So Much Fun on the Bus

So Much Fun on the Bus by stifflittlepoints

The students had participated in several foundations for most of the school year and they were returning home from their week-long trip. They had left at 8:00 p.m. and the bus would be on the road for almost 10 hours. Carly stood up and looked towards the front of the bus. Everyone had their overhead lights turned off and was sound sleep. They were working their way back from Washington and they would arrive back at school in the morning. She carefully checked the bus driver and observed that he had on his headset and was talking to someone on his CB.

She slumped back in her seat and looked at her three friends who were almost asleep. They were in the back of the bus where the very back seats actually faced each other. Jeffrey had brown hair and a very cute smile. Ben had curly red hair and was quite the jokester. Jessie was a late bloomer for 16 and had begun to sprout breasts that were visible in her silky white top. She had long brown hair that came to her shoulders. Carly had short blonde hair, a very beautiful face and gorgeous 32A breasts that were currently being held up by a white sports bra which she hoped to get rid of very soon.

“Come on guys, you promised we would stay up all night, right?”

“Carly, its 3:30 . . . and I can hardly keep my eyes open,” while Jeffrey.

“Maybe if we played some game that would keep us up” offered Ben. “How about strip poker?”

“That sounds real good to me,” said Carly looking around, “but the others are a little too close if they woke up. What about a good old fashioned game of Truth or Dare? Anyone interested?” This suggestion seemed to perk up their interest. This made Carly very happy, because she wanted to show the boys her bare titties and a lot more.
And maybe she couldEven have the others reveal their privates as well. It was worth a try.

“Okay, since it’s my idea, I’ll go first and we’ll just go clockwise. Any problems? Okay, Ben truth or dare?”

“Truth, I guess” he said.

“Have you ever gone beyond kissing a girl before and if so what did you do?” Ben looked a little uncomfortable as he looked at the others. “One thing we’ve got to promise is that what we say . . . is only for our ears OK?” The others nodded their heads and eagerly waited his answer. “Well last year I got a little carried away with a girl I met on vacation and we sorta let each other touch the other person all over their body.”

“We’ve got to know exactly where Ben,” whispered Carly. He looked at her rather helpless.

“Alright, I touched her tits under her bra and I also touched her between the legs under her panties . . . is that enough?”

“That’s what I wanted to hear Big Ben” said Carly as she nonchalantly looked at his crotch. She noticed a little woody starting to grow in his sweat pants, which thrilled her. “Ok Ben, your turn to ask Jessie.”

“Truth or Dare,” he asked looking at Jessie.

“Truth”, she said.

“How about . . . have you ever French kissed a guy?”

“Yep, earlier today when we were in the theater. One of the boys on this bus, and I won’t tell you his name, reached over and kissed me when the lights went out and stuck his tongue inside my mouth and I sucked it for him. It felt great!” Her enthusiasm surprised everyone.

“My turn,” said Carly, “Truth or Dare Jeffrey?

“Oh, let’s get this game going somewhere, how about a dare?”

“Good, I dare you to French kiss Carly for one minute. I’ll get up and switch places with you so that you can do it more easily.” She got up and sat next to Ben who eagerly waited to see the two go at it. Jeffrey liked Carly and saw this as a great opportunity to score points. He looked at her pretty face, brought up his hands to touch her cheeses and slowly brought his lips to hers. They both closed their eyes and immediately opened their mouths and let their tongues playfully fight each other. Jeffrey sucked in her tongue for a few seconds and then Carly did the same back.

They both were losing control as Jessie called time. Just as they separated, Carly innocently reached down between Jeffrey’s legs and felt for his cock. She wasn’t disappointed as her hand quickly found his tube-like erection and gave it a gentle squeeze. The others didn’t see it, but Jeffrey certainly approved. He looked at her with lust in his eyes, knowing that it was his turn.

“Very nicely done Carly . . . truth or dare?”

“I think dares are more fun, don’t you?”

“That one certainly was . . .Ok I dare you to . . .rub Ben’s stiff woody for one minute.”

“What do you mean “woody”? asked Jessie.

“You know . . .my COCK,” said Ben.

“That’s what I thought,” she blushed. “This is certainly getting way kinky awfully fast. I sure hope no one wakes up around us?” While she was talking, Carly deliberately knelt in front of Ben. He opened up his legs to allow her to get closer. She started at the knee and slowly moved up both hands along the inside of his legs.

Both Jeffrey and Jessie saw that he had an erection and loved how Carly was teasing him. She gently cupped his balls through the material with one hand, and then opened up her other hand and curled it around the tent-like protrusion that stuck up. She expertly circled her fingers around his waiting cock with some difficulty because of the sweat pants and slowly masturbated him up and down. He was in shock at her behavior but was enjoying every second of his turn. After almost two minutes, Jeffrey called time. It was Ben’s turn to quiz Jessie.

“Now that was great . . .let’s see . . Jessie the question is truth or dare?”

“I don’t know you guys, this is getting a little wild. I suppose I would be slowing things down if I said truth . . .so I’ll say dare Ben, but be nice.”

“Ok . . .I dare you to show us your titles!”

“That was nice? Holy cow! This is kinda embarrassing. Everybody knows I’m not very stacked up front. Are you sure you want me to show you my baby breasts?”

“Don’t be chicken Jessie, you know where we’re going with this game don’t you? Lift up your top and show us your boobs.” Jessie looked down at her silky white top, and then over at the sleeping students nearby and slowly began to roll up her top. The boy’s eyes were glued to her chest. She continued to raise the material until it was level with her white training bra.

“Go girl,” said Ben, “take it off!”

Jessie giggled, “In your dreams guys, I’ll raise my top up over my bra, but that’s all.” She pulled the material up past her bra and the guys could see the small valley between her breasts, which was still exciting when fantasizing the shape and size of her titties underneath. She watched the boys looking at her and realized how exciting this really was. To girls, her breasts would be something to make fun of because of their tiny shape, but to guys they would be happy with a quick peak.

“Here goes guys,” her fingers reached under the cups of her bra and she pulled the fabric up. Two lemon-shaped titles began to dance on her chest. Her nipples were already erect adding to the little exhibition for her friends.

“Keep those titties on display Jessie, I’ll start my watch and we’ll go for a full minute.”

“Why don’t you pinch those little nips for us,” suggested Carly who was also enjoying her friend’s lewd display. Jessie pulled up her bra a little higher and meticulously pulled her nipples out from her chest using her thumb and forefinger. This began to cause her elevated pleasure, so she continued to roll her baby rose buds in a series of tiny twists with her fingers. For a minute she forget her audience and just stared at her erect nipples.

“That rocks girls, I love watching girls play with their titties,” said Jeffrey. Ben signed the time was up and Jessie pulled the cups over her breasts and rolled back down her white top blushing with excitement and anticipation as to what was coming next.

“My turn . . Jeffrey,” said Jessie. “I think it is only fair that we get to see some of your secret parts if I had to show off my boobies, right? Forget the truth or dare stuff, I want you to show us your cock and balls.” Jeffrey starred back at her request and looked at the others for some direction.

“You heard the lady,” said Carly, “Show us that big wiener in your pants.” The two girls laughed as they watched Jeffrey squirm with embarrassment.

“Ok ladies, if that what you want. Should I stand up, or do you want me to pull down my pants here on the seat?”

“Just pull them off. I don’t want the bus driver to get suspicious looking in his big rear view mirror,” said Jessie. All six eyes were trained on Jeffrey. He was wearing sweat pants like many of the others, and the girls wondered to themselves if he was wearing any underwear. He untied the pull string at the top of the grey sweats, hooked his fingers in the top, lifted up his ass and began to pull down his pants. The girls immediately saw a white pair of cotton briefs, which would only delay the unveiling of the big show underneath. He pulled the sweats down to his knees and his growing cock was now protruding into the front of the briefs.

“Here we go girls, big Hermy is about to go air born. How long should he say hi?” Jeffrey teased.

“At least a minute, just like me.” She checked her watch but quickly looked back at the main show in Jeffrey’s pants. He continued his tease by very carefully pulling down the side of the briefs and then the back. This caused his cock to be snagged in the front, making his cock look even bigger than it was. He adjusted the thick knob out of the trap door and looked inside.

“Are you sure you want to see my friend here?”

“Quit playing Jeffrey,” said an almost hypnotized Jessie, “Show us your COCK right now!” And as it turned out, that’s all the motivation he needed. He yanked the briefs down to his knees and his 7″ hard-on bobbed around in a circle. He looked up and watched the girls stare at his stiff shaft. He decided to improve the show, by grabbing his flapping cock in his fist and playfully masturbating himself in front of his female companies.

“Jeffrey, I didn’t know your big Willie was so huge. You’re going to delight many girls with that thick piece of meat, that’s for sure, ” said Carly mesmerized by his manipulating fingers.

“Yeah,” said Jessie, “that’s for sure . . .look at that slippery tube.” Jeffrey smiled a sly grin and continued to wank his cock. Jessie inspected her watch, “Times up Jeff. You better stop or you might have an accident!” He looked up, grinned and proceeded to pull up his briefs and sweat pants.

“Carly, Carly, Carly . . you sweet little treat with those fine tits. It’s your turn isn’t it? I think it’s time to pull out all of the stops. What can we have you do? To begin with, I want you to give your bra to Ben and leave that pretty chest of yours naked for us to enjoy.” Carly seemed to be almost waiting for this request. With no hesitation, she pulled her sweatshirt over her head and dropped it into her lap. Everyone was surveying her sports bra, which covered up her breasts from their eager inspections. She glanced at Jeffrey, then over at Ben and finally to a somewhat embarrassed Jessie who knew her friend had much bigger titties than she had shown minutes before.

“Here we go ladies and gentlemen, one, two three!” She reached under the elastic bottom and literally ripped it off her chest. Her glorious 32 A breasts bounced into view with their pointy tips giggling to be touched. She looked down, with little thought and brought up her fingers to pinch her nipples for a few gratifying seconds.

“Any complaints guys?” She gingerly watched the two guys staring at her titles. It was a great feeling to have this much power, if only for a few shocking moments. But her plan had only started.

“Jeffrey, I’m not going to wait for any more of your instructions. I want both of you guys to sit on either side of me on this seat. Jessie, you go over there for a minute and I’ll give you something to stare at that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Guys, I want you to whip out your big bosses for me so I can play with them. And while I’m serving your hot cocks, I want you to touch and suckmy titties. Any questions?”

“Fuck no! I’m in!,” shrieked Ben. Everyone shifted as the boys sat on either side of Carly. While they pulled down their sweats and underpants, Carly placed her arms behind her head, which caused her titties to thrust out in front.

“Go ahead guys, stroke these firm little titles for me. I’ve been literally dripping all day long waiting for this moment.” And with this introduction, the boys did NOT disappoint her. They immediately feasted their hands on her bouncing breasts, squeezing her cones and staring at her nipples. As with most guys, they equalized her erect nipples with their long hard cocks. Jeffrey longed to suck her sweet buds, which he had fantasized about for months. Ben watched his friend lick his tongue around her elongated nipples and decided to dive in for a similar taste treatment. Soon her chest glistened with their dripping saliva, making it easier to rub her breasts and nipples.

“Don’t forget about our cocks,” whispered Jeffrey as he went back to sucking on her right breast. Carly was so turned on, she had forgotten about her part of the bargain. She noticed that both boys had stretched themselves out, allowing her to watch their oral assault on her titties but to inspect their stiff bosses as well. She reached out with both hands and circled the heads of their cocks, torqueing them towards ecstasy. She began to move her fists up and down, carefully squeezing their pricks to possible orgasm.

To make the task easier, she quickly licked the palms of her hands and glazed their long shanks with her self-made lubrication. From past experience, she knew they would probably not last long, especially with this special treatment. Their pre-cum had already lubricated the top of their cocks, making her masturbating fingers easily perform their magic. Jessie just watched and shook her head . . holding her breath and enjoying this phenomenon sight.

Her best friend was in the back seat of a crowded bus, naked to the wait, giving hand-jobs to two boys at the same time. Her pussy was literally sopping wet and she longed to have her experienced fingers arousing her eager clip. Would they notice if she went ahead and got started? She didn’t even care any more, as she opened up the top of her sweats, ran her fingers under her panties and cupped her soaking pussy.

She placed her middle finger at the entrance to her love canal and teased it in and out about 2 or 3 inches. She was in heaven. She looked up and continued to watch the sex orgy taking place three feet away on the seat in front of her. In and out she drove her trusty finger inside her dripping lips. She watched as both boys continued to suck Carly’s breasts, almost like little babies. At the same time Carly’s hands were Rapidly moving up and down trying their best to bringon an orgasm for both boys.

Their thick knobs appeared and then disappeared in her sodden hands. Suddenly Carly stopped. The boys looked up from her breasts with questioning eyes. They too stopped, and backed off wondering whether someone was awake or that the bus driver had caught on.

“Sorry guys, my time is up. It’s Jessie’s turn to finish what I’ve started.” The boys shook their heads, not believing Carly’s decision. Jessie quickly brought her hand out of her panties, hoping no one saw what she was doing.

“Tell you what Jessie. I’ll make you a deal. Take off your top and your stupid bra. Then move on to the floor in front of one of the guys. I’ll be right next to you. I’ve always wanted to learn how to give a refreshing BLOWJOB and I think we’ve got two guys that would be willing to teach us. Am I right?”

“No fucking problem. Get on yourknees girls and we’ll show you the rest.” Jessie was so excited from trying to bring herself off that she was willing to comply with Carly’s suggestion. She quickly doffed her top and skinny little bra. Her breasts reacted to the chill of the air-conditioned bus as she knelt down in front of Ben. She looked straight across at his shrinking cock in hopes of learning how to suck off guy’s cocks. The thought of their thick cum splashing down her throat was exciting and a bit terrifying at the same time.

“Ok guys, what should we do?” asked Carly. “This is your big chance to blow your fucking sperm all over the bus.”

“Jeff, I don’t know about you, but I’d like to start by tit-rubbing these girls with our cocks. How about you?”

“Sounds great Ben. Girls, bend over first and lick the heads of our cocks so that they are real slippery. The more slippery the better!” Jessie was a bit scared but stuck out her tongue and placed it just under the top of Ben’s cock. Little did she realize the incredible placement of her amateur tongue. She rapidly teased the sensitive area by flicking her little teenage tongue up and down.

“Jessie . . . you gotta slow down girl, or you’ll bring me off in a second . . .Ohhhhhhh that feels great!” said Ben. Jessie had started to twirl her little tongue all around his throbbing cock. She giggled as he gently pushed her face away from his purple-headed cock as he attempted to hold back a certain facial. She looked over at Carly who was preparing to be a fish and wetting Jeff’s cock with her warm saliva. The scene was an erotic one not only for her, but for Jeff as well. Jeff’s cock was now dripping with his drool.

“You guys watch what I do next,” said Jeff. He had Carly move back slightly as he aimed his trembling cock in between her apple sizedtitties. He wedged his stead in between her small orbs and moved up and down. Carly looked down at his thrusting cock as it raced in between her titties. He playfully brought it out for a moment and circled her nipples . . .first the right side and then the left. It began to get a little dry so he raised his hips and stuck his cock back into her waiting mouth. Her eyes twinkled as she re-lubricated his rod. After it was sufficiently moist he placed it back in between her glossy little titles. He was now ready for some title fucking action.

“Jessie what I’m going to have Carly do . . . is to push together those cute and oh so sweet titles of hers as I slide my fucking cock into this slippery tunnel of joy”. Jeff was now moving his cock up and down between her breasts. He made sure that his cock head would slip into her mouth every time he got to the top but only for a few seconds.

“Come on Ben . . .I know we can do the same thing . . .and maybe make it feel even better for you,” whispered Jessie. She opened up her slippery lips and slide them up and down his cock. He felt himself pulled into her mouth, further than he thought possible. He could feel the back of her tongue against the tip of his cock as she tried to pull it in further. He couldn’t wait any longer, for his cock to touch her chest.

The anticipation was killing him. He grabbed her hands and cupped them on her baby titles. They were like little peaches. The nipples were fully erect and eagerly waiting for the carnal sensing of his heated rod against them. He pulled his dripping cock out of her mouth and guided it first to each nipple for a delicate little test drive. The impact was electric and both teenagers gasped at the fresh sensing. Neither of them could believe how excited it made them.

After a few seconds, he expertly guided his cock back and forth in between her titties. Jessiewas so aflame; she dropped her hand down into her panties and wildly sought out her waiting cliporis.

“Grab your titties Jessie. I can do that for you. I need a little test track to run my cock over ” This was more than Jessie could have ever expected. She reached up, tweaked her titties and re-guided his cock as she felt his hand replace hers. He wasn’t satisfied with the burden of the extra material over her love mound, so he untied the draw string and yanked down her sweats.

She gasped at his actions, but soon rejected as his middle finger began to gently enter her slippery hole of joy. It was so humid he had no difficulty moving it in and out. He began to thrust his cock in between her titties at the same pace as his finger entered her throbbing cunt. Both of the lovers were seconds away from cumming into ecstasy and soaking their juices all over their partners.

Meanwhile Carly was ready to go back to the basics. She wanted to perform her first blowjob and this title-fucking was getting in the way. She slipped back down kneeing in front of Jeff. “Jeff, I want to SUCK YOUR COCK. Please let me finish you off with my mouth.”

“Go for it Carly. It won’t take but a few seconds. Pretty soon your mouth and lips are going to be covered with my hot cum. You understand that good cock suckers ALWAYS swallow every drop right?”

“That’s what I heard. Now lean back on the seat and let my lips and tongue drive you wild.” Jeff gratefully sat on the edge of the seat and watched below as his red headed cock entered Carly’s warm lips. She started to kiss her way around the entire engaged organ, punctuating each kiss with a tiny lick. He could feel the turmoil in his balls begin to rise.

He wanted to fuck her mouth, so he matched her bobbing head as she let it drop into her mouth 3 or 4 inches. Soon hewas thrusting deep into her throat. He couldn’t hold it back any more as his balls churned . . shooting hot sperm down her gullet.

After his second blast he pulled his cock out and emptied an equal spurt all over her face. She smiled as his cum dripped down both cheeses and off her chin. The final shots were carefully aimed at her adorable nipples. Once they hit their mark, they collected on her rosy buds and long stringy strands dripped onto her stomach.

If this weren’t enough, Carly watched with wide eyes as Ben’s cock shot an equal amount of slippery semen all over Jessie’s titles, mouth, face and naked pussy. As he began to slow down, Jessie opened up her mouth and gladly cleaned his spend cock with a series of bobbing head movements. Ben leaned back and welcomed the cool feeling of the seat against his back as Jessie sucked the remainder of his semen off his body. Both girls were still shaking with delight.They were ready for a second round . . .if the guys were UP for it.


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