Chapter 1.
Cindy was stacking a shelf at Krogers when the scent of white musk and delicate jasmine aroused her senses. She turned to face the voluptuous bosom of a woman wearing a tight-fitting, black cashmere turtleneck.
She gulped as she raised her eyes to a face she recognized. A face that still haunted her dreams 25 years later: Eleanor. Excite twisted in her stomach.
Eleanor’s skin glowed with a healthy tan as if she had recently returned from a vacation to paradise. Her black hair was sleep as silk. She raised a single plucked eyebrow. She stared down at Cindy with eyes that glimmered gold.
Eleanor reached and cupped the nametag on Cindy’s apron. A yellow gold Rolex with a white diamond dial shimmered on her wrist.
Cindy held her breath. Would she remember her from high school? All the times she carried her bags? Took her gym clothes home to wash and iron? Completed her homework? Sponge bathed her car? Waited in line to pick up her lunch?
“I need some assistance,” said Eleanor, dropping Cindy’s nametag.
Cindy nodded. Her response stalled in her throat. “Y-yes, of course. Happy to, Miss.”
She felt the disappointment at not being recognized by Eleanor sink into the pit of her stomach. But then again, looking over Eleanor’s curvacious body, seeing the Gucci belt over tight black jeans and Gucci boots encircled by jeweled straps, Eleanor was rich. Far too rich to ever be seen inside Krogers. Cindy meanwhile, was dressed in cargo pants and an apron stacking shelves.
Eleanor placed her hands on her hips and slotted her thumbs inside her belt. “I’ve had an awful day. My housekeeper found herself in the ICU before she’d even finished her chores. I’ve no food in the house and I don’t have time to order any deliverys. I haven’t the faintest idea what I’m supposed to do in a place like this. Where’s the organic spinach? The collars? The pink lettuce?”
“Um, we have somethings like that, Miss. But I think maybe your housekeeper shopped somewhere else. Maybe the Fresh Market?”
Eleanor’s posture straightened as she inhaled her announcement through her nose. Cindy felt the same intimidation as when they were eighteen. A familiar distress ran through her blood. She did not want to let Eleanor down. She wanted to please her. She wanted Eleanor to like her.
“Do you have a list, Miss?”
Eleanor retrieved a gold-plated iPhone Pro Max from the back pocket of her jeans. She scrolled over the glossy screen and raised her eyes to Cindy expectedly. Cindy jerked wake and retrieved her own, much smaller, older device. Eleanor’s lip curled slightly at the sight of it.
Cindy flushed as she read out her number. A couple of seconds later her phone vibrated and she saw Eleanor’s grocery list as an attachment.
“Thank you,” she said, not sure why she was thanking her but feeling like it was somehow justified. “Let’s see what you have here, Miss.”
Eleanor sent. “I don’t have time for this. I have an appointment to get my nails done. “Why don’t you go ahead and just collect everything for me?”
Cindy gulped. She’d been working all day. Her shift was about to end. She’d been looking forward to going home and taking a bath. Just a glance at the list showed how daunting a task it would be. She was sure Krogers did not stock even a third of what Eleanor sought.
But she couldn’t say no. The teenager lurking inside of her leaped at the opportunity to help. “S-sure. I can do that. Um, what time do you want to pick it up?”
“It’ll be easier if you just deliver it to my house.”
Eleanor tapped her screen and a second message vibrated on Cindy’s phone. It was Eleanor’s address. She lived in Paradise Hills, the rich area of town.
Cindy always knew Eleanor would be successful at anything she chose to do. She had always been the most popular, charismatic, and beautiful person in any room, but those were only her surface qualities. Cindy had witnessed Eleanor’s intelligence and creativity firsth. It was always a privilege to be in her presence. It was a treatment to smell her perfume, see her clothes, and admire her body. It had made coming to work worth it.
“I’ll expect you around six,” said Eleanor.
It wasn’t a question.
“O-of course, Miss, I’ll see you then,” said Cindy, swallowing another urge to thank her.
Eleanor said nothing as she sauntered away down the aisle. Cindy watched, mesmerized by the sway of her buttocks inside her jeans. The eyes of every customer, male, and female, shifted to Eleanor as she swept by them in a designer haze of perfume and labels. Cindy knew they were all thinking the same thing: what the hell was a woman who looked like that doing inside Krogers?
Cindy smiled. She was revitalized. Eleanor had chosen her. Out of all the staff she could have approached, Cindy was the one.
Eleanor may not have remembered her name or face, buta part of her must have recalled that skinny, different girl who had always tried so hard to please her. Cindy’s efforts had left a mark on Eleanor’s subconscious. It was the only explanation as to why she would entrust her grocery list to her.
Cindy looked down at Eleanor’s grocery list on her phone, eager to get started, but her skin prickled with dread as she grew more aware that Krogers sold almost nothing Eleanor wanted.
Horror replaced her fervor. She got to work, rushing through the aisles in a vain attempt to find something, anything, on the list. She dared not substitute brand names. Krogers own was fine for people like Cindy, but Eleanor required better. The risk of failure invoked Cindy’s old anxiety.
It was just like that time in high school when she had asked Eleanor for permission to Take some time in the evening to work on her own assignment since she had already finished, edited, and poisoned Eleanor’s. Eleanor’s response had been to stare through her like she was a bug. Cindy always shriveled under that stare. She had immediately apologized, her voice cracking as tears threatened to spill. Eleanor never said a word. She never needed to. She simply walked away leaving Cindy to quietly sob over her mistake.
Cindy worked harder than ever after that. She agon over Eleanor’s assignment, ensuring each sentence was perfect, each point was cross-referenced, each semi-colon was grammatical. It was a month before Eleanor allowed Cindy to be near her again. The relief Cindy had felt at Eleanor’s A+ made her cry. And when Eleanor told Cindy her lunch order one beautiful day, it made the F Cindy received for the hastily scribbled essay she had written minutes before the start of class, worth more than the world.
Cindy would not let Eleanor down. She would drive to every grocery store in the city if she had to. Eleanor’s housekeeper had been able of finding everything Eleanor needed. Why couldn’t Cindy? Eleanor was worth the effort.
Cindy drive for five hours stopping at every high-end supermarket and exclusive grocers she could find. With Eleanor’s deadline, she had no time to stop and rest. The AC in her 2001 Ford Taurus had stopped working a long time ago. She was sweaty and exhausted by the time she was done.
She arrived at Eleanor’s Paradise Hills address with Just fifteen minutes to spare. Gilded gates guarded the mansion beyond. Cindy got out of her car and looked through the bars at the long driveway and multi-acre lawn that led to a multi-million manor.
Eleanor was wealthier than Cindy had ever dreamed possible.
She looked back at the first and only car she had ever bought. Even then it had been second-hand. She regretted not stopping to have it washed. It looked depressed, as if embarrassed to exist. The thought that the bags of groceries in the trunk were worth more than the car itself put Cindy’s life into perspective.
The bill washuge. Far more than Cindy had expected or could afford. It was lucky her family had gotten into the habit of living frugally. Her husband hadn’t worked for years ever since he was laid off. Cindy had been the sole breadwinner and she controlled their finances, only spending money on absolute necessities. It enabled Cindy to create a safety net for themselves. But the sight of all that money leaving her account to pay for Eleanor’s groceries was terrifying. The receipts were in her pocket. She was anxious about broaching the subject of repayment. Should she give Eleanor the receipts or wait to be asked?
She pressed a buzzer on the gate and waited for a response. It was a minute before a girl’s voice, not Eleanor’s, came languidly through the speaker.
“Yeah? What?”
Cindy leaned her face into the speaker. “Um, yes, hello, this is Cindy?”
There was silence.
“I have groceries?”
There was a crunch of static as the girl released the receiver. Cindy was left waiting. She glanced up and saw a security camera above her head. The lenses starred directly at her. She maneuvered her cargo pants self-consciously beneath the glare. A few moments later, the gate trundled open.
“Thank you,” she said into the speaker and blushed at the silent response.
She returned to her car and slowly drove through the open gates and up the winding driveway. She parked opposite a jet-black Mercedes SUV with golden rims and a personalized license plate that read ELEANOR1. There were also a couple of convertibles. A rose-pink Porsche with an ALISON2 license plate and a metallic Aston Martin with a JESSICA1 license.
Her own car was a disheveled mess, completely out of place. She wished she’d simply parked on the street and carried the groceries on foot rather than risk Eleanor seeing it.
She looked up at the white limestone manor. A grand staircase led to a front porch supported by classical columns and wide, double mahogany doors. She had alwayss known she and Eleanor were destined for different life trajectories, but Eleanor existed in a different stratosphere than her own.
Someone as rich as this did not ever do their own grocery shopping. It must have really been an emergency for Eleanor to make the trip to Krogers. Cindy sympathized. It must have been an overwhelming experience for her. Cindy was glad she had been there to help.
Her phone buzzed and her heart leaped. The message was Eleanor’s —Go around the back.
Cindy searched for access and found a floral archway between a manicured hedgerow. She opened her trunk and bundled four bags into her arms.
She headed through the archway, following the ivy that covered the manor’s outer wall. She came to a Grecian swimming pool and neatly trimmed grass tennis court. An athletic-looking girl in form-fitting white shorts and a polo shirt twirled her rail. A machine fired a tennis ball at her, and with a grunt, she struck it over the tight netting. Her blond ponytail bounced as she prepared her feet for her subsequent return. Eleanor’s daughter? She seemed to be the same age as Cindy’s own daughter, Sarah, only far more developed.
It was regrettable that Sarah had taken after her. She knew Sarah’s life would be more difficult because of it. In a perfect world, appearance did not matter, but Cindy knew better. There was a reason why she Still stocked shelves at Krogers. It hadn’t been for a lack of work ethic. She rarely missed a day and she always tried to gain additional hours. But each time a higher position opened, it would be awarded to another. The reality was, attractive girls did not spend their lives in menial positions for long.
She felt bad that Sarah was only one year free from high school and already suffered the Disappointment of seeing her better-looking, confident, effortcent co-workers promoted above her. Cindy offered reassuring words but she knew they were lies. Sarah was on the same trajectory as herself and it ate at her insides.
“That’s Jessica,” said Eleanor from behind. “My elderly.”
Cindy turned to see Eleanor leaning against an open door, one leg cocked and her arms folded over her breasts.
Cindy smiled nervously. “Hi, again,” she said happily lifting one hand in a wave.
Eleanor was impassive. “Did you get everything?”
“Yes, I think so. Some of this stuff was really hard to find, though.”
Eleanor stared through her.
“N-not that I’m complaining or anything. I was real happy to help. It’s just that I, um, don’t think you should try shopping at Krogers again. Ha ha.”
Eleanor continued to star.
Cindy gulped. “So, um, do you want me to unpack?” The offer took her by surprise. She had Thought she would drop them off, get compensation, and then leave. Somehow, Eleanor’s stare had made it seem rude not to offer.
“The kitchen’s through here,” said Eleanor. “Don’t both asking me where anything goes. My housekeeper deals with that. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
“No problem,” said Cindy, following Eleanor inside.
She divided as she witnessed the grandeur of the kitchen. It was larger than the entire downstairs of her own home. Marble countertops sparkled as if fashioned directly from the pages of a glossy magazine. There were double overs, two double-doored friedge-freezers, and triple sinks in stainless steel. The cabinets were intricately carved from cherry wood. There was a walk-in pantry and two separate islands.
“Wow,” she excerpted, “this is amazing. It’s like the kitchen of my dreams.”
Eleanor slotted her buttocks on a cushioned stool behind the far island. “You dream of kitchens?” she said without irony, turning her attention to an iPad Pro.
Cindy laughed.
Eleanor glanced up and surprised. “Are you going to just hold onto those bags?”
“Oh, right,” said Cindy, placing them on the closest countertop.
Eleanor returned to her iPad. Cindy noticed Eleanor’s manicure was now black and silver. Her nails glittered like bright stars in the night sky.
“Wow, Eleanor,” she said, “I really love your nails.”
Eleanor slowly raised her eyes from her screen.
“How do you know my name?”
Cindy gulped. “Well, um, I didn’t want to say earlier, but um, I think we went to high school together?”
Eleanor stared.
Cindy squirmed, pulling her sleeps down her wrists. “I mean, I know we did. I would…pick up your lunch and…bring it to your table. I did your homework and assignments. I washed and waxed your car?”
Eleanor sent and turned back to her iPad. “So, you were one of those losses that thought they could be someone by sucking up to me?”
Cindy blushed. “It, uh, wasn’t like that exactly. You see, I wasn’t very popular at school.”
Cindy smiled nervously, hoping Eleanor was just joking. “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing to say, but I wasn’t doing those things just to impress you like all theother girls. It made me…genuinely happy. I would look forward to it. You were the closest thing I had to a friend back then.”
Eleanor lazily disguised her smile with a pout. “Hmm, Harriet, right?”
Cindy hated to correct her. “Cindy?”
“Were you the one with all that eczema on your face?”
“Um, no. That was Shelly.”
Eleanor smiled widely, showing the purity of her white teeth. “That’s right. That poor bitch. Whatever happened to her anyway?”
“She…she died.”
Cindy remembered Shelly’s mother had found her swinging from the branch of a tree in her backyard. She had apparently taken the hint that she was too ugly to deserve to life. It was the talk of the school for an afternoon until Eleanor dumped her boyfriend to reclaim her rightful place as the hot topic of gossip.
“Oh well,” yawned Eleanor, stretching her arms, arching her back, and expanding her bosom. Cindy glanced nervously away from Eleanor’s nipples pressing against her cashmere turtleneck. “It doesn’t really matter.” She turned back to her iPad. “Hurry up with those bags, will you?”
“Oh right, sorry, Eleanor.”
The apology had slipped effortlessly from her tongue. Eleanor accepted it with both silence and grace.
Cindy meticulously checked every cupboard and pantry shelf to ensure she was not placing something incorrectly. Eleanor’s housekeeper clearly had a system, and Cindy hated the thought of confusing it. What if Eleanor wanted something and the housekeeper couldn’t find it? That wouldn’t be fair to either of them.
“Hey you,” came the same voice Cindy had spoken to over the speaker before entering the estate. Cindy turned to find a curvaceous teen wearing a white, short-sleeved V-neck tucked into her designer jean shorts. Her blond hair was styled and glossed with product. She stood within the archway that led deeper into the manor with her hands on her hips. “I’m thirsty. Make me some lemonade.”
Cindy laughed nervously and looked to Eleanor for guidance.
“My youngest,” said Eleanor, with her attention still on her iPad. “Alison.”
“Oh, hi, Alison,” said Cindy, “it’s so nice to meet you. I’m-“
Alison stomped her foot. “Now!”
Cindy shuddered at the sudden demand. She again looked to Eleanor in the hopes she might reprimand her daughter’s insolence, but she appeared to have barely noticed.
“Um, okay, Alison,” said Cindy, “I can do that. Eleanor?” She hoped her question would awaken some parental admonishment.
“Green tea” ordered Eleanor, without looking up from her screen.
Cindy heated two saucepans of mineral water. She poured four cups of pure Sucralose into one, stirred, and then left it on the stainless-steel gas top to dissolve. She poured one tablespoon of green tea leaves into a strainer over a porcelain cup. She took the first saucepan of boiling water and poured it through the strainer until the bottom was fully immersed in hot water. She removed the strainer and allowed the tea to sit. She continued to stir the Sucralose in the water and then removed it from the hob to cool to room temperature. She poured retrieved miner water into a crystal tumbler and added organic lemon juice and sliced lemon.
She placed the teacup on a saucer and carried it over to Eleanor, placing it before her on the marble countertop.
Eleanor paid her no mind since Alison was showing her a video on her phone. Cindy could not make out the visual but she could hear the unmistakable sounds of crying and the mean-spirited taunts of feigned sympathy and giggles.
Alison was leaning over the countertop showing her cleavage through her too-tight V-neck. Cindy couldn’t help but stare at her intimidating bosom.
Alison’s Cheeks slimized adorably as she laughed, pointing her manicured fingerprintnail at the screen. Eleanor slowly shook her head in amused disbelief at the scene. Cindyprickled with dread.
“It’s good, right mom?” said Alison.
Eleanor chuckled, rubbing her hand down her daughter’s back. “So creative. I’m so proud of you.”
“It’s already had twenty thousand views on TikTok. She’ll be TikTok famous in no time.”
Cindy cleared her throat. Neither of them turned to her. “Let me know if the tea is okay. I can make you another if it’s too strong.”
Eleanor gave a noncommittal grunt.
“Where’s my lemonade”‘ said Alison.
“Almost done. I just need to let it chill in the refrigerator.”
“Then go do it,” she said, grinning at her screen.
Cindy was started into action. She hurried to mix the Sucralose with the lemon water and placed the tumbler in the refrigerator.
“It will Take a few more minutes,” she said to the disinterested Alison.
“It had better be worth it,” was the response.
Eleanor looked up at Cindy, resting her elbow on the countertop and reaching for her tea. She pursued her sultry lips and slowly blew away the steam. The diamonds on her Rolex flashed as she took a sip before placing it deliciously back upon the saucer.
“Since you’ve nothing else to do but wait,” she said, “you can go see if Jessica needs anything.”
“Absolutely,” said Cindy, saved Eleanor had found the tea satisfactionfactory. “Happy to.”
Cindy watched with awe and fascination as Jessica played. Cindy was not a tennis fan. She did not understand sports, but she had always admired the athleticism of others.
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