You’ve come home from work dressed in a dark executive business suit, a soft cream silk blouse and a white silk scarf around your neck.
You walk up the flight of stairs, with me in toe. you’re holding my hand and I follow, smelling and sniffing your clean black suit, kissing your bottom suggestively. We slowly monitorly escalate the stairs. I tug at seem at your hips to find your soft flesh under a thin layer of glowing silk, I run my hand up the small of your back and reflect a shimmer down your spine, you turn to me with a beam and as we stand atop the staircase now I press you up against the wall, sliding my hand around your midriff, crossing sheaves of satin gliding down your belly. You’re warm here and I catch a cloud of your perfume I lean in to wards your lips, gently pressing mine against Yours, parting them with my tongue and probing forth just to capture a small sample of cold clean mood. I mistake in your mouth, scooping enough of your flavour to show you my intent for you. You clutch my hand tightly, urging me, inviting me to take you here and now. Alas my babygirl. I have much planned for you, we have not yet begun our slowance.
You tug yet to your surprise, I resist, still holding on to my hand, I knee at your feet, still on the landing outside your bedroom, I come to rest at the rim of your skirt. slipping just a little of your Attire down I glimpse the shine of satin, the rippled plume of a pantie, the gleaming ridge of underwear. I must smell you, taste you, eventually I will devour you, your sex must be savoured slowly with patience yet finished with extreme prejudice. You sense my pallet rest upon your capped undies, there, still clutching your soft palm, I kiss. I glide my parted lips across this soft patchwork obscuring Your delicious juicings, I want to drink from you yet I find your choice of underwear too exhaust to ignore. My right hand is left wanting. I fumble for your buttocks upon the wall, I slip my hand behind and pull your cheats towards me. I smooth the nub of my mouth more firmly against your panties against hidden moans and stifled smiles. You want me. I know you want me. In time my sweet, in time. I ascend to your buttons, kissing between each one, finding soft silk amidst cold tender prickly flesh. Me meet again, eye to eye. gaze to gaze, our worlds colleague. Here we must change. we Must abate. The bedroom awaits us. My teasing has raised a pool swirling between your legs. My arms judging you, taking hold of your hips. I return behind you, pulling your figure from the wall, your eyes closed, facing the bedroom door.
“Forward, in you go my Princess” I command. Your legs, stumble, my slave in front of me quivers just a little, my job is done, yet the execution of my plan is only about to begin. You push the bedroom door open easily. Your warming aura covering us both, ready for us to be locked in sensitive love making.
A smile breaks your experienced features, aShiver pursues the sweat beading your browser. You feel an bubble of tantalising trust around you. I hope that one says soon you can forgive me what what I am about to do unto you.
You suddenly feel a swift firm clap over your mouth, a thick, yet soft fabric comes blazing down upon your lips, your nose thick with soft fog, a blinding, stifling shock hits you. I clap a handkerchief firmly across your face. “shhhhhh, don’t worry, calm my girl, shhhhhhh, breath, I have you, I’ve got you”. You stumble forwards yet my safe hands have your mouth and chest in my own. your silk encompassed chest beating worryingly only to slow to a safer, pitter patter as your man, your master, your rock captures you in his arms. The feint delicious aroma of vanilla is What hits you first, a sweat, creamy taste dancing over your glossed lips. “shhhhhh shush now”. I sit upon our bed, lowering you to my lap, your buttocks wrapped in your masterful, authoritative skirt bumping with a plop on me. Holding one ofYour finest handkerchieves over your mouth, for you to enjoy, complete with the vanilla spray I bought you for Valentines Day, you realize that I am in complete control of you and your sex swoons ever more for me. Your body withers on me, collapses upon my knees, and I unbutton your skirt, just a little, to feel those silken panties once again. I raise my captive slightly, pushing the black formal dress away from you to reveal what I seek. Those panties, those silent shining panties you wear for me each Friday night. I want to unleash your pool so much my love, my digits dive under a thin elastic to a place warmer than my own burgeoning crotch. You feel me through my own jeans, so hard, so raging, with your name upon my member, your lips soon to cap my burning rage for you. My fingers are pulling your throbbing lust from you, teasing your cliporis while my erect cock whispers to your buttocks that you are lost, you are floating and yet so safe with me.
The sweat rag choking yOur air, giving only a little tasty mercy still stops you from muttering a word, all I hear is your deep erratic breathe. I raise you up, tipping your figure face down towards our bed. I clan atop for you, moving with you as we place you face down on ‘our’ bed. We’re good together. I lower your cheats to the soft flat pillow in the centre, lower than our headboard. I kiss Your cheats, gently, “see, you’re still safe, I’m not going to show you the world I live in. This land of silk I rule, you will listen to me, you will obey and glance only at what I choose. I choose what you see, hear and feel. I will reward you with the tastes you year for”.
We lay star-crossed, my cock probing your undies while I kiss the nape of your neck. I Take your mouth gently yet secure in my grap and press your nostrils together like only a lover could. Your mouth drops open to allow me to pass your sweat gag inside you, folding, pushing, forcibly, filling this your mouth till your cheeses simple. “stay, my pretty”.
As you sense my body leaving you, and the weight upon your legs lift you sense the gentle thin white silk scarf you adorned this morning glide effectively around your neck, the bow you tied, in front of me after we kissed this morning now falls apart and cascades between your boobs. “let’s take this blazer off shall we, there’s no place for that here”. I pull Your silk between your lips. pulling the hanky further inside your maw, deeper into you, you moan loudly with enormous and wet approval. You turn your head one way, then the other noticing me cross the threshold once, twice, three times. with seemingly more lengths of silk. Those are your scarves you mutter to yourself. “My Silk Scarves” you frustratingly confirm. Reduced to mere blouse and panties you wish to move, to protest, yet you know what’s to come. You will sit there like a good girl and you will buckle, you will moan, you will scream and you will gag, and you will enjoy it. The idea of me inside you at any moment causes a small exploration already low down between your legs, ever so small. You gasp and sighthhhhh into your tenuous gag.
Immediately I get to work. I fold a number of silk scarves in front of your face, you watch me as I prepare your bondage. Your favourite colours are here, salmon, apricot, beige, ivory, cream. the devilish sinews of burgundy, midnight blue, intotoxicating jade. Your silks are folded across their triangular centres, creating seemingly longer scarves than you had first thought. Long, thin strands of decadence soon to pass over your wrists. I leave many of your creams for later but first I bind your left ankle with a dark blue silk, wider on the ankle, drawing partly a tearshape of satin across the ball of your ankle. A beautiful loop finished I pull your left leg apart and secure you to the foot of our bed, one, loop, two loops.
A Burgundy silk pulls your right foot to my side of the bed, entwined underneath your foot, wrapped around the rightt bed post.
I knee at the head of the bed to survey your gorgeous body, your beautiful face, eyeing me, calling me, whispering in muffled tones for me to sodomise you, to fill you, to imbue you with my engorged monster.
I wrap a green jade length around your wrist twice passing the majority under the knot tugging you to the right corner of our Kingsize plus velvet resting place. Your cream bloom is irresistible to me. I shall soon be inside you my sweet. A violent, plum scarf, one of your favourites now surroundings your left hand, you reach for it to resist… it slips effortlessly between your fingers slowly, mockingly, torturously, slipping between thumb and forefinger, you lose yourself just a little more as the extent of your soft yet firm bondage is realized. Your left hand is Now a part of the post I had previously gripped that morning while you had me in your mouth. teasing me then, had me grasping for your hair, pummelling your throat like a charger from hell. Nowit is you who are owned, surrounded by envy, a tortured soul under my whim. I cannot help but grin, my silken captive for me to feed upon.
I gather up a few more silk scarves I know you adore, a caffeinated beige colour, a cheekily named ‘Latte’ satisfaction is now in my hands. I fold it into an oblong of roughly 5 inches wide. I straddle your cheeks, my cock resting now, exposed upon the crack in your soft saddle. your anus calling to it to percolate and prime your sphincter, to drive and pour my glorious froth inside you, to use, to abuse, to scar and obliterate, only to be soothed by the silk scarf chaser, the satin covered flogger you know I am fond of employing. Taut I pull this new silk scarf across your face, over your mouth, over your full and aching hole. Your lips, swollen with the lust you’re anticipating of me, of pursing rouge against my stiff bludgeon. I tie you tight, tipping your hair to one side, revealing in the gag I now apply. There Babygirl, nearly complete. I willdine well tonight.
Finally, from the pumped pillows ahead of you, I pull a very long, black silk scarf into your view. On I pull and on it comes, further and further this gentle black beast shows itself. A truly sensitive description, this long silk scarf will be your crowning cleave. I fold it once, twice lengthways and I slip it over your thick layers stopping any orgasm of yours from brimming forth this end. I pull it across the back of your head, and back towards the front. Back over itself, again, your mouth is gagged. It ends once at the back, I tie you off, double knot, with two gorgeous draws framing your shoulders.
You have no time to realize how trusted you are before my hands come to your bottom a final time, my left hand presses down your buttocks, as my right hand slips in the front of you. Inside I feel for your honey, you’ve been making quite a mess down here I can see. I pull out and taste your concoction, I feel it glaze my throat. Mmmmmmmmm. My fingers belong inside you, the sign of my ownership of you, how I command, how I will manipulate your flower, how I will coerce your pussy to becoming mine. I raise my fingers inside, lifting your pelvis aloft just a little yet at the same time firmly depressing your anus. Together, I will extract, brim and spill all the sex from you that you could have for me. I will make you cum Baby.
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