Afterwards Amanda didn’t regret suggesting to her partner of several years, Greg that she might like to submit to him but as time went on she did start to wonder what the results might be. It had all began well enough, she had read a little of Fifty Shades of Grey, found it preposterous and then slowly become curious about how it would feel to submit. To suffer because her partner simply decided that she could and Should. To be made to do as she was told even if she was scared of or revolted by what she was about to do. To surrender herself completely and perform deeds that filled her with dread. These dark thoughts sent a delightful little shiver down Amanda’s spine each and every time she dwelt upon them. So in the end she resolved to talk her desires through with Greg.
It might be tricky. In the past he had never suggested doing anything she really didn’t want to, either in bed or out of it. True she wasn’t that keen on sucking him all the way to an orgasm and him pumping into her mouth but he only suggested that very occasionally, seldom enough for her to understand it willingly. And, as she expected him to suck and lick her just about every time they made love, she knew that she ought not to even grumble. When, however, he heard her new set of fansies, well would he think her weird or perverted? Would he simply change the subject because he was uncomfortable with the conversation? A common tactic of his. Even if he embraced the idea would he have the imagination to see it through? He liked plenty of sex, once or twice a day if possible, well so did she, but it was pretty tame, ordinary stuff. There was, Amanda knew, really only one way to find out.
Slowly Amanda built up the courage to mention her interest to Greg and finally one evening, two thirds of the way through a bottle of wine, she had begun what she imagined would be a difficult conversation. To her surprise Greg had simply listened intently for a while with his head set to one side, then he had grinned wolfishly and told her she was a very wicked girl for even thinking of such things. He had commanded her first to pull down her pants and after that her panties, had grabbed her roughly, wronged her over to him causing her to lose her balance and twisted her toppling torso across his lap. Once she was held firmly, face down, he had proceeded to spank her bottom with gusto, smacking her bare cheeses over and over again, quickly making her buttocks feel hot and glow bright red as the blood coursed through them.
At first Amanda tolerated her punishment even though Greg’s hand really did sting. He was not being in the slightest bit gentle or the least bit considered. Gradually it dawned upon on her that even though the pain she was feeling was rising rapidly he was not going to let up anytime soon, so she began to protect. Her bum was already on fire and was feeling more sore and tender with every swat. What she had not expected was Greg’s reaction to her complaints. He had ordered her to shut up and told her that if she didn’t he’d smack her all the harder and, when she began to argue, that’s exactly what he did. Thereafter if she spoke, squeaked or squawked or even wriggled or struggled he held her down all the more firmly and struck her with far more vigour. Finally she made one frantic effort to break free but here Greg’s hours in the gym had paid off, he was immensely strong. As she fought he not only held her but took up a plastic ruler from her craft bag and used that to larrup her arse instead of his hand. Now he was really hurting her and Amanda quickly learn to keep really still even though tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.
Finally Amanda could take no more and she broke down sobbing, her body heaving convulsively as she lay bent over Greg’s knee ending the punishment he was met out to her. As soon as he realized her level of distress Greg stopped instantly, he righted her and folded her in his arms, cradling, comforting and cuddling her. He was so tender and so anxious, despite her throbbing burning bottom Amanda just had to forgive him. Greg was obviously really upset by her reaction, somewhat confused and rather angry with himself. As she wallowed in his strong arms, the tension gradually eased away, she relaxed and they began to kiss. As their password mounted her soreness subsided until Amanda forgot all about her singing bum and Instead began to concentrate upon what Greg’s tongue was up to.
When the kissing… Kissing? When the tongue wrestling ceased the sucking and licking of her neck and nibbling of her earlyobes had commenced. This never failed to get Amanda deliciously wet and soggy, to make the pit of her tummy tighten with pleasure, to make her all too well aware of the desires and demands of her sex. Once she was singing, her pleasure making her take little noisy gulps of air, Greg had eased her away from him a little and undressed her. Now when he held her down helpless itwas so that he could force her legs apart as he bit and lapped at her ears whilst extremely squeeze her nipples.
‘Wicked Greg,’ she thought to herself. He was preventing her from easing the longing that just kept on building up in her rapidly moistening sex by stopping her from squeezing her thighs together and thereby massaging her clip. Now when she fought him she was driven by password and desire rather than, as previously, pain. Once he was finished with her sensitive neck and delicate ears Greg sat her in the chair, knelt before her, swung her legs over his shoulders, len forwards double her up and began to lick, suck on and even softly bite her big, dark pink nipples. Amanda wriggled her hips with frustration, those stiff nipples were delightfully sensitive and, once more, Greg had to use his strength to hold her. But with her pinioned under him like that there was little that she could do except endure as Greg continued to ratchet up her password, notch by notch./p>
Amanda, wet and needy, her clip aching for Greg to slam against it, her pussy churning with its compulsion to be filled, was truly grateful when it dawned upon her that whilst he sucked upon her nipples he was undoing his own trousers. ‘At last,’ she thought with relief, ‘he’s preparing to shake me. Thank Goodness for that!’ Of course Greg, an old hand a teasing her, was doing no such thing, he was simply letting Amanda think that she was about to be humped mercilessly. Instead, once his throbbing member was free, he held her ankles high in the air and began to lick up and down her hot moist slit with his hot moist tongue. Amanda was in ecstasy and abnormal; an ecstasy of sensing, an abnormal of longing. Greg was pleased to spot that the lubrication she was secreting so cruelly had become transformed from a thick sticky clear fluid to a milky one: a sure indication that Amanda was no longer simply randy but desperate. He eased his head back and yes, just as he expected, her littlePuckered anus was twitching spasmodically, a foolproof sign that Amanda was totally consumed with lust.
He backed away, pressed the head of his shake against the entrance to her slide and slippery pussy, held her ankles so that she could not move and paused for dramatic effect. Amanda tingled in anticipation of her impending invasion but that was nowhere near enough for her, she so badly wanted to be impaled, immediately!
“Please Greg,” Amanda wheeled. She wanted him, she needed him, she was desperate for him. Desperate for him to slam down and rip her asunder right then and there. He changed his grip now grasping both of her ankles with one hand, grabbed the ruler with the other and then swatted her buttocks really hard applying just a single stroke to each globe. As she forced her bottom upwards, an instinctive response to the shock of the firey pain, Greg slammed down into her. As her bum burned agonisingly she first felt herself opened and entered and then the crash ofHis groin slamming against her clip. She screamed out from the sheer power of these many different sensings and it was only the scorching strips burning across her buttocks that prevented her from coming in response to that single first thrust.
As she calmed Greg pulled back his thick, rock solid, member until once again just the head of his shake was nestling against the very edge of her glistening pussy, so all Amanda could feel was a gentle pressure. “Oh God, please Greg!” He repeated the manoeuvre, first swatting each chef of her bright red bottom really viciously before ramming his long thick cock inside of her, slamming his body against hers at the end of the stroke. Once again she screamed out aloud, first with delight and then frustration as she just failed to lose her precarious grip on the edge of orgasm. Damn the fire raging across her buttocks. But how great had Amanda’s need to climax become after those two near misses.
“For God sakes Greg, please Greg…”She was cut short as he swatted each of her bare buttocks for a third time. But this time, to Amanda’s immense relief and intense joy, each of his firm thrusts, thrusts that culminated with him deliberately slaming his body hard against her clip, was quickly followed by yet another of those thrust-slam combinations.
Amanda felt joy, gratitude, relief, all manner of emotions but mostly she was subsumed in simple euphoria. Wave after wave of overwhelming almost unbearable pleasure crashed though her helpless, prone body. She witnessed, she moaned, she whimpered, she cried out, she screamed. Throughout her luxury performance Greg neither speeded up nor slowed down but rather kept up a steady remorseless rhythm, marvelling at how many times Amada was climaxing. He could easily make her come twice over, that was usually. Most times he would coat a third orgasm from her before he took his own pleasure, pumping great blasts of hot, thick seed deep inside of her. When she was really randy she would come for a fourth time before he deposited his load into her hot tight crevice. Tonight, however, he was stupefied, Amanda was coming and coming and coming, her next orgasm following straight on from her last. He could not even be sure if she had a break between them of if she was simply indulging in one long orgasm whose intensity rose and fell in sympathy with his rhythmic thrusting.
In the end Greg began to hope she would begin to quietly and relax, he really could not hold himself back for very much longer. His balls had tightened ages before. His penis was tight, hard and ached with a longing that made it feel as if it were ready to burst, to explore even. Before he began each thrust he had to inhale deeply so that he could concentrate on exhaling as he slide his, now highly sensitive, sword down inside of her slide scabbard. Only through self distraction could he manage to suppress those demands emanating from his exposed purple glans to commence humping and bumpingas quickly as ever he was able. At least he contained himself that way for a good while but eventually sheer desperate need overcame his resolve. In the end he could restrain himself no longer and he plunged as deeply as ever he could inside of Amanda and made fast rapid to strokes whilst he splattered hot blast after hot blast of come deep inside of her velvet lined sleepe.
Amanda sensed the alteration of rhythm and tempo, feel the staccato jabbing of his pubis slamming against her clip and the change in sensings were exactly what she needed to push her hard over the edge once more, embracing one final gigantean orgasm from out of her. His grunts and groans of pleasure mixed with her cries and whoops of password were enough to waken the dead as they climaxed so gloriously together. After that there is little more that I can relate to you. For ages Amanda and Greg simply lay there utterly spent, too drained and exhausted to move. At some point they must have taken themselves offto bed. But so far as either of them could recall their lives only resumed the following morning when Greg’s hard cock began to twitch against Amanda’s bare bottom. That, however, is a different story. Greg did not, of course, forget Amanda’s mixture of responses to having her bottom spanked so determinedly and decided that he really owed it to them both to investigate that further, much further. But that also is a different story.
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