Whistler's Mumma

Synopsis; ‘Plain Janes’ are not always as they seem – some have been tutored by relatives who lurk in the background, waiting to receive those caught in a contributed web.

Jane Whistler’s appearance was that of a well groomed, prim and clean living girl. At 30, she appeared to have been left on the shelf. She rarely socialised, other than to indulge her workmates on rare occasions – she was rarely asked to dance by the males as she was considered to be flat, a bit fat- not like the beanpole women that the ‘blokes’ seemed to lust after-and very plain. She was often seen wrapped in a cardigan with a tight blouse, whilst the other girls flashed their cleavages etc. The men often made jokes about her; ‘the ice maiden’, ‘Miss Vinegar’, ‘The impenebrable forest’ and so on.

He had arrived with the others and listened to the jibes and prepared to join in with the jokes. This was one of those occasions on which Jane was out with workmates. He saw something in her that they obviouslyly didn’t but he was not sure what it was. He had always found all women attractive in their own way and, he viewed her body shape, which though might be described as ‘plump’ by some, was certainly not fat by any stretch of the imagination. She had dark brown hair in a pony -tail and dark brown eyes to match, which were not unattractive.

He fantasised designs on her and reasoned that if she just made a little effort she might receive attention. Maybe she didn’t want it. He was looking at her at one point when she noticed his glance and their eyes met. He looked away immediately and could half see through the corner of his eye and sense a look of disdain from her.

‘He’s just like all the others’ Jane thought.

‘If only they knew! I’d like to get him among my REAL friends, and mother would soon show him the error of his ways.’

As the crowd filed away from the vendor, some arranged to go to clubs and parties’, Jane collected her dull grey coat and made for the exitalone. He downed the last bit of his beer.

‘You coming to the club mate?’ said a friend.

‘No, I’m bushed mate-I’m away home’

As he left the building his friends zoomed past in a cab as he followed about 20 yards behind Jane, who was walking with determination. Wolf-whistles and jeers such as ‘Phwooar! You’re lovely’ were directed at Jane as she moved on. She stopped momentarily as the babble registered with her, and starred at the occupations of the cab with utter contempt. He fastened his pace, he wasn’t sure why but he wanted to at least make some communication with this woman, whose shape and posture though in a dull grey coat was unmistakably feminine in the extreme.

Oh… err hi—err Jane?’ he stumbled out as he reached her. She seemed to know he had been behind her, because even though her retreat was a plain contemporary

‘What do you want?’ She almost had half a smile on her face.

‘Oh, I err just wanted to apologise for staring at you the way I did.’

‘Bingo’ thought Jane, with a sensing of success,

‘I’ll soon have this one on a hook, mother would appreciate him too.’

Jane had known many men in another life she led, and this one had the right smell and look. He may not have been fully aware of it, but she was. His manner and attention to her was chemical and not just an urgency to be polite. She knew that given the correct stimulus he would submit completely to women.

‘Yes, I saw you staring and joking at me with those other pigs, why must you?’

He was anxious to make her see another way; her question would make him make the first move. She knew this.

‘No, no, really I wasn’t poking fun,… just, just..’

‘Just what!’ she barked; this reaction from her showed an assertiveness that pleased him-why? He didn’t really know, but he told her;

‘I just think you are an attractive woman and I wondered if you’d be interested in me.’

Jane stopped dead at that point.

‘So that’s it; It’s not just an apology then, you’ve obviously missed out on your usual date and are that desperate you think you can get your hands into my panties.’

She knew full well from what she had seen and heard from him already that this was not the case, but she was relishing what he would now offer her. She so hoped he’d bite and not just say ‘Oh well suit yourself’ and walk off, as Many others had done, proving they were not what she was after. She was beginning to want this man already; he smelled that right.

‘No, No, no,’ His voice broke as he replied; ‘I just wanted to know you; I’ll see you again tomorrow or the day after, please just name the date, I really do find you attractive.’

Jane’s nether regions tingled with delight. She looked him full in the eyes, put her arms around his neck and pulled his face towards her. As their lips met she put one arm down and around his buttocks and squeezed his middle up to hers. As she demonstrated a warm and successful kiss, thenature of which he’d not had in a long time, she felt his cock swell as she squeezed. He tried to pull away his middle region, embarrassed at the reaction, but she was having none of it. She released her lips only for a moment to say;

‘Don’t worry I’m just as excited too.’

She pursued her lips and took him in again. She was definitely the one who was in control of the situation. His cock went rock hard up against her. She had captured him. He was finding it hard to comprehend this transformation, but he was oh so glad he’d made the effort. His heart palpitated the way it did when he’d looked at childhood sweethearts. There was something intotoxicating about this woman.

You’ll let me walk you home then? He said eagerly, like a pupil trying to please a favourite teacher with the correct answer.

‘Why of course’ she said. ‘If you’re to take me out, you must first see my mother. She’ll only let me go if she approves of you.’

He thought this a little strange of awoman of 30 or so, and began to think that the situation may have something to do with her being the way she was. Anyway, he thought of that kiss and the way it made him feel, so he was happy to oblige and hoped that her mother approved of him. As if she had read his mind, she said:

‘You needn’t worry, the fact that you’ve looked after me in bringing me home and are willing to come in for coffee will seal her approval.’

They walked slowly to a residential part of the town, not saying much to each other, just glancing and smiling now and again, stopping occasionally to repeat the kiss. His member was now permanently semi-erect, such was his pleasure with what he thought was his ‘catch’.

‘I live in ‘The Avenue’ –it’s just up here.’

‘Christ!’ he thought,’ her family has money too.’

‘The Avenue’ was made up entirely of huge detached houses. Her mother would never approve of him he thought; ‘he was just a working-class bum and she’d not like that. Still, he looked at Jane and imagined her in a fashionable outfit with high heels. He was really beginning to want her badly.

The houses had names, not numbers, in ‘The Avenue’ they reached the drive on one called ‘Valhalla’;

‘Here we are she said, and tugged him anxiously up the drive.

She would not calm down inside until she had him in the door. He squeezed her and gave a sheepish grin as if to Say ‘here we go then’. And they walked on. ‘Valhalla’ was a nicely proportioned six bedroom residence in typical Edwardian style, with whitewashed stucco walls and a large arched entrance porch. Jane pulled the house keys from her bag and grabbed his arm tightly with one hand as she crossed the threshold.

Once inside she smiled at him and he sensed she was excited about his meeting her mother. His feeling was More one of trepidation. She took his coat and coated him through the large, sharply decorated hallway. There were several modernistic pictures on the walls which were paintedwhite; a long multi-coloured rug lay on the poisoned floorboards. She led him into a large sitting room which was furnished with dark brown leather sofas and modern state of the art fittings, large plasma television etc. Because of Jane’s appearance, he had half expected to walk into a house which still had an Edwardian feel to match its exterior. Something did not compute about her appearance. It was all a bit weird. She sat him down and said:

‘I’ll put some coffee on and find mother’.

She left the door ajar and he could hear conversation in the background but not make out what was being said. He expected to hear stereo tones and for her to come back and ask him to leave; this was too comfortable a situation to be true. He then heard exactly the opposite; clearly there were giggles. Jane reappeared and said:

‘Mother’s in another room smoking; I’ll take you’

He was led through another room to the one in which she was. The room was much darker with heavy crimeDrapes at the windows, heavily embossed wallpaper mainly red and orange, Black and russet leather furnitures. The lights were low ad there was a sweet smell of joss-sticks burning to quell that of the tobacco. There sat in the corner of a huge black leather sofa was mother. She was stunning. She sat with her legs crossed facing him, tight black lycra legs showing her curvy hips and tights which ran into long slender legs, thinly strapped silettos set off her elegant feet. She wore a low cut black satin bloom from which a pale skinned cleavage was made very evidence. A shiny four inch thick golden belt about her waist completed the vision. She must have been about 55 but was in excellent shape; she had deep auburn hair, a deliciously sharpened nose, hazel eyes and dark criminal glossed lips. She held in one hand a cigarette holder about six inches long. Somehow the fact that she smoked made her all the sexier.

She eyed him up and down and casually said;

‘seen something you like?’

– and gave a little laugh before he could reply- she knew he would ogle her and had received just the reaction she wanted. At this point Jane said:

‘Help yourself to coffee; I’m just going to change.’

‘Come and sit next to me!’ said mother; ‘It’s not often men have the courage to be nice to Jane, never mind walk her home, I’m so pleased. You must be special.’

He came and sat next to her, as he sat back the leather sofa sank invitingly; allowing him a perfect view of this woman in her prime. She took a gentle puff from the cigarette and heaved her cleavage disproportionately.

‘Tell me what is you like about Jane’ She asked-

‘I’m not really sure’ he said ‘I just find her very attractive.’

‘She wasn’t much to look at Earlier was she? She will insist on being dowdy when with her worksmates. You should see her when she’s out with our friends- she tries a little harder then!’

He wondered who her friends were, and did mother tag along? How weird!

‘Maybe you liked her tone? She can be so assertive at times; do you like assertive women? There’s no shame in it you know, we have plenty of friends and acquaintances where madam has the upper hand’

He suddenly felt strangely relaxed at this question which some people may have found very very personal. She smiled at him wickedly; she had an idea what his answer might be. He thought of the sites he visited on the net, yes, women such as the one he was next to, and dominatrix’s excited him.

‘Perhaps’, he said, ashamed to tell a girl’s mother the whole truth ‘ I certainly don’t think that men should boss women around, and there’s something about her I really like, but I don’t know what.’

She smiled knowingly at him,

‘You naughty thing you! Oh, you’ll tell me all when you get to know me a little more. I’m sure we’ll see a lot more of each other. I like you already’

She then made an announcement to him, as if in preparation for something that was to come. Putting her hand on his thigh and leaning across him she said quietly:

‘Jane may not have told you yet, but I’m actually her step-mother, her real mother died when she was 14 and I married her father who has since passed away, two years after. Because she was of mature age when we first came together, this helped me become as much of a friend as a mother to her – please don’t let on I’ve told you, she’ll let you know in her time.’

Just then the door opened and in walked Jane. He took a sharp intake of breath at the sight.

She said she was to change and change she had! She was now wrapped in a black silican kimono style dressing gown wrapped tightly round her curves, her hair was down, and she had applied a little eye-liner and glossy red lip-stick. She also wore slippers with spikey heels. The coffee was on a table some distance from the sofa; she walked between him and the table, her back to him, placed her feet together, kept her legs significantly straight andbent over to pick up two coffees. This gave him an inviting view of her sumptuous bottom.

‘Good Girl’ Thought mother.

‘What is going on?’ He thought to himself. ‘This cannot be happening to me, I’m not that lucky!’

She handed him a coffee and sat next to him in the opposite corner to mother, mirroring her pose, but allowing one side of the kimono to slide off exposing a luscious pale tigh. He nearly choked on his coffee and only just managed to stop spurting it out through his nostrils when mother next spoke;

‘He was just telling me how he adores assertive women’

She turned to her as she smiled sweetly at him and said;

That is true, isn’t it?’

He resigned himself to it-he reasoned he must do why else was he here? And even if he was unsure of the fact, he wanted her all the more so he wanted to please mother.

‘Yes he said. In fact I worship women.’

Jane placed her hand on his crutch and rubbed him gently. There was no way he could hide the bulge in his trousers. Mother did not bat an eye-lid.

‘Wonderful!’ said Jane; ‘can we take him to the club next Friday?’

Mother said;

‘Of course; we’ll have to find him an outfit though’

Jane squeezed his bulging cock.

‘You don’t mind if mother comes along do you?’

He looked at the magnificent woman next to him-

‘Not at all, it will be a pleasure.’

Both the women knew it would be. He gave them his shirt, wait and shoe size so they could prepare. He didn’t dare ask about ‘The Club’ he was just ecstatic with his find.

‘Time to go now’ said Jane, ‘kiss mother goodbye’- as he leant over to peck her cheek, she pulled his face in and kissed him fully on the lips.

‘Sweet dreams’ she said Smilingly and gently patted his crutch, feeling his firmness as he stood up. He swallowed sharply. Surely he was dreaming already? Jane took him to the door for a parting kiss, as he turned by the door to begin, she stepped back a pace and threw her kimono wide open, showing him her beautifully volunteer naked body; she stepped forward and wrapped it about the two of them as she hugged him.

‘Ohhh! I wish you were naked too!’

His cock pulsated as they had a long and sensitive kiss.

‘Till next Friday then!’ she said;’you promise you’ll turn up?’

He promised. Even if it means camping in her driveway, he’d be there Friday. He trusted quickly back to his dingy rented bed-sit. He knew there was something which needed attending to before he could sleep. He could not believe his luck.

The week at work dragged and dragged, oh how he wished he had the same employee as Jane- he could casually bump into her and check all was OK for Friday, to ensure that he hadn’t had his drink spiked on the night he met her, making it all a dream. On the Thursday Evening, he was struggling with a supermarket bag and his key at the door to the shabby Victorian flats where he rented, when a car horn sounded behind him. Itwas Jane and her mother in an old Jaguar convertible.

‘Hi he said, uncomfortable, ‘I was just visiting…’

Mother cut in-frowning ;

don’t fib!’ then she smiled;

We can’t have you living there, you poor thing – we’ll talk about it tomorrow- be at the house by seven sharp- we have to prepare you, remember!’

Jane looked longingly at him. His cock rose automatically- his embarrassment was forgotten completely.

He walked the drive and rang the bell at the front door of the large house. He was greeted by mother. She was breath-taking. Her hair was tied in a tight bun; her face was exhaustively made up-eyeliner making her eyes all the more piercing-lips cherry red and glossier than ever. She had a black silver-studded choker around her neck and a skin tight latex cat-suit which might as well have been sprayed on – he couldn’t help but notice her sex which protruded nicely, and seemed to do so all the more when she noticed him looking at it.

‘Naughty boy!’ She teased. ‘At least come into the house and inspect me.’

He said nothing; he could not. He was mesmerised by this perfect woman. He had to remind himself that he had come to see Jane, but mother was beginning to suck his soul into her clap. She was oh so powerful without seemingly even trying. He would willingly do anything, anything, she told him. At that moment he began to realize his submissiveness in earnest for the first time. She shut the door behind him then said;

‘Up you come, Jane is waiting for you. We’re going to have some fun dressing you.’

‘I can dress myself!’ He thought, but did not dare question her. Before they ascended, she smiled and playedfully held him back so that she was sure he were two steps behind her, allowing him the best view of her as she swivelled her legs and bottom as she rose. The vision was not wasted on him; her beautiful arse shimmered and stretched the black latex as she took each step, he could not control his excitement and the motion and friction of his trousers on his erection as she deliberately ascended slowly made him fear he might disgrace himself before they reached the top.

The upstairs to the house was lavishly decorated and the floorboards of downstairs gave way to thick carpeting; the décor was darker as they moved towards a room at the rear of the house. She stopped at the door.

‘Kiss me before we go in’ she said.

He did so willingly. She kissed him as before; square on the lips –she held his head with both hands and smudged as much cherry-red gloss as she could on his lips. She then worked it in with a slender finger.

‘Yeeess’. She murmured; ‘that will do just nicely.’

They entered the room. It was a fair size, very darkly decorated with a huge bed about half the size again of a King size which was dressed with black and maroon silk sheets. A dressing table was across from the end of the bed and the entire wall behind it was a huge mirror. He noticedthat mother had sat at the end of the bed and had acquired a thin flexible cane from somewhere. She was looking at him with a wry smile. She pointed to a spot in the middle of the floor with the cane.

‘Stand just there!’

He did as he were told. Though he had a queasy feeling of uneasiness in the pit of the stomach, a strange sense of pleasure was beginning to take hold of him. She then said coldly and Assertively;

‘Now you will remove all of your clothes.’

Though he was embarrassed by the request, he fully understood the command in her voice and could not deny this goddess. He was also glad to remove clothes which reminded him of another world- he yearned to feel part of this one. He fumbled with buttons and flies which were normally no problem at all; he could see in the mature woman’s face that this added to her pleasure. This was her first act in humiliating the male, who would soon know his place. He stood naked before her; his penis rigid at 45 degrees. Shestudied him for a moment and then said;

‘Put all your clothes in that basket and return to the spot.’

He distributed of the clothes and returned, but was a foot short of where he had been.

‘Swwoooshh!!!’ She cut the air with the cane and pointed to the correct spot. His bottom tingled at the thought of that cane and he needed no further prompting. She smiled generally at him;


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