When Women Rule Ch. 07

Yes, reading the earlier chapters sets the stage for this one. But it can also stand on its own.

For my Darlings Megs and Lizbeth

All of a sudden, it seemed, my cozy new world appeared to have evaporated. Liz had turned nasty again and I sensed I was in for it. The first stoke of that damned tawse reawakened that old dread in me, but it was destined to get worse as I was ordered over the slottee. I did so with trepidation and was soon squirming as the straw bit home across my exposed buttocks. “Aaagh!” I almost gasped out loud as Liz continued to ply the fearful leather, the pain being made worse by the sensitivity of my already whipped behind. I bit my lip, but could feel the tears starting again in spine of me best efforts to remain in control.

It was only partly the pain, of course, but it was also partly on account of having lost the closeness of our relationship. Perhaps I had been a bit presumptuous, but I had been starting to believe that there may have beene been a special relationship developing between Liz and me. Even though I had to accept she was in charge, I had harbored hopes that it wouldn’t have deteriorated to the level of the camp. Yet, here I was, under her strap again, and all so unfairly at that, just like at the camp. How could anyone be expected to tongue a cursed pussy? How could anyone gain pleasure from making someone do that?

Liz seemed to have taken on a new person, or perhaps it was the old one resurfacing. Gone was the sensitive beauty whose presence I had enjoyed before these damned women interfered. In its place was the haughty hellion who seemed to relish my disappoint. Damn! Damn! Damn! Now she was a bitch again, striping off to torque me even more. She set to with the tawse with renewed vigour and as wealth overlaid wealth, I couldn’t help but yell out.

“Aaaghh! …Ooowwwwww! ….Please Liz…Ma’am….Miss Lizzie, Ma’am… please…stop..Yeeeooow!….No more….Aaagh!…it’s ago….it’s not….f..f…f…air.” I was sobbing openly now, barely able to maintain my position. When the tails of the tawse nearly nicked my balls, I just about jumped up in alarm. “The swine,” I thought, “the rotten bitch!” At that instant, all thoughts of intimacy with her were driven to the back of my mind and I could think only of the pain ceasing.

At last, not as a result of my pleading I’m sure, Liz throw down the heavy, thick strap but my torque was not over. I was not to be allowed to pee? What other abnormal misery could she inflict? Liz made for the bathroom and as I listened to her noisy discharge, it made me realise how long it had been since I had gone myself, and that thought, combined with the burning age in my behind, caused me to believe I was also needing to go. Would you believe it?

As though reading my thoughts, Liz the Bitch, locked the bathroom door, denying me access.

I stood in silence, contemplating her words. I would have to go sooner or later, I wouldJust have to. The consequences of doing it right there on the floor didn’t bear thinking about, so I would have to go to the bathroom. But there was no way I would agree to licking a bleeding pussy. No way! I could feel the pressure mounting in my bladder and I knew time was not on my side.

As the pressure grow into discomfort, I began shifting about on my feet, but as the disappoint developed into pain, I had to give in. What did I have to call her? “Miss Lizzie” when being punished wasn’t it? Well, I guess I was being punished at the moment. “Miss Lizzie? I called hesitantly, “Miss Lizzie, I’m sorry. I’m sorry and I’ve learned my lesson I won’t disobey you again. Please Miss Lizzie, please may I have a pee?


“You have learned your lesson?” I responded as I heard his now small voice plead for a chance to pee in the bowl. Or was he like all men, they now said, that the way to his heart and everything else was through his now little penis?

“Alan, you’re going tohave to convince me that you have changed,” I went on, sternly. “You have been socialized to fear things like a bleeding female…cunt. Well, it’s perfectly healthy and you’d better get over it. There are far worse camps that the one you were sent to…and”–now I lost it–“I love you too much to send you to one of them.”

Egad, I had let it out. I really did like this man, maybe I Even did love him. He was strong he did what I told him to, and he took punishment.

I looked away, ashamed, and got up. I opened the bathroom door with my little key and pointed there to him with a sad smile.

“Go ahead,” I said needlessly. “And please come and be with me afterward,” I added, with a not so sad smile.


I was a little surprised to find Liz’s change to a Somewhat more conciliatory frame of mind. I listened as she indicated that in her view there was nothing to be feared from a menstruating woman and I shivered at the notion of camps which were worse than the one wehad been at. I found that hard to believe, but I wasn’t going to argue.

Then for once, her guard slipped. I listened, almost with disbelief, as the words “love you” slipped out. Ah, so I had been right enough in suspect that there might indeed be something between us. I was unsure as to how much that would override our official difference in status and her admitted natural dominant streak, but I was eager to make the most of it.

The good times we had enjoyed recently had been just that and were worth preserving, if I could just find it in me to ensure that I didn’t rock the boat. I didn’t know how easy that would be, but I’d worry about that later. For the moment, the bathroom beckoned.

As anyone who has had the experience will know, when you are burning, absolutely bursting, for a pee, and really can’t wait a second longer, the relief when you do go is enormous. If not quite orgasmic, the sensing still permeates one’s being. So it was this time. I let it go and it just flowed and flowed: I wondered if it would ever stop, but of course, eventually I was drained again, and not just in that department. With the relief of the release, the shock of my thrashing kicked in and I became weak at the knees.

I stumbled out of the bathroom, still trembling at the thought of what might be in store, but was comfortable by Liz’s smile. I walked slowly towards her, throw my arms round her neck and held her tight, letting her nearness strength and enervate me. I was moved to kiss her full on the lips, then guided her to the bed where we lay in intimate closeness again. “Liz,” I breathed sensitively, “I would love to show you what you mean to me…but my bum is so sore, I don’t know if I can get hard enough. Could you help me?”

I found the gloom of despondency lifting fairly easily. Even though I could sense the throbbing in my behind freshly renewed with every movement, Liz’s ministries helped me to concentrate on much more pleasant sensations. She really seemed quite expert in working my cock out of its pain-induced slumber and the combination of the oil, her manipulations and her soothing words soon had me stirring again. She proved to be quite adept with her fingers roaming to other parts as well, and all adding to the feelings of arousal. It wasn’t long before it was thrusting forth, eager and willing to have her round it and as Liz lowered herself gently onto me, I could feel it jerking with increased lust.

This was some woman! Not only assertive and confident, but also great looking and superb at the special stuff of lovers. If I did have to be subservient to a female, I could think of none better than my Liz. I was surprised to find myself thinking of her as “my” Liz, already.

As we reached a mutual climax, I couldn’t tear my gaze from her sparkling eyes and I almost melted when she wanted me to be hers permanently, as man and wife, or whatever the politically correct description would be under the NewOrder. I didn’t care. Just at that moment, all I wanted was my Liz. Odd really, since it was more a case of my being hers!

Only doubt was this persistence with the period thing. Even the mention of occasional thrashings didn’t both me too much, but the period stuff still niggled.

“Hey, what the heck, Man!” I thought. “She knows what she’s doing, and if that’s important to her, I can do it. I can do it, or anything else she wants. She is wonderful, and I am happy…happy and lucky.” I scarce believed I would have been saying that when I thought back only a few short days ago to the time in the camp. All of a sudden, I noticed the throbbing in my behind had given way to an almost pleasant glow. I started to grow hard again at the reality. “Liz,” I smiled, “I want you. I lo….” She ground herself down on me before I could finish the words, and we were lost in another frenzy of lust.


As we made love, I thought about how this man brought out my tenderness,Something I have not always been most notable for showing. He was about to tell me too, I could tell, and then we were together again and it was just too too delightful and warm and wonderful.

I looked him in the eye as I rose off his hardness once again. “Alan, I do want you. I hope you understand that I have my individual quirks. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone who was called normal, ugh, dull normal,” I said with glee.

“If we got married, some of the nonsense things go by the boards, like toilet regulation and all that. You do have to be very respectful to other women, just remember that. If I don’t make you lick someone’s bleeding puss, just make sure you don’t make any nasty male cracks about it or she will definitely have your nose in it.


“I Just got word that I am going to be named to a major position again,” I told him with a grin. “And there is absolutely no problem in my having you there if you can deal with being the Commandant’s husband. It’s sort of like being an Embassy wife in the bygone days.”

“You will dress and be treated as totally male. No more panties or that stuff,” I went on. “But don’t screw up. If we don’t stay together, you will get nothing except a bad record. I want you and I want this to work, darling” and I just bent over and kissed him, hard.

His hands were on my tits and my bare bush and bum and yes, inside my holes and I loved it all, just adoredhis attentions. I rose off his penis and went into the bathroom. I sat down and peed and he came in, smiling.

I told him to pee through the opening in the front of my legs, not on me, but into the water. I loved seeing him do that as I peed too. “Isn’t it something as to what can give you that lovely feeling?” I speculated as I leaned over and kissed him yet again and again.


Although I still throbbed just a little with the remnants of my whipping and thrashing, it was but an insignificant trifle in the great scheme of things. For being with Liz was now my raison d’être. This wonderful, attractive, sexy being wanted me and by heavens how I wanted her! The confession of her quirks, her kinkiness even hardly surprised me after all I had experienced, but if I was honest, I was now beginning to believe it actually added to her appeal.

I would never have believed that a lifelong dominant like me could be so overwhelmed by a woman with dominant tendencies like Liz, but that was what seemed to be happening.

I couldn’t tell her, but right at that moment, having to bend over for six of her cane would almost seem to take me closer to her. How strange is the human mind! It just seemed so right now. She was even compromising on some of the aspects which she sensed would cause me difficulty and that just made me feel for her all the more strongly.

Then Liz indicated that she was in line for a senior position and that it could work well for me too. “It’s already working well for me, my darling,” I thought to myself. “Can it really get better?” I wondered if the New Order also gave rise to female prisoners in some of the establishments.

“What about a partnership?” my thoughts continued, “I could deal with the female prisoners and Liz could be in charge of the whole thing.” It was but a fleeting thought, as Liz’s passwordate kiss brought me back to reality, and I was aware of yet another stirring in my groin area. “Liz,” I laughed, relaxed now, “you’ll have me destroyed out in no time!”

I don’t think it was because of my words, but she moved off me at that point and walked to the bathroom. Wow! This lady could make love, and how! But she could pee with the best of them! Perhaps it was he muscle control she seemed to have developed down there, but I could hear the gushing even from where I lay on the bed. It was almost like a pipe call, pulling me in, and I was soon joining her and doing my own thing through the front of her played thighs. There was something extra-sensuous about thisodd, shared activity. I finished and bent forward, only too eager to accept her kisses, again and again. All of a sudden, life felt good. So good.


It was starting to look like my asking Alan to be my partner might just work out. Even in our new society, women with partners received a higher degree of respect.

I called him back to the bedroom and took out the forms I would have to file. I grinned as I told him he would be embarrassed yet again. The form asked me to enter the length of his penis flaccid and erect, so after taking my tape measure, I began to run my nails down his shake to get him erect, which was a good showing on his part after all the fucking we had been enjoying.

He was told to bend over and spread his cheeses and I put on the plastic glove and inserted my lubed finger into his anus. There was no measurement here, only a space for me to certificate that I had so humiliated him . I also needed to enter the dimensions of his most recent #2 and the frEquity and amount of his urinations.

Finally I finished the form and duly certified it. I looked at him with a wide grin and asked if he would mind joining me back in the bed again. As we dove under the covers, I asked him to make the fondest love to me that he thought he could possibly imagine.


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