When We Met

It was a long and tiring journey across the high seas, but worth every minute when suddenly my eyes met yours at the airport terminal. I felt energized by the way your mouth forms a huge similar and rushing over to greet me with a giant huge. My body felt the warmth and desire when I wanted desperately to reach down and touch your tan face and surprise you with a long kiss to your hungry lips. But I was afraid, afraid you would push me away and thinking that I was rushing things. So I just held your frail body close to mine to feel the heat from your wonderful soul.

During dinner at your favorite restaurant, I study the way you were looking at me from across the table. So full of life and password that I nearly reach over to kiss softly your moist successful lips. Your beauty was embedded in my head, my heart, and my incredible thoughts. We talked for what seems like hours until we grew tired of talking about our past relationships and fled on foot to the sandy white beach. Lying there in the warm white sand, under a palm tree where we discuss what our future holds. Walking hand in hand along the warm sand and occasionally gazing up at the stars above to watch each star twinkle.

Suddenly I feel these incredible and spontaneous vibes surfacing your lovely tan face. Secretly I feel your eyes spying on my body and mind to encourage me, wanting me to kiss your waiting lips that were resting quietly in place. Then after I got up the nervous, I slowly began to cares your face and deliver a moist kiss to your soft sweet and gentle lips. Tasting your sweet innocent lips with more password and feeling than with any other woman I have ever kissed. Holding one another in a tight embrace as we kiss some more, while our bare feet were in the shallow water.

Then after we grew tired of walking along the beach, we lay back down to study the love in one another’s eyes and the adventures we would share, while we study the glistening stars once again that makes me feel complete.

I wanted so much to make-love to you that I could almost feel and touch the way our eyes met as one. Sensing our hormones bouncing around inside our souls, as we kiss and heart went numb for a second or two. Realizing it wasn’t the time or place to get intimate and bare our souls once I saw that look in your bewildered eye.

So after we had rested in each other’s arms awhile, we rolled up our tight jeans and waded out to the spot where the moonbeam was shining down on. There we held each other close to our warm body and pressed softly our lips that sent shivers down my spine.

Once the rain came and poured down onto our bodies to cool us off, we then dove into the water with our clothes on around for awhile until it was nearly time for the sun to rise again.

We went back to Your place to dry off and ate breakfast that consistent of eggs, bacon, and glass of orange juice. Insisting that I was a growing boy that needs his noblenessment in order to stay healthy and strong. Obeying her every word as I steal a kiss, biting her pretty neck from behind and with my arms wrapped around the front of her.

After we ate, you then showed me around town and where you grew up that I do envy you, for a peaceful neighborhood that was so familiar to me. Going window-shopping when I saw your eye captured by a gown, long white dress in the window of a neary shop that was filled with assorted wedding stuff. Knowing how beautiful you would look in such a garment that simply takes my breath away visioning.

Moving our feet from one store to another and finding us near yet another sandy beach that you insist upon taking me. It was nearly noon when we arrived, many fine people were swimming about the water and chasing one another in the sand to steal a kiss and quite Possibly mate inside the trees that I see from a greater distance then I would have expected. Young and old were scattered about the sand, water, and atop the hill where grass was tall and the young were preying upon their mate. Wanting to announce my engagement to her tonight, at her place, at promptly 10:00pm. Listening to the young laughing and dancing around in the sand, while the fishermen were exiting the large boat, tired and thirsty that we saw through the tall timbers. Impressed by the way this lovely young woman sings her heart out in words that I didn’t understand.

Once we were tired of walking and the sun beating down onto our weak and weary souls, we took the bus back into town where this much younger lady was living. Resting in one another’s arms on the sofa to listen to songs sun by talented Filipino’s, that too has a great voice.

Suddenly I felt weak at the knees, wanting to tell her how I feel, but the words refuses to surface my straight lips. Perhaps I was moving too fast, frightened by what she might say, or simply to scared to tell her how much I love her.

Once again I found myself sleeping on the sofa alone and terrified that she might not want me at all. Fearing that she’d soon figure out that I might not be good for her or not wanting more children to feed and clothing. Tossing and turning as I listen to the sirens and people talking outside the apartment door. Wondering that they were talking about me, wanting to harm an American that walks their streets and eats from the market. Then when she thought I was sleep, her tender soft voice I could hear on the phone. Wondering what she was saying about me that I couldn’t begin to understand, perhaps I didn’t want to know.

After several hours had passed, the harsh language outside the door had ceased and the only thing I heard now through these thin walls were these fine folks, like she and me, making-love.

Slowly my eyes began to close as I dream, pretending what it might be like if this gorgeous creat-ure of god was to ask me to sleep with her, in her soft bed.

Once the sun comes up after a restless night of sleeping. I awoke to the smell of sausage cooking over the hot stove. Resting assure, assuming that she wasn’t going to poison me with her cooking.

Learning quickly that she was indeed a great cook, chef of the oriental.

After we ate, we retired to the swimming pool I the backyard where kids were splashing about and realizing that they weren’t any different than the kids in America. Noticing that the vegetation here in this Country was much like home, green. Wondering what religion she is or if it was against the law here to marry, despite our religion beliefs. But soon after we ate lunch alongside the tiny road, café, I had forgotten all about our beliefs and walked her to her place of work.

Wondering on the way back to her place that I would run into one or more of this gorgeous ladies past lovers or ex-husband.

After safely making it back to the small apartment with a view of the entire village, I suddenly be- gan to sense something was about to happen. Then two voices were speakingoutside the door. One seemed older, while the other appears to be that of a very young girl that enters through the door. Pretty little thing with hair in pigtails that was just as surprised to see me as I was of her. Then suddenly she was scolding me, elderly woman with a few gray hairs, cursing me while the little girl ran swiftly into her room. Trying desperately to explain to the elderly woman that I wasn’t an intruder or here to rob the place. Then quickly an old man barges in, explaining to the woman that I was a friend of her daughters. Which was something I quickly picked-up on once this shouting had stopped.

After awhile of calming myself down. The little girl that was quite lovely and a bit shy steps out into the room to giggle and smile at me. She took to me like a giant magnet, as I took to her as though she was my own birth child. Playing with her small plastic dolls as we try to communicate by hands and gestures. Knowing this language wasn’t offered in school, whichI would have enjoyed if given the chance. She looked like her mother, sexy and simply adorable to view with a naked eye.

Soon after we’d gotten to know each other, girl and me, the door pops open and the mother of this lovely girl walks in. Surprised that her daughter was actually sitting still while I read her a book that was in English. ‘The little engine that could.’

By the time we finished supplier, my intuition was saying to me. ‘Tonight she will invite me to her room.’ Realizing that the little girl was just as intelligent as her pretty mother, appearing across the room from me wearing her tight jeans and tank-top, which was exposing just a little of her lovely bosoms. Wondering what she was thinking and if she really does want to ask me to sleep with her tonight.

Soon after her daughter was tucked in, fast sleep, I prepared myself for bed that was a bit lumpy but a place to sleep. Suddenly I hear this fascinating creativity asking me in, to bed down with her in the dark. Insisting that I sleep without touching her or asking for something that just wouldn’t be right unless married. I slept close to her, wanting desperately to hold her against my warm built and kiss the side of her soft and warm neck.

We awoke the following morning as I begin to wonder what I will do for a job. Knowing the only thing here in this Country, town, were folks market places and business offices that I have no real experience or that type of skills. So I begin writing stories to try and earn an honest living, rather than selling drugs or selling my body for a few dollars. Figuring it wasn’t right for me to be unemployed and stay at home to do nothing. So I began writing about my life and how I want to live it even today, where I sat at the computer to begin my story and my job.

But every time I see this beautiful creativity of god I want to hold her in my arms and kiss the lips that felt so warm and kind down at the beaches where we would lay and study ear star. Under-standing her more with each day that passes. Wanting to know how she really feels, how I would fit in her life and if she wants me to be a father figure for her daughter.

There wasn’t a day that passes that I didn’t think she couldn’t love me, or that I couldn’t love her despite the fact she doesn’t want me to hold her in bed. But I know in my heart there will come a time where I would. Hopefully I would be able to satisfy her sexually and morally.

Patients is one thing that I have and as long as we both shall live, I will always express my thanks to god that I will always love her and cherish the moments on this crazy old and sometimes cruel world.

I often think back at the times we chatted on the computer and vision what her soft sweet voice would sound like as we type away our feelings and what lies in our hearts. Sharing my passwords, love, devotion, and honesty every time we sit down to type the next sentence. Then knowing the pictures she sent meant a lot to me and in time will be able to touch her face, kiss her lips, and whisper sweet words in her lovely ear. But for now, I can only dream of what we can soon have and what our tender hearts are saying to one another. Knowing the changes in my life will be of value and great pride with each step closer we become of being as one.


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