Whickly Twins

Whickly Twins – sara brown

It was mid-summer so long lazy nights spent outdoors in the UK warmth.

I was still with Don and Daisy and Sir suggested i did not make any commitments for the weekend, except i would be home in time for the 10.30 church service.

That was all the information issued, no suggestion of when and where it looked i would be, not that it mattered, i trusted Sir with my whole life and knew i would not come to any harm, quite the contrary if other away days were anything to draw a conclusion by.

Friday morning, August 2019 and Covid was not even a whisper in the wind, so all was safe.

“sara, you will be away 2 evenings, from this afternoon, you have half a day`s holiday from work, and back early Sunday morning.”

“Yes Sir, Thank you.”

“A clue sara, you could pack a spade.”

“Am i to be buried Sir?” i was a little scared, hate confused spaces, i think my eyes welled up too.

Sir walked towards me. i thought it wouldbe a face slapping for asking a question.

He cuddled me and wiped my eyes on a tissue, “No Silly girl, you are going to the seaside.”

I cried with relief and joy, and had a good idea where i was going.

I got the train home at lunch time on Friday and as usual Daisy had packed my bag, i never ever looked into it until unpacking at my destination.

I showed, drunk and put on the clothes laid out, my pink, lacy bra and knickers, my favourite skin tight blue denim shorts and midi pink `T` shirt.

I feel so sexy and even feel an tingle go through my body.

When i see girls in anything midi or short tops showing off their belly button and naked skin i could do them there and then.

The way our tits, however small, holds it away from our bodies is just, well, is just WOW.

I went into the blinde and Sir patted his knee, “Something to travel with sara.”

Only a spanking, but on my tight shorts was very effective and very thrilling for me as i knew when naked in front of my new host he would see my Sirs shinny bottom addition.

As i knelt Daisy undid Sirs fly, it was buttons and she knows how hopeless i am at them.

She popped two finger of her right hand into my mouth to gather some spit and took out his willy with her left hand.

All spitted up she latched by wet mouth onto his now stiffening cock.

My eyes went to his and my arms behind my back in the slave position, pushed my tits forward as he fucked my mouth, he never cum, Daisy told me to go pee and she took over my good work and his cream.

I was on the 1.50 train out of Leeds and heading for Whickly, one of my favourite places.

I daydreamed in my seat of the few times i had spent in some cottages there.

It was spanking girls bottoms for the men and also spanking girls bottoms for ladies too, those higher up the ladder from me.

It was so posh i was nearly always spanked over my knickers until bed time then a naked flogging and fucking for most of the night by one cock or another.

The train guard announced, Whickly Station, It was the end of the line, i got my rucksack from the rack and waited in the queue to get off the train.

I looked the post card Daisy had given me, she said not to read it until i was stood to leave the train.

I would not disrespect her for a second.

sara, you have been entered in a competition, to run over 1 full day, 2 nights with Sir Tony.

You have stayed with him before and he asked for you especially.

You slave, obedience and common sense skills will be pitched against another Masters slave.

You do not have to win, just be true to yourself and Sir.

Remember, winning is sometimes losing. xx

I stood on the platform until it had emptied, no one to meet me so i made my way to the exit.

I showed my ticket to the station official and he took me to his office.

“This ticket is for yesterday, i am afraid i will have to fineyou and charge you double the fare.”

“Please Sir, i am so sorry, the ticket was bought for me and i never checked the date.

Please Sir, i have not much money on me, as i was speaking, “Obedience and Common Sense” came into my head.

I know its a naughty thing i have done and deserve a spanking, at least.”

He adjusted the front of his trousers, “Very true little girl, in fact a school girl error, and naughty little girls should be bare bottomed spanked, at the minimum.” He walked to his office door and locked it.

“Yes Sir, at the minimum, and maybe, just maybe full payment could be taken in other ways Sir?”

He sat on his chair and i walked towards him, a shy little girl, head bowed, with a tear rolling down my cheek.

I folded my arms behind my back in the classic slave pose.

He pulled down my tight shorts, knickers at the same time too, to my knees and i bent over his lap for a hard if amateur spanking.

I cried and when i had enough shrieked and he stopped and i slide off his knees and onto mine and knelt open mouthed.

He unzipped and pushed his more than general cock into my mouth for a naughty girl sucking, he soon cum and in minutes his door was unlocked and i was stood outside the station.

No one around so i walked towards the bridge and crossed into the old quarter.

I was soon outside Sirs door, i knocked and a naked girl answered.

“Hello, i am sara brown, Sir Tony is expecting me.”

She closed to door and i stand waiting.

Sir opened it, “Welcome back sara, what would you have done if you had answered the door to Eve, sara?”

“I would have invited her in Sir.”

“Correct answer, come in.”

I went into the hall and Sir stood in front of a wall chart, just 2 headings, eve – sara.

He put a tick under my name and beckoned eve to the bottom of the stairs.

He put his left foot on the first step, unhooked a short leather strap from his belt and took her over.

I recall he did not ease back on bottom reddening.

She was soon red and howling.

I had got naked whilst watching her spanking, because i was obedient?

No, because then I could rub against my pussy.

Sir spun me around to see my own red bum, “I see William checked your rail ticket sara?”

“Yes Sir, he sure did, and stamped it too.” even eve laughed.

I was taken to my `old` room sent for a pee, see, he remembered.

When i came back in i was led by a nipple to the bed, “Fuck her sara.”

Sir got out his cock and wanked as i went down on eve`s pussy with my own and we ground out some cums.

I knelt over her head expecting her to suck, she did not.

Sir stopped wanking, came to the bed, pushed his cock in her mouth, took his strap and whipped her tits.

As he moved away she was soon latched on to my clip and sucking like a vacuum.

“sara!” He snapped his fingers and i went and knelt before him.

“Another tick on your chart plus!” he pulled my head onto his wanking cock, just in time as i collected his spurts.

“Wash up girls, dinner in an hour, Indian takeaway ok?”

We both nodded.

As we heard him go down, i lay on my back and let eve do me every which way she could, wow her toes were a lot more agile than mine.

We both washed up and went downstairs, me still naked, eve with the silk dressing gown on we both had behind our bedroom doors, over our bedroom straps.

The doorbell rang.

“May i answer it Sir.”

“Yes of course and he will need a tip.”

A handsome young Indian man had brought our order.

“Good evening Sir. Thank you for bringing our order, would you like to avail yourself of any part of my takeaway body Sir?

He titted me up as i removed his cock from his so tight jeans.

He fingered me and i wanked him, as he began to tremble i knelt and had my second cum dose of the day, third if you count Sir Don`s this morning.

I zippedhim up and saw Sir had been watching from his bay window.

I put the foil trays on the mats on the table.

“eve, why did you not offer to get the door?”

“I did not think Sir.”

“Pass the dog bowls off the mat, you will be our pet, eating your food like a dumb animal and serving us under the table.”

“Yes Sir.”

“You are well short on manners, you Did not say thank you, come here and beg like a dog.

sara pick any number.”

“5 Sir, my lucky number.”

“Count them sara.”

“If you move your head from centre it will not count.”

His swung his arm back and and slapped her face, not hard but sure was loud.

“One Sir.” She never moved a muscle apart from her tears.

She was a quick learner and i was soon saying, “5 Sir.”

We ate and was fucked in turn with es long tongue and in my case nibbling teeth.

eve and i took the plates and empty foil dishes into the kitchen, i went out to the bin and she filled the dishwasher.

The evening warm air on my naked body reminded me so much of my Fathers place in Spain we spent many holidays at with other naturalists, boys and girls.

I have had some fucking`s there and given some too, happy memories.

We met Sir in the hall.

“sara, a tick for you, me having to whip eve`s tits.

A tick for the great service of the delivery man.

eve, a tick for the perfect under table hospitality.

Now before bed a whipping for one of you, into the play room.

Poor eve, i felt she had enough.

I was about to say so when, “sara, prayer position, hands into the loops.”

wtf, how had i lost, or as my postcard said, had i won.

Nothing harsh but i knew i had been whipped.

He used a short tailed whip with a split end to to.

Most lashes hit a nipple, my mind was beginning to wander.

Another door bell ringing, made me jump, eve was off in a flash.

I was still being whipped as she entered with 3 young men.

“Good evening gentlemen, i will leave sara hanging for your pleasure and you may use eve as you wish.

At 10 they will take you to their own bedroom for you to share your time between them.

In the morning i would like you all to add a tick on the chart in the hall.

Good evening all.”

The men soon stripped naked and stood in front of us.

The tallest man was by far the longest and hung well below his balls.

The next, the youngest i guess and more inexperienced was shooting straight out, he had little control of it, but nice and thick.

The last was a normal run of the mill slack cock, sticking outward at the base a little before hanging down like a tear drop.

They all rubbed their cocks and were soon ready for action.

eve was laid on the table, her head hanging over as they took it in turns to deep throat her, the first man, the well hung one, put his fist around his cock so as not to choke her, it made me feel at ease.

The last one spun her around with her legs hanging down over the table edge where her head had been.

He lifted her legs over her head and eased his cock into her.

It was now my turn now, I was lowered and my hands were put behind my back and re looped and the rope pulled up again and i was bent over, to make all inlets available to them.

I had the choice to pull out of the loop, i was hanging onto to it, not tied into it.

The tall man pulled his belt from his trousers, hung over a dining chair, hopefully for me, and it was.

As i sucked one he fucked me from behind hitting my sweet spot and his belt lashed my bottom cheats, cum and cum and the once knelt below me sucked out my cum.

It felt like cocks all over as then hit every whole, it was, delish.

eve was brought over and her pussy was put to my mouth, i was ravenous.

Sir had left drinks and nibbles out on his patio under 3 patio heaters.

i was un looped and me and ever served the men.

The well hung one asked if either of us was water trained, i was not over sure what it was so never answered, but shrugged my shoulders, eve said yes.

She sat with her back towards his legs and tipped her head back, the crown of his huge cock emptied himself into her mouth.

She obviously could not take all his pee but did well.

I was pulled back by the small cocked one and was Not sure, I went over his knee for a reminder spanking and set back done in the pee position, and he peed into my mouth and i swallowed all i could whilst sobbing for his handy work on my bum.

eve took the last one in her mouth and drank more.

The clock struck 10 and we went to our rooms, well sort of, they all went to eve`s room.

I showed, twice, cleaned my teeth maybe 5 times and got into bed.

I was soon wait and was hurt by being turned on my side, a cock pressing my lips, i opened of course, would have been rude not to.

He pulled out and was soon using my saliva to open my bumpy rose and another cock took his place in my mouth, then he moved by my front and was soon touching the cock up my bum, or felt like it, i was being double fucked, first time.

The last was in my mouth i was being used left, right and centre.

They all cum and two left for es as the big cock eased between my legs to re build his strength, we fell asleep, spooning.

Instinct woke me at 6.50, i slipped out quietly, had a pee and a shower then back into bed.

I took him as i was taught by Sir Don.

I licked around his crown sucking on his pee hole, then licked down his shake to his ball sack, rubbing the base of his shake as i sucked each ball in turn.

Once stiff i wanked and sucked before mounting him, i rode him like a calmion, the Feeling was out of this world, but i was after a bigger price, his tick.

I had just finished when one of the other men came in and as one left to shower the other took his place, and againwith the third, i had certainly got my ticks.

The men left, i bathed and eve came in with me, her toes once again climaxing me, i tried to do the same and she reacted.

8.00 and down, naked for breakfast, it smelt incredible.

Sir took us into the hall with our eyes closed and stood us in front of the chart.

I could not believe my eyes, tick, tick, tick all to……………eve.

“Get the dog bowls sara.”

“Yes Sir, well done evie, i hugged her and got a visit to the bottom stair step, and for me, a top of the leg slapping, the worst pain ever for a girl i think, such a tender place.

Got to be honest it was short but sharp, owwww.

During my spanking the doorbell went, eve, quick as a flash answered, i noticed she opened the door fully.

It was the young Indian gentleman who had delivered our last evenings meal, with friends.

“We have guests for breakfast girls.”

I was not stupid, extra cocks and a slit to service, did i win or did i lost?

We all went into the dining room and me and eve set the table and i picked my dog ​​bowls up.

We were stood against the wall for our visitors pleasure, they took full advantage, slapping poking, producing, fingering and title juggling.

I was so hot i could not wait for breaky to come and me to get under that table.

Sir went to check on the breakfast he was cooking.

“sara, eve, kitchen.”

eve moved so quickly she still had 2 fingers in her pussy, lol.

A full breakfast was laid out for them all, did it occurred to me Sir knew exactly what each likes, one 2 eggs one no eggs, one no fried bread, no, not at all. 😉

I had a quick nibble from my bowl, no hands allowed, and took my place under the table.

I had a plan, with my new Found toe skill i would fuck eve in the first batch.

The youngest i would suck off first whilst wanking Sir and the other man i did not know.

I lay against the legs of the young man, like last night when taking pee, and guided him down my throat and wanked and toed the others.

It went well and no one complained.

We cleared away as the men chatted, wonder what was to cum, got to say i was a little/lot excited.

We were called into the lounge by Sir. He explained he was away out on business for the day and when the gentlemen left we could relax and play.

We ran up to get shown and ran back down to 3 naked Indians, so fit such fantastic physics and 3 again different lengths and thicknesses and the way they hung, all different.

Our deliveryman explained that Indians enjoyed the Kamasutra sexual positions.

He said we would be stood up, laid down, on our hands and knees, well all sorts of positions.

We were stood back to back, arms entwined.

Big cock stood in front of me, cock between my legs and ticckled eves pussy lips with it, amazing.

Then a cock up me and one up eve and they lifted us off our feet.

They played and tormented us for a good hour.

We were sent to make coffee for the three gentlemen, as gentlemen they were, we took it in to them.

They were all three wanking and we were told we had to put on a show for them and they would join in.

We both hesitated and the one who delivered our meal pulled me over his knee for a spanking.

Then eve over my back for her spanking, different i know.

We were about to get up when 2 cocks appeared before us, mine was knelt and hers stood as we had our faces fucked our spanker was fingering us, then eased us off his knee, eve still on my back and him fucking us in turn, what a turn on.

After the fun we were taken onto the patio for a Golden Shower, posh for being peed on.

Think i may be getting quite used to it now.

eve could have a cock in her mouth peeing and not choke, i had no chance of doing that.

We were taken back inside and i was lifted up with my knees over the tall ones shoulders, he licked me out as one of his friends fucked my mouth, then a swap.

He then turned me around with my legs crossed behind his neck, a different access point to my pussy for him and a `no option` cock down my throat for him, i bloody loved it.

It was all over they all had to go, we were knackered, fucked out you may say.

I ran a bath and we both got in and played a little then into my bed, and slept.

We were tired with the duvet pulled off and my bedroom strap over our bottoms, no reason, Sir just wanted to belt us i think.

Then rolled over for out tits, and finally, legs open to swell our pussy`s tight after all the cock we had taken that day.

Yes we both cried like babies but both agreed we must have needed it, Sir`s always know best.

As he left, “Dinner at 6.00, a busy evening planned.

We had 3 hours so i set my phone alarm and we cuddled and slept.

Before dinner we were taken into the hall to see the Indian Gentlemen`s marks on our score sheet, i wasconfident of getting at least 1, the delivery driver.

“3 to ever again sara, i feel you are not trying, its a hiding for you miss.”

I was taken to his study, he sat on his chair and i went over.

“Hands flat on the floor, leg wider, that`s it.”

He took his time and spanked hard, and covered the crown of my bottom, it was very painful.


i began to get off.

“Stay there young lady, now over a little further and elbows on the floor, better access for me to your sit spot.”

And it was and even more painful as he also managed a fresh tanning of the tops of my legs.

“To your room now sara, until you are called.”

I nodded and ran to my room and cried, i really had tried, tried my very hardest.

eve came for me after about an hour and cuddled me, i cried into her breasts and she latched me on to one of her nipples, i suckled, it was so soothing, i loved it, mum used to let me suckle when i had been given a particular bad punishment.

The doorbell rang, we were like Siamese twins as we flew down the stairs, i let her answer the door.

A very well dressed young lady was stood on the doorstep with a naked male on all fours on a collar and lead plus the largest proper dog you ever did see, we invited them in.

Sir came into the hall, “All fours girls, it puppy class time with a BIG surprise at the end of class.”

I had done a puppy class weekend so had some idea of ​​what was what, i sniffed at eve`s pussy and bottom, then at the slave boy puppy, and went under and licked his hairless cock.

We both had collars fit, mine purple with inset diamonds, i wish, eve had pink with green emeralds.


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