I lift my watch from the patio floor to check the time. It is almost four, and we had relaxed in the sun alone together for the last time. ” I made dinner reservations,” I said, reaching over to Amber’s chair to take her hand. ” Feel like letting me take you out?”
” Sure,” she replied, though she felt mixed emotions. It is our last day together before I’d be busy with work again, and she’d hoped we had spent the whole day playing naked. Instead we had barely touched; only a few brushes here and there, or an application of sunscreen. She is a little disappointed that we would be going out instead of staying into play, but mostly she is disappointed that this week had come to an end. Everything will change now, and she isn’t ready for it.
” Why don’t you go shower and get ready,” I suggested. ” We’ll leave here at five thirty.” Amber agreed and left the patio. I followw so I can clean up and dress. I’m not to thrilled about a few hours of her in real clothes, but I figure I’d been a real jerk not taking her out somewhere nice this entire week. I had the evening planned. The evening starts the moment she enters her room. I’d ordered something for her the day after our shopping trip, and when mixing a drink, I’d taken the box up to her room and laid it on her bed. When Amber enters her room, a lilac box sat on the foot of her bed, wrapped in a white bow. She smiles in confusion as she walks over to it and sees it had a folded white card. Lifting the top, there is a note.
Saw you look at this when we were out. It was wasted on a mannequin, so it had to be yours. Hope you like it.
Amber unties the bow lifting the lid. White tissue is held together with a gold embossed sticker, a name she didn’t recognize scrapled in black. The tissue ripped as she pulled the sides away. Inside is the pink and black polka-dot lingerie she’d seen in the shop downtown. Her jaw drops as her fingers trail across the satin, the softest fabric she has ever felt. The cups had an under wire, and she pulls the tag from the back to look at the size. 30 B. Exactly what she wore. She left it there to take a shower, and can’t stop thinking about it while she shows. She has never owned anything that can be considered sexy, and the word didn’t scratch the surface of how she feels about the lingerie. Once dried off, she walked naked into her bedroom pulling out the panties.
They fit perfectly, so soft and smooth against her skin. She turns in the mirror to admit how the thin fabric enhances the curve of her ass. The panties alone make her feel luxurious. She is hastier with the bra, and once she has the back clasped, she found it fit her like a glove. The tops are more squared than curved, and the wire pushes her breasts up high on her chest, making them look the size ofbaseballs. She walks back over to the box and found more pieces, then remembers the mannequin. Black sheer thigh highs with lace at the tops, along with the suspenders. She undid the eye hooks wrapping the suspenders around her hips, then works the sheers up her legs. They attach to buttons on the elastic that hangs down.
Amber returns to the mirror. She looks like a pinup model straight out of a Vargas watercolor, only sexier. She turns this way and that, looking over all angles. Finally she went to the closet, feeling it is a shade to cover up the luxury lingerie.
Once in a black cocktail dress she bought from the first store they’d entered, she slips into black pumps, knowing they must look wrong. They hadn’t been shoe shopping, and these are from her graduation and the nicest shoes she owns, but she still hopes no one will be looking at her feet. She met me downstairs in the foyer. I wore a black jacket and white shirt, black slacks; no tie. I looklike I’d step off the cover of a GQ magazine, and when I met her eyes, I smile.
Amber looks stunning. The dress hugs her, then flares slightly at the hips, sashaying with each step. Her hair is half up in a twist with curls cascading down over her shoulders. She put the Real Housewives of the neighborhood to shame, though she seems unsure of herself. In my eyes, that made her better than the whole lot of them. Gil is waiting by the town car and held his breath when he saw Amber step out of the house. Tonight has been the first time he’d been called all week, as Brian had told him I’m on vacation and wouldn’t need his services. He watched me escort her to the car with jealousy. She is the same beauty, only more magnificent now. Yes, he’d definitely have to try and get her in the sack. He couldn’t wait until he’d be driving her to college every day in a few weeks. He’d be alone with her, free to hit on her without his boss—her stepfather—giving him the evil eye for it.
We pull up at the restaurant and walk up to a red carpet to the door. The vallets in uniform smile at Amber and bowed their heads, and for the first time, Amber feels like she fit in here. She isn’t just the little naïve girl from LA anymore. She is a part of this life. Dinner is like a dance. There are no prices, the menu straight forward. The restaurant offers three different five-course meals with wine pairings for each dish. Four people waited on them alone. One carrying wine, another carrying the dish. The second Amber would put her fork down, a waiter would silently appear and sweep her plate away while another wiped the tablecloth free of crumbs or spills with a metal slate, while another had the next dish at the ready. Rinse and repeat.
” I’ve never seen anything like this,” Amber commented over the coordination. It is amazing; she didn’t feel like she is even being watched, but someone had to be orchestrating the dance. She sipped her wine, then took a bite of her filet ghoston. Just as with the salad, the soup, the pasta with chanterelles, the wine complimented and enhanced the taste. I couldn’t have been happier. It is nice to be with someone who appreciated this, rather than bitched and moaned over stupid little things like a waiter taking a split second too long with the next dish, or commenting on a couple neary who didn’t have any class. I watched with delight as Amber deliciously cut tiny bites and brought them to her mouth, how she sipped her wine, her motions elegant and still unsure. And I couldn’t stop thinking about later.
She deserved this. She’d been magnificent. When I offered to let her come live with me, I had been looking forward to the rare minutes I’d get to spend knowing the young woman I had adored during my busy life with my lover, her mother Heather. When I had first caught sight of her outside ofmy estate, I felt dumbstruck, as this young woman met me for the first time. When I had seen her in her yellow bikini, I had admonished myself for thinking of her as a woman instead of a step daughter.
Then I had touched her body, and she had enjoyed my touch. Now I thought of her as a woman I wanted to bed for as long as she would let me, and I hadn’t had sex with her. I thought about what we had done thus far and contrasted it to the woman sitting across the private table from me. She is blowing into exactly what I wanted from her. A lady on my arm and a whore in the bedroom. It would take a while, but I still look forward to training her, and again, I can’t believe my luck. Not only had this pure, virgin beauty come to live with me, but she wanted me in return. I had been wanted, and I had wanted, but nothing could touch what I had on the horizon with Amber.
It is eight thirty when we returned to the car and Gil drove us home. I’m carefull to sit far away from Amber so no one will suspect anything. My staff had seen me behave as a playboy; seen me cheat on my six wives, saw the plethora of women between my marriages. The naked women during my pool parties. Gil has been witness to me having sex in the back of the car more times than he could count on both hands. But Amber is sacred. I’m hiding her, or maybe I was, for now. I look forward to the day I wouldn’t have to hide it, but then, I can’t imagine mauling her in the back of the car like I’d done with others. At least not for a while. After dropping them off, Gil returned to his own car and left for home, thinking about Amber the entire way. I shrug out of my jacket and hung it on a hanger in the coat closet off the foyer, then turn to Amber. ” Why don’t you head up to your room and change,” I said, adding the perfect amount of implication into my voice of what I expected. ” I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
Amber thought happy, and hurried up the stairs knowing that we would be playing tonight in her room. She has no idea what to expect, but she can’t wait to feel me. My hands on her skin, maybe my penis in her mouth again. Maybe we’d fall asleep together in her bed. I stood in the study watching the clock. I’d been wondering if I should grab a condom from my room, but know she is on the pill. I’d seen the case in her bathroom a few days back, and teasingly asked her why a virgin is on birth control. She’d blushed and told me her mom had got her on it when she was sixteen just to be safe, and she’d stayed on it because she liked how it regulated her body. I had laughed as she explained how nice it was to “only go through . . . that” every three months. So, no condom. Unless she asked for one, and I’d comply. Her first time will need to be special. I only hope that if she has reservations that I can keep them at bay and talk her into it. I had been able to think about little else for a week, and once I made up my mind that it would be tonight, there is no going back.
Only a firm no will keep this from happening. Five minutes later, I walk up the stairs. Her door is open and I step into the room. Amber stood at the foot of the bed in the lingerie, as I had hoped, looking more beautiful than I imagined. Bikinis are one thing. Expensive lingerie is another thing. If I could figure out a way to make it happen, she’d never wear anything else again. But for now—right Now, she is a vision. Her hands are at her sides, and I see that she is nervous standing there in full view by the way her fingers wiggle at her thighs. Her head is ducked low as she stars at me through her eyes, but her face is the last thing I’m looking at. The pink bra with black polka dots keep her breasts firm and round, not that they aren’t firm already with how young she is. The cups push They’re high. Below, her tiny stomach is as firm and now with a stunning tan. Where her hips slightly flare, the fabric of the suspenders begin, drawing lines down the front of her thighs until they clap the black lace. There is a slider of skin between the belt and her matching panties. Though her legs are pressed together, there is a tiny triangle between her legs of air where her thighs never met.
Amber watches me stare, sees how my eyes slowly travel her body. She feels as good as naked, but didn’t dare move. She has spent the last five minutes trying to figure out where to be, and has decided to stand here. She will not move until I did. I unclasp my cuff links and set them on the dresser near the door. Slowly, I unbuttoned my shirt, taking my time so I can continue to stare at her as long as I can like this. I’d always found it amusing that lingerie’s sole purpose is to be removed, so I wanted this image imprinted in my memory. Once my shirt is off, I carefully laid it across the top of the dresser, then made my approach. When I reach her, I place my hands on her cool shoulders and feel her shiver with my touch. Letting my hands trail down to take hers, I kiss her cheek softly. ” I can’t honestly recall the last time I was stunned by such a young beauty,” I said, and I mean it.
Amber blushes, she knew, her cheeks filling with heat. Her eyes met the floor in hopes I wouldn’t notice and think of her as ridiculous. She feels one hand slide around to her back, her chest meeting mine. I use the other to brush her hair behind her head, then kiss her neck tenderly. It is amazing how her hair never ticked her unless I’m the one moving it. ” I’m done playing games with you. I’m about to fill that small tight pussy and give you what you’ve been asking for every single time you sway your ass in front of me or lick those lips like you want my cock between them.” I said with a low growl.
Amber opens her mouthand all that would come out is little panting sound. Her pussy is dripping wet and she is leaning against the end of the bed. I grab her by the hair at the back of her neck pulling her to me so that I can devour her. Taking full advantage of her open panting mouth I thrust my tongue in rolling it around and coaxing her tongue to play before sucking it into my own mouth. Amber roughly feels me grinding my bulging cock into her groin as I lift one of her legs up to my waist. Briefly I let go of her hair to lean down grabbing her other leg pulling both to wrap around my waist. I hold her there pushing against the wall one hand under her as the other taking her hair again so that I control her head pulling it back hard so that I can suck and nip her neck. Amber begins riding me as I bucked against her. ” Fuck I want you. I can’t wait to get in that tight little pussy. Tell me how bad you want it. Tell me how bad you want to feel my cock in you, filling you up and cumming in you.” I growl in her ear still sucking and biting. ” I want you, I want you in me.” Amber chanted ” Please don’t stop. That feels so good. I need you in me. Please put your cock in me John. I have to feel you.”
I walk around to the side of the bed, throwing her onto the bed on her back. ” Yes Amber.” I said as I lift her higher with the hand underneath her ass pulling a pillow under her, lowering her ass down onto the pillow. I shove my pants down with my other hand. I pull her panties to the side shoving my thick hard cock up towards her virgin pussy. I thrust driving through her barrier as her head flew back as she screams. I’m only half way in and it feels like I’m ripping her apart. ” Fuck you are so so tight.” I said into her neck as I work myself slowly in and out. ” Open up for me Amber. Let me in.” I gave one last big push seating myself all the way in. Amber feels my balls tucked against her ass and she feels incredibly full. Little mewing sounds echo in her throat as she tries to adjust to me being inside her and as soon as I slowly move again she starts to orgasm. ” That’s it Amber cum on my cock. Milk my me. You’re going to break me you’re so tight.”
Amber can’t form words the pleasure racking her body has rob her of any cooperative thought and she just road me through it moaning. As her orgasm started to subside I start picking up the pace hammering her against the bed. Amber flexes her hips pulling herself up and fucking me back. I’m buried deep inside her, as my mouth covers her nipple and I began to suck hard then flick it with my tongue. Amber immediately starts cumming again and I pick up the pace fucking her harder and deeper. ” Oh shit, I’m going to cum in your pussy. I’m going to cum in your tight pussy.” I groan around her breast and she feels my hot cum surging into her filling her up. My deep grunts are so erotic and my seed so forceful inside that she keeps cumming and cumming convulsing under my surging body until we both finally went limp our bodies spent. ” You’re crushing me.” She whispers.
Slowly I ease my body down until my head is between her legs resting on her tigh as I tongue her to lap at her swollen lips and clip. Amber starts moaning and rocking her hips a little before sitting up and crawling over my body towards my cock. I kiss each inch of her skin as it passes my lips. Amber finally got an up close and personal look at my penis and it is so big and beautiful she can’t wait to taste it. Amber isn’t sure how much she will be able to fit into her mouth, so she starts to lick up the sides and rolls her tongue around the head before sucking it in. ” We taste so good together John.” She said taking her mouth off of my cock so she can suck my balls relishing in our mixed juices before going back to licking up the sides of my shaft. I pull her legs to each side of my head and went to town on her pussy nipping at her outer lips and then soothing the pain with my tongue. My fingers played on the inside of her thighs and I began to massage around her slit with my thumbs occasionally inserting them inside pushing deep as I sucked her clip like a ripe juicy peach.
My cum begins to leak out of her and I lap it up vigorously shoving my thumbs deep inside her again and she screams as another orgasm crashes through her. Over come by the sound of her pleasure I thrust my cock deep in her screaming mouth and shoot rope after rope of thick cum down her throat. Amber gags choking as I continue to fuck her mouth, but her orgasm is so intense she can’t think to pull away. She Continues to scream and swallow until I finally roll her over on her side and move behind, pulling her into me and nuzzling behind her ear into her hair. ” You’re so fucking amazing. I’m addicted. I’m going to take you in ways you have never even thought possible.” Amber lay there for a while relishing the feel of my body next to hers. She has never felt as cherished as she did being held in my arms. Amber did off for maybe a half hour. A slight nudge followed by another awoke her. I rocked my hard cock right into the crack of her ass.
Amber is amazed to feel me hard again. Amber feels the head of my cock slide through her slide folders and into her wet pussy. Every cell in her body became electrified with each stroke until she is bucking back into me with everything she had. Suddenly I pull out my cock, got up to my knees grabbing her hips lifting her ass into the air as I shove her head down into the bed by her hair. My hips slam into her ass. Amber screams in pain and pleasure as my cock rams into her pussy and my balls slapses her clip. ” Yes, yes, fuck me John. Fuck me harder. I love your cock. Please harder. Please Please.” The hard rod inside her isstretching and scraping the walls inside her and she loves it. I keep pulling her back by her hair as I slam into her harder and deeper. The pain and pleasure is so intense she lost control of her body and went into an orgasmic seizure bucking and pushing trying to shove me deeper into her gushing pussy.
She screams as tears stream down her face. A roar echos in the room as my orgasm followers. I fall onto her back thrusting hard and fast grabbing her breasts squeezing them like I want to rip them off. The pain sends her into another intense orgasm. In all the times she played with herself fantasizing, she never came close to this captivating of an experience. I own her, all of her. Amber knew this and she knows life will never be the same and that is the last coherent thought she had as she slips into unconsciousness. The next morning I woke with a raging hard on tucked nicely into the cream of Amber’s ass. I pull her into me reaching around to strum her clip. Seconds later she is pushing back into me and that is all the invitation I need. She is so wet that I slide right in and we moan together. ” You feel so good Amber. I could cum right now you’re so hot and so tight.”
I move her soft hair out of the way with my chin kissing her shoulder as I continue to strum her clip with one hand.
“Are you going to cum on my dick Amber? Come on baby, I want to feel you gush all that sweet cream on me.” Our pace begins to quickly. The sound of our sweet bodies slapping against each other got louder and louder. I bit down lightly onto her shoulder and pinch her clip. Amber screams my name. ” Yes John! Yes!” Fuck! The sound of her cumming drives me nuts, any little sound she makes has me wanting to move harder and deeper. I grab her wait preparing to ram into her when she bounces that pretty little ass right back into my hips and plans changed. I pull out in the middle of her orgasm, my cock slick with her thick clear juice. Reaching between her legs I stick my index and middle fingers deep inside her. “Oh god John!” she groans.
I scoop out a nice amount of cream spreading it back all over the rim of her pink rosebud before easy my index finger inside her ass. Amber’s back bows up and her head flies back as she screams towards the ceiling. Fuck this slow shit. I yank my fingers out grabbing her waist with both hands bringing her ass towards my scaling cock, guiding it until the tip of my dick is pressed up against her virgin ass hole. ” Oh God I can’t John, I can’t John. I can’t take it. It’s to big wait, please John. Please wait!” I ignore her pleading forcing the head through her tight ring. Amber went nuts screaming and thrashing on the bed. ” Oh God it hurts!” She yells. A loud smack echos in the room as I slap the hell out of her ass. Her screaming turns to whimpers. ” I’ve got you baby, just calm down.” I whisper to her while I gently rub my hands over her cheeks and up her back. My hands find their way back to her hips and I tilt my hips up as I pull her the rest of the way back seating my dick all the way in her luscious ass.
Bending forward I slide my right hand around to play with her clip. Her whimpers turn into deep moans and soon she starts swirling her hips and clenching down on my dick. ” John fuck me please. I’m ready. It feels so full. I want to feel you move ok?” I squeeze her hips and give her should a little nip before straightening up and pulling my dick almost all the way out. ” Oh god yes, fuck my ass.” That is when my control snaps and I push hard back into her. ” Fuck baby your ass feels so good. I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk. You hear me Amber.” I roll my hips faster and faster working her ass as she screams. ” I’m fucking your little virgin ass. You’ve been twitchingThis thing at me, teasing me. Do you know how long I’ve wanted to bend you over and fuck this ass? Do you?” I reach back and let loose another hard smack on the center of her right ass cheek. ” Oh Yes! I’m going to cum, I’m cumming.”
Amber yells as her ass muscles clamp down on me like a vise. My cum sneaks up out of my balls and shoots out like a rocket. ” Oh fuck Oh fuck.” We both chant together as we came. I sat back on my haunches letting the pulses roll through me while I came deep in Amber’s ass. When I open my eyes again, I look down at Amber running my hands all over her young beautiful body. ” I need a shower” She groans “and maybe new legs.” I can’t help laughing. God she is so adorable. One of the things that attracted me the most to her is how light hearted she is and how I can never tell what is going to come out of her mouth. ” Do you want to shower together Amber?” ” Yes John, if you carry me,” she gives a light giggle. I playfully smack her ass before getting up to go turn on the shower.
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