When Master is Away

Master was away on business for two weeks and I have been instructed to keep the house impeccably clean during his absence: this would be subject to a strict inspection on his return and of course there would be consequences for any failures in that regard.

Also to keep me on my toes, he planned three Skype sessions at precisely 7PM on the 4th, 8th and 12th days of his absence.

For the First session I was to be wearing just my underwear and be ready a few minutes before, answer the call on the computer that was in the living room. Soon after I greeted Master online the door bell rang and I went to the door to find a friend of Master whom I had met before and whom I knew to be a strong belt-er. When I went back to the computer to report I was instructed to take off my underwear and knee in the middle of the living room in the line of the camera, place my face on the floor and wait. For a few minutes after that I was in position and could hear Master and his friend talking, after exchanging pleasuresants Master asked his friend to give me three dozen strikes with his belt making move between each set so he could enjoy the show from every angles.

The first set of twelve went rapidly and my back side was burning slightly. Master and friend carried on chatting for a while and he came back to me for the second set, he made me turn around so my ass would be in direct line with the camera and started to deliver the twelve strikes -6 from each side- with full force and I really felt each one landing hard. I knew by then I was bruised and that I would see the effects for the next few days. They went on to talk for a longer while when I was still face to the floor, ass in the air waiting for the final set. It came to soon for the comfort of my backside but at the same time I welcomed it as it means the end of the ordeal for that day. I was biting my lip at every strike as they landed hard on my already tenderized butts. Just when I thought it was over I heard Master shouting to his friend to give me 6 on the back before putting his belt back on.

Those were excruciating but at least they were few. I was ordered back up and to the camera to show the results to Master who sounded pleased to see my butts black and blue. Before he left Master’s friend insisted on giving me a drink and I had to go to the kitchen get a beer glass and hand it to the friend. He proceeded to fill it With his pee and gave it to me to empty. As he was suggesting I showed the glass -half full- to Master before drinking it slowly for the satisfaction of both Master and his friend… he left shortly after and when I came back Master had disconnected, so I switched off the computer. That was a Tuesday, the session lasted just over 45 minutes and I was already thinking of my next session on the following Saturday at 7PM.

Saturday arrived and when I switched on the computer and went on Skype. It was about 6:45PM and Master was not online yet but I found a message from the day before telling me to be ready naked and with a razor on hand as well as a hot chili pepper. Sure enough, when he rang I picked up promptly and greeted him with deference, I had not been shaken for about 6 weeks so there was a lot to take off, which I was ordered to do at once with the strict order to stay in view and expose the spot being shaken to the camera. I started to shake my chest first. I was doing it slowly as I was using a new dry blade. I carried on with my arm pits, then my legs and what he was really waiting for my ass crack. I had to bend down as one can expect and Master liked that. I had to pull my cheeks apart and let the blade do its work gently so I would not cut myself.

When I turned around to get on with the crotch, Master interrupted me and ordered me to burn my pubes so I reached for the lighter and started one flick at a time so I would not burn myself, the smell invaded the room and I finished myself with the blade which by now was dullEnough to be safer than at the start. By then I had been “at work” for about 30mns when Master ordered me to slowly inspect the job with the camera so I had to take some uneasy positions as I was not allowed to move unless ordered to. He then asked me to reach for the chili pepper and slice it open then rub my thumb and index finger on the inside of the pepper to collect the juice on my skin and I was ordered to rub the tip of my cock for 30 seconds before rubbing the pepper again and fingering my ass hole for also 30 seconds.

When you do it nothing seems to happen until the heat sensing engulf your senses and by the time I was finished rubbing my ass, my cock was literally on fire, the my ass started to burn as well. Master must have seen the results on my face as he shouted “goodnight, I am going to the bars” and disconnected. I was left burning front and back for what seemed an eternity. The pain finally subsided and when I looked at the time almost twenty minutes had passeded. I switched off the computer and went to the bathroom, forgetting that my fingers were still impregnated with the pepper juice and I jumped when I held my cock to pee… fortunately the effect lasted only a few minutes this time. I was wondering what was in store for the following Wednesday, the last of the Skype appointment before Master returned.

Since it did not happen yet, I was expecting something to do with the cum he ordered me to collect daily and freeze when he left. So once or twice a day I was retrieving the cookie plaque from the freezer and added a load to the surface before placing the plaque back in the freezer.

On the Wednesday at 7PM the call rang and I picked up, I was naked and was ordered immediately to go and get the cum out of the freezer and place it in a large beer glass. So I went to the freezer, got the plaque full of white spots and grabbed a paint scraper before returning to the computer. I proceeded to scrape the cum off the cookie sheet andinto the glass, when I was finished I was ordered to piss into the glass which took a few minutes as he wanted to check on the state of the suspension of my cum in my pee in the glass, so I was approaching the glass to the camera every few seconds until I was done and the glass about ¾ full. As I was expecting to be ordered to drink the mixture I was told to jerk off one more load into the glass before drinking it. I did of course and when done I presented the glass to the camera and started to drink it when given the OK from Master. I did not rush it as for a change I rather enjoyed the experience. When done I looked into the camera and opened my mouth as a way to show I ingested the whole thing and I heard that on the following Friday for his return between 5 and 6PM I was to be fully shacked from the neck down and on my knees in the hall way to greet Master and bow as he enters.

So on that Friday, I came back from work about 4pm, took the time to make myself a cup of coffee and as I was sipping it down I was walking around the house to make sure all was in order for Master’s return. I realized I did not have much time to prepare so I headed to the bedroom where I striped completely and went to the bathroom, stepped into the tub and started shaving myself thoroughly, double checking the results as I was proceeding.

A last check in the mirror and I was finished, it was 5:20pm and realized I could have been in bigger trouble if Master had arrived at 5pm as he said he might. So with an eye to the window of the living room that faced the front yard I waited.


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