Literotica was just an escape for me. A distraction for things currently missing from my life. Roleplays to play out themes and scenarios that painted pictures of things once enjoyed and still dreamt about. Like minded people to talk to and chat with, without judgement or fear for exposure of the dark parts of my mind. Sure, I had made what could loosely be described as friends, people who I sought out Regularly to both play and chat with. However, I never entered the thought of actually meeting up with someone from there. If someone had suggested it, I would’ve laughed and made my excuses and left the conversation or the room.
But then I met her, in an unfamiliar room at a time when I was just roaming, not in search of anything in particular. There was something about the way she greeted me as soon as I stepped inside the virtual space. Unusual as it was to be greeted on entry into a room, there was also something else, something that I just liked. Even now as I stand outside the arrivals hall at my local airport awaiting her, I still cannot explain that initial immediate need to know more about her, to connect to her again and again and again.
That was how it was. Each time we connected we knew a little more of each other, liked a little more of each other and then needed that reconnection each time we parted. Talking daily quickly became talking multiple times a day, largely ignoring all others and then talking constantly, not using Literotica any more, just a constant virtual connection. Messaging back and forth, talking about our days, our work, our families even, but also playing out scenes, discussing fansasies together and each time discovering a little more about how they synchronized together. Each passing day slowly transitioned a virtual connection to a real one, although a real one split by distance.
But that distance was not insurmountable and now here I was having arrived ridiculously early, but deliberately so, to feel that distancee shrink with every glance at my watch. I glanced for the thousands time at the arrivals board just above the entrance and saw that her flight had landed. I took a deep breath and stepped into the hall and made my way through the few people waiting for others, wondering if anyone else was feeling as nervously excited as I was. I knew it would take time to disembark, collect luggage and the likes, but I made my way to stand where I would see her turn out into the short corridor that made its way into the hall, wanting to make sure I caught sight of her immediately.
A steady trickle of people started to drift through and I was aware of greetings, some polite, some telling greater stories of parting and reunion, but my eyes stayed glued to the bend in the corridor. A glimpse of wavy blonde tinged with coppery red notes at the back of a crowd made my heart jump into my mouth and I rocked my body to the side to try and see between the mass of people who chatted to each other in totaloblivion of my need to see her, but then the mass seemed to part automatically and our eyes found each other’s simulateneously.
Time stood still for a moment that stretched into eternity and we just looked at one another, not quite believed it to be true, yet also sensing that not only was it true but it was right. Somehow, we both started moving at the same time, our eyes never leaving each other as we Walked parallel down the barrier that screened the separation between customs and the arrival hall until we cleared the barrier and stood opposite one another, close enough to touch but still just looking intently at each other. I could see her eyes were misted and realized my own were too. That broke the little spell and more to cover my own emotions than to spare hers, I stepped close and folded her into my arms. She raised her hands to lay them together into the centre of my chest and laid her cheek to me as a little shudder passed between us at the contact that had finally become tacit.
I’m not sure how long we stood like that in the arrival’s hall as the rest of the world anxious passed. In reality it was probably only a few seconds, yet it felt like tens of minutes as we just rested our bodies together, feeling the connection we already had fortified, strengthened and also if I am honest to just calm our racing hearts until either of us could speak. I rocked my body back at the Waist and lifted a hand to rest the length of my index finger up her jawline, my thumb on the other side of the point of her chin to cup it upwards to look up at me.
“Hey you,” I smiled and then just dipped my head to lay a soft compression of my lips to hers. The simplicity of the greeting and the soft kiss eased the tension of our bodies and I feel us both relax a little from the tension that had been building from the moment she had stepped onto the plane at the other end. My arm dropped back down to her and I squeezed her tightly and then pursued my lips and blew outa breath as I broke the immediate connection, yet reached down to take her hand in mine as I turned and took the bag that she’d dropped at her feet as we first embedded, then turned towards the car park.
It almost felt normal, whatever normal is, as we walked hand in hand towards the car park. We chatted easily about her drive to the airport, her flight. She laughed when I admitted how early I’d been at the airport, as I paid the exorbitant parking fee to get the pass out of the car park barrier system. I gathered her hand back in mine and led her across the spraying sea of cars to my car. I’d deliberately parked in a corner about as far away from the buildings as I could get. I led her to the back and put her bag in the trunk and then led her to the passenger door, reaching across her to open the door for her, but then I saw her eyes looking at me and knew they mirrored my own and instead of opening the door I pushed her against it, using my body to do so, pinning her betweenmy body and the immovable object. Her hands came back to my chest, and our heads tilted automatically, then our lips met.
I’ve always enjoyed kissing, it’s an intimacy that can convey so many emotions; affection, care, love, lust and desire. Our first kiss was the stuff of fairy tales and romantic novels. It was a delicious mix of all of the above, at first gentle and sensitive, just a light brush of our lips together and then they seemed to just fit together with a design perfection that an engineer would’ve been proud of. The kiss was deep and conveyed all the intimacy that we had shared online and now was to precede all the things that we were and were to be.
One hand moved to cares against the nape of her neck, the other cupping her cheek as I used them as part of the kiss, both pushing and moulding her lips to mine as the kiss became yet deeper and wider, our tongues now exploring each other’s mouths, our bodies melded together as if they were one. Need soon turned into something more, our tongues now lashing across one another’s, lip briising intent as the password increased, my hands now dropping to explore the sides of her body.
We both came up for air at the same time, not because we were anywhere near sated, but I could feel we were getting to the point, that whether in a car park or not, this kiss was going to overspill into something entirely more than was appropriate for the location. We looked at each other for a moment with heated lustful looks and then both laughed and spluttered in unison, “I guess that’s inhibition buried.” I chuckled as this time I did reach past her to open the door.
Once in the car we giggled again like teenagers as we leant across to kiss once again, this time less fervently, but still conveying a delectable mix of tenderness and desire, before I kicked the car into action and grinned as I started the trip to the leaves village of my birthday. The drive back from the provincial airport to my home was only about an hour and once again we chatted easily about all sorts of things, asking about each other’s work, the friends and family that we almost felt we knew and the few plans we’d sketched out for this initial visit. As such the relatively short journey flew by and soon I was heading down the narrow village lane and then pulling through the gate I’d left open early this morning, crunching down the gravel driveway to the side of the house. I silenced the engine and turned towards her, “Anne, welcome to Old Oak”.
We both climb out of the car and I watch as she looks up at the house and then around the gardens and down to the treeline of the orchard at the back. I walk around to the back of the car as she takes it all in and grab her bag before turning to look at her in silence for a moment. “Are you coming in?” I hold my hand out as she laughs sufficiently and take my hand. I lead her to the rear to open the door into the foyer, revealing rooms to the left and right with the stairs leading up from the centre of the house.
She looks around and tells me she likes what she sees. I smile and nod my head, running my eyes ostentatiously up and down her body. “Me too,” I say, to which she laughs again and steps into my arms for another kiss, my hands running freely up and down what my eyes have just caressed.
I give her a whirlwind tour of the downstairs, my hand never leaving hers as I lead her through into the large modern kitchen. We laugh and chat easily as I talk to her about the house. I am the third generation of my family to live here, there has been extended modernisation and extension and I point out little things I remember from my childhood when my grandparents still lived here and then explain what had been done by both my parents and then later by me.
The tour of the lower floor goes in a big circle, lastly moving into the locke area. It’s modern and airy now, but still with an ancient grandfather clock looking a little out ofplace in the corner. Yet the loud tick never fails to evoke memories and I cannot face moving it or selling it. She smiles at me as she runs her fingers down the oak panels and looks around the room still smiling. Then she appears to notice the open box on the mantle above the fire. She seems to choke on a word or an emotion. I’m not sure which as she looks at me.
“My collar”.
Set into velvet in the bottom of the open box is the collar I’d selected for her all that time ago in our virtual world together. I sent her an image so that we could both imagine it to her throat, binding us together. Now here it is in reality. Unbeknownst to her I’d had it for a while now, often running my fingers across the twists of silver and gold, interwoven with little chains and a padlock clasp at the back. I see her hesitate. Her eyes flick between it and me. The fingers of her hand straight sub-consciously to the skin at her own neck feeling it there. I chuckle as I move to it and lower the lid to snap the box shut. “Soon.”
‘Soon’ had quickly become a little mantra for us only a few days after she had first submitted to me virtually. Somehow, we had both known we were starting down a path to this day, to the day we would meet, the day she would actually wear my collar at her throat and we would become one. ‘Soon’ became the de facto standard in place of a farewell when real life dragged us away from each other in our virtual world. My eyes move to hers as I gather the box in one hand. “Very soon,” I whisper in hushed tones, my own voice catching a little as I see the emotion in her eyes and once again know they mirror my own. I hold out the other hand to her, the atmosphere having changed. The easy joy of finally being together, the happiness and relief that had so instantly been easy and natural is Still there, but there is an intensity now. We both know that a ritual has to be performed, that the invisible bonds that tethered us together are soon to become visible.With the placing of the collar to her throat it will become tangible, undeniably real.
As she finally steps close, my hand goes to cup her chee. Her face turns upwards to me as I dip my head to brush my lips across hers and then slip the arm down to take her hand in mine and silently turn from the room to lead her upstairs.
At the top of the landing I move down to the end of the house where the master bedroom is housed across the whole width of the house. Ignoring all the other rooms, the tour is now finished at least for the moment. I push open the door and lead her inside, moving to stand with her in the space at the end of the bed. I’d rehearsed all sorts of grand gestures in my head, collaring ceremonies and romantic settings in front of open fires, but now just seemed right. I couldn’t wait any longer to see her wear my collar, for her to offer me the gift of her Submission and for my acceptance of that gift to be hurt as a permanent symbol to her neck. I realize I need that visual commitment and mark of ownership inside of the D/s setting that underpins what was clearly going to be our very real relationship now. A clear indication to those who understand it that the submissive has given themselves to the Dominant and that they have fully committed to one another. That these two people are a pair.
I back off away from her, my eyes held to hers by some invisible tether. I can see in her eyes that she knows it is time as well. There can never be a better time than the right time. All the planning or preparation of grand gestures becomes immaterial when that moment hits. My hands reach down to open the spring-loaded lid of the box that I somehow had forgotten until this moment was still in my hand. Our eyes stay welded together, neither daring to look down to the collar now revealed to the light, my lips parted and I hear myself speak. The voice is familiar, yet strangely remote, like I am a bystander just watching as the scene unfolds.
“Anne, knee before your Master.” I surprise myself with the unwavering tone, something inside me taking over, maybe the acceptance that despite my logical and analytical brain that this was in some way preordained.
I watch in silence as she takes to her knees, marvelling at the grace and poise she seems to pursue as she takes the classic pose. Her bottom is balanced on her heels, her knees spread as wide as she can, her hands palm up on her thighs, her back arched slightly, her head lowered, but her eyes rise from under her browser to look at me in complete acceptance of what is to happen. Slowly I approach, taking the collar from the box and casting the box to the bed as I move. I step behind her and then lower to balance on my haunches. My voice once again is strong and certain, knowing that this is right, that this in its own way was perfect.
“Anne, this journey of the past weeks and months has been a path we have walked together, day by day, to reach this point. You have bared your soul to me, and I, to you. Together we stand here more deeply in love than ever and today we will pledge ourselves to one another as Dominant and submissive.” I pause for a breath, before continuing as I lift the collar over her head and slowly lower it before her eyes and settle it to fit snugly at her neck.
“Today I claim you as my submissive and today I will make you mine. From the moment we met, I knew there was something different about you. Something special and unique. Throughout this journey together it has been my honour to see you happy, vibrant, and full of joy as you deepened your submission to me. It has been a privilege to love, nurse, guide, and earn your trust and respect. As your Dominant I promise to always love you. I promise to hold you when you’re Feeling down. To wipe your tears away when you’re feeling sad, and to care for you when you’re feeling sick. I promise to make you laugh on a daily basis, and to guide you into subspace, where I know youFeel most free and at ease.” As the final word leaves my lips, I click the little silver padlock into place, the tiny audible click punctuating the moment with a finality that strikes way beyond any rehearsed and grandiose ceremony I had considered.
Slowly I raise to stand again and walk around to resume the balance to my haunches to bring my eyes level with hers. I see her hand twitch, wanting to lift to touch the collar that now sat at her throat, but I reach to just touch it back down to her thigh.
I then raise my hand back upwards to touch her forehead. “May your mind always be free from stress, and when it is clouded may you turn and lean on me. I will guide and protect you”.
My hand drops a little moving to touch her lips. “May your lips always utter words of kindness. Follow my rules and be the beautiful submissive that I know you can be”.
Next my hand continues down to tap a finger to her breast, to her heart. “May your heart be filled with ease that youare never alone in this life. I will be here with you always”.
Finally, I lift my hand back to her chin, resting my index finger under it and my thumb to the tip, using the gentle grip to raise her lowered head to look me square in the face. “You are Mine and I love you”.
With that I stand and lower the hand that anointed her body with my pledge, encouraging her to stand beside me rather than at my feet. Service would come soon enough. For now I need to acknowledge that for as much as she is mine, I am hers too. I turn to face her, taking both hands in mine, my eyes setting back to hers, both of us smiling easy and comfortable smiles as I finally ask the questions that would bind us together as a couple.
“Do you accept this collar and the responsibility that it holds?”
She immediately replies with smiling lips and a sparkle in her eyes. “I do.”
“Do you promise to serve me, and let me guide you as we move forward together as a couple?”
Replies with smile lips and a sparkle in her eyes. “I do.”
“Do you promise to serve me, and let me guide you as we move forward together as a couple?”
Regain withouthesitation or pause for thought she replied. “I do.”
“Do you promise to adhere to my rules, knowing that they are to help you better yourself and to nurse your needs, in all aspects of your life and of our life together?”
“I do.”
“And do you promise to be loyal and faithful to me? To serve me with all of your heart?”
Finally she beams and melts into my arms sensing that that was my final question, murmuring, “I do”, a moment before our lips meet and we kiss long and deep.
This time the kiss soon becomes unbridled and unconstrained by our location. My hands wander across her body, a firmness of pressure as they wash around each line and curve of her body. All the anticipation and nerves of earlier are totally dispelled. She is mine. Of that there is no doubt and equally I am hers. We are committed and now the only emotion and need that fills my body is to explore what is mine.
I bend into the kiss, at my wait, my hands running down her back to linger a moment at the soft pert rounds of her ass. A soft chuckle spills from my lips into her mouth as I discover happily that they seem to fit perfectly into the cups of my palms. Marvelling once more as I have done each time I discovered a little more of her, with constant wonder at just how perfect she is for me, almost as if some higher power has designed her with me in mind.
My hands inch down a little More. My fingers curl beneath her and then lift her as I straighten. Her legs wrap around me. Her lips never leave mine, even for a moment, as we wallow in the sheer pleasure of reality. Slowly I turn, my eyes peering to step down the side of the bed, while a hand reaching to keep my balance as I lower her, our lips parting with reluctance from us both for a moment, until I slide in beside her and regain the connection with yet another kiss.
I’m not sure how long we kissed. It could have been minutes. It could have been an hour or more. Her hands rest on my chest, while mine move between her neck to straight along the collar that I just know she would never want to take off and her face. For the moment we are just lost in each other, calming our thoughts and emotions as we just relax into the new normal of what we now are. The kisses are soft and sensitive, loving and romantic, hard and luxury, alternating back and forth as if we are testing each emotion and need.
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