Where It All Began

“For what reason do you think you can come and sneak in here like that?”

His voice made my heart jump a beat and I immediately stopped walking. I felt the blood gushing through my veins and I was wondering what had gotten into me in the first place. I knew that I had no right to be here, and out of every dumb thing I had done in my life, I was sure this outtrained them all. Already I was Regretting that my curiosity had gotten the best of me when a friend told me about this room.

I was too afraid to turn around to look at him, I felt his eyes going over my body. I tried to speak but the words seemed to get lost and all that came out was a muffled sound that didn’t even resemble a word.

I heard him moving closer and I was looking for a way out, but the only way back to the party was by the stairs near him. Although that he was the host of the party, I had never met him as I was only coming along with a friend and we weren’t properly introduced upon arrival earlier thatEvening.

“Did a cat caught your tongue? Turn around and look at me while I am talking to you!”

I feel like a little girl that just got caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar. I closed my eyes and let a big sight escape my lips, somehow I managed to move my feet in his direction. My heart was beating in my throat, I knew I was standing right before him but I was too scared to open my eyes. I felt his warm breath over my face and I let out a little scream when I feel his warm hands lifting my chin.

“Open your eyes for me. At least have the decrease to look me in the eye.”

My eyes popped right open, his words had a strange effect on me. There was certain self-confidence and dominance in his voice that was hard for me to ignore. I stared in to the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. They pierced right into my soul and I felt a twinge in my entire body. I licked my lips and my nipples were itching inside my top. I imagined his hands touching my body andhis warm lips touching mine.

“So tell me, what brings a beautiful lady like yourself to my basement?”

Fuck, I realized again where we were and I turned my eyes to the floor while shuffling my feet, blood rushing to my head creating a pink blush on my cheeks. I started to stutter: “I… I’m terribly sorry… Sir… for coming here uninvited… but.. I needed to see with my own eyes…”

I looked back up just in time to notice a smile, that little rise in the corner of his mouth. My nervousness was clearly giving him an inner delight and I felt even more stupid. Suddenly a torrent of words came out of my mouth “I am terribly sorry Sir, I will go back right away and leave your house. I had no business coming here, so I understand…” Abruptly his right hand covered my mouth and he stated with a deep voice that made my pussy twitch: “Oh no girl, you are not getting away that easily, you deserve some punishment.”

“Punishment Sir?” I asked and I think my fear and shock were clearly noticeable because my reaction caused his smile turn in to a wide grin. I couldn’t believe this was going to happen, after all the books I had read, all the fans I had had, I was going to get paid for real?

“Of course a punishment, nobody trespasses here!” He moved towards something that looked like a comfy chair but for some reason it looked different. “Come here and bend over my knee!”

I hesitated, the way to the stairs was right open now and I felt like running but he anticipated my thoughts: “There is no way you can unlock the door without the key in my pocket here.”

I think I looked really desperate at that moment but I gathered all my courage and slowly started walking towards him. I feel my clip throbbing, aching for some attention, clearly loving the situation I was in.

“Good girl,” he says, “now drop those panties to the floor and bend over my knee.”

I cursed internally and the laughter evaporated from my eyes as I slittedmy thumbs behind my panties and pulled them down. I avoided any eye contact when I walked further towards him and bend over like he had asked.

When I was facing down, a tear escaped my eye and dropped to the floor. The strong women I believed I was, had just volunteerly bend over a men’s knee to receive punishment.

His hand caressed my bare bump with soft strokes. He pushed my legs open and spread my ass cheats open. My body started protesting, I tried to get up but he pushed me back down with his other hand. “Stay still” he ordered “or I will make sure you won’t be able to sit down for a week”. My resistance made place for soft muffled cries, tears started running down my cheats. I have never felt so humiliated: A strange man was checking out my most intimate parts, and the worst thing was that my body seemed to like it. With one hand he held me down while the other started rubbing and pinching my butt cheats. His hand landed on my ass with a loud smack. I swallowed a scream but feel my ass singing where his hand landed.

“Good girls count and say thank you” he claimed.

“Fucking hell” I thought, “if this isn’t worse than already, he is going to make me thank him for it?”

Another slap on my ass, immediately followed by a third. “This will never end if you don’t start counting you little trespasser.”

I was sure his handprint was already visible on my naked skin, and I believed every word he had just said so I screamed out: “three thank you for punishing me.”

Another blow on my bottom “What happened to one, thief?”

I whimpered “One thank you Sir”.

With each strike I was sobbing more and more, but he was not feeling any harmse for me, each hit seamless to be more powerful than the Previous one and my ass was burning and singing.

“25 ​​thank you, Sir” I had no idea if it really were 25 blows, I couldn’t really think straight, my body went on automatic pilot since all I felt were my buttocks burning and my pussyjuice running down my legs.

The smacking sounds that filled the room stopped, all that I could hear were my own weeping sounds. He touched my inflamed meat gently and moved his hands towards my throbbing clip and my wet hole. I felt ashamed that he noticed the effect he had on me but I was too exhausted to move or say anything. He pushed my sensitive clip with his thumb and inserted just one finger in my cunt. I screamed again, not out of pain this time, but a release of all the build-up energy. My pussy pulsated on his hand and I was sure I had never cum this hard before. He said: “Good girls receive a reward” and I knew at that moment I would do anything to be a good girl.

And so the journey begins…


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