Chapter 1 – Andrew’s POV
The room is dark and I can’t see. My head is foggy and I can’t think straight. It’s cold, very cold. I try to recall how I got here but I can’t remember. I recall having drinks, laughing, being an ass and then, nothing. I’m lying on the cold hard floor; I think that I’m naked. Where the fuck are my clothes? Where the hell am I? I try to rub my eyes but I realize that my hands are bound and I can’t move them. What the fuck is going on? I can hear voices coming from what sounds like upstairs but I can’t make out what they are saying. I hear laughter and then I hear nothing at all. My heart races and a sense of foreboding washings over me as I hear the sound of siletto heels walking across the floor above me. I am generally scared for my life!
Have I was kidnapped? Does someone think that I’m worth a ransom? Did I piss off someone at the bar? Is this some sort of gag and any second the boys are going to come out laughing at how drunk I am? Oh my God, where the fuck is my girlfriend Kim? I try to call out to her but I realize that I’m gagged so only a crazy mumbling sound comes out. A thousand thoughts race through my mind at the same time and I pray that she is ok! Seconds feel like minutes, minutes like hours. I sit and wait for what feels like days. I am drunk, very drunk, I pass out.
I wake with a start as someone prods my side with a shoe. I hear no voices, but I feel the presence of someone in the room. I try to call out but all I get is the crazy mumbling again. Instantly my heart rate soars and I start to sweat. I need to stay calm and keep cool but my body betrays me and my basic human survival instincts take over.
She starts circling me, a lion in silettos, stalking her prey. I hear the clatter of chains. I feel pressure on my ankle as something surroundings it and tightens. The circuit begins again. The ritual is repeated for the remaining ankle. I feel the constraints that are binding my wrists loosen and hope builds that I’m being released. My hopes are dashed as I hear a mechanical crane that sounds like a winch. Slowly, with each crane, the play on my limbs disappears and my fear heights until I’m spread eagle and can’t move a single muscle.
Once again, the sadistic circulation ritual begins. I can sense exactly where she is in the room. I smell her faith musky odor that seems vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it. I flinch as a hand is placed on my chest and then fingerprints are drawn ever so slowly down my torso and stop at my belt line. Then, again, but this time with enough pressure that I cry out, “Fuck that hurt,” I think to myself.
I hear a sound that is almost primary coming from her very core; the sound of possession, of power, of authority. Slowly, her hands make their way to my mouth and go to work. I feel the gag loosen as it is removed. I gasp some air and lick my chapped lips. I’m about to cry out when a finger is placed over my lips and I hear a faith “Shhhhhh” emanate from my captor. I think twice and then hold my words as the pressure against my lips increase to stress the point. I feel breathing in my ear as I hear the words “Tonight, I own you!” The blindfold is removed to reveal Kim standing at my side!
I’m started and somewhat saved and start to smile at the game that she has started. God, I love this woman! But, my smile quickly vanishes as I look at the steely resolve in her eyes. Tonight, this isn’t Kim, I’m not sure who she is but this is not the Kim that I know. Her eyes are dark and forbidding, she wears no smile, her hair is tied tight in a strict bun, she wears a form fitting, black leather outfit that clings to her amazing athletic body, thigh high boots, her breasts are exposed, she carries a long whip in one hand and an unlit cigar in the other. She doesn’t speak a word but her intentions are clear.
She circles and starts touching me with her whip, running it’s cool, leather surface gentlely over my body. I get goose bumps. Suddenly, the whip cries out and lands on my chest, literally taking my breath away. She pounds again and again, reigning down her punishment, but doesn’t speak a word. I try to be strong but I’m on the verge of tears. She stops and puzzles and then moves out of my periphery. I hear more mechanical sounds as my body starts to move involuntarily leaving me on my knees but face down.
She moves back into my field of vision clearly happy with her decision. Her hands rub my ass, I turn to look at her and catch a wicked smile spreading across her face, the first emotion that I’ve seen her show. The whip reigns out again landing on my ass, shot after shot. I must be bleeding at this point and I’m not sure how much of this I can take. Then, she gently cares my wounds with an almost loving, soothing touch.
A hand reaches around and grabs my cock and starts to stroke it. It feels great but then the hand moves and tightens like a vice around myballs. I swear that she’s literally going to rip them off. I want to flee but I’m powerless to move, to resist, to do anything. The only power that I hold is the power to resign myself to her and to pray. The hand starts struggling my cock again and it feels great. I feel her other hand start massaging my ass. Oh god this feels amazing. I’m getting really worked up anticipating what is going to come next and then as quickly as it began, she stops, and starts in with a deep guttural laugh. Her meaning is crystal clear; tonight is not about my pleasure, it’s about her pleasure. I am here to please her and to succumb to her every wish and desire.
Recent, I hear the crazy mechanical sounds and once again I’m flipped onto my back. “Where the hell did she get this stuff,” I think to myself. She circles around me and then climbs over and straddles me with her legs and come in for what seems like a cuddle. I start to calm thinking that our game is drawing to an end. I scream as she kisses myneck, probes my ear and then runs her tongue down my chest to my left nipple. She clamps onto me like a pit-bull in full attack. I look down and see the grimace in her eyes as a spot of blood appears on my chest. I’m scared shitless now! She is just getting warmed up and I dread what is to come.
She shifts her position and sits on my lap. The heel of her boot is presented to me and without saying a word she Makes her demands known. I kiss the heel of her siletto and then lick the entire length trying not to miss a spot for fear of upsetting her. She seems satisfied with my work and reach down to remove the boot, exposing her foot. It’s clear that she’s had the boots on all night by the strong but not unpleasant odor that rises. Her stocking has a run in it. Her foot is presented again and I repeat her bidding. This time, I apparently Miss a spot resulting in a furry of hard slaps to my stomach. I scream for mercy! She stops. Her foot is offered with a look that clearly says get it right, or else. I slowly, methodically suck on her big toe, circulation it with my tongue, washing it with my beer-laden saliva. I repeat my chore for her remaining toes.
When I complete her bidding she lifts her body and repositions herself so that she’s sitting on my chest. Our eyes are locked and I’m transfixed by the power that she holds over me. I have no choice but to cower and look away. Right here, right now, I am her possession, mind, body and soul. Then, she moves and sits on my neck with her pussy spread wide against the bottom of my chin. I’m presented with a fabulous view of her luscious breasts. I can smell her heavenly scent and it intoxicates me.
Slowly, she lifts her box and places it over my face, just out of reach. I try to lick her but I can’t reach. Slowly, she lowers herself down, stopping, teasing, raising, making it very clear who is in control. I desperately want to taste her. No, I NEED to taste her. My desire borderlines on primary! Out of nowhere she slapses me hard across the face. My ears are ringing. It’s not clear what I did to anger her but I just hope that I don’t do it again.
After more teasing she rests herself on top of me. I’m in heaven now. My tongue shots out and pierces her lips as I drink from her sacred chalice. Slowly, she starts rocking back and forth, grinding her wetness against my face, groaning loudly as her pleasure mounts. Her pace increases, as does her pressure until she’s riding my face like a cowgirl at the rodeo. My breathing is becoming labored as I have a hard time catching any air. I begin to panic but she doesn’t notice or more likely, doesn’t care! I feel like I’m drowning, my airway is completely cut off. What an irony it would be for me to die this way! My panic seems to excite her and she picks up the pace and screams out as I feel her body clnch as the spasms come in wave after wave. I’m on the brink of passing out when her body collapses on mine and my air supply is returned.
Neither of us moves for what seems like an eternity. She has that after sex glow in her eyes that I love. She catches herself and quickly returns to her steely demeanor. She gets up and lights her cigar. I can’t help but dread the obvious Freudian connotation. She walks away. I get nervous when she walks away. She returns and I realize that the symbolism wasn’t a coincidence; she’s wearing a fucking strap-on. “OH MY GOD! What the fuck is she going to do with that!?” I think to myself. Without a word, she adjusts the straws on my legs and puts me into a very compromise position.
She situations herself in the missionary position over me. She pulls out a bottle of lube and applies it liberally to my ass. Then, slowly, I feel pressure at my anus as she presents her phallus at my door. I resist and clnch and she slaps my ass with a look that says we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I give in and try to relax. She starts struggling my cock, which helps. She enters and slowly buries herself in me. The look on her face is one of pure power but also, of pure love.
I feel violent, humiliated and embarrassed. She strokes my cock as she knowingly begins rocking back and forth. My shame gives way to pleasure. I never could have imagined that something could feel like this. The sensing of her fucking my ass, massaging my prostate while struggling my cock is indescribable! My orgasm comes fast and furious and exploits with mind numbing intensity.
She starts fucking me harder. She wears a new look that is foreign to me; it’s powerful, confident, almost cocky. We catch each other’s eyes and her look slowly melts away, replaced with the familiar glow she wears when she’s about to cum. She lowers her body; we are face to face with eyes locked. We kiss as the orgasm envelopes her. She collapses down on top of me and neither of us says a word. What could we possibly say? She slowly gets up, turns and slaps my ass.
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