The Commandant was wearing her new uniform, red brocade jacket and skirt with appropriate stripes and chevrons. She had burned auburn hair that she wore long and had a superb figure that the uniform emphasized in all the right places.
369 was brought in by the large women who worked for the Commandant and deposited, nude, on the floor before her. “Hmm,” she said with a rather annoyed look as she saw the report from Liz, “I was hoping not to have to deal with her problems for a while.” She stared at the two women as she told them that when the previous Commandant at her last post seemed to be having trouble returning to line duty as a guard, she had ordered a cliporedectomy.
“I see that you have capped his member,” she added with just a trace of a smile. “Has my predecessor recommended that it be removed?”
One of the women remarked that Liz had only suggested severe treatment. “Very well. She recognizes that this is up to me and I am pleased she has so deferred to my judgment. Stand him up and put that member in the penis holder,” she directed.
369 was quickly lifted to his feet and his cock slipped into a plastic holder with prominent markings for length measurement. She looked at him, with a mildly cruel grin: “We do sometimes decide that your punishment is to lose an inch or two of this as she lightly tapped the shake with her forefinger.”
“Bu I’m in the mood for a bit of amusement. I’m going to allow you to service Doris here,” pointing to the larger of the two fearsome guards. “Doris, remove your shorts and panties and prepare to receive him.”
“However…” she went on, “if you fail to bring Doris to orgasm in two minutes, I am likely to have your member”–she tapped the shake again–“removed.”
This journey into Hell seemed to be going from bad to worse. Did none of these specimens have any goal on my wretched pulse? What’s all this talk of cutting my penis off? What for, for heaven’s sake? Cutting a BIT of it off, even? I’ve done nothing wrong. It’s all arisen because that bitch Liz seemed to be picking on me for some reason.
I had to concede reluctantly, that this Commandant cut a very striking figure, nonetheless, with her fine features, well cultured body and the handsome uniform. In other circumstances, her arragon, haughty demeanour would have caused thoughts to develop in my mind of taking her down a peg or two, putting her in her place. But yet again, I was too much the underdog, too much at the mercy of their cruel system.
Then my prick was put in some kind of plastic holder with markings on it. What was I supposed to do with that? Dimly, I heard the Commandant saying I had to service the larger brute, Doris. Service her, how, for any sake? Was I supposed to stick my cock up her, with this plastic thing on it? How could I even get hard again? Don”t tell me I had to do it some other way. And two minutes? How could I be sure this hulking beast wouldn’t pretend NOTto have an orgasm?
“Commandant,” I said hesitantly, “Ma’am. Please, I don’t understand. But can I just tell you that the guard, Liz, just seems to be picking on me for no reason. I haven’t done anything wrong, Ma’am. She even wanted me to lick the shit off the other guard’s arse. That’s inhumane! Please, Ma’am, these two, Liz and Jill, were saying what a rotten job you were doing and how much better Liz was at being a superior officer.” I felt I’d said enough and backed off, waiting for her reaction.
Whatever 369 had said, the Commandant was infuriated. In a few moments, guards Liz and Jill were brought before her and from the look on their faces, 369 could see that this was a very serious situation.
The Commandant actually smiled as she said to Liz, “I was quite consider in not treating you the way many former leaders are in this agency. My reward is your criticism. You understand that the normal punishment for a guard who so misbehaves is removal of her clitoris.I’m afraid we will have to proceed with this procedure.”
Jill looked aghast. Before Liz could respond to the terrible sentence, her comrade pleased, but to save her own clip.
“You are not a very loyal comrade,” the Commandant said. “I shall not order yours removed but I will have your labia sewn so you will not be able to have normal relations, merely leaving a small opening for urination and menstruation.”
Then she turned to 369. “I trust you see how you have managed to create disharmony in my organization. You will now wear the green panties.” Then she abruptly left.
Liz and Jill were strapped onto tables for the procedures that would rob one of her clip and sew up the other’s vulva.
“What did that mean?” 369 wondered as one of the large guards showed him green panties and told him to put those on.
Between her crying, Liz told him what would happen. “When you put on the green panties, you will soon be sedated and put to sleep. When you wake,You will have a feminine front and you will have to sit down when you pee.”
It seemed my ruse was working. The Commandant bought my story about Liz being critical of her and I was glad when she and Jill were brought before their superior. “Good,” I thought, “let’s hope these bitches really get it. Serves them right.” In spine of my overwhelming desire for revenge, Even I blanched when I heard their sentence. “Oh, no,” I squirmed mentally, “that’s so…so…barbaric!”
As they strapped my former torqueors to their tables, I wanted to yell to the Commandant not to go ahead. I had only been making it seems bad, so I could escape what was planned for me, I wanted to shout, but my mouth stuck open and no words would come out.
The dark guard, Liz, told me the green panties they were going to make me wear were a preliminary to my becoming emaculated and feminised! “No! NOOOOO! You can’t” I tried to yell in protest. “NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!”
“369!” came a dim voice, then “369!” louder and more inevitably. “Wake up you lazy good-for-nothing!” I opened my eyes to find Liz standing over me, strap in hand. As realisation sank in, I almost smiled and thanked her, glad to be freed from that horrific nightmare. Thank goodness it had been only a bad dream!
I stood over 369 and grinned, “You must have been really imagining quite a scene. From what I heard you screaming in your sleep…” she smiled and told me that the Commandant had ordered that I be required to wear pink ruffled panties and a very short skirt with a training bra for the next week while I worked with the other men.
“I’m afraid you’re going to suffer some teasing from the other prisoners,” I told him as Jill giggled next to me. “Now here’s the ruffled undies for you to put on…”
I never thought I’d be pleased to see the guard Liz, but I was then. Only because it relieved me of the terror of the nightmare. Not that things were returning to normal, however.From the hidden extreme of the nightmare scenario, now it seemed we were moving to the bizarre, although I couldn’t quite work out what she was meaning or if she was actually talking about me.
It appeared that, through some quaint order from the Commandant, or maybe just at LIz’s own instigation or whim, I was going to have to wear frilly knickers, a skirt and bra. She seemed to think that would cause the other prisoners to make fun of me, but I wasn’t too concerned about that. They would be more likely to have some sympathy for an unfortunate brother-in-arms, as it were. As I struggled into the stupid clothes, I was just more concerned that Liz and Jill would divert their evil attention elsewhere and that they wouldn’t keep picking on me with those damned straps of theirs.
Liz looked out over the men working under her supervision. She and Jill continued to keep a close watch on 369, even as he was clad in a short skirt, training bra, and pink ruffled panties. TheOther men just steered clear of him instead of teasing him or worse.
Liz called another man aside, one of the vegetables and asked him why they weren’t bothering 369. “Oh, heck, Ma’am,” he said with great respect, “no one wants to attract the kind of attention he gets. We respect your strap, Ma’am.”
Liz liked that and thanked him for his honesty. She called 369 over. “Lift your skirt for inspection, 369,” she said curtly as she pulled her strap from her waistbelt. Jill came over with a grin and pulled down 369’s ruffled panties.
The two attractive guards bent over to examine the panty crotch. “Looks like he left some skidmarks,” Jill said loudly to both embarrass and humiliate 369 as well as to scare him. “I think this calls for some penis punishment,” Liz responded coolly. “No,” Jill surprisedly countered, “he made those marks with his other hole. We need to focus on that.”
I feel a bit silly, working away in the field with the stupid girl’s clothing, but if it kept those two bitches happy, I wasn’t going to complain. At least I didn’t have to suffer their unfair use of those damned straps while they were otherwise amused. As I suspected, the other prisoners didn’t make too much fun of me, since my prediction was still keeping the guards otherwise occupied and leaving the other prisoners in relative peace.
Needless to say, it didn’t last long and I heard the bitch Liz calling me over. “What now?” I thought, knowing full well that having done nothing wrong did not exempt me from their evil attention. I had to lift my skirt and as I did so, I noticed Liz taking her strap from her belt again. “Oh no! Don’t tell me she’s going to use it already? And for what imagine offence this time?” I wondered. I was a little surprised when the blonde bitch came over and pulled down the ridiculous panties. “Skid marks?” What the hell is she talking about? Oh, no! I don’t believe it. How can they mean THAT? Now the bitch wants to have a go at my cock. Damn her. Who does she think she is, continuously picking on me like that? Wait a minute, Blondie has another idea. My backside? What on earth does she want to do now? I couldn’t help a little shiver running down my spine.
Liz smiled and flipped her auburn hair at Jill’s suggestion. “Yes, Jill, that is quite appropriate for a man…i mean, boy, who can’t keep himself clean back there,” I said.
Jill was about to use her strap on his bumhole when I intervened. “Jill,” I suggested, “I have this new bunch of singing nettles. Put on your gloves and you can rub these between his naughty cheats.”
Jill grinned and said, “Liz, you really are so clever.” She went to the cupboard, put on her gloves and took a branch of the nettles and began to rub it on His cheeks and then between them, irritating his bumhole. Then, to my surprise, she ran the nettles right through his crotch and used them, yes, on his member…
Obviously I was in trouble again andflinched, tensing myself for another unfair dose of the bitch’s tawse. It didn’t come, however, and the reason soon became apparent when Liz, damn her, made the suggestion that instead of her strap, Blondie would use singing nettles. I couldn’t believe it! I had heard of their use for such a purpose, but couldn’t imagine what the sensing would be like. My trembling continued, as Jill accepted the offered bunch in her gloved hand and began to rub it all over my backside, at first on my buttocks, then in between. It was bad enough on my cheeks, with the fiery sting suffusing over the surface, but when she drew them through the crack and across my hole, I thought I would pass out with the intensity of the burning sting. But the fiend was not finished at that! In spite of my pleading a sobbing, she continued to work the infernal plants right onto my cock and scrotum. I nearly died, not just with the intense burning pain, but also with the thought of what the end result might be on my private parts. Oh how I cursed these evil bitches and the power they had over me. “Please,” I wailed, “please stop! Please leave me alone.” I hated myself for pleading like that but I felt I would do anything to escape their clutches.
Liz was laughing at the obvious pain 369 was experiencing from Jill’s use of the nettles on his private parts. She saw how he was flinching and almost crying and she started to feel sorry for this man whom they had treated so badly.
“Jill, I think he’s had more than enough,” I said to her and she let the nettles go and told him to pull up his panties and get back to work.
Then Jill and I had our lunch break and went back to our room. I stripped down and locked on my bed in the altogether. Jill came over and began licking my wet split. Then I had an idea. I put out an announcement on the PA that 369 was to report to our room immediately.
He knocked on the door and just saw us both under the bed covers as he entered. I told him to strip and he looked fearful as if I would pull my tawse out. Instead I told him that we all needed a break and that I would put him back in regular clothes and give him time off if he satisfied both of us. He looked weird and asked what I mean. I told him we both wanted to fuck and right now.
The experience with the nettles was one I never wanted to repeat. My dark feelings for the Liz bitch were now being ever being ever rivalled by those for her Blonde colleague. I bit my lip to prevent crying out and pleading any more, but I could do nothing to stop the tears in my eyes. Almost unbelievably, it was my tormentor-in-chief, LIz, who called a halt. I was even a little grateful to her, although the singing sensing still carried on as the acid from the nettles continued to burn all over the firey rash which had been left.
I was even grateful to pull up the ridiculous panties and get back to work, even though I had to walk a little gingerly. I might have known the respite wouldn’t last long, however, and when I heard the announcement that I had to report to their room, my spirits sank again, What fiendish torque did they have in mind this time? I had no alternative, of course, but to carry out the instruction and it was with more than a little trepidation that I knocked on their door and entered the room at their command.
To my initial surprise, I found them together under the bed clothes, but Then I thought that perhaps this confirmed my suspicions that they were just a couple of perverted lesbians anyway. Liz told me to strip and I could sense another dose of the tawse coming my way. I didn’t know if it would be better or worse that it was to be in private, but whatever, I wasn’t going to enjoy it. Then another surprise: I could hardly believe Liz’s words when she informed me I could go back to Normal clothes and have some time off! Is this true? Wait a minute! What was that she was saying? Satisfy them both? Oh no! What does she mean now? “Er, em,What do you mean, Ma’am?” I asked. Again I was astounded at the reply. Fuck them? Both? Wow! In other circumstances a man would have died for such an invitation, but these two had made my life hell. How could I summon up the enthusiasm?
It didn’t take long, however, for me to realize that, as usual, there was no alternative, so I slowly stripped off the silly female attire and made my way, naked, to the bed. I climbed in, over Jill, and lay between the two. I tried desperately to block out of my mind our relative status and to imagine this was a kind of ménage à trois that dreams were made of. Almost reluctantly, I had to concede that the nearness and touch of two beautiful, naked female bodies was an immense turn-on and as I roamed my hands over both sets of breasts, I could feel my arousal becoming ever harder teh disappoint from the nettles now mercifully receiving. I didn’t presume to attempt to kiss either of them, although I felt bold enough to let my lips straight onto theirnipples, enjoying the evidence response from each. As confidence grow, I let my hands move from their breasts and meander slowly downwards, until I had one hand on each private area. As my fingers explored, I sensed their own moist arousal, and then stopped as I realized another decision had to be made. Which one first? I reasoned that, as Liz appeared to take the lead role, I should keep her for second, on the assumption that I was to be allowed to cum, and that it should be more appropriately she who received it.
Warming again to the task, I moved over on top of Jill and gently inserted my now fully proved member. Although it felt heavenly, after having had to be without it for so long, I was consciousness of Liz lying beside us and I hoped that this was still her intention.
I was perfectly happy to let him satisfied Jill and then when he moved over and lay down on his back, I carefully mounted him and enjoyed the ability to move myself up and down on his nice hard prong.It had been far too long since I had been in this most comfortable of positions.
Then as I felt we both were about to have a delightful powerful cum together, the door opened and there stood my nemesis, the Commandant, dressed in her full braided uniform, complete with seamed stockings and pumps.
“Well, well, what have we here?” she asked mockingly. “All of you three, stand up at attention!”
We climbered quickly out of bed and I knew enough not to defy her in the slightest.
She smiled sweetly at 369 as she offhandedly remarked, “I hope you enjoyed that because it will be the last time you get to use that thing.”
Then she looked at Jill and me. She told Jill to put her uniform on and leave. She stared at me and said I had been a disruptive influence since she had taken over. This incident had convinced her, she said, that it was definitely time for her to have my clip removed for good.
“But first,” she said, turning to her aide, the huge amazon Katrina, “use your tawse on the two of them. Two hundred hard strokes each. The last fifty will be between their legs.”
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