When We Meet

“We’re about to begin our descent.”

I’m shocked by how quickly it’s come around. I’m nearly there. Am I doing the right thing? I fiddle with my ring as the plane comes in to land, musing over how I ended up here. What a year.

We touch back to land and I feel a jolt inside me as my anticipation builds. As we slow down, I look at my hands and realize I’m shaking. Adrenaline courses through my veins.

“Please prepare to depart from the plane.”

I take a deep breath and stand, smoothing my dress against my body. Wondering just what will happen when we see each other.

I grab my carry on bag and slowly file off the plane, quietly pondering where everyone else on this plane is going to, coming from, visiting…

Making my way through the airport, hearing the chatter, the accents, the excitement. It’s all so overwhelming. I wait to collect my bag, hoping I haven’t forgotten anything important. I’m an awfully long way from home now.

I grab my bag, fighting with it a little until I find a comfortable way to carry it. I try to ignore the sick feeling of nerves in my belly but this is it. Once I walk around that corner, he’ll be there.

I see him standing there, coolly waiting for me. Jeans and tshirt. Relaxed and comfortable. Sure of himself. Confident. Such a man to admire. I feel myself blush as I catch his eye. I look down making my way towards him.

“Finally,” he smiles at me, I try to speak but nothing comes out. He takes my bags and we walk slowly through the airport. “How was your flight in the end?”

“Good, thank you Sir. Not as bad as I expected.” I whisper in the softest tone.

“I’m glad.” He responds attentively.

“I was a little scared you might not be here, Sir.” I blush hard admitting my fear.

“Oh?” He turns to look at me, “I take my word seriously. You should know that by now.”

I nod, feeling bad for doubting him. I continue to follow him through various different parts, ensuring I keep slightly behind him.

“The car isn’t too far,” he assures me as we keep going.

We step out into the fresh air and I breathe it in deep. I always wondered what this would be like. The heat, the smell, the little differences. He keeps walking and I have to run a little to keep up.

“May I ask a question, Sir?” I know better than to ask without permission.

“You may.” He responds.

“How far is the house, Sir? It’s been a long day.” I really am over traveling. I just want to sit stationary for a while. Maybe have a shower.

“Not far,” he says as we reach the car, he places the bags at the back and opens the passenger door for me. “Sit.”

I sit obediently and swing my legs in, making sure to keep my dress in place. I wait patiently as he puts my bags in the car and steps into the car.

“I am very thankful to be here Sir.” I say quietly as I look at my knees. It seems surreal.

“I’m glad you made it here too. Who knew eh?” He’s smiling, I can hear it in his voice.

We relax into easy conversation in the car as he points out interesting things on the journey home. Teaching me about his town, the history, the surroundings. It’s beautiful.

After a short while, we enter a more suburban area and I feel the car slow. I see the house, the drive, the plants. I’ve seen it before but it being here, in front of me, it’s surreal. I turn and smile at him.

“Come on then, let’s get you settled.” He says kindly. He gets out of the car and I wait again for him to open my door.

“Can I help with the bags, Sir?” I ask, I’m not used to this at all.

“No, come along, let’s get you inside.” I nod in response, following behind again.

We walk in and I get the sense of dejavu. I know this place, seen it so Many times, almost walked it with him and yet I don’t know it at all. The feeling must play across my face as he decides to give me an official tour.

We end in the bedroom and he tells me to get settled and unpack some of my stuff, showing me some space available for me. He asks me to meet him in the kitchen in twenty minutes and I agree.

First things first, I pop to the bathroom and freshen up. It was a long flight and now I need to feel the cool water on my face. Heading back to the bedroom, I methodically unpack my clothes, placing them neighborly in the drawers and closing them quietly.

Once I’m ready, I head to the kitchen and discover a wide range of ingredients waiting for me. I know exactly what I want to cook for him and as I prepare our meal, we talk about his day, the businesses, how I will be able to help him and what we can achieve.

Before long, dinner is ready and we sit at the table to eat our first meal together. I wait for him to comment on it before taking my first mouthful, now satisfied that he’s enjoying it. We eat and chat more. I’m glad it feels as relaxed as I’d hoped.

As he finishes his food, I clear the plates away and run water to wash up.He information me that he’s going to sit down on the sofa and relax and to come in once I’m done. The dishes don’t take long and I make my way to his side again.

“Can I get you anything else, Sir?” I ask politely, wanting to make sure he’s comfortable. I’ve been craving to do this for so long that I feel honoured to get to ask each question.

“No thank you, you may rest.”

I make my way to sit on the sofa and he quickly stops me.

Responding sternly, “I said rest, not sit.”

I star at him quizzically, not making the connection with what I did wrong.

“Rest.” He says again softly this time, pointing to the floor in front of him.

I feel colour begin to rise in my cheeks. I should have known.

“Of course Sir, thank you, I’m sorry Sir.” I mumble moving towards him.

As I stand in front of him, feeling his eyes burning into me I realize the magnitude of my next move. The messages, calls, videos, emails, stories, tasks. They’ve all been leading upto this very moment.

“You know your place in this house.” He says smiling at me.

I raise my eyes and look at him, this wonderful man, father and Sir. The man that allows me to be before him.

I slowly drop to my knees.


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