I did not sleep as well as I thought I would once “he” had made the call asking me for drinks the next night. But, I was up on time and dressed to be very impressive. A nice little office black dress with a cropped black and white herringbone jacket with a layered necklace and dropped bold earrings should draw his attention to my face which was lightly made up as I just am not the ton of makeup kind of girl. My “knock them dead” heels made me feel very confident and self-assured.
I arrived early and had all of my documents in order and the slides in order for my portion of the meeting. This was my last day that I would have to make a presentation to this group of execs and others in the cooperation. Out of the ones that would gather only a very few had never seen me in operational-mode. “He” was one of those.
I was chatting with a few that I knew and having my second cup of coffee for the day when “he” arrived. “He” cast a glance my way and I was appreciated to see “him” glance up and then down taking in my efforts. I saw a very slight smile on “his” face and was beginning to question if it in fact was there when the head of this office called us to order.
Almost an hour later, I rose to do my part of the program and realized quickly that “he” was trying hard not to look at me. Maybe “he” thought “he” made me nervous, or maybe “he” thought by not looking at me, I would not be nervous but surely what my gut was hinting at was not true… Could “he” actually just not care?
I had my portion down cold and was done in less than 30 minutes to a smattering of applause. I sat down and took a sip from my glass of water and allowed myself to look “his” way and again, a slight smile?
The rest of the day was spent listening to various twists and turns of changes and advantages of various ideas. Nothing earth shattering was said and I was on the edge of boredom when they decided to take a break. I needed to check into the home office and make abathroom break when “he” came up behind me and whispered into my ear, “The only thing keeping me awake is planning our night.” And then “he” melted in with the others leaving the conference room.
“He” had once again caught me by surprise and made my stomach take a leap. How did I think tonight was just going to be just about drinks after that comment? How did this man “see” into my soul so deeply? Would tonight never get here? I was beginning to realize that tonight would be so much more than I thought it was to be and hoped I was up for the challenge!
I had planned on going back to my room to shower and freshen up but after I had collected all the paperwork and made sure I had everything back into order, I proceeded to head out the door when I was handed a note by one of the secretaries. I was being told to go out the door and walk to the left to the end of the block. So, out the door I went.
Once at the end of the block, a black Tahoe came to a stop and the windowolled down. “He” smiled and told me to get in. I placed my rolling briefcase in the back seat and climbed in. “He” had a bottle of water in the cup holder and told me to relax; we would be at “his” home in 20 minutes. And off we went, taking the scenario route it seemed. The change in scenery certainly helped me to relax and I could feel my shoulders unwinding with each rotation of the tires.
When we arrived at “his” home and pulled into the garage, I actually felt as if I had taken a cat nap, I was just that relaxed! Not a word had been spoken and after listening to all those drawing voices, I had needed the silence.
“He” came around the SUV and opened the door then aided me in my stepping out the high up vehicle. With my heels on, I still didn’t come close to “his” height. It appeared “he” was 6’3″ or possible taller. I had always dated tall men it seemed so I was comfortable with this but “his” demeanor made him seem even taller as “he” was so self-confident, self-assured.
Upon entering we were in the back hallway that probably led to the laundry area and to stairs that went up to the second floor. “He” then led me from the kitchen area to where there was set up a bar in what appeared to be the Butler’s Pantry. Without asking, “he” poured me a nice glass of merlot and directed me ahead of “him” through the dining room into the library which also was “his” study.
This room so fit “Him” to a tee! Mahogany walls with a taupe wall covering with gold lighting fixtures over the mantel piece. The shelves were full of a varied association of novels, texts and journals. I noticed many historical selections of the area but then my eyes landed on a shelf dedicated to the subject of BDSM.
When I turned to look at “him”, I found “him” watching me and saw where my fingertips had landed. I was not aware but “he” was that my eyesbrows had lifted and was giving him a questioning look.
“Are you curious or do you already have a set notion about thatlifestyle?”
I cleared my throat before answering and then said honestly, “I know little to nothing about that lifestyle, Sir.”
“His” smile broke loose and warmed my heart! Seemed I had touched “him” with my unplanned salutation. I had been honest, I did not know much other than respect was demanded and expected. Growing up in the South, respect was what I did without hesitation. Beyond that, I really knew nothing of the lifestyle.
“He” guided me to one of the two sofas in the room and as we made ourselves comfortable “he” began giving me a brief and direct guideline into what “he” deemed it was and what it means in his life.
“He” was the only child of a single mom and was 42 years old. Twelve years older than me at the time. His mother had a “master” in her life that provided well for them and had laid out the lifestyle in “his” life many years before. It was not a lifestyle about abuse as some believe but a lifestyle of total conviction to the “master” and giving your body, mind and soul over to the one you trusted most in life. “He” had not found that someone and before the past few weeks was not even looking for someone to part of his life. But, “his” life had made a few changes and “he” wanted to explore those areas. “He” realized if “he” had someone along for the journey, things would and could be more exciting and even easier in the adventures.
“His” voice was mesmerizing and I had lost myself during his epistle telling. I felt “his” fingers of “his” right hand at the back of my neck kneeing and pressing on those knotted up areas I wasn’t even aware of.
“Would you consider taking this journey with me? Would you like to have someone in your life making choices for you and directing you to the edge? Would you like to trust someone to understand what is best for you and share those choices with you?”
I was stunned! I didn’t know this man other than what was listed in the portfolio the company had put together and certificatenly this was not in that release! I spit out, “But you don’t know me.”
“He” smiled and continued to stroke my neck, “Oh, yes I think I do.” “He” then began listing all my accomplishments all the way back to high school. “He” knew even my address and the name of my cat from childhood. And somehow, “he” even know my bank balance and when I had paid off my student loans.
“More importantly, I know how you responded last night to Angie during the massage and that instead of closing your legs, you opened them wider. There is no one in your life and you crave, need intimacy.” And with that “his” hand went to cup my breast and “his” index finger grazed over my nipple causing me to gasp! At that moment, wetness shot out of my pussy and I could smell the odor erupt into the room.
“He” moved his hand and directed for me to stand. “His” voice had changed and I knew it was an order and not a suggestion. “He” told me to remove my jacket, slowly. I had no problem with that direction. “He” then stood and told me to turn around. I chose to do so. “He” then unzipped me slowly, allowing the shoulders to fall down my arms. “He” didn’t unzip me all the way but once the dress was down to my wait “his” hands moved to my breasts and the black and opaque shelf bra I was wearing. My nipples were hard and tight, my breasts full and hard also. I have always been multi-orgasmic and just that slight touch made me cum again in my panties. My body was giving itself to this man and I had no gumption to stop it. I would have been begging for more if I could find my voice but it was gone, overcome with pure and simple lust and need.
It was what seemed like hours later, “he” pushed my dress further down and told me to step out of it. “He” had to hold my arm to keep me from falling as “his” ministerations had me lost to the world around me.
My panties matched the bra and I am sure “he” could see my wetness and I was embarrassed! I felt “his” hand on my butt, caressing so very lightly and then “he” pulled me back to “him”. I was floored to feel “his” massive hardness and then “his” hand was around my neck, stretching me up to “his” face.
“See! You aren’t the only one attracted and in need!” And with that, “his” left hand dove into my panties heading for that wetness and my hard knob. “His” legs were keeping me from opening any further and all I could do was stand there and allow “him” to seek what “he” wanted and at that moment, was demanding!
“Tell me how long it has been for you but remember, I already know.”
“Never!” was my answer.
“His” fingers stopped. “Never?” he questioned me.
“No Sir! I have never felt so taken or so in need and all the other times fail in comparison with what you are giving to me!” came out of my mouth without even thinking but was the truth!
Never had any man took me where this “MAN” was taking me and I so wanted to go!
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