“Not today, Tegan. Today I’m going to command you to do something else.” My heart pounding, the disappointment was palpable. I was, however, curious as to what it was he wanted me to do. I have what I call mind movies. Situations play out in my mind and I just sit back and watch them unfold. I guess most people would call them daydreams but that sounds so much more romantic than the dirty fun my mind movies involve. In this moment, despite my disappointment, my brain started to run through a few of them, desperately wondering which exciting situation we might engage in.
“Where is your new toy?” he asked. He moved off of me so I sat up, facing him on the couch. We were each sitting sideways. A few weeks ago, he helped me choose a dildo that resembled his cock as closely as possible. It is shorter than he is but only because I was just too shy and embarrassed to purchase an 8 inch plastic dick.
I looked at him with questions in my eyes. “It’s in the bedside table where itAlways is. At my house.” I spoke almost in questions because surely he didn’t want me to leave and drive the 20 minutes to my house and 20 minutes back just for a toy when we had our two perfectly good bodies at hand.
“I want you to go home and get it.” He didn’t use my name and it was obviously intentional. I don’t pretend to know what is on his mind when he speaks as my Master, but I wasn’t sure what exactly he was trying to convey. This was a command but he spoken it the way I love to hear: I want. Yet he left off my pet name.
“Seriously? You want me to drive all the way home and back again? For the toy?” I was so frustrated. My pussy was pulsing and wet and I was starting to get irritated that he wouldn’t just touch me already. Because he didn’t use my name, I didn’t use his, either. I was not about to give him the satisfaction.
“Excuse me?” He gave me The Look. His eyes draw down, his eyes get intensity and his mouth sets into a hard line. It has to be the scariesst and sexiest face I have ever seen a man make. I know exactly what this means. Suddenly I feel careless, reckless.
“No. I don’t want to drive all the way home and back again, Mark. Maybe I’ll just go home and stay there.” My heart was pounding again but this time out of pure adrenaline. I stood up despite my trembling legs and looked down at him. Every single move I was making was the wrong one. Would he do it? He had never really done it before, assuming I couldn’t handle it. I was starting to shake a little out of fear. God, I wanted his hands on me so bad.
He looked at me for a very long, almost painful moment. Finally he shrugged and said, “Okay, then. Stay home. I will sit here on the couch, cock in hand, and cum without you.” His shrugs are truly Epic Shrugs, they convey so much. He turned to look at the TV and seemingly he had dismissed me. He had fully and successfully called my bluff. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to call him Master. My face was already turning red. “Of course, if you still want to come back, perhaps an apology is in order… Tegan.” With that last, wonderful word, he turned to look at me dead in the eyes.
I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped from between my lips. Every single time he calls me by the name he gave me, my knees go weak and my pussy pulls against my lower abdomen, aching for attention. The fact that he said apology and Not punishment was not a good thing. This means humiliation in some fashion instead of the spankings I wanted. “Good. It sounds like you’ll be coming back in a little while after all. Just come on in when you get back.” He turned back to the TV and it was as though I was no longer there.
Wet, horny, frustrated, and excited, I sped home, grabbed the toy and sped back as fast as I could justify going in my rust bucket of a car. I gathered myself outside his door, caught my breath and walked inside. He was still on the couch but everything felt subtly different. He was naked exceptfor his underwear, and the volume on the TV had been turned down. I also noticed a few things lying about that had certainly not been there before: a length of rope, a paddle, a flat pillow, and a couple of cock rings. I stopped in the doorway to his living room and waited. When he did not acknowledge me, I started to feel bad for what I had said and done. I wanted his eyes on mine and I wanted his touch on my skin. Suddenly it occurred to me that perhaps I was being given the opportunity for my apology.
I took off my shoes and socks in the kitchen and went down on my knees. While on my knees I crawled towards him and took off my shirt. I noticed his eyes shift just enough to know I had his attention for sure. He has always enjoyed my breasts.
“Master… I- I’m sorry for what I said earlier.” As hard as it was for me to say, still he would not look at me. I reached him and put my hands on his knees. Running them up his thighs, I leaned forward and breathed heavily on his skin. Still facing down I looked up at him. His eyes had a far off, pleasant look to them giving me confidence. Gently, I laid my head on his dick and said, “Master… I AM sorry. Will you please forgive me? Will you let me suck your cock and make you cum so I can show it to you on my tongue?” There was a pleading quality to my voice so he would know that I was serious. I don’t always know What to expect from him but I do trust him. Aside from blow jobs, I had never been on my knees in front of him. It felt strange, slightly humiliating, but it also felt good. It felt right.
Softly grunting, he looked down at me. “Hand me the rope, Tegan.” I was all too happy to comply. I couldn’t get the image of my arms tied up above my head out of my mind. He knows this mind movie of mine quite well. Rope tied to the ceiling and me almost hanging there while Master fucks me from behind…
He took it from me and put it away into his Box. The look of confusion and utter disappointment on myface made him smile just a little. “Now hand me the paddle.” Already knowing what was happening, I reluctantly gave him the paddle and he put it away. “You know why I am doing this. Obviously you are not ready for what I have to offer you. But soon. Now, get out your toy, Tegan, and suction it to that chair. Make it nice and wet with your amazing mouth.”
By that point I was all too eager to show my obedience. I slide the plastic cock into my mouth, eliciting a slight groan from him. I still wasn’t sure what he wanted and I had more clothes on than he did. Finally, I wet the bottom of the dildo and stuck it to the hard, wooden chair. It stuck straight up, inviting me to slide down onto it. Still on my knees, I pulled my eyes away and looked up at my Master.
“What would you like me to do, Master?” I wanted to be fucked so bad I could almost taste it. Little did I know that that’s exactly what he had in store for me.
“You are going to fuck yourself silly on that toy whileI fuck your mouth. I want to hear you moan while your mouth is full of my cock. I want to see you bounce up and down on that while you suck hard on me.” He leaned forward, slid his hand around the back of my head and grabbed ahold of my hair then pulled it tight. I moaned out loud against my will with my eyes closed. I opened them and looked up at him.
“I love it when you look at me with those fuck me eyes.”
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