We arrived at my old apartment, the one I’ve managed to keep despite my service for the state that keeps me at the camp most of the time. I’ve thought about leaving government service since as a former commander I could already get a good pension.
I looked at 369 in his street clothes. They looked a bit faded but I looked the look of him and I thought about how nicely he had made love to me back in my room. We explored the apartment and I showed him my bedroom and told him that as long as he behaved, he could stay in there with me.
Then I looked into his eyes and grinned. I told him I pretty much could control what happened to him. If he pleased me, I could probably keep him out of there for the rest of his sentence and if he really behaved well, I could probably arrange for his sentence to be commuted.
I wanted to see if he would stay the course. I stared at him sternly and told him I would have to punish him now to establish some discipline here so he would knowWhat might happen if he misbehaved. I liked him and did not want to have to send him back so I told him that this was to make him remember that he had to do what he was told to do.
Then I ordered him to lower his trousers and his shorts and lie across the edge of the bed. I took my thin cane and told him he would get six of the best. “You know that I once was a teacher,” I said. “I found that the cane really gets to the bottom of problems. After I finish giving you the strokes, you may pull up your shorts and trousers but first you will come over here then and kiss me under my skirt either over my panties or more deeply should I not be wearing any.”
* Things were certainly looking up. True to her word, Liz arranged the leave and we set off from the horrid camp setting to spend some time in what turned out to be Her old apartment. It was well appointed and comfortable and, with what I believed Liz had in mind, I should have been looking forward to a great change in circuitstances, given the recent experience in her room at the camp. In the main, I was looking forward to it, yet there was an annoying niggle at the back of my mind which I tried to suppress. Even when Liz hinted that a satisfaction performance on my part might lead to my remaining there and even to a commuted sentence, I was not totally at ease. She appeared to like me, but it was perhaps the continuing power she had over me which I still found a little disquieting. However, the thought of her naked body and the lovemaking made a huge difference. What warm-blooded male could male could fail to be excited by that?
Then it became a bit clearer: she was going to punish me! I guess that’s what had been troubled me. In spite of all her attractiveness, she was still a sadistic bitch who would get her perverted kicks from making me suffer. And yet again, I had done nothing wrong. I hesitated as I thought about the implications of the whole scene, but quickly I reckoned that whatever she did here, it was infinitely preferable to being under the discipline of the prison camp. Six of the best? Yes, how teachers, but I was ready to comply. In fact truth to tell, in spine of my misgivings, I was beginning to develop a different attitude towards the situation. There was something rarely appealing about being at the mercy of this beautiful woman who controlled my destiny. I slipped down my trousers and shorts and lay tenatively across the edge of the bed, thankful that the position would hide any obvious signs of arousal. I gritted my teeth and tried to concentrate on what would soon be going on under her skirt. I rather hoped she had no panties on!
* I smiled at 369 as we locked in the pleasant sitting room of my old flat together. “This could work out well if you want it to,” I told him with a grin. “I know you are a little afraid of me and probably hate my guts, but I am a good lay, aren’t I?” I laughed.
“For the next two weeks I can do anything I want with you,” she went on, “I would prefer to make love and have fun as much as possible. I hope you realize why you were sent to that camp anyway. Your wife turned you in, you must have pissed her off and now, a woman’s word is law in this country.”
“Understand that I do have a strong dominant streak. That’s why they made me the commander there,” I explained. “I lost that job because of a stupid argument with the Department Commissioner. But I still have friends in high places. Stick with me and you’ll be my PA in a nice situation. And you know that men can’t be any more than PAs anymore.”
“I need to learn about you. I’ve sent for your dossier. But tell me your real name,” Liz asked. “My only rule for us will be that I expect to be welcomed when I come back Here. You will stay in this flat unless we go out together. When I arrive, I want to be held and kissed and then I want you under my skirt. If I have knicks on, kiss me over them. If I don’t…show me how happy you are that I’m back.”
I listened, slightly bemused, as Liz talked and talked. Certainly, there was some appeal in what she said. Who in their right mind would not prefer living in this comfortable apartment with such an attractive woman giving ample opportunity for superb, uninhibited sex? All the more so when the alternative was a sentence of labour in the prison camp, with the constant threat of corporate punishment.
It was true that she was extremely sexy and attractive but she was also correct in suggesting that I was not yet entirely comfortable in her presence. Too many recent memories of unfair meetings with her straw to allow me to be totally at ease.
At the back of it all, however, was this confounded New Order, which conferred an official superiority on women. It was that which had resulted in My being sentenced, as LIz correctly surrendered, and in fact, I still could not see myself coming to terms with it. There was no option at the moment, of course, so I had to take thesensible option and make the best of it.
I heard her confirming her dominant streak and again a shiver ran down my spine at the thought I was to be totally in her power, under her control, at her mercy. Still, if I continued to please her, perhaps her connections would indeed be effective and things could still work out OK. If I did have to accept the New Order, then there could be little wrong with being PA to someone like Liz and enjoying her presence and her fvours.
“Thank you, Ma’am,” I said, with as much geneine enthusiasm as I could muster. It won slightly to call her “Ma’am”, but I reckoned discretion was the better part of valour at this stage until I was given leave to call her anything less formal. “My name is…is…Alan…Alan Hardman, Ma’am,” I offered, somewhat tententatively. “As for welcome you, I wonder, Ma’am, if I might just demonstrate?” Without waiting for her reply, I dropped to my knees and lifted the hem of her skirt over my head. I reached up in the darkness and clapped her buttocks in my hands, pulling her closer to my face. At first I thought she was naked beneath the skirt, but then I realized that she was wearing the tiniest thong. I felt the sheer fabric against my cheek as I nuzzled against her intimate areas, nibbling, licking and kissing, savouring the aroma of arousal as I did so. I looked forward to the times when she would be wearing nothing at all under her skirt.
“Alan,” I said with a slight break in my voice occurred by his tongue on my clip beneath the thin thong I had on, “this is very nice.”
We sat down and he took me in his arms which I had not had done in a long time and I really felt good and more like a woman. “Alan, when we are together like this, you will please call me Liz,” I said with a smile. “If there are other women present, you will have to use Ma’am,” she said with a frown. “And if you are being punished, you will call me Miss Lizzie.”
“I am working on organizing my life so I needn’t return to that guard’s job,” I told him. “I know a lot of important people and I should be able to get a far better posting now. You can be my PA. It will probably take about four months for me to get a final order cut placing you with me and terminate your sentence at the camp.”
“I am going to trust you with quite a few things around here,” I went on. “You will organize all my papers, including my correspondence. This will include some very personal letters from both men and women,” I blushed. “But you will keep everything you see or hear to yourself. That includes Jill, should she call or come by. You are now working for me.”
I looked him in the eye. “Alan, I think this will be a good thing for both of us. Don’t mess it up. You don’t want to go back there, do you?”
As I became reconciled to the new circumstances, I found it easier to accept them than I would have believed previously. I put to the back of my mind the torment thathad been mine when Liz had seemed to be picking on me so unfairly at the prison camp, and I had to concede that, if being under her control means performing oral service on her, I could readily accept my lot.
It was even more comfortable when we lay together, something which for me, too, was almost a distant memory. I could feel myself almost obviously relaxing. I was pleased that I could call her Liz when we were together and could not foresee a problem with calling her Ma’am in company I might get a bit at first, bit I reckoned I would get used to it and there would be plenty to compensate.
I was a little more anxious, however, about calling her Miss Lizzie. Not that there was any real problem with the words. No, it was more with the indication that I might still be punished. Still, I had absolutely no desire to go back to that infernal prison, so I reckoned that I would have plenty of incentive to keep out of trouble and avoid punishment. Having said that, now that our roles had become somewhat less distant and formal, I had a singing suicide that punishment might not be just so unappealing as it had been before.
My duties did not appear too onerous, either. Indeed it might be quite amusing to have to deal with correspondence which Liz hinted might be of a somewhat “personal” nature. Yes, interesting indeed to look forward to. And at least there wouldn’t be the potential complication of interference from the blonde bitch, Jill, from the camp.
“Liz”, I said, earnestly, “thank you.” I couldn’t think of anything else appropriate at that stage so instead, I held her tighter and kissed her full on the lips. “I won’t mess up. Let me show you how grateful I am.” As I pulled her to the floor, my hands felt for her breasts…..
He was so sweet in telling me he wouldn’t mess up. And I didn’t even mind his show of male aggression as he reached for my breasts. After all, I’m quite proud of them.
Instead of getting angle, I let my quim do my thinking and my quim was growing wetter and hotter as he held me and began to play with my nipples. I lay back on the bed and let him hold me and as he began to go under my skirt, I stopped, unzipped it and lay back. There I was with my big bush staring at him beneath the tiny thong.
“Are you hard enough, Mr Alan Hardman,” I giggled, “to slip off my little piece of butt floss there and show me how hard that thing can be…inside me? I’m quite wet, you’ll see.”
As we fucked joyously after that, I began to play. I squeezed him deeply inside me with my strong muscles in there and I grinned as I let my nails run across his bare back and chest. “I suppose the letter I found from your wife was a bit different from my experience. She said you were not hard very Often and that was one reason she had you committed to improve camp,” I grinned. “Maybe you should tell me about her,” I went on, “all about her. But while you do,” I added with a smile, “bring that lovelything out where I can see it and fuck my tits.”
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