She surprised herself by hyper-ventilating as she approached his front door. She could feel her heart pounding- and this wasn’t just the usual juicy frisson of meeting a new body to play with. This was different… He was different…
Seemingly he crossed every box. Tall. Dark. A former Policeman. And with a definite penchant for accepting extreme pain. So no more online losers and wannabees. PC Plod seemed to be the real deal at last.
The door was left ajar as they had arranged. The house seemed orderly, clean, and its unfamiliarity had her cunt twitching as she stepped into the hall. There was no sound except the gulls outside and far away, the laughter of some nameless children on the beach. Briefly an unwelcome thought entered her consciousness- she had left her own family at home to seek out a strange man to torture- but as usual she stuffed that thought back down inside herself, re-arranged her cleavage and found the living room.
And there he was. Incrediblyhe was just as he said he would be; kneeing, blindfolded, hands bound behind him, naked. So beautifully naked. His massively erect cock looked hard and unyielding, full of veins and with its pink head unsheathed and exposed to the air. The foamy pre-cum was testimony to her delayed arrival. A cat watched her proudly from a corner armchair.
She put down her bag and moved behind him. Somehow he had bound his hands with his police handcuffs by himself. Clever Boy. She took a breath and touched his cappuccino skin. Kneaded his strong shoulders. Tasted his neck and the small of his back. Ran her fingers across his velcro chest hair and her nails across his dusky pink nipples. He made no sound but breathed more heavily, the sweat on his browser betrayed his own anticipation. From outside came the sound of the milkman delivering clenching bottles of milk. If only he knew what was going on behind the closed door just a few yards away, she thought.
She pulled down the top of her dress and revealed her pink bra, barely covering her bulging milk white cleavage. She moved closer to him and pushed them under his nose. She knew he could smell her perfume.
“So, my darling Constable. Here we are at last. What do you think of these then?” She knew he could not see them and that made her happy.
The rhetorical question he could never answer made him smile briefly. Drawing back her hand for a full blow, she slapped him hard across his face. The explosive gasp of shock and the rapid change of demeanour in her bound subject made her cunt spasm again. I’m going to enjoy this a lot, she said to herself.
Humming softly to herself, she pulled up a chair and unpacked her bag, laying each item out in a haphazard order which only she could decipher. Now and again she would pause to play with him- kiss his mouth, twist his nipple, claw his flanks. He reacted stoically to every stimulus, and this made her all the more determined to make him pay.
Finally she was ready.
“Now then Constable…you don’t want a safe word and you know I have forbidden a gag. Is that correct? Your last chance to change your mind…”
His rapid and emphatic shake of the head encouraged her. You poor, poor boy, she thought.
She focused on his cock now for the first time. It was huge- more thick than long, but meaty and a little scarred and very Very angry. There was a string of pre-cum stretching down to the floor. She felt it throb under her latex covered hands…it felt heavy, full, engorged. His balls, browner than the rest of him, reminded him of a bulllock- hanging very low, they looked like they had not been emptied for weeks.
She slapped his cock and then squeezed his balls. He yelped softly- the first sign of a reaction. Men always did that when you did that to them.
“You really are lovely down there Constable. Such a shame, a terrible shame. Are you ready, my love?”
He thought for a moment and swallowed once. Then nodded.
“Ok, then I shall begin.”
The first need went in through the skin at the base of his cock. A slight intake of breath, no more. She followed these with another dozen, leaving a perfectly symmetrical line of red tipped needs shining on the brown shake of his cock. His breathing was harder now. No blood. She had practiced well and learned what to do and what not to do.
She felt unsatisfied. It looked pretty but he had made barely a sound. She decided to skip the next two steps and go for broke. To break him, to be exactly.
The next one she pushed through the head of his cock…the need briefly bent but then the flesh yielded and it was through. She marvelled at her own sadism. For a moment she thought he hadn’t felt it…but then came an animal bellow from his gaping mouth, Then a second whinny of practical age, and he crumbled at her feet in age. She watched his brown back convulse with the aftershocks and realized she was touching herself. She could feel her wetness through her habitual two sets of panties. That’s more like it, she thought. I bet if he just stopped squirming down there for a moment he could smell how much I want him.
Prodding him upright again with her shoes, she used another two on his cockhead before he started to cry. She could see the tears pool and then drip down his cheeses from under his blindfold. He sobbed like a baby and Begged her to stop- the first time in nearly an hour he had spoken. But they both knew that wasn’t going to happen. She licked his face dry and tasted his salty resignation.
His cock had never once lost its courage despite the fact that it was now festooned with slidery barbs that glinted in the February sunshine. He remained hard for her as she carefully removed each one with a flourish, watching his body react, listening intently for each yelp and groan, no two alike.
There was now a little blood and she needed to work fast. She unwrapped a condom and expertly sheathed his torurred penis. Pushing him backwards onto his living room rug, she ignored his cries as he lay on his handcuffed wrists. This is all about Me, she thought.
Too aroused to even remove both sets of knickers, she yanked the gussets to one side, moved astride his supine supplement and lowered herself down onto him in one movement borne of 30 years of expert fucking.
His groan this time was different- a little surprised, some exciting but still in age. As she rode him she thought about the fact that she was taking him naked, in his own house, secretly, complicatedly, abusing his bloody cock with a heady pain and pleasure cocktail, but knowing that he needed it as much as she did and that he would endure it to get his reward.
But not before she got hers. Oh no…here comes that first electric wave baby…catch it and ride it home now..yessss…Oh my God yess…
She awoke to the sound of the dustman and the suburban rush hour. Through one eye she could seethe closed curtains, his curtains. Even in her half-asleep state she knew she had just had an orgasm…her cunt felt warm and happy. But seconds later came that realisation- PC Plod was not real after all. He was an internet creation only. Transient fun never to be realized. Once again she felt cheated and let down as she did every time she dreamt of him.
Prim rolled over and saw her own Submissive lying there, still sleep. He was not tall nor brown nor a Policeman but he was hers, only hers, and she knew he loved her with a password. That would have to be enough for her today. Needs must.
Getting up she quietly prepared. She knew her own strength and in seconds he was cuffed to his own bed, spread-eagled and still barely consciousness. His ever erect white cock and knitted balls gave her all the encouragement she needed.
Bending over his beautifully oblivious face, she slipped her used panties into his mouth. The sound tends to travel easily in such apartment blocks, she thought, and his neighbors would be having their breakfast. She thought about that for a moment and that cunt of hers mouthed its approval and she felt her thighs moist again.
She showed him the first need, up close and personal. His eyes widened and he shook his head. A blob of pre cum descended his shake and his balls twitched once in self-defence. He said something that was muffled by the gag and she would have ignored in any case. Her hanging cleavage brushed his nose. She told and told herself this was going to happen, and right now.
He put her free hand on his face and stroked him. His innocent eyes looked at her pleadingly, but she knew what she had to do.
“Don’t worry baby, this will soon be over,” she cooed “then Mummy promises she will make it all better for you.”
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