When I Take a New Sub

You have been nervous since you woke up.

You have been back to the website several times this morning.

You keep checking your phone expecting a message from me.


I’m not going to cancel my plans.

We have arranged the time.

There have been a few of our plans and meetings cancelled or posted, but this time, feels like we are destined to rendezvous.

You see an odd car in your street.

It is moving slowly.

Creeping is the term your thoughts choose to describe it’s movement.

This sends your mind on another roller-coaster of emotion and scenarios.

All of the sexy words, phrases, actions and depraved activities we have exchanged.

All of the times I mentioned something that you are not comfortable with – not yet, too soon, you’re not like that and you don’t like that.

Sure, you have asked and checked with many others.

Lots of good, positive and praising reviews of your pending guest’s integrity within the local scene.

But you have always thought, that if he’s known to the local scene, why have you not seen him?

“Creeping, like a creep.” you think to yourself.

Before you can say this out loud, your mouth seems a bit dry.

There’s a lump forming deep in your throat.

Your breath is a mixture of deep and short gasps.

Your eyes began to dry out because you can’t do anything but stare at the strange car, no blinking.

But you decide that this odd car has nothing to do with the man you are waiting for.

You find some sense of normal return to your thoughts, as well as a much needed exhale.

You realize that you have the need for yet another washroom visit.

This mundane routine distracts you enough to miss my arrival.

Fate has your bathroom door shutting loud enough to cloak your front door opening.

Once you are positioned for your purpose of the visit, your anticipation builds and your mind races back to the crashed – but raunchy – thoughts.

‘Bitch, that car is back, you know you can hear it, same odd sound as that odd car had, creeping like a creep.’

‘Why am I calling myself that?’

‘I can’t check, I’m still peeing!’

You can hear footsteps.

You can hear footsteps!



A mad grab at the sides of your panties as you raise from the seat – ‘No time for a final drip. Oh, too late to wipe now, eeew.’

You have been for nothing.

Fear has clamped and cramped you with your panties still lower than your bottom.

Staring into the eyes of the man who has opened your bathroom door.

You know who I am because I’m wearing my mask.

‘Rude! Didn’t even knock. Get out.’

That’s the sentence clearly formed.

But not spoken.

All that you do is murmur and mumble.

“I’m glad to catch you like this.”

My voice has you set in stone, perhaps a river stone, in the sun – hot and dripping wet.

“Are you cumming or going, or have you just been?”

‘His voice, his words…’ your thoughts are cut off as I speak.

Someone’s in your house!

You are still panicked and not listening.

“Oh, you are having second thoughts, you know that we don’t have to do anything. I can leave, but you have to make that safety call as we agreed first. I don’t need to be accused of doing anything I wasn’t here long enough to do.”

‘I’m just nervous.’

“So we’re still going to play?”

‘Yes…… Yes please, sssssSir.’

“I’m glad. So, stand, but don’t adjust your garments.”

It begins.

I check that you are prepared for the day being with me.

I check that you are willing to go through with everything I have told you is going to happen – we’ve been swapping messages for weeks about today, and today, is today.

You have the bag packed with everything I told you to bring.

You are dressed as instructed.

Apart from the panty predicament.

But I decided to circle you as your nerves show again.

Once behind you, I place you in a head lock, tell you to carry the bag and we walk to your car.

I sit you in the back, tie your hands and feet.

I place the seatbelt on you and a hood.

I drive, you worry.

It takes forever before you notice the slower pace and crappy road.


I untie your hands and feet.

I get you out of the car.

Some very uneven ground, downwards we walk.

I tie your limbs outstretched as you stand upright.

I remove your clothes, by cutting them.

I check that you still want to continue.

You will.

You shiver at my first ever intimate touch of your body.

I cares you.

But as your body warms, my touch hardens.

Each contact stronger than the last.

Eventually I am using my belt to mark you.

Then I stop.

Only to begin tracing the lines gently with my fingers.

Mytouch is about your arousal now.

I remove your hood.

Our eyes can see each other.

I use the toys from your bag, inside of you, just as you shared, your favourite ways.

Rope is cutting too much, so I untie you.

I need to relax too.

I sit as you crawl to me, I can see your big dildo swaying, protruding from your arse, and you suck on my cock.

Your talents will not allow me to last.

I stand.

You stay.

I replace the big dildo with the big butt plug.

I slap at your pussy with my hand.

I find the way you need to be touched, a mixture and association of soft and hard, gentle and painful to bring your orgasm.

You have needed this one for a while.

As soon as you are done I start fucking you from behind.



I pause to place my belt around your throat.

You are not sure about this, but I leave it loose enough for you to continue.

When I’m done I have you suck me clean.

I’m fondling your hair.

We relax and admire our surroundings.

You are tired.

You rest your head on me as we lay in the grass.

I fondle your tousled hair.

You adventure marks are an arousing sight across you, as I stroke your body I notice you wince and shy away.

I begin to manoeuvre myself to acknowledge your suffering and kiss your wounds better.

This is nice, but your skin needs a more purposeful remedy.

I apply some natural balm to your alarmed skin.

The world turns.

Neither of us want to move.

You find yourself asking if you can see me again, asking if you have pleased me.

Yes, you have my approval.

You absorb the environment you have have driven to, and wonder how many women have been here with me.

Truthfully, I tell you that you are the first.

Sensing that you are ready, I stir to bring you replacement clothes, you remember wondering what the point of them were in your bag.

We make the difficult climb back to your car.

You admire the scenery from above our play space.

Then realise that the public could see us, if there were any, if they thought to look.

Our return journey gives you time to, return.

You slowly get your bearings and could find your way back to our place of first pleasure.

I turn into the street where you live, some panic begins inside of you.

It quickly evaporates, you don’t care what your neighbors think.

You are happy.

Then you turn your thoughts on me.

What will I do when I get back to your house?

It’s too late now, you can’t believe that you have asked me to stay with you for the rest of the night.

I accept.

We shower, each other.

We are exhausted.

I reapply the soothing balm to your adventure marks.

We get in to bed together.

You still can’t believe that I am here.

But you fall asleep.

Only to wake up alone.

Wondering if you had a dream, until you see the beautiful marks as you pass the hallway mirror.




Hope you didn’t hate that.

Happy to read constructive criticism.

I did write that in several segments.

I decided to publish here – but I didn’t have 750 words, that threw me.

So the first parts – before IT BEGINS were typed just trying to drag the word count up.

Now I started to think that was better than my original 🤣.

Just proving my skill level I guess


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