed her left breast and sitting on her buttocks to relieve the pressure on her knees.


“No. I want to keep going.”

“Then Follow.”

They obey; I hear scuffling behind me, where some minor alteration continues their vitality. We return to the sanctuary of warmth, white lily fragment and the gentle glow of candlelight.

“Face each other.”

They do, giving me a side view of their smoking bodies in their jewellery. Neither Ally or Amanda maintain the pose they held at the start.

Both are slightly slumped with exhaust, both have aching breasts and scratched bodies. They are beautiful.

“Amanda, slap Ally and call her a name.”

Amanda swings her right hand across Ally’s face, making a resounding slap.


“Ally, your turn.”

Ally’s arm follows suite; “Bitch!”

I let them continue until both faces are swollen and angle, the two middle aged women looking almost primary in their intent to destroy each other.

“All well and good, ladies, But it is easy to hurt someone you hate.”

They look at me with exhausted and disbelieving faces, as if to say “Easy! This has been far from easy!” Two hours of intense competition has taken its toll.

“That is no real test of your devotion to me. You will learn to swallow your pride.”


Both women stand staring in shock and revulsion at my command.

As I expect, it is Ally who recovers first.

She reaches up with her jewellery ladyen arms and cups Amanda’s cheeses in her hands. Then standing on the tips of her toes, Ally hurriedly kisses Amanda’s lips. I enjoy watching them both try to hide their revulsion.

“No! A kiss is not just in the lips. It is in the attitude, the responses, your whole body.”


I pick up my cane as a little incentive for Ally and Amanda. I walk around them as Ally raises her naked arms and wraps them around Amanda’s shoulders. Ally raises one naked thigh against Amanda’s hip and leans her mouth forward for a kiss. Their lips touch, both in a sort of grimace.

“Give each other praise. Show each other how much you want this. Perform.”

“Oh, Amanda, you’re so attractive…” Ally says, kissing Amanda’s lips repeatedly. The insincerity in her voice is amusing.

I hit Amanda’s naked buttocks with the cane.


“Ally, I love your breasts.” Amanda says, roughly griping Ally’s tender breast. A unique move, seeming to obey but still managing to be vindictive. I like it.

Ally is quick to respond and returns the gesture.

“Tongues!” I say, interrupting their feud, and focusing them back on the task at hand.

Their mouths move close to each other and they waggle their tongues together. Their performancence is pathetic, it is offensive in its lack of dedication to serve.

“Kiss each other with password or leave.”

My words hang heavy in the room, both women struggling with their dilemma. Both women long to serve me, both have a need to please me, but this challenge is excitingly humiliating and degrading.

Watching Ally and Amanda glaring at each other, naked to each others gaze, battletling to defeat each other makes my cock grow hard.

They have to work together to meet my challenge, they must overcome their dislike of one another and place servitude before pride.

I watch and wait, hand on my erection.

“I…will….if you will.” Ally whispers to Amanda. Amanda’s body is trembling slightly and I think she is about to quit.

“Will you?” Ally asks.

I can physically see the two women slowly building up their resilience for the task and then they both lean forwards and their lips touch gently.

It is an actual kiss.

Ally’s arms reach around Amanda’s shoulders again and she pushes her naked breasts against Amanda and kisses her fully. This time their lips are locked and their tongues are in each others mouths.

I watch them kiss for a while, letting them become familiar with each others strange kisses and touch. I know how both these women kiss and I expect to see that now.

“More password.”

“Ally, you fucking whore!” Amanda says, channeling her hated into fake password as they kiss.


The two women pull apart.

“Amanda, see if Ally is aroused.”

Ally looks mortified but obediently parts her thighs slightly and Amanda runs a finger over Ally’s exposed labia. Ally’s humiliation at having her intimate parts touched by her nemesis is very arousing.

Amanda holds up her finger, glistening with Ally’s juices. Ally blushes.

This is an unfair test. Both women are aroused by obeying me and I fully expected Ally’s pussy to be wet with desire, but the humiliation is a joy.

“Taste her.”

Amanda raises her finger to her mouth and tries her best not to look disgusted as she tastes Ally’s secretions.

I have Ally do the same for Amanda. Two middle aged office workers who dislike each other immensely are now standing with the taste of their aroused pussies on each others tongues. I am proud of them.

I throw a stick-on dildo at their naked feet.

“One of you will fuck the other. You have sixty seconds to decide.”

Neither woman moves nor speaks. How to solve this little quandary? I stroke my cock, mesmerized.

“Thirty seconds.”

Amanda places her hands on her hips and stars Ally down. Breaking the star, Ally squats down and picks up the dildo and with an act of sweet submission she holds it out to Amanda.

“You Wear it…”


This is the heart of the whole evening, the blooming of the natural hierarchy. It seems Ally will serve Amanda.

With a gloating smile Amanda snatches thedildo and attaches the straps to her waist.

“Bend over, cunt.” Amanda says, vindictiveness thick in her tone. Amanda is back in her comfort zone, lauding it over her enemy. She even has a nasty smile on her face as Ally bends over.

Amanda grabs Ally’s waist and pushes the dildo inside Ally’s pussy. The dildo is large and thick and Ally’s labia stretch around the hard plastic, about half way inside her gaping pussy. Ally gasps and I walk round so that I am facing Ally. I take her face in my hands.

“Lower yourself onto the dildo, Ally”

I watch Ally’s face as she strains to push her naked haunches back and impale herself on the giant dildo. I enjoy every nuance of effort, pain and exercise that Ally displays. She seems shocked by the immense size of the dildo filling her pussy and overwhelmed by the sensings it creates. Ally works hard, grinding her buttocks back, thighs scanning until eventually the dildo is buried to the hilt inside her pussy. Ally looks reliEved to know the dildo is no larger.

I have Amanda take hold of Ally’s wrists so that her arms are bent straight back as she bends forward, impaled on the dildo.

“Come here.”

Amanda begins to walk, shoving Ally forward by the dildo lodged in her pussy. Ally, bent forward and arms bent back hobbles helplessly as she is driven over to where I have chosen to sit.

I motion them forward until Ally’s straining face is pushed down to rest on my lap. Her arms are still being held back and her played thighs tremble to maintain her position.

I hold Ally’s face in my hands and she stars up at me imploringly.

“Ask Amanda to fuck you.”

“Please….fuck me….Amanda.”

Amanda grinins and then, pulling the dildo out of Ally’s pussy, rams it as hard as she can back inside her. Ally cries out and I hold her head and savor her every expression.

The fucking of Ally’s pussy by Amanda’s giant dildo continues for some time, Amanda giving it her all, thrusting with all her might, her face furrowed with determination.

I hold Ally’s face cupped in my hands throughout her fucking and relish the intricate and intensity story it tells: Surprise at how deep the dildo goes, now a sudden bit of pain, now unexpected pleasure, now an awareness of her humiliation, now an acceptance, now a need to see it through to the end. The story goes on and on. It is an exhaustive luxury to behold.


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