Sleep came in fits and starts that first night. Each time I jolted awake Whip was still there right next to me. When morning finally came, he was sipping on coffee and reading a book. As I began to stir, he noticed and gave me a reassuring smile.
“Hey there sleeping beauty.”
I let out a grumble and turned over with my back to him, pulling the pile of warm blankets over my head and trying to fall back to sleep.
“You’ll warm up more quickly if you have a hot a breakfast.” he said.
“No. Too cold. Too tired.” I while in a rather pathetic attempt to avoid facing the prospect of having to move or open my eyes again.
“I wasn’t asking. There’s tea and steaming oatmeal here for you. Let’s go.” reprimanded Whip.
Without giving me a chance to argue, he sat me up and slid the tray of hot food in front of me. Slowly I allowed the memories from the day before to come into focus. When I was finished, he told me that I was doing much better and could go home later in the day.
“I hate to ask this, but would you be able to give me a ride home?” I responded hesitantly.
“Em, I’m giving you a ride to my home. You’re not going back to your place unattended until I’m satisfied that you’ll be okay.”
For once, I thought better than to argue. That afternoon Dan returned and drove us home while Whip sat in the back next to me. His house was warm and inviting with plus furniture and fireplace in the living room. He led me to a comfy chair and dragged a warm blanket around me. “Do you want to talk about what we started discussing yesterday?” he asked. I nodded in assent.
“Okay, first things first; I want to know that you are willing to be appropriately submissive, so you should start by addressing Dan and I as ‘sir,’ understanding?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl. Now let’s discuss my expectations before we began to negotiate. Alright?”
I nodded and glanced up at him, reassurered by his calm demeanor.
“Be honest at all times. Give your best, most sincere effort. Push yourself and expect me to do the same. Trust my judgment. Be respectful. Don’t try to manipulate me. Now, tell me if you understand all that.”
“I understand, sir.”
“Good. Now let’s start with humiliation and degradation. Are those things that you like?”
I blushed and stared at the floor. “I’m not sure, sir.”
“Look at me, Em.” Whip said in a kind but firm voice. I looked up to meet his eyes. He looked back, meeting my gaze while saying, “I personally find humiliating and degrading, within context, as a turn on. Naturally, I’m not going to think any less of you if you feel the same way.”
I told with relief. “Okay, then yes sir, I find it to be something I think About a lot.” As I said this Dan and Whip exchanged glances, smiling at one another, then at me. I smiled back.
“This means that I might have you strip in front of my friends. I’ll call you names and tell you that you’re a whore and a slut. I’llexpect you to thank me when I sit on your face and rub my balls all over it. You’ll be expected to crawl on a lean whenever I like. Being used as a footstool is part of the bargain, as is being expected to keep my cock in your mouth while I am relaxing. You must do the same for any of my friends when I ask. Any questions so far?”
“No, sir.” I replied, trying not to let my quavering voice betray the surge of arousal that was cursing through my body. It took all of my willpower not to reach up to play with my tits or to knee in front of him and beg to suck on his hot, pulsing flesh.
He nodded and continued, “Have you ever had your ass used before?”
“Only a couple of times, sir.”
“And what was it like for you?”
“Well, it was a little bit uncomfortable, and I was kind of sore afterward. It also made me feel helpless though, and I think I liked that part.”
“Both Dan and I will expect to use your asshole whenever we like. You’ll be expected to endure itEven if it is uncomfortable. In fact, I think I speak for both of us when I say that the thought of you being in disappoint makes fucking you anally even more enjoyable for us.” said Whip, looking to Dan questioningly. Dan replied with a wide grin, “Yep, I like a girl who can take it.”
“I will try to accept whatever use you find for my asshole, sir.”
“Good, that’s what I like to hear. You’re off to a good start so far. Now, we haven’t discussed pain and punishment yet. However, I enjoy inflicting a moderate amount of pain on a sub; nothing damage or dangerous, but painful nonetheless. I will spank your ass, slap your pussy and your breasts. I will use clamps and clothespins wherever I like. Your hair will be pulled, and you will be subject to not Only my hand, but also to modernate punishment with crops, canes, whips and belts. Can you handle all of that?”
The sound of all that punishment seemed a bit threatening and I didn’t know how to reply. “I’m not sure, sir, but I’ll try to.”
“Good, that’s all I ask of you. Dan, do you have any other questions for this eager sub?” asked Whip.
“Do you understand that unless you use your safeword, we will not stop what we are doing even if you struggle or try to fight us?” Dan asked.
“Yes sir, at least…now I understand that. Does that means that I’ll be paid for struggle?”
“No,” responded Whip, “not unless you’re purposefully trying to manipulate a situation. Otherwise, you can struggle all you like, it’s a bit of turn on to see you so helpless. Don’t worry, I can easily hold you down and so can Dan.”
“Oh, okay sir.” I whispered.
By the end of our conversation it was nearly dinner time. The men ordered take out and insisted that I drink liberal bowlfulls of hot soup. Afterward Whip insisted that I take a hot bath. He left me to relax and soak up the warmth, returning after about 10 minutes to check on me. He entered without knocking and I let out a slight yelp of surprice. “Just me,” he said as he stepped into view. I instinctively tried to cover my pussy with one hand while crossing my arm over my breasts with the other.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Whip asked with amusement. Before I could respond bent down and grasped my arms, placing them to my sides. “Tssk, tssk. No hiding.”
“Sorry sir, I didn’t think..” I started.
“It’s fine, you’re getting used to me and you’re in a new place. I’m not a completely unreasonable person. At least not yet.” He said with a quick wink. “Now keep your arms by your side while I get to know your body.”
I obeyed as he began by placing his hands on my breasts, cupping and squeezing them. Then he pinched my nipples, not painfully, just hard Enough to leave them hard and pert. I watched as one of his hands slide down my chest; his fingers landing on my excited clip. He rubbed me gently and I reached out to rub it harder. Seeing my response, he wordlessly caught my hand and slide it back to myside. Maybe it was the images that had been planted during our earlier discussion, or possible the vision of his muscle body and his controlling actions, but I suddenly felt an orgasm approaching.
“Oh god, sir, I think I’m going to cum!” I moaned.
“Let it happen. I’m not going to stop you.” he responded.
His fingers were like magic. He was so good at reading my reactions. The Exploding pleasure came in waves and I arched upward in pleasure. I felt my pussy erupt in ecstasy and gripped the sides of the tub. “Holy shit! Oh my…fuck…oh god…yess!!” I called out. “Thank you, thank you, ohh, thank you so much sir.” I repeated.
“Good girl, I didn’t have to tell you to thank me. You’re being a very good sub already.” He compiled.
I smiled contentedly. Whip brought fresh towels and a pair of his cozy pjs and warm socks. There was warm fire waiting in the living room compliments of Dan. I thanked him and then cuddled up next to Whip on the couch, thinkinghow lucky I was to have been the girl that he found.
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