Whipping Boy

Driving home from the work Christmas party, I got a flat tyre. I likely shouldn’t have been driving, as I’d had a couple of drinks. However, it should only have been fifteen minutes from work to home at that time of the night – early morning, rather, as midnight was already a moderately distant memory. I thought about changing the wheel myself but as I was all dressed up, I decided I Couldn’t really be bothered. So I called the auto club and asked them to send a mechanic out to change it for me.

About twenty minutes later the club car pulled up. I was expecting some virile young man, or possibly a middle-aged one, as the mechanic. Instead it was a young woman – and she was drop-dead gorgeous, to boot. In fact, she looked very much like my younger sister. She took a look at my tyre, and confirmed what I’d seen already – my tyre hadn’t just gone flat, half the sidewall had blown out. So she took a look at the spare. I’d forgetten to tell my husband that I’d had a flat a couple of weeks earlier, in fact I’d actually forgotten myself that the spare was no good. Tasmania is a really nice place to drive, but when I pushed the limits behind the wheel I was hell on tyres.

The mechanic – she’d introduced herself as Sophie – shook her head when she saw my spare tyre. She came and told me that there was no way I’d be driving home, not with the way my tyres were. The good news, though, was that I’d managed to get my car in a safe place off the road, it wouldn’t impede the traffic where it was.

Burnie is beautiful but it’s just a country town and it’s usually dead just after dark. It’d be next to impossible for me to get a taxi this time of night. A benefit of living in country towns is that people are often friendlier than in the big cities. Sophie was no exception – she asked me where I lived, and insisted on taking me home.

Had I was driving, I’d have got us there in under ten minutes from where I’d broken down. Sophie took her time, it was almostfifteen minutes, and we spent the time chatting away about cars and how useless men can be. I’ll admit to you that it was my fault, that I hadn’t told hubbie about my flat. But I told Sophie something different, it was all Mark’s fault and I was going to make him pay. Sophie innocently asked how he’d pay.

As Mark had told me one drunken night, he had always had a thing for my Sister. With Sophie’s looking like a clone of my sister, a glint entered my eye. “I’m going to strip him naked, tie him up under a tree in the yard, then I’ll whip him!”, I told her. Sophie laughed, and told me she’d like to see that. We were just pulling up to my house, so I told her to stick around.

“Hmm, okay – yours was my last job for the night, don’t mind if I do stay and watch this!”, she said. I was secretly pleasantly surprised. Sophie turned off her RACT van and accompanied me to the door. Her breathing had increased slightly, and her nipples were pressing nicely against her shirt.

I unlocked the door and made a bit of extra noise. Mark is a light sleeper, so I knew he’d be awake by the time we got to the bedroom. Sure enough, he was poking his head groggily up as I switched the light on. He seemed a bit surprised when he saw Sophie and me both in the doorway. When he saw Sophie, I swear his blanket began to turn into a little tent just covering his groin.

“Get out of bed, you lazy bastard – how can you sleep when I told you to get the spare fixed! If it wasn’t for Sophie here I’d have been walking home! You’re gonna be taught a lesson!” I pulled the covers back. He was wearing an erection, barely covered by his briefs, and nothing else.

I went to my bedside table and removed a handful of items. “Take these and go to the oak in the backyard. Wait for us there”, I ordered him. He went out meekly, looking a bit like a whipped puppy. I turned to Sophie and told her, “This’ll be a bit of fun!” I told her to get herself a drink while I got into my dom outfit -skintight black skirt with a bra that showed my boobs off. Heels to match. I collected Sophie and we went out to find Mark just where I’d ordered him.

First things first – handcuffs on his wrists, then a rope between the cuffs. Rope thrown over a convenient branch, pulled tight and thereby stretching Mark nicely. Now I’m not really a sadist, mind you, so I told Sophie he wouldn’t Come to any lasting harm. Evil smile for good measure, though, so Sophie couldn’t be too sure.

I switched on the floodlights to illuminate the backyard, so Sophie and I could get a good view. Next I got my whip out and laid a few easy strokes across his butt and shoulders.

“Hmm, not nearly good enough!”, I told them. Asking Sophie to hold the whip, I went over to Mark and cut His underpants off him. He seemed to struggle slightly, but stopped then I grabbed him by the balls. A few quick tugs, more to surprise than hurt, to keep him in line. I took the whip back and then, crack! crack! crack!three more whips across his bare arse. Enough to sting a bit and turn his cheeses a nice pink. I offered the handle of the whip to our guest, and she expertly tanned his behind some more. Meanwhile I went inside, grabbed a container and half filled it with ice cubes. I asked Sophie to stop whipping him, then ran an ice cube over Mark’s butt. He jumped from the cold. He twitched even more when I pushed a small cube inside his tight arsehole. Then I took the container of ice cubes, placed it between his legs and lifted it up until his balls were in a bath of half-molten ice. His balls promptly climbed up as high up as they could go, and his dick shrivelled too. Sophie laughed at his reaction. Mark turned bright pink with embarrassment at her laugh.

I left the ice there for a minute or so more, then it the container on the floor. “Want to warm him up?”, I asked Sophie. She eagerly got on her knees and started using, first her hands, then her tongue and then her whole mouth on his groin. She was having a great time. She looked like she was a real goer, this one!

I called her away from the still-bound Mark and let her in on my plan. Sophie nodded and said she’d help. She then went back over to Mark and started exploring his arse with her tongue, then her fingers. I gave her a small butt plug and she forced that into his pumped arse, then replaced it a bit later with a larger one. Meanwhile I took the role off the tree, bent Mark over and tied his wrists to his ankles. His face was about hip height now, so I lifted my tight skirt above my hips and grabbed his head, forcing him to lick my wet pussy.

“I think it’s time we changed sides”, I told Sophie. She eagerly removed her pants, and in the light I saw her panties were soaked through. Her pussy replaced mine, her hands held Mark’s head against her like there was no tomorrow. Mark looked excited, so I whipped his arse twice more “Don’t you dare cum until I tell you that you can, you bastard!”, I told him.

I got a strap-on dildo out and removed the butt plug Sophie had left in him. Just a touch of lube, then I pushed the dildo against his resistance arse. I slowly but steadily worked it into him. This wasn’t the first time I’d pegged him, but it was the first time Mark was eating pussy while being pegged. He loved it!

I worked up a rhythm with Mark and Sophie, until I could tell he was close to losing his load. I took off the dildo and separated them, then untied him and forced him on his back. I lightly stepped on his balls, just enough to discomfort him, then forced the dildo up his arse. Now it was my turn. I straddled him, working his shake into my wet pussy. Sophie started licking my clip while I rode him. She was good, getting me off even when I was moving frantically. I came in waves of pleasure.

Sophie then rode him, reverse cowgirl so she could work the dildo that was still in his arse. Mark looked at me, seeking release. I shook my head no, and again and yet again no, until Sophie came to her own huge climax. I then got back on top of him and rode him again, finally giving him permission to cum inside me

I fell off him, fully spent myself. It didn’t surprise me when I felt my legs being separated, and a tongue began licking the cum out of me. I thought it was Mark but it was a bit of a surprise when I saw it was Sophie. She then climbed up me and we shared his sperm.

We all took a few moments to recover, then I uncuffed Mark. We all retired to the bedroom. I woke up once to find Mark’s cock buried balls deep up Sophie’s arse, but that’s a story for another day.


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