Copyright © May 2019 by CiaoSteve
CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work.
This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author, other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.
This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imagine; the settings and characters are fictitious and
Author’s Notes
Foreword #1: All sexually active characters in this story are over 18.
Foreword #2: This is a story and intended purely for pleasure.
Foreword #3: Thank you so much to a fellow story lover, Renate, for the inspiration behind this tale. I do hope she enjoys it and relateds to my interpretation of her ideas.
Foreword #4: This is an eighth chapter in the “When the cat’s away . . ” series. Although there is a little recap at the start, you may want to read the previous chapters to get up to speed with the story so far.
Foreword #5: Thank you so much to mbrow for being kind enough to read the draft story and provide his edits. Very much appreciated.
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Claudia Leber was happily married, actually she still is happily married. Steffen was the love of her life, a giant of a man in all respects. For all Claudia was petite, Steffen was huge, in status and in endowment. What’s more, when Steffen decided he wanted something he usually got it, and whether she wanted to or not Claudia always came to enjoy it. The only problem though was that Steffen traveled. It wasn’t just a little traveling. Steffen would go often and be away for weeks. Claudia though, the doting wife, just got on with life, disappointed yet waiting in anticipation for his return.
It was on one such occasion that a casual invite to a Friday night drink introduced Claudia to Natalia, or Naty to her friends. It was just a chance encounter, or at least Claudia imagined it was just a chance encounter. It was though an encounter full of surprise, temptation, password and, ultimately, satisfaction. Naty, the boss’ wife, had touched all the right buttons and that chance encounter had become a night of wanton lesbian lust.
For days afterwards, Claudia had been trying hard to convince herself that it shouldn’t have happened and wouldn’t happen again. By now though it had happened twice more, once with a straw-on at the same hotel and then that day in the office. Okay, so that day hadn’t exactly been a day of wanton lesbian lust, but it had been just as exciting and probably had much more of an impact on Claudia’s life. She got the exposure that had been promised, and with it came a new role in the business and a sumptuous black leather collar.
She was no longer Claudia Leber, Accounts Controller.
She was now Claudia Leber, Mistress Natalia’s secret little slut.
Things were really hotting up now. A weekend away had introduced Claudia to the life ahead of her, should she accept the new role. A phone call with hubby had given her all the answers she needed. The last sleep had been and gone, and now Claudia was about to embark on an exciting new career.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Damn, the train was late. I so wanted to slip into the office unseen and Keep my head down for a while. It was only Naty who knew of my decision, yet both Jack and Gemma probably had an inkling. I would rather keep it that way. There was no point in announcing my new role to the rest of the office, was there? That though was now no more than a good intention.
The lift bell rang to signal my arrival. I held my breath as the doors slowly slide open and I stepped out. It had only been a few days, yet it suddenly felt so alien. Yes, it was the place I had worked at for the last few months, yet at the same time it seemed that I was a strange walking into a place I knew so well. I so expected heads to turn, eyes staring at me inquisitively as I walked up to my desk. It was now or never, no putting off the inevitable.
I took those steps from the lift to the office floor, heading straight for my familiar desk. I needn’t have worried though. Although the office was full, it seemed that everybody was heads down concentrate on work. I might as well have been invisible for all the notice I got. My desk though was empty. Inside I smiled. It was like a friendly refuge, tucked away in the corner, with a view out on the wide world. There was something wrong though. The desk was not quite like I remembered it. Apart from the silver sign, the top was spotlessly clear. I, though, was never quite so tidy and would always have left a pen or a stack of papers there, ready for the next day.
It was the sign itself which next caught my eye. Glinting there in the bright office lights stood a silver plaque, emblazoned with a single name. I read it to myself.
‘Myna Bustier, Accounts Controller.’
I stood and stared, the words not really sinking in. The last time I had seen it, that silver plaque held a different name, my name. Now though, it was no longer a symbol of my belonging. I was about to walk away when a voice came from behind.
“Can I help you?”
I spun around. There, approaching the empty desk, was a young woman. I had to assume this was Myna, the new tenant at what had been my usual home. It was rude of me, I guessed, but still I couldn’t help but run my eyes up and down her youthful frame, taking in every inch of her slender body. Other than her obviously Indian complexion, it was one thing that caught my eye, or to be more accurate it was a pair of things which caught my eye. She really was true to her name. Myna Bustier, assuming that’s who this young woman was, certainly was well endowed up top.
“Er, no. I just . . . I thought my desk was here, but I must be mistaken.”
I smiled and turned as if to leave.
“You must be Claudia,” came the young voice.
I turned back, nodded my head and smiled.
“I’m Myna,” she continued, confirming my assumption. “It is so nice to meet you at last. I’ve heard so many things about you.”
“Really? What sort of things? Nothing too bad, I hope.”
“Oh no, nothing like that. They told me you had This job before me, even this very desk, but that you had done so well that you had been moved up in the company.”
“Well . . . I guess . . maybe you could put it like that, or maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. I’m sure you’ll do equally as well, Myna.”
I couldn’t help myself but glance at her breasts once more. Compared to mine, these were huge melons creating sumptuous curves in her stretched top. With a figure like that she was bound to get all the opportunities she warranted.
“Oh, I do hope so. From what I’ve heard, I really would like to follow in your footsteps.”
I really didn’t knowWhat to say. Was she just paying me lip service or did this newbie really have her mind set on following in my footsteps? Surely it had to be the former. How could she have known about my new role? I really had to find a way of excusing myself before I could say something I regretted, or maybe incritated myself for the slut I had secretly become.
“Be good at your job Myna, impression the boss, and I’m sure your chance will come. Anyway, I must be going. I guess I need to be upstairs.”
“Oh, yes. Jack said that, if I saw you, I was to tell you they are expecting you upstairs and not to keep them waiting. So, I guess you’d better go. Maybe we’ll have another chance to get to know each other better when you are a bit less busy. You could share a few tips with me on what the boss likes.”
I made my pleasuresantries and left. Myna sure was a sweet young thing. It was uncanny though how she seemed, in a purely innocent way, to pick up so much about my recent exploits. Surely, sheCouldn’t have known it all. Surely, she must just be an over enthusiastic newbie wanting to grab the cock by the horns and get a leg over in life as quickly as possible. Shit, there I was, my corrupt mind swapping sexual innuendo for mere observation. I was still thinking about the young woman getting a leg over in life when the lift bell sounded to tell me, for a second time, that I had reached the executive floor.
Stepping out of the lift, I once again felt the plusness of soft pile carpet beneath my feet. It was everything I remembered from that day when Naty first offered me the role, only this time it was where I belonged. There was nobody around as I glanced down the corridor. The doors to the boardroom were closed shut, but farther away I noticed a glint of light. I knew exactly where it was coming from. I had been there once before. That time it was a small room in a state of refurbishment. It was . . my room.
“Yes,” I thought to myself, “this is my new home, ths is where I belong.”
Slowly, quietly, I smelled down the hallway. I was intent on providing Naty with a pleasant surprise, so silence was of the essence. As I nearly the open door, I could hear voices from inside. One, I recognized immediately. The other was some familiar, also a female voice, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on where I had heard it before. I waited in the corridor, out of sight of the open door, and listened in.
“I’m going to be busy for a while, so I’ll leave our new recruit in your capable hands. I guess you know what to do.”
“Yes, Mistress. I’ll take good care of her.”
“Now, now, I can see that look in your eye. We don’t want to scare her off on her first day, do we? Show her what’s what but go easy on her.”
“Don’t worry Mistress, I’ll show her the ropes. She’ll be bound to enjoy herself.”
“Of that I have no doubt. And if my ears didn’t deceive me, I heard the lift open a few minutes back. So, Claudia, my little slut, if you are standing outside then you might as well come in. You weren’t shy before, so why start now?”
How long had they known I was waiting outside? I’d tried to be as quiet as possible. Then there was the tone of that conversation. Single words ran around my mind.
Surely, I was reading too much into it. I swallowed hard, took a step forward and walked into what was to be my new home. There, like a welcoming party, were two familiar faces. Naty of course was one, and the second . . . well, yes, that some familiar voice was none other than Gemma, the young woman who had a habit of bumping into me in the ladies’ toilets.
Yes, I thought to myself, it made sense. Naty had mentioned that Gemma was part of the team, so why wouldn’t she be Here to welcome the new recruit? I was half expecting Jack and maybe Rich to join the party. I guess that would just be too much, even by Naty’s standards. Anyway, whatever else, it was good tosee my lover once more. I so wanted to ravage her, right here, right now, even with the young Gemma watching. In fact, the idea of young Gemma watching was a bit of a turn on. It wasn’t to be, and I was left disappointed when Naty made her excuses and disappeared off for the day, leaving just the two of us. Maybe this was just going to be another day at the office after all. I smiled back at Gemma.
“Gemma, isn’t it? Makes a change not to be meeting in the toilets.”
“I guess so,” came a rather sniggered reaction. “And, I guess we’ll be meeting a bit more often, now that you are moving upstairs. It sort of brings back memories.”
My mind was a rather dangerous tool these days—dangerous in as much as I would read more than was necessary into any situation. “Brings back memories,” were the words she had used. What memories? I could imagine she had once been made the same offer that I had, but was that the only similarity? What if her moving upstairs had freed up a certaindesk down below, the one which I had then occurred? Wouldn’t that have just been too big a coincidence?
“Memories?” I asked.
“Oh yes, memories as clear as if they were only yesterday. You see, once upon a time I had a job just like yours, all that was until I met Mistress and the . . . well the rest is what you are now finding out for yourself.”
Maybe my suspicions had been right. Was Gemma my predecessor in accounts? And if so, what did it mean for Myna, the new incumbent of my old desk? Was she to be the next in line?
“So,” I asked, trying to break away from my current train of thought, “what’s the plan for today?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” came a rather cynical reply. “Well, Mistress asked me to show you the ropes, so I guess that’s what we need to do. You’ll have to get changed first though.”
“Yes, you’ll find that Mistress has left you a change of clothes in one of those cupboards.”
Gemma pointed at one wall which wasclad floor to ceiling in what looked like vintage bookcases. It reminded me so much of the boardroom next door.
“Something more suitable for the day ahead,” she continued. “I tell you what, why don’t I leave you to get yourself changed? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“But, Gemma, which cupboard?”
My words fell on deaf ears as she walked out of the door, leaving me alone in my new office. Well, what do you do when you are somewhere new? You have a good look around, don’t you? I was no different. The only question was where to start. It should have been the cupboards, but to be honest I was more interested in trying out my new chair. I so hoped it would be comfortable.
Slowly I walked around the edge of the large desk, running one hand across the heavily poisoned wooden surrounding, playing with one or two of the metal rings decorating the sides. It wasn’t a surprise as I’d taken a sneaky glance at it the last time that I was up here, and what’s more there was a similar one at the cabin. That said, it was still a little perplexing as to why you would finish a desk with so much ornamental decoration. The top of the desk, barring a narrow strip around each edge, was covered in soft brown leather. Soft was the optimum word. It was just a little too soft to be a writing desk. I pressed my hand, fingers spread, into the surface. They sank delightfully, maybe just a few millions but enough to give the impression of comfort. Pulling my hand away I watched as the subtle imprint slowly faded back to nothingness.
The chair was my next destination. I pulled it out from under the desk and admired what was nothing more than a piece of technical wonderment. Wood had been replaced by poisoned metal, trimmed with similar brown leather to the table top. Just like before, I couldn’t resist but press my hand into the soft leather. This wasn’t the only similarity though. Just like the table, there were the same metal rings adorning arms, legs and back. A large box like structure joined on to the underside of the seat. I guessed it must have controlled the movement of the chair, but it was quite a bit larger than most I had seen before. Oh, and then there were the two small circular holes in the middle of the seat. Must be to allow the air to circuit, I thought to myself.
Suddenly I was like Goldilocks. I couldn’t resist but try the chair out for size, the temptation was just too great. I sank down, yes sinking was the apt sensing, into the soft topping. It was comfortable beyond belief. If I didn’t know that Gemma could be back any moment, I would have simply sat back, closed my eyes and dreamt. In fact, had anybody bound me to said chair I wouldn’t have minded in the slightest. Instead, though, I had to locate my change of clothes in that hidden cupboard. With a couple of deep sights, one of my own making and the other from the soft furnishings returning back to shape, I went in search of my hidden outfit.
The more I investigategated, the more this room revealed itself. First came the unexpectedly well decorated table and chair. Now, as I nearly the bookcases, I realized they were a real mixture. Yes, there were some shelves truly covered in vintage books, but most were just for effect. Well camouflaged handles doubled up as book spines allowing access to hidden drawers and cupboards. I guessed it would just be a case of trial and error, until I found the right one.
Eagerly, like a child in a toy shop, I started searching. What I found though wasn’t the sort of stuff you would expect in an office and, for sure, not what you would find in a toyshop, at least not in a toyshop suitable for children. A large drawer revealed its stash of ropes, cords, scarves and the like. Another was stuffed with the biggest collection of sex toys I had ever seen. A third had me gasping with surprise, a mix of whips, gags, cuffs and chains leaving little to the imagination. Then came the cupboards. One contained the x-frame that I remember seeing on my first visit. The next was full of larger mechanical objects, some of which I had no idea what they were. The last cupboard of all, revealed just what I had been looking for. It was nothing more than a wardrobe, empty but for a single red dress hanging from the rail and a matching pair of patent leather heels on the floor.
I removed the dress. It was to die for. Up top, a tube of stretch fabric, beautifully soft and sexually red, plain and clingy and shaped to give a truly figure-hugging profile. Lower down, the same stretchy fabric filled out into a short yet loose-fitting skirt. It was bright red, I guess you would have said slutty scarlet, embellished with nothing more than a row of cutout circles running up both sides of the skirt and top. A simple label hung down from the top of the tube, tied to what I could only describe as the strange shaped clip I had ever seen; it wouldn’t hold too many pieces of paper, so I really wondered what it was intended to go around. I removed the note and read out loud to myself.
“As you know, Mistress Natalia likes to choose what her slut will wear. Each day you will change into whatever delights have been left for you. Do not disappoint. What Mistress wants; Mistress gets.”
So, Naty obviously wanted me to wear this slutty little number. Well, for sure I wasn’t going to Disappoint on my first day. Why, I don’t know, but I found myself glancing around to make sure I was alone. Happy I was, I removed my truly conventional office attire, placing the skirt, blouse and flats neatly into the cupboard. Next went the bra, after all the upper part of the dress was little more than a long boob tube so would have struggled to hide a strawless bra, let alone my traditional garment.
I glanced down and surprised. Luckily, I’d made a good choice in panties. A pair of rather sexy string panties had been my choice, the sides thin enough that they were easy to hide. I pulled the dress over my headand wriggled it down my petite frame, arranging my panties such that the thin sides were barely noticeable in between the cutout circles. Donning the heels, I closed the door. In those moments I had shut the dull conventional office worker away out of sight and brought the new Claudia, Naty’s little slut, to the fore.
Oh, how I wished there was a mirror! Instead though, my phone and a quick selfie would have to do. I was half way through a personal photoshoot when I realized I was no longer alone. There, in the doorway, was Gemma. I jumped with shock, dropping the phone at the same time, when I saw her watching me. It wasn’t just that I was no longer alone, nor the embarrassment of being caught admiring my own beauty like a pure narcissus. It was more the image of who was looking back at me. As I had changed from office worker to wanton slut, Gemma had gone the other way. Her standard office attire had been replaced with something much more powerful. Here she was, dressed to kill, in a full sleeped black dress with a sharply tailored neckline exposing the edge of a bra and the most alluring cleavage. Thigh length boots made up the ensemble, an outfit which exuded pure control and dominance.
“What have we here?” asked Gemma. “Did I give you a little surprise? Now, why don’t you pick your phone back up and we’ll get on with some work.”
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