When Women Rule Ch. 02

I had a bad feeling about 369, the way he stared at me so much and how he fixed on Jill’s panty edge that showed above her black uniform shorts. So at the end of the day, I put him down on the list for a “room visit.”

The day commander read off all the announcements and at the end announced which prisoners were to report right then for room visits. When 369 heard his name, I saw his face blanch as he slowly walked to the front to comply with the order.

I smiled at him and told him that it had been decided he needed to get to know Jill and myself somewhat better. We didn’t want the prisoners to know exactly where our rooms were so I told him he would have to be blindfolded and when he was, we slowly walked him to the guards’ dorm and finally he was in our room.

I removed the blindfold and told him the purpose of the room visit was correct. We felt he had a bad attitude towards us and we would seek to improve it. We told him to lie on his back on the floor and Jill moved a box-like thing towards his head, which had a hole large enough for it to fit. We then strapped him down.

He slowly began to realize that this was a toilet and he was lying face up inside it. Jill went over and outside of his sightline slipped her shorts and panties down and sat on the toilet seat as he gazed up at her lovely quim as her cheeses spread.

Suddenly her face turned bright as I heard the unmistakable sound of her pee stream start and hit him right in the face. She grinned at me as I heard a few other sounds, aside from his screaming, emerge from her, this time from her rear. It was clear she was about to have her daily bowel movement and he would know about it quite directly.


How I hated this damned place! It had been bad enough originally, having been sent here on false charges, but things had taken a significant turn for the worse since the arrival of this bitch who seemed to be set on making things as difficult as possible for me. It didn’t matter what I did or how well, she would always seem to find some reason for picking on me, humiliating me or punishing me. There was just nothing I could do about it, no mechanism for appeal, it was just all so unfair.

Then a new twist. Since I had kept my head down and my nose clean so far, I had been sparred the end of day room visit details, but the bitch, whom I learned was called Liz, changed that. For no reason of which I was aware, there I was, suddenly on a bloody room visit. “It had been decided you needed to get to know Jill and myself somewhat better.” the bitch cool. What the Hell did that means? Did she want me to get to know them physically, intimately? Well, certain aspects of that scenario could have been quite pleasant, admittedly. The blonde Jill was certainly a looker and, if it were not for her mean, unfair, sadistic streak, I could well have taken to Liz. As it was, however, I suspected something else might be in store other than a ménage à trois.

They blindfolded me, so I wouldn’t know where the room was, and when we reached it, my fears were realized. “Corrective” she had said. What now, for heaven’s sake? Had they caused me enough misery already? And the bitch had the temperament to talk about MY attitude!

As always, I had no alternative by to comply as they had me lie on the floor, than fixed some kind of box contraction over my head. It had a hole in the top, but I couldn’t see much out of it. I could feel them strapping me down, however, and pretty soon, I was bound and helpless. Out of the hole in the top, I could just see what I guessed was the blonde one: or at least her private parts, being lowered onto the opening. As she sat, the light was blocked out and I was unable to see anything more. I wondered if I was supposed to lick her or something, but she was too far above my face for me to reach with my tongue.

Then, suddenly, the purpose of the thing became glaringly obvious. About the same time as I heard anominous “sssssshhh” noise, I was hit full in the face by a stream of warm liquid. Damn! The cow was pissing on my face! I struggled and twisted, but was held motionless by the straws and quite unable to avoid the stream which seemed to flow never-endingly from her. “Aaaghh!” Nooo! *splutter, splutter* ” I tried to yell, but my screams were muffled by both the encasing of the box and by the flood of urine which filled my opened mouth. I had never been so disgusted and degraded. At last it reduced to a trickle and I breathed a sight of relief. Wait a minute! What’s that? “Oh no! NOOOOOO! NNNNNNNOOOOO!” The evil bitch was having a crap, right on my face. I screwed my eyes closed and tightly shut my mouth, trying to hold my breath.

I couldn’t believe it, but I started to cry.


As Jill saved herself over the trapped head of 369, Liz amused herself by going over and unzipping his uniform and pulling down the trousers. She ignored the smell of a man who had not bathed indays and grinned at Jill as the man’s penis reacted to Liz’s teasing fingers. She rubbed it until it grow quite hard and stuck right up in the air from his body.

Now Liz slipped down her shorts and her panties and slowly lowered herself onto the hard prong sticking up. But she was determined to tease him so she allowed her wet quim to barely envelop the head of the man’s cock, no more. She saw him respond to the head entering her warm opening and then plea to be allowed in further.

“Oh. no, naughty boys do not get to stick their things in anywhere they’d like,” Liz tut-tutted to 369 as he was dealing with Jill’s somewhat soft and messy movement on his face. Liz lowered herself on the head a few more times and then ticked him at the base of his scrotum until she got what she wanted: a little fountain erupted of white semen exploding from his pent-up jets.

“Oh Jill, look at this naughty boy messing himself in front of us. I’m going to stick him down and release his head so he can lick you clean.”


I was totally lost and confused by the situation. The foul discharge from the blonde bitch was surrounding my head, smearing itself over my face as I twisted and turned my head in a vain effort to avoid it. “Oh, please let me up!” I became silently to myself still feeling the trickle of my tears.

Then as if that wasn’t enough, the other bitch began to lower my cotton work pants and started working on my cock. I couldn’t believe it responded as it did. Oh, she was attractive enough — very attractive, if truth be told — in fact they both were, but the circumstances were hardly conducting to sexual stimulation. In fact, at that moment, I hated the two of them with a password. Totally bemused, then, I could only wonder as my cock reacted into total hardness. I might have known, however, that it was just another tormenting ploy by the nasty bitch, as I felt her lower her pussy onto the tip of my erection. I could feel how wet she was, the sadistic cow, obviously turned on again by my suffering. She just stopped there, though, just at the tip. “Oh come on, bitch!” I tried to yell. “Do it if you’re going to. Don’t tease me like that, damp!” My prick jerked with the longing for satisfaction.

She lowered herself a fraction more, then rose, then lowered again, still just at the tip. It was driving me wild. Then she ticked her fingers lower down on me and I couldn’t hold back any longer. In spite of my best endeavours to avoid it, I shot my load out into the air. Although the pent-up sensing of relief was immense, I had a feeling I was not about to be rewarded for my exhibition.


Now Jill and I were truly enjoying ourselves. I pulled my underpants back up and ran my little strap around his cock. I tightened it, just enough to let him know by the look in my eye that I meant business.

We released him from the box and I told him that he now needed to clean Miss Jill’s rear. Jill’s movement had been somewhat messy and I almost laughed when I saw all the gooey poop around her rear crack.

He blanked and resisted. I smiled as I tightened the noise around his cock. He had a feeling of what it would be like if I cut off the blood supply with this ready-made tourniquet. “All right all right” he almost screamed.

I watched as his face made contact with her beautiful filthy rear end and crack. “By the way,” I added, “you of course will bring her off with your tongue…and she likes it deep in her asshole.”

I took my nail and slowly ran it around the little peehole at the end of his cock, which now had dried semen around it. He really was a sight.


Still it went on. I just couldn’t get away from these evil bitches. Fortunately my erection had subsided after my release: I say “fortunately”, because next the dark haired so affixed some kind of strap, or so it felt, around my penis and I guess it would have been pretty painful if my cock had been constricted in ahard state. Fortunately, too, they took that confounded box thing off my head and at least I could see better what was going on, although from the look in Miss Liz’s eyes, I was not sure I really wanted to see! She had a strange look which seemed to indicate a combination of sadistic lust. It did not bode well for me though, of that I was in little doubt. Then the worst thing! She said I had to clean the other bitch’s backside! No way, José! No on your life, bitch. I was about to voice my protest, when the cow tightened the strap around my cock. Aaaghh! the pain shooting through my sensitive organ had the desired effect and I began to raise my face closer to the lowered behind of the blonde, Jill. Yeeuuuch! I couldn’t do this! I’d be sick! I just touched some of the crap on her buttocks and nearly throw up. Dimly I heard the Liz bit suggesting I had to get Jill off, by sticking my tongue up her asshole! Right inside that filter crack? I don’t think so! Yeeoow! I jerked as the bitch ran her fingerprintnail round the very end of my cock. In spite of it all, I couldn’t go on — wouldn’t go on. “Get lost, you evil lesbian bitches!” I yelled in desperation. “There’s no way, I’m going to do this. NO WAY! Do you understand? Now let me go at once, or I’ll report you to the commander.”


“You’ll report me to the commander?” Liz laughed incredulously at 369. “Jill, isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve heard in ages?” The two pretty women guards began laughing uproariously.

Then Liz stared into his eyes, with a very scary star, one that led most men to start to put their hands in front of their private parts. “All right,” she said in a very low seriously serious tone, “I’ll send you to the commander. And you’ll see what happens to men like you.”

She took out a form entitled “Report to Commander” and began entering 369’s name from his dogtag. Then she had to enter her report: “Prisoner refused to service Guard Jill as directed. Then he demanded to be referred to the commander.”

She looked up. “Recommendation: This prisoner has resisted training. The most severe treatment is warranted.” Jill smiled as she heard the recommendation and while she rarely wiped herself behind her attractive pudendum with soft tissue.

“Liz, I’ll be happy to take that report in for you,” Jill piped up.

“Fine, dear, he’ll now see what even I had trouble with,” Liz replied. “He thinks the commander will be interested in his story.”

Moments after Jill left, two huge women appeared in black leather outfits. “369?” one inquired. Liz pointed to him. They took him, one by each arm, and frogmarched him from the room. After they had left, one took out a black rubber circle that had a little point in it. She looked at the naked man and his lack of an erection. “Make that thing hard RIGHT NOW,” she ordered. As he responded out of fear, she snapped the black rubber cap on the glans of his penis. It grasped it tightly and he began to understand what seeing the commander might involve as the little point of it probed into the tiny peehole of his penis and he was now feeling just a constant unending pain there. “Linda,” one said to the other, “the commander might just order that little thing of his to come off right at the start, don’t you think, since it really does look sort of puzzle. She hates men with nasty ittle cocks.”


Almost immediately, I began to regret my outburst. It seemed to amuse them that I had suggested bringing the Commander into it and, of course, I should have known better. In spite of the sheer injury of it all, I should have realized that there was no fairness applying to my miserable lot. Nothing I could do or say would have any influence on the suffering that it pleased these bitches to inflict on me for their own sadistic pleasure at any time. When Liz stared at me in that callous way, informing me I would be sent to the Commandant, it sent a shiver down my spine again. I was about toRetract my request, but even just the thought of cleaning the blonde’s arse almost made me vomit, so I kept quiet and bit my tongue.

As she read out her recommendation, my fears increased. Still perhaps the Commander would have some sympathy when I told her just what they had meant by “serviceing” Jill. As Jill left with the note, a contented mile on her face, I realized the die was cast and could only hope for the best.

Shortly after her department two big bruisers arrived and I was unexpectedly marched me out of the room. My relief at being away from the clutches of my two torquers was short-lived as one of them took some kind of rubber cap from her pocket and demanded I became hard. Shit, had she any idea how difficult it is to generate an erection on demand, especially in circumstances like this? I closed My eyes and imagined having Liz and Jill hanging face to face by their thumbs, with me flogging them with a cat-o’-nine tails. Slowly the image did the trick and IFelt the desired hardening. The big brute took the cap and stuck it tightly over my cock. Something inside it protruded into the slot at the end and it was damned uncomfortable. Indeed the pain only seemed to increase constantly Her next words almost made my blood run cold, however. I struggled to free myself from their grip, but in my weakened state I was no match for their strength and they continued to frog-march me along. I had no idea what lay in store but I was sure it was something I would regret. Not for the last time, I silently cursed that bitch Liz.


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