When You Come Home

Six hours of class, seven hours of work, and an hour and a half of grocery shopping. With my hands full, I grab the mail before heading up to the apartment. I manage to clumsily make my way through the door and get things quickly put away. I sort the mail and start rummaging through the fridge to get dinner ready when the door slams behind me.

“I’m sorry, master.” I was so busy trying to get your dinner hot and ready I completely forgot my rules.

“Don’t.” you walk around behind me examining your fully dressed non-collared bitch making what she calls dinner. Your hand slides down my back and around my hips stopping at the top of my ass turning my body to face you.

“Is it really that hard for you to follow directions?”

“No I’m sorry master, I didn’t mean to really, I just got home and I He knew you were going to be home soon and I just…”

“Always with excuses little one, what is your problem? Your evening rules are very simple I want you only in your collarWhen I come home. I work all day and all I ask is your obedience. ” at that you walk away striping off your clothes and heading to the shower.

I get your steak started; trying to redeem myself I strip down, put on my collar, and sneak into the shower behind you while you’re finishing up. As I reach around to grab you, you turn around facing me and smile.

“You should know better than that slave; don’t move.” You exit the shower and turn on the cold water forcing me to stand there under the cold hard streams of water as my body shakes uncontrollable. I start to wash up quickly and wait for you to return. I can smell your dinner and wonder if you are going to let me out to finish it or if you’re going to let it burn.

You come in throwing back the shower curve, turn off the water and grab me by the hair, more guiding me out of the shower than pulling me. Dripping wet you throw me face down over the edge of the couch. Your hand comes down hard on my ass and the cold water only makes it sting worse. After the first one I know more are coming so I tense up every time you hit me. Four, five, ten; I look back at you hoping you’ll say something, twelve, twenty. Without a word you walk around sitting on the opposite end of the couch with that big thick sexy cock of yours in your hand. You reach over grabbing my hair and pulling me towards you setting me up bringing my face about six inches from yours.

“Slave, what is it about your rules that you don’t understand? I let it slide the first time I came home and you were dressed but twice? Why should I give you rules if you don’t care enough to follow them? I’m starting to wonder if you really want to be my slave. Does that means anything to you?” you let go of my hair, reach around my neck taking off my collar and tell me to get dressed. My tears well up and I don’t know how to take you letting go of me. You had turned off the stove so I start it back up to heat your steak. I go to the closet to get dressed and I turn to see you in the hallway you smile and tell me to look on the inside of the closet door.

“put it on” you walk away and for a moment there is a slight sight of relief seeing a brand new blue tight satin and lace babydoll hanging there with a pair of six inch black heeled thigh high boots around the hanger. Still cold I feel the satin brush against my hard nipples and all against my skin as it stops just Below my hips. I slide the boots up my legs and rush to put your dinner on a plate. You’re sitting at the computer in a pair of boxes but I can see my disobedience is still affecting you in a big way. I present you with your dinner with an ice cold bottle of beer and stand beside you waiting for your next command. You finish dinner scoot the chair back, and turn to face me. I can’t read your face it’s so blank, almost emotionalless it worry me.

“Do you really want to be my slave?” “Yes of course.” “Do you understand what that means? That you will follow my rules no more excuses. Do you think you can obey that?” “Yes.” “Yes what?” “Yes master.” You push the keyboard out of the way and point to the desk I sit.

“No slave, turn around.” I lean over the desk as I hear you sliding your boxes off. You stand behind me. Your cock presses against my ass pushing my lingerie out of the way. I push back against you turning my head biting my lip letting you know that I need you inside of me. You pull away and sit on the couch.

“Fours, come here.” At that I drop to my knees and cat crawl towards you stopping with my mouth between your legs looking up waiting for your approval. You simply nod your head and I run my fingertips along your calves, then up to your thighs. While one hand runs up your stomach the other stops at the base of you and I look deep into your eyes as I pry my own mouth open with your prick. With nothing but eager anticipation from seeing you hard all night, I suck you with my only intention being to taste of your hot sweet cum streaming down my throat. Your need to get off has become higher than my desire to taste you. You can see it in my eyes. You wrap my hair around your fist and bend me back up over the edge of the couch this time you come behind me ramming inside with so much force I almost fall off.

“I’m going to fuck you slave, just like the little whore you are. Don’t you dare come. You’re going to take every last drop of me and do you know why?” “Because…” “Answer me slave. Who does that pussy belong to?” “You?” “Who does it belong to slave?” “You.” “That’s not the way you address me slave.” “You master, my cunt belongs to you.” You pull out flipping me over pulling me down to rest my head on the couch. You cross my legs in front of your chest and thrust deep inside fucking me harder than usual. With my pussy so tight I can feel every bit of you moving in and out of me.

It’s not long after that I can feel your grip on my arm get tighter and your strokes getting faster. You come so deep inside of me that I can’t help it and I come so hard that my legs press against your chest making you pull out. You get up and lay on the bed. I can’t move my entire body is shaking.

“Come here slave, my precious little slave.” I roll onto the floor managing a pathetic snake crawl into the bed. You wrap your arms around me whispering I love you and we fall asleep wrapped up in each other.


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