Chapter 04: Terror Ends and Romance Follows
For Alan, who stuck with this for me
For the first time in I didn’t know how long, I began to relax and even perhaps to have some normal feelings towards these two, who had been responsible for so much of my torque. I could feel the lust building in me as I continued to ride Jill and I had to struggle to contain it lest I came too soon. It could be disastrous if I didn’t remain fully erect until I was inside Liz. Jill seemed to take some working up until at last, I sensed her orgasm flood over her and I was able to withdraw.
Not surprisingly, Liz chose to exercise a dominant role and had me lying on my back while she rode me. Not that I was complaining, mind you, with that exhaust form bouncing and writing in front of my eyes I reached up to clap her full breasts and was relieved she accepted my touch. It surely wouldn’t be long before I was driven past the point of no return.
Then, more disaster! Just as it seemed another one or two thrusts would do the trick, the door burst open to admit the Commandant, resplendent in her striking uniform and accompanyed by her big butch hatkey At a glance, she took in the scene ad her look made my blood run cold. At her command, we jumped out of bed and stood, all three of us, at attention. She looked at my reducing cock and her words sent a shiver down my back. “Last time…that thing..” What did she mean? For a horrible moment, my mind cast back, …but…no..that had been a nightmare…it couldn’t really happen.
For some reason, Jill was allowed to dress and leave. I am sure she was relieved and she hurriedly throw on her clothes and scutted out of the room, leaving just myself and my former arch torquer, Liz. It seemed we were now united in our fate, however; although it was of no comfort when the Commandant uttered her next chilling sentence about removing Liz’s clip. What the hell kind of barbaric place had this become?
But the fiend wasn’t finished yet. She ordered the huge bitch of an assistant to give us each 200 strokes of the tawse! 200? I don’t think so! And the last fifty between our legs? No way! There had been times, I confess, when I had wished to do just that to Liz when she had been picking on me with her own strap, but the ten or twelve strokes she had administrator then would have been a mere flea bite compared to 200. Especially from a brute like this Katrina. I watched in trepidation as Liz was bent over and the Amazon took up her position. The “whaaaccck” across her buttocks sounded awful, even to me and I couldn’t help feeling ball for her as the second stroke cracked home. It took only about six strokes on her behind before I cracked and, hoping Liz would follow my lead, I leapt at the Amazon and slammed my fist against her jaw….
As Katrina was whipping me, I looked up and saw 369 take a poke at her jaw. She snapped her other arm at him and dropped him like a fly. The Commandant looked over at his body lying there in a daze and chuckled as Katrina continued to give me the horrid 200. Then the Commandant smiled and told me to spread my legs for 25 strokes “in between”–I blanched but compiled.
Katrina seemed to gaze at my hairy puss as she laid in 25 excruciating strokes on my exposed vulva. It was the worst ever and I figured I’d never want to fuck again or Even pee without pain.
Finally the Commandant told her to stop after the 25 and I was basically non compos squalling like a baby.
369 had come back to life and the Commandant starred at him and told him that for trying to hit Katrina he would be allowed to watch me have sex with him, well, she said, not actually with him…with his penis after it was removed from him.
Liz awoke and thought how incredible this dream had been. First, to imagine that she and Jill were having sex with that prisoner, 369. Andthen…she stopped herself from thinking about how the Commandant had been threatening her and 369…
She arose, had her ablutions, was delighted to find that she had her morning pee with no pain whatsoever, and began to get dressed. She picked out an especially frivolous pair of blue and red flowered underpants to wear under her severe black uniform shorts and then found a matching bra to wear under her white starched blouse. Guards had the option of wearing seamed stockings or hose and Liz wished she could wear silettos today instead of the regulation boots.
Finally after a light breakfast she was ready for work and had gotten all of that night out of her mind. She began supervising the morning work detail and saw that 369 was staring at her. She quietly smiled at him and called him over. “Really, now,” she said in a calm even tone, “I’m not trying to get you in trouble…but,” and here she hesitated with almost a girl restraint, “is there some reason that you always seem to be staring at me?”
There appearedto have been a somewhat strange atmosphere in the prison camp, with the guards being oddly distracted. On the next morning, however, it seemed we were back in the old routine and as I set about my work, I keep my head down, hoping to keep out of trouble.
First of all, of course, I was hoping that the evil witch, Liz, would not be on duty. It seemed my only chance of escaping a regular thrashing was If she was off duty. My heart sank as I caught sight of her out of the corner of my eye. Damn! The bitch was attractive, though, and looking her best that morning. Try as I might, I couldn’t resist the occasional glance over in her direction. In spite of her treatment of me, she seemed to have some sort of magnetism, which kept attracting me to her. Damn her! Damn her!
It didn’t take long before she started again, calling me over. Although she talked in an even, almost friendly, voice, I couldn’t help feeling there was something sinister afoot again, but when she asked why I hadbeen looking at her, I didn’t know quite what to say. “Please, Ma’am,” I stuttered, “I wasn’t really staring at you, but you are so…so…attractive.” I hoped the compliment would spare my backside this time.
I figured I’d surprise him by smiling at his obvious compliment. I know how good-looking I am. But it never hurts a girl to hear a guy tell her that.
I told him that I was going to do something for him although I wasn’t sure why. I said he’d be relieved from doing the heavy field work for a while. Then I said that he should just follow me.
We went into my apartment, the one I share with Jill. I told him that we were able to use prisoners to clean our places and things and that if he wanted to, he could spend the whole morning here relaxing. All he had to do, I said, was to wash the pile of lingerie that Jill and I had accumulated.
I pointed to the pile of panties and bras and stockings and hose and said I assumed he wouldn’t find that too difficulta task. Then I whispered in his ear that I thought he was cute and that I hoped he realized that this was a favor and if he appreciated it, he should show me and there might be more of them later.
Then I smiled widely and left him there with our unmentioned ability.
This place never ceased to surprise me. Having had to endure so much of Liz’s torque, being picked on for no apparent reason and Subjected to her damned strap, all of a sudden there seemed to be a change of attitude. She seemed to be becoming almost friendly, even that she was going to do something “for” me, as opposed “to” me. As she bad me follow her, I still had a sense of suspicion, but at least I was to be spared the tedious, and hard, work in the fields. It was with some trepidation, therefore, that I walked behind her. In spine of my anxiety, I couldn’t help admiring her superb form as she moved ahead of me. What a goal our roles were as they were!
Hopeful that there may indeed have been a change of heart, I listened as Liz explained they had a discretionary use of prisoners to carry out some domestic duties and that she was allowing me that privilege. It certainly had some appeal to be able to spend time taking it a bit more easily in their apartment. I wasn’t sure how the blonde one would fit in to this, but at that moment, the prospect of spending time there was immensely appealing. Even, I thought, if it did mean doing some washing for them. I suppose I was glad my fellow prisoners wouldn’t see me, and certainly my mates back home: they would have ridiculed me for sure if they had known I was washing women’s underclothes, but to tell the truth, at that particular time, it had great appeal.
I looked at the pile of intimate garments and almost retired the prospect of getting my hands on them. Having been without close female company for so long, the thought was almost arousing, especially as Liz whispered that she thought I was cute and hinted that there might be more favorites in the offing, perhaps even more personal ones, if I caught her drift correctly.
After she had gone, I ran some hot water, found some detergent and began sifting through the pile. It was almost sensitive to touch those feminine pieces of clothing and I could even feel myself becoming a little aroused at the thought that these panties had been so close to that special part of Liz’s anatomy. I couldn’t tell which articles belonged to which guard of course, but as I fingered them, I preferred to imagine that they were Liz’s.
Eventually, the whole pile of soiled clothing was washed, rinsed and set out to dry on the clothes rack. I wondered what to do next, but Liz had indicated I should be able to relax, so, taking her at her word, I lay down on the bed and before long had drifted into a pleasant sleep, with Intimate thoughts of Liz floating round my head.
For a change, I had drifted off into the most relaxed sleep I had been able to enjoy for what seemsed ages. She may have tormented me unreasonably, but Liz was still a very attractive and in other circumstances, desirable, woman and even in the some minimal surroundings of her and Jill’s room, there was a sense of femininity which was comforting.
I was awoken by her baton prodding the sole of my foot and I was not sure whether to be pleased or unhappy. I had been enjoying the rest, but something about her manner seemed to indicate that more pleasure might still be in store. This seemed to be confirmed as I watched her strip off her uniform, treating me to the arousing spectacle of her superb body coming more and more into view as each item was slowly removed. I was almost trembling as she finally appeared naked and as she bade me following her to the shower, I could only hope that this was not some cruel trick.
I eagerly did as she asked and could hardly hold the soap as she asked me to later her body in the shower. The chaos of the soap added to the sensitivity ofThe situation and the smoothness of her flesh was accentuated by the warm water which ran over her. As she moved my hands into and around her most intimate areas, I could feel myself becoming more and more aroused, and towelling her dry only added to the sensing. When she indicated that we should take things further, I was immediately ready, putting all previous negative thoughts about her firmly out of my mind. I quickly removed my clothes, which I had only partially managed to keep dry, and eagerly moved into position on the bed, between her legs. As she parted them, I lean forward, relishing the dusky woman scent now beginning to emanate to mingle with the soap’s scent freshness. Fortunately, she had locked the door so we were to be totally on our own and I now had little doubt that this was a situation to be enjoyed rather than feared. Even her “throw-away” comment about Jill’s panties did little to affect my enthusiasm and as I leant forward further, to bring my lips almost into contact with her pussy, I could feel the lust rising excitedly in me. I began to kiss gently, all along the lips, before extending my tongue and licking the same area with it, sensing the aroma of her own arousal becoming stronger as I did so. As my searching tongue began to probe inside, an errant thought ran through my mind. I had heard of how some males had strong subservient desires towards powerful women: now I could almost imagine how they felt.
I found myself feeling quite delighted indeed with 369’s attentions to my quim. As I felt myself getting wetter and wetter, I began to feel that old feeling, the one I often tried to keep down, but it was the one that wanted a big hard one deep inside me and to stay there, gently thrusting and pleasure me, for a indeed time.
So after he had warmed me excitedly with his tongue, I spread my legs further and told him he needed to get inside me but to restrain himself so we could be together for a nice while without him shooting off in there and getting all small too quickly.
He felt good inside me and I clamped my tight inner muscles on him and knew he would have a hard time not shooting off too quickly but I was going to enjoy this since I had not had a man inside me for quite some time.
We did enjoy it for quite a time–I lost track entirely but I did not have a shift until the next day. He Surprised me with his staying power and his gentleness–it brought out some tender feelings I thought I had lost on this job.
When we were finished, he took me into the shower again and carefully washed me, especially down in my bush and quim and I felt so clean and happy. I then showed him the paper that I had. It was a furlough for him, but he would be off with me as his guardian. We would be living together for two weeks at a location to be decided by me. I would be totally in charge of him but we would be out of this horrible place. I showed him the form. There was a place forme to make an entry each day on his behavior. I told him he had better be ready to do what I wanted or I would have to enter a failing mark for his behavior. I grinned. I was going to enjoy being away from here and especially sharing a room with him.
* As I lay in intimate oral contact with Liz, I couldn’t help reflecting on the recent turmoil of my life. My sentence in this awful place which had been made all the worse by the unjustified torque from Liz, mainly, and also the blonde guard, Jill. Then the series of terrible nightmares which had almost driven me out of my mind. And now, not only a release from my daily labours in the fields, but also an apparent volte-face from my guard, resulting in my lying pleasure her in private, in her room. She might still be in charge, but it was a much more acceptable way of serving my sentence, that was for sure.
Even though the concentration was on her pleasure, there was an undeniable sexual charge that I could feel as I workedaway assiduously with my tongue. I could sense her growing response and that added to my sense of satisfaction. Eventually, as I sucked harder on her engaged cliporis, she bade me enter her properly. I needed no second telling, now being in full arousal myself. With her being fully moist and ready, I slipped in easily, but was careful not to push ahead too ardently. I had no desire for this to be over too quickly and Neither, it seemed, did she I loved the smell of her freshly soaped body as I eased myself in and out ever so slowly and gently I left the tip of my penis just at her entrance and raised myself on my arms, so that the only contact was between the tip of my cock and her clip, and I just held it there for a minute or so to prolong the sensing. I lowered myself again, entering her fully, and felt emboldened to kiss her Stiffened nipples. My arms reached round behind her and I pulled her close, just lying motionless, our bodies united.
At one point, I even began to take control, turning her round so that I could enter her pussy from behind and cup her full breasts in my eager hands. Then we were back in the original position and I even surprised myself at my resistance to orgasm. Oh, it was here all right, just below the surface, ready to burst at almost any moment, but I managed to find the self-control to hold it back until she was ready. When the time came, the exploration of lust gave a release of the highest order, and I lay on her superb body, quite drained
I was happy enough to follow Liz to the shower again and to attend to her private parts once more. “I could get to like this place after all,” I thought to myself.
Then Liz indicated that we could have some time away together! Was I hearing things? Two weeks away from this place, just her and me? I didn’t know how that could come about, but frankly, I didn’t care. “That sounds great! I enhused, then added “Ma’am” just to be sure, in case I was caught off guard somehow, or it was some different trick. Even though there was sting in the tail, to the extent that she was still to be monitoring my behaviour, I suspect my bashful grin betrayed my current feelings.
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