WARNING: I feel that this story, which contains adult content like many of my short stories, requires an extra warning. It is based on a true story, my story, and describes my brief addition to meth amphetamines, which have gained much popularity in the US in the past ten years. I discovered in these times, how powerful a poison some drugs can be, and how they can end a life in so many ways. I do NOT condone the use of such drugs, and would advise that anyone NOT try them. It took me several years to get the stuff out of my system, and I have never regretted anything more. Please, do not try them at home. As for the rest of the tale… Knock yourself out.
In the summer after my graduation from high school, I had a define unease towards the future. I I had many ideas of what I wanted, but had no idea how to get thee. Luckily, my family was sympathetic enough, and my mother spent a lot of time talking with her parents. My grandma, a former school teacher and self-vowed chef, wanted me to come and live with them on their 10 acre property in the woods west of Redding, CA. There was plenty of room; a large studio apartment above the wood shop where my grandfather and uncle worked. It had a half bath, a large private porch (filled with junk like the rest of the house) overlooking the garden and pool; all that was to be ‘mine’.
There was already lots of family there.. one of my mother’s sisters and her brother lived right there on the property, with their kids (who were all 5 years younger than I). At the time, it sounded perfect… the place where I had played about on summer vacations… far away from my bitch of a mother, free meals from a great chef, and of course, the legendary ‘Humbolt high’ So, I applied for school at Shasta College, a pleasant little community college just down the streett from my great grandfather, packed my bags; took Fred (my bird); and headed west.
My first semester of college went fairly smoothly. I took a very light load… one class… which I enjoyed, and passed with flying colors. I spent the rest of the time establishing my roots in the town, having brief relationships with a few college men, getting high, and half heatedly looking for a job. My family was starting to get a little annoyed with me those first few months (things started to get really bad when they realized 15 year old Shari was smoking) but in general, I was enjoying myself, and staying out of trouble… as best I could. Eventually my grandparents, in desperation to get this teenager out of their hair, told me to apply for a job in fast food.
Chapter One
Burger King was the last place I ever expected to meet my first female lover; honestly, it was one of the last places I ever expected to be working; but there I was, putting frozen whoppers intothe broiler machine when I heard them talking.
“Oh, isn’t she just sick?” One of my snotty coworkers was gossiping as usual to her friend.
“Yeah, I know… have you seen her girlfriend? She always wears those spikes on her clothes and has all those piercings… it’s so sick.”
“Well, yeah, just don’t ever say anything to Kim about it… she is after all the manager.”
My ears were on fire. I could not believe what I was hearing… the quiet, demure woman who showed me how to spread mayo on the chicken sandwich and handed me my paycheck was in fact a real lesbian. I’d had fans about being with another girl for as long as I’d had them about men. I had announced my bisexuality to my friends and family at the age of 16, shocking my mother, and aliaing a few Friends, but I had never met another bisexual or lesbian woman. Now here, my coworkers were gossiping about someone that sounded like just the right person… experienced, and wild, like I needed.
I kept quiet, but keep my ears open for the next week or so, hoping to hear more about my dream punk rock girl; always making sure to be extra nice to my manager. Sure enough, one day the infamous girlfriend came to see Kim at work. Renea took my breath away. Her look was a very bad-ass style… I’m sure that some would have called her butch, but the oh-so female features in her face and her well shaped (larger than mine) breasts gave her away. Her head was mostly shaken, with a nice layer of pink hair that covered most of her scalp. Between her hair, leather clothes, the rings in her eyebrow and lip she looked deliciously dangerous. I had an instant crush on her. Sure enough, Kim introduced us, and I was thrilled to discover Renea’s eyes devouring me as much as mine did her. We chatted briefly, Before they had to leave, and I returned to my whopper duties, my imagination going wild.
That night, returning home, I explained to my grandma that I was really tired, and retired to my loft above the wood shop. There I fingered myself to several orgasms, thinking of being with Renea, her teaching me the ways of serving a woman. I knew that night that I would be with her soon, and that so many of the fans had had for eight years were going to come true. I wanted to be her slave, to be the one that those awful girls gossiped about. I knew I was thinking about stealing my boss’s girlfriend, but it didn’t phase me. I wanted her.
The next few days, I was busy registering for my second semister of college, and had plenty on my mind, but the image of kneeing before Renea wouldn’t leave me. When I had to work again, I was delighted to see on the schedule that Kim worked a shift overlapping mine, as Renea took her to and from work. Sure enough, about an hour before my shift was over, Renea and Kim came on in. Renea gave me a dazzling smile, and I wondered if she had thought of me as much as I had thought of her. When Renea casually told Kim that she was just going to hang out, and gave me a sly little smile, I about lost it.
I asked for a short break and called my grandma, telling her I’d have to work a little late, and could she pick me up an hour or so after the usual time. She didn’t question it in the least, and I went back to work, thinking about what might happen in an hour. My last hour of work passed after what seemed like an eternity, but eventually Renea and I were walking back to go and talk in her car. I found I was rather nervous, my palms sweaty, and my heart beat fast, but Renea just smiled and made casual small talk. We talked about a few things while sitting there in the car, but my mind was on one thing, and I suspected hers, was as well.
Then she asked the magical question. “Have you ever been with a woman, Karmen?”
I Shook my head, looked down, and softy replied in my best submissive voice. “No, but it’s something I’ve always wanted.”
When I looked back up at her, she took my face in her hands, and kwassed me. I parted my lips, feeling her little lip ring touching my lower lip, and drowned myself in the most sensitive kiss I had ever experienced. I had always dreamed that kissing a woman would be different, but the gentle kindness of it blew me away. It was like kissing someone who knew just how I wanted to be kissed. Our password embrace must have lasted for nearly 15 minutes, and when we drew apart, I felt that I would do anything for her. I suddenly found myself spilling my guts to her.
“I want to be your slave… I want you to show me the pleasure and pains of serving a woman… I want you to control me.”
She smiled that dazzling smile at me, and said “I was hoping you would say that.” She then explained to me how she and Kim had been friends since childhood, and lovers since their Early teens, but that Kim had no desire to be dominated, as Renea always fantasized. We talked about it for a while, and then she asked me if I’d like to hang out with her that upcoming weekend. I happily agreed, and we parted with another incredibly erotic kiss.
The next few days couldn’t have passed any slower, and my finger suddenly didn’t seem to be as adequate. The time came, eventually, though, and I told my grandparents I was going into town for the day, be back later on. (I think they were happy to be rid of me, they thought me a little strange.) As I walked up to the gate I wondered what the day had in store for me. I didn’t have to wait long, before I saw Kim & Renea pulling up in the same car I had experienced my first lesbian kiss. We pretty much drove around for a while, until Kim had to go to work. When we dropped her off, I wondered how secure my job was going to be, because I could tell Kim was not too happy about having another hen in the house. I tried not to worry About it too much, as Renea took me to back to their place.
I found my nervousness increasing as we got to her house, and she took me to her room. She must have sensed my fears,Because she took my hand, and told me “It’s all right… I know what you want… I know what you need… and I will give it to you. Now, let me see you.” She motioned at my and my skirt, and I nodded in agreement. I felt her eyes watching me as I pulled my shirt off and my bra less breasts tumbled free, my nipples hardening by the sudden exposure to air. I saw her smile, and she motioned for me to continue, so I pulled my skirt to the floor. There I stood, in my panties, before this dangerous and beautiful woman whom I barely knew, who was looking at me with more lust than I’d ever seen. “I said I wanted to see, you, slave,” she said sternly looking at my panties. Hearing her call me that brought wetness to my pussy almost instantly, and I almost made a mistake.
“Yes, I’m sorry” I said.
“Yes WHAT?” She barked out at me. “And I don’t see those wet little panties of yours coming off either.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I stammered, trying to remove my panties as quickly as possiblele. When I dropped them into the pile with the rest of my clothes, I found I was shaking a little bit.
“Nice, very nice,” she said, appraising my body with her eyes. “Such nice round little nipples… I bet they like to be pinched.” She grinned evil as she reached out and gave both of my nipples a friendly little twist. I moaned, but she covered my mouth with hers, and gave me another incredible kiss. My nipples were on fire, having never been exposed to pain like that before, but I was so turned on as our tongues danced together. After what seemed too short a moment, she pulled away from me, and returned to her inspection of me.
I closed my eyes when I saw her approaching me again, and tried to stand still as her soft hand found my patch of hair. “Hmm, this will have to go,” she told me matter-of-factly. “It will show off this big clip you’re hiding down here.” I was shocked… No man had ever found my clip, let alone tell me it was big. And the idea of shaving my hair… I had only had it for a few years… it was something that made me a woman, but the idea of shaving it turned me on beyond belief. I about hit the ceiling when her fingers grasped my clip lightly, and gave it the slightest pinch. “Ah, yes, we are going to have some fun together, I can see it now. You have a fair amount of training to get through, of course, but I first want to show you what you can have.”
She led me to her bed, lay me down gently, and then slowly spread my legs apart. I tried to be obedient, and stay still as she began to kiss me again; but as her lips moved from mine, and started working their way down my neck to my breasts, I began lifting off the bed to meet her touch. I reached for her, wanting to touch her back, but anytime I moved she would move away from me. “Just sit Still… I want you to know how good this feels.” I started to protest, but stopped, knowing that was what I wanted.
“Yes, Mistress,” I whispered, giving myself over to her. I braced myself against the bed as she slowly sucked on each of my breasts, making my nipples as hard as rock. She spent what seemed like an eternity teasing them… licking and sucking, occasionally giving a slight nibble, sending waves of pleasure pain shooting down through my stomach. Eventually, she moved from my tits, down my stomach, where she kissed my belly button. I had never felt anything like it before, and cried out a little as her tongue traced the line from my navel to the top of my patch of hair.
She licked and teased my belly, then my calves, and then to the tender spots on the insides of my thighs. By the time I felt her hot breath on my pussy, I was silently beginning her to let me come. I had been dreaming of being eaten out by another woman for years, but I had no idea what I was in for. She began by gently sucking my lips into her mouth (feeling that little metal ring on her lip touching my pussy drive me insane from the first touch). I moaned as the gently let mylips slide from her mouth, and she parted them with her tongue, opening my most sacred spot to her.
Her tongue teased its way along my slit, coming just short of my clip, licking every inch and making me squirm. She must have teased me like that for hours, or at least it felt that way to me, because eventually I was truly begging her. “Please, Mistress, suck on my big clip… Please, fuck me with your fingers… Please, Mistress, make me come.” She continued to tease me for a few minutes more, allowing me to beg for it for a little while. Then, just when I thought I couldn’t possibly take it anymore, she slipped two fingers into my soaking pussy just as her lips wrapped around that big clip. My orgasm about knocked me out as she sucked harder and harder, lightly running her teeth against my clip, and fucking me faster and harder with her fingers. I couldn’t stay still as I screamed into a pillow that I grabbed from her bed, writing in absolute pleasure with her face locked ontomy pussy.
She held me all the way through my orgasm, licking up every drop of juice that spilled from my pussy. When I had settled down, she lay with me and gently fondled my body. “Was it everything you wanted?” She asked me.
“Oh, yes, it was wonderful. Everything I dreamed of and more. I would love to give you the same pleasure.” She laughed softly and shook her head.
“There will come a time for that. But for now, I get my pleasure from torturing you. We are going to have much fun, together, my little slave.”
I smiled at her, and half done off in her embrace. Later that day, when she dropped me back off at my grandparent’s property, I was walking on air. As I scrambled down the hill on the footpath, my mind was filled with thoughts of what might happen the next time we met.
Chapter Two
During the next few weeks, I was busy preparing for my final exam, working (separate hours from Kim, who didn’t really seem to want to spend excess time with me), and talking to Renea on the phone as much as I could. For the first time since I had moved there, I was glad to have a private phone line. We mostly talked about missing each other, and trying to find ways to meet. I learned that Kim was not thrilled about her longtime girlfriend’s new fling, but prized Renea’s happiness above all. She did make it clear, however, that she didn’t want us to do it in their house. Luckily, Renea had a good circle of friends, one with an apartment with a spare room that she was willing to share. So, a week or so after our that wonderful day, we met at Erika’s apartment.
Her apartment had something of an empty feel to it; there was a TV, a couch, some exercise equipment and a few places with blankets on the floor to make up beds. Erika and I were introduced, and then she left for work, leaving Renea and I alone. All the previous week, I had stroked my clip fascinating about pleasure her as I had tried to sleep. I was incredibly eager to please her. She could see the desire in my eye, and asked me what I thought. I started telling her about my fansies, and how I wanted to learn to do what she had done to me. Renea just laughed.
“You are an eager one, my little slave. You will learn soon enough, but I have other things to show you now. First, we need to take care of that messy pubic hair. Come with me, slave,” she commanded. I obediently followed her to the shower, butterflies flying in my stomach, trying not to reveal how scared I was of losing my precious pubes. She told me to undress, as she removed her own clothes. I had trouble keeping my eyes off of her large, round breasts, and tried to think something about bathrooms being small places. She drew a hot bath, and guided me into the tub. My fears began to dissolve away as she slowly sponged off my body, using the most gentle touch.
She paid special attention to many areas; many that I had no idea were even erotic areas. I sawed as she slowly soapedmy neck, and then my back, running her nail occasionally along my spine making me shiver. She switched positions, and began to slowly soap my stomach, using slow circular strokes. I melted under her touch, giving over completely. She eventually made her way to my breasts, and washed them ever so slowly, then tracing around my nipples with her fingertip, drawing little lines in the bubbles. I giggled.
“Oh, you like that slave, do you?” I nodded, looking into her beautiful green eyes. “Well, you should enjoy it while you can, I have a special surprise for these nipples later.” Curious to know what she means, I fight to keep quiet, knowing I would be punished if I asked. She lifted me from the water, and began soaping my legs, paying special attention to the insides of my thigh. “Now you’re going to have to remain very still now. I promise if you are a good patient slave, you will not get cut, and I assume you that it will feel good when you give it a chance.” I nodded again, andParted my legs for her, looking at my precious bush for the last time for a long while.
She took her time in lathering me up for the shake, but taking special care not to touch my clip or the line that led from it down to my ass. I remembered her advice, and keep myself still, although every touch was sending little jolts of pleasure throughout my entire body. I closed my eyes when she reached for the razor, and tried to concentrate on my breathing as she ever so gently and slowly shacked off every hair on my pussy. Several times, she held my lips and my clip to shake right around them, and I almost lost it trying to sit still.
“Open your eyes,” I heard her say to me, and I looked at her, realizing my hands were still shaking slightly. “It’s done, take a look.” I looked down, and was immediately aroused by the sight of it. My clip was now completely visible, and I felt suddenly very dirty in a very good way. “You like it?”
“Oh yes, Mistress, I do.” I smiled at her, andshe kissed me slowly letting our tongues intertwine for a moment, till she pulled away slightly and sucked on my lower lip. I suddenly realized how turned on I was, and couldn’t hide it one bit. “Oh, Mistress, I’m so incredibly horny!”
“Well, I’ll take care of that later, but for now I’ll let you wash me.” I happily took the sponge from her, and began to give her smooth skin the same attention that she had given mine. She would occasionally whisper in my ear, telling me to get her back there, her breast there. I delighted in exploring every inch of her body, amazing at how beautiful she was. She had the slightest patch of light red hair above her crotch, and I delighted in feeling it as I washed her. Her pussy was slightly different from mine, and I went to heaven smelling the aroma of the soap mixing with her musky juices. I wanted to taste it, and tried to do so as I rinsed her off, but she pushed me away. “There will be a time for you to learn, slave. You must be patient.”
I nodded and finished rinsing her, then dried her with a large towel. She stepped from the tub, and toweled me off, causing me to cry out when I first felt the rough terry clothes against my newly shaken pussy. I knew how badly I wanted to come, but I didn’t dare ask for it. She led me back into the bedroom, where a thin mattress had been laid out with a few blankets. “I want you to sit there, with Your eyes closed. I have a special gift to give to you.” I shivered in anticipation, and sat down with my legs crossed on the mattress, closed my eyes, and waited.
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