Such is life 5 (edited to comply with new policy)

The rest of that summer I did a whole lot of nothing. I did all of my chores like usual and did end up hanging out with Janine. She wasn’t home much because she had to do a lot of stuff to get ready for the new school year that was coming up. Not only that, but she had a lot of cheer stuff that she was involved with. I did go to the school with her at times to help her out in her room. Everyone in that school was now convinced that we were siblings. We did a lot of goofing off as we prepped her room. People would see her hit me as we laughed. They would all laugh at us and some even joined us. What sucked was when all of her cheerleaders would all do a dog pile on me. Actually, that didn’t suck, it was awesome! With the little they didn’t suck, it was awesome! With the little they didn’t suck, it was awesome! With the little they didn’t suck, it was awesome! With the little they didn’t suck, I loved it.

Then my senior year started and I was excited, mainly because it was my last year there. I didn’t worry about missing Miss Roberts, mainly becausewe were basically family now. I fully planned to keep in constant touch with her. She was a little sad about the fact that I wouldn’t be there anymore, but she knew that we would always be close. We were the best of friends now and we planned on keeping it that way. By then everyone in that school knew, or were convinced that she and I were siblings. Which made it easy for us to meet up for lunch whenever she could. Neither one of us dated anyone exclusively. We did go out with different people, but never started a relationship with anyone. I was focused on getting my diploma and she had her classes to teach, and her cheerleaders to deal with. We both stayed busy enough that neither of us had time for significant others.

As time went on Janine would come over and help me with my home work. I would also spend a lot of time at her place since I had a key. All I had to do was let her know that I was coming over. I for the first time was actually trying in school and itwas showing. Of course I had her to thank for that as well. And for the fist time ever, I was now on the honor roll. I still played football and basketball don’t get me wrong. I was just focused on graduating. As far as sex was concerned, I hadn’t had any since my cousin. So as you can imagine, I was incredibly horny. But since I’m not the type of person to just sleep around, I had to resort to porn and jerking off. Miss Roberts was the only one that I just went after and succeeded with like that. Sadly, I was so damn horny that jerking off was doing little to curb my sexual appetite at the time.

I had so much respect and admission for Janine that I didn’t even try to get into her pants. If she wanted me, I was going to let her initiate it. And oh my god was I hoping that she would, but I didn’t want her to do what she didn’t want. What I didn’t know was that she had hit a “dry spell” as well. We were both getting very sexuallyfrustrated. As more time passed she started making comments that were disguised. One thing came out of her mouth, but her mind was in a totally different place. Then she started to wear extremely revealing, sexy clothes around me only.

She started to turn me on and I started imagining her as I jerked off again. I wish you all could have seen what she looked like, and how sexy she was. She was 26 now but didn’t look like she was any older than 18. Sexual tension between us started to build again, and she started to look at me the way she did before. It was the way that pushed me to initiate our teacher student sexual relationship. One day I walked into her room and she was alone in there. She looked incredibly sex that day. She had a pair of low riding jeans and a tight tight bloom on. It was white and it hugged her very sexy body.

“You look really sexy today.” I said with a smile as I walked into her room.

“Mmmmm, thanks. You’re looking incredibly doable yourself.” She said with a sexy grin.

“Really?” I asked.

“You always do.” She said.

“So you would do me then?” I asked as I laughed.

“Really? You have to ask me that?” She asked as she got this serious look on her face.

“I would do you in a heart beat too.” I said.

“Look it’s been a while and you talking like that is going to give me some very very dirty thoughts.” She said.”

“I’m not sorry.” I said.

“Good. Close the door for a second I need to talk to you.” She said.

I stood up and closed the door as she sat on the front of her desk.

“What’s up?” I asked as I walked to one of the student desks in front of her and sat on it.

“Look, I’m going to be perfectly honest here.” She said.

“Ok.” I said.

“I’ve been thinking about what your mom told me the day you got home from your family reunion, and the more I have thought about it, the more I want to.” She said.

“Well, ok. What are you talking about now?” I asked.

“Look, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been with anyone, as in, since my ex boyfriend. I also know that it’s been a very long time for you. It’s been so bad for me that my dildo doesn’t even scratch the surface.” She said as my cock started to swell.

“I know the feeling. I’ve been jerking off at least three times a day, and it’s doing nothing for me either.” I said.

“That’s really good to know. I have a proposition for you, that’s if, if you’re interested.” She said nervously.

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“Your mom alreadydy knows that we might do this again, so I was wondering if maybe, maybe we could fuck again, you know, just for old time sakes.” She said obviously and extremely turned on.

“I don’t know, can we?” I asked as she stared into my eyes.

“I hope so. I really need it.” She said.

“So what do you think about when you play with your dildo?” I asked.

“Honestly?” She asked.

“Preferably.” I said.

“You.” She half whispered.

“How often?” I asked.

“Every single time. Look I liked my ex boyfriend and all, but he couldn’t even come close to making me cum like you did.” She said.

“I loved making you cum.” I said.

“I know. I fucking love your massive dick.” She said through a sharp slow exhaust.

“When?” I asked.

“I don't know, tomorrow maybe. We have the game and everything tonight so we will both be too tired to play.” She said.

“Tomorrow would be great.” I said.

“Really?” She asked as she started breathing hard.

“I’ve been aching for you too.” I said softly.

“Are you hard now?” She asked as she looked at my crotch.

“Yes I am.” I replied.

“Tomorrow for sure then?” She asked.

“Definitely.” I said.

“God I can’t wait. I’ve needed you so so bad baby.” She whispered.

“I’ve needed you really bad too.” I said as she kept glancing at my crotch.

“So what do you think about when you jerk off?” She asked.

“You. I even look at our pictures when I do it.” I said.

“Mmmmmmm…those are really hot pics.” She said.

“Yeah they are.” I said as we both quivered.

“Ok so we better get going before we got turned in again.” She said as she giggled.

“Yeah we better.” I said.

“Ok. I’ll see you soon little brother.” She said.

“Yes you will.” I said just as one of her cheer leaders walked in.

“What’s up Adam, hey Miss Roberts, are we meeting here or in the gym tonight.” She asked.

“Well here first. We are going to have some pizza before we meet and practice in the gym.” Janine said.

“Oh good! Are you going to come eat pizza with us Adam?” She asked.

“You honestly think that I’m going to let my sister eat pizza without me?!” I asked making them both laughed.

“I guess not, I’ll see you then.” She said as she bounced out of the room leaving the door opened.

“That girl really wants you.” She whispered.

“Sad, I really want someone else.” I said as I looked at her perky covered tits.

“And who might that be?” She asked.

“You.” I whispered.

“The feeling is very mutual, in fact I’m like really, really wet for you.” She said very quietly.

“God I wish we could just do this now.” I said.

“Me too.” She said.

“Hold on.” She said.

She walked around her desk and went to her purse. She grabbed something and walked back to me.

“I learned from the best. A prepared phone and you already have a key to my place.” She said as she looked around and slid the phone into my pocket.

“You better get going, I’ll see you at the game.” She said.

“Ok. God you’re so sexy.” I said.

“So are you.” She replied as I started walking towards the door.

“Oh hey, wait a second.” She said as she walked to me quickly.

“What’s up.” I asked as I turned around and saw an extremely sexy grin on her face.

“No condoms this time. I want all of you bare, I want to feel every single inch of you inside of me.” She said.

“I’m perfectly ok with that.” I said.

“Good. Good luck at the game.” She said.

“You too.” I said.

As I walked off, she and I immediately started sexting like crazy. I later met up in her room with her cheerleaders and ate the pizza with them. I then headed off to meet up with the team and go over our game and such. She stopped sexting me so I could get my head in the game. It worked, for the most part anyway. Our team won, let’s just say we destroyed that other team. We thought we were going to loose andThey were talking serious smack on us the entire time. Their tune changed when they realized that we were dominating them. I went and showed and as I did I had to keep myself in check. All I could think about was Janine. I just wished she would walk in on me and, well, you know.

Just before I walked out of the locker room I grabbed my disposable phone and already had some texts from her.

Miss Roberts: god u look so sexy. Great ass

Miss Roberts: your cup looks huge, did u have to have that special ordered?

Miss Roberts: god u have no idea how difficult it is for me to not walk over there and pull your massive cock out and suck it!

Miss Roberts: fuck u r so hot!!!

Miss Roberts: lol, some of my cheerleaders just caught me drooling over u!

Miss Roberts: I’m so wet for u right now, god I’m going to have to take my panties off baby!

I sat there and read them and got extremelyhard. I and to sit there for a few minutes and think of anything else but her and to let it go down. After it finally deflated I stood up and walked out to my car. Once I got into my car I sent a reply.

Me: thanks I have a raging hardon thanks to u!

Miss Roberts: don’t worry, I’ll take good care of u

Me: fuck I’m so hard for u rite now.

Miss Roberts: I’m really wet right now. I can’t wait till tomorrow.

Me: I’m not sure I can wait till then.

Miss Roberts: well if u can’t come over tonight. I’m not sure I can wait either.

Me: don’t tempt me.

Miss Roberts: u know u want it baby

Me: I may just sneak up on u

Miss Roberts: mmmmmmmm I would love that.

Me: so tired tho

Miss Roberts: that’s ok, we have all day tomorrow sweetie

Me: god I can’t wait to taste u again. U taste so so good

Miss Roberts: I love the taste of ur cock. I love how I can barely get you in my mouth, I love how I can’t wrap my little hand around you, how there is at the very least an inch gap between my fingers when I grip that monster, and I love the way you stretch my tight little pussy!

Me: oh my god I love how tight u r. I love the taste of ur pussy, I love the taste of ur cum and how u make me cum so hard

Miss Roberts: OMG baby!

Me: I want to fuck u all day tomorrow

Miss Roberts: god…ok you’ll have me all day then baby.

Me: I’ll see u then.

Miss Roberts: I can’t wait…

Me: I can’t either.

Miss Roberts: I’m going home, I’ll see u tomorrow

Me: bright and early

Miss Roberts: I’ll be waiting

Me: U won’t be for as long as u think, time has a way of flying

Miss Robertts: god I hope it goes fast, I need u so bad

We stopped sexting and I drove home. She was already there and mom and her partner were already home from the game. I went in and changed and as I did so, I made the decision to surprise Janine. I was going over a lot earlier than she was expecting. I planned on being completely naked when I walked in on her, and waking her up by eating her sweet 26 year old pussy. I took another shower and had to shake my cock and balls again. She loved it when I was smooth so I made sure I was as smooth as the day I was born.

I decided to wait to make sure she was sleep, so I went into my room and slide a pair of gym shorts on and that’s it. I wore nothing else because I planned to be stark naked, so when she opened her eyes she would go crazy. I waited in my room till well after midnight, hoping that Miss Roberts was sleeping when I got there. I started to get hard as I planned out my strategy and how I was going to surpriseher. As I got off of my bed I started to get excited and anxious. As I walked through the living room, my mom and her partner, who I loved the hell out of by the way, were cuddled on the couch watching a movie together.

“Where are you going?” Mom asked with a funny grin.

“Over to Janine’s.” I said.

“Oh. Oh ok. Just remember what I said.” She said as both of them smiled.

“I will mom.” I said.

“Ok, well have fun and use the back entrance so no one sees you.” She said.

“I will.” I said as she started laughing a little.

I started walking to the side door and mom stopped me.

“Hey, don’t use that door, people might see you, go out the back off of the deck. At least you’ll be hidden by the fence, sort of, you may have to croouch down since you’re really tall.” She said.

“I didn’tthink about that.” I said.

“Of course not, you have other things on your mind.” She said as she laughed.

I walked to the kitchen and out that door. As I nearly Miss Roberts place, I noticed that her TV was on. I climbed the stairs and peered into her appt, and could see her TV. She was watching porn. My cock swelled when I realized that she was watching a very hot threesome movie. There were two blonds sharing some guy and they were both sucking and licking the dudes cock at the same time. All I could see was her hair drawn over the arm rest of her couch and could see her body moving. I watched her leg hook across the back of the couch as she laid there watching the two girls make out with the guys cock between them. I stood there and watched for a minute as the girls took turns sucking this dude really slowly, and sliding him into their throats. I then reached down and found the door nob unlocked, and realized that the dead bolt was also unlocked. I got chills as I very slowly and quietly opened the door and stepped into Janines apartment.

I heard her vibrator and her sexy moans. I started to make my way to her very slowly and quietly as I slide my shorts off completely. My cock started to get harder and harder as I approached her. I listened to her wetness as she slowly fucked herself as she watched the girls fuck their throats. I snuck up on her and saw the sexiest sight I had ever seen. She had a huge vibrator and was sliding it in and out of her pussy as she rubbed her tits and pinched her nipples.

“God I wish you would come over and fuck me Adam.” She whimpered as she closed her eyes and arched her back.

My cock twitched several times and I started leaking precum as I stood there listening and watching her. I got onto my knees and got as close to her as I could and very, very gently slide my hand onto her shoulders. She jumped at first then looked up to see me there.

“Your wish is about to come true.” I whispered as she smiled.

“Mmmmmmm, hey sexyhhhh, I was just thinking about you.” She whispered as she let go of her vibrator.

“No, don’t stop, that is so sexy. And I know, I heard you.” I whispered making her giggle.

“Do you like watching me play with myself?” She asked.

I didn’t answer her. I watched goose bumps form on her skin as I slide my hand down, using only my finger tips. I very lightly slide my finger tips all over her upper body as I leaned down and started to kiss her softly. She moaned into my mouth as my fingers finally reached her hand she was using to slowly fuck herself with her vibrator. I very gently took her hand off of the vibrator and took a gentle hold of it as we kissed very slowly and passwordfully. She moaned and her hips started to thrust as I slide her vibrator in and out of her soaked pussy. She broke the kiss andher back arched as she started to cum. I just kept fucking her with her vibrator as I looked into her eyes. Her eye browsers were slanted and she was biting her lower lip.

She started to breath really hard as I watched her face. My cock started to throb as I started to fuck her a little faster with her dildo. She moaned as she stared into my eyes. She reached up and slide her hands onto my arms. Her entire body started to spasm and her pussy started to squeeze the vibrator out. As she started to cum, I kissed her and she wrapped her arms around my head as our tongues twisted and swirled together. She broke the kiss just as she started to cum. Her hips thrusted upward and dropped several times as I turned the vibrator all the way up and pressed my thumb against her clip. She started making these really sexy squeaks and moans between sharp gasps. Her body rolled like an ocean wave and her pussy absolutely soaked the shit out of her dildo and my hand.

I stood up asshe was cumming and let my cock hang right in her face as I leaned over and started to slowly slide her dildo out of her. Her body fell back to the couch and she opened her eyes.

“Oooooooohhhhhhh ggggod! You’re already naked..uuuhhhhh…” She moaned.

I moaned when she wrapped her fingers around my cock and started stroke me. I then looked down to see her looking at her TV. I looked over to see one girl riding the face of the dude, as the other girl slide him deep inside of her pussy. Her body shook as she watched. I slide her dildo inside of her at the same pace that his cock entered the blondes pussy. I watched the girl start riding the dude and I timed every stroke the girl made. Miss Roberts moaned as she watched and felt her dildo sliding in and out of her. I looked down to see her face up and slide her tongue out if her mouth. She cupped her tongue and slide it over the top of my cock and slide me into her mouth.

She slowly slideme into her throat making me moan out loud. Chills and ecstasy ripped through me as I felt her tongue started licking almost every inch of me as she slip me out of her mouth. I leaned over and wrapped my lips around her clip and slowly licked it up and down, side to side and in circles. She started to go crazy and really started to suck my cock. I moaned as I continued to lick her clip and fuck her with her dildo. Her hips thrusted up and down as she continue to suck my cock.

I then started to fuck her pussy faster and faster making her moan on my cock. She released my cock from her mouth and let this very sexy long moan out. I turned her dildo in a way that I could grind it on her g spot. She started to go crazy and her body started to thrash around under me. She jerked my cock and really started to fuck me with her mouth. I started to get really close, but somehow was able to stop myself from blowing my wad down her throat. She started sucking my precum from my cock asshe slowly slip me out of her mouth. Her pussy started to spasm like crazy, pushing her dildo out of her. I turned her dildo on as high as it would go and fucked her with it as fast as I could. Her hips thrusted violently and she released my cock from her warm wet mouth. She let this shaky moan out as her hips thrusted upward. Her body shook like crazy and she started to cum. I pulled her dildo out of her and closed my mouth around her pussy and started to fuck her with my tongue as she filled my mouth up with her cum.

I slowed down in order to let her come down from her orgasm. Her ass fell back onto the couch as she slip me back into her mouth. She pushed me up by my abs so that I was standing up straight. I looked down to see her lips wrapped around me tightly.

“Oh my god.” I moaned as she grabbed my ass and pulled me deeper into her throat.

Her tongue was all over my cock as I slide deeper and deeper I to her throat. Just as she started gagging, I pulled my cock out of her mouth. She cought a couple of times then tilted her head back and stretched towards me with her mouth wide open. She slid me back into her mouth and really started to suck me hard and fast as she jerked the rest of me. She felt my cock swell a little more and released me from her mouth.

“Fffffffffffffuck I love your cockhhhh.” She whimpered as she sat up.

“Yeah? You like that?” I asked.

“Mmmmmmm, yeah baby.” She moaned as she stood up and guided me to the couch.

She pulled me into the couch next to her and we both started to watch the girls get fucked as she stroked me. I turned to her and kissed her hard as she started climbing into my lap. She stood up just as I slide my finger inside of her. I started to suck on each one of her tits as she held my head in place. I started to finger her soaking wet pussy as I sucked each one of her tits. She then straddled me andpushed me back.

“Can I ask you something?” She asked.

“You know you can ask me anything baby.” I replied.

“Have you ever had a threesome?” She hissed as my cock slid along her soaking wet slit.

“No I haven’t.” I replied.

“Really? As fucking sexy as you are, you’ve never had a threesome?” She asked generally shocked by my reply.

“Really. I never have, it’s a fantasy of mine.” I said as I thrusted in time with her, sliding my cock along the length of her pussy.

“I have this fantasy of you that drives me crazy.” She whispered as she grabbed my cock and positioned it at her driving hole.

“Oh yeah, a…ohhhhhh sshhhhit.” I moaned as her incredibly tight pussy slid onto my cock.

My entire body tensed up from the sheer pleasure of her warm wet pussy sliding down onto my cock.

“What’s that baby?” I was finally able to ask.

“You know that my sister and I have been together n…now, that we have had lesbian sex right?” She asked as she very slowly slide up my cock and back down.

“Yeah, that’s so fucking hot.” I hissed as her tight pussy squeezed my cock as she slide up and down on me slowly.

“I think it would be so fucking hot to share you with her.” She said after she pressed her head against mine and looked into my eyes.

“Oh god your pussy feels so so good. Are you sure?” I moaned.

“I’m very sure, I want to share you with her so bad, god I forget how fucking amazing you feel deep inside of me baby…uuuuuuuuuuhhhh.” She moaned.

“That sounds so fun.” I whispered.

“Sh…sshhhhe knows there is a guy I want to share with her…ffffffffuck babyhhhhhhhhhh…uuuuuuGgggggggod!” Shemoaned as she slide up and down my cock.

“Does she know who?” I asked having the worst time speaking.

“No she doesn’t, I want to surprise her with you.” She hissed as she started to slide up and down on my cock faster and faster.

“If yyy….ffffuck baby….god, if your ok with seeing me fuck her then I’m game.” I hissed as my body started jerking.

“Mmmmmmmmm, god yeah…I’m more than ok with it. I wanna see your cock stretch her young little pussy so badhhhh, besides, I’ve been craving her little pussy lately anyway.” She whimpered.

“Just say when baby.” I whispered.

“I just want to let you lay there and relax while my baby sister and I take advantage of you, let us do all of the work.” She moaned.

“Fuck, god damn you’re going to make me cum baby.” I moaned.

“I wanna see you fuck her too.” She moaned.

“I wanna watch you two.” I moaned as she really started to ride my cock harder and faster.

“Oooohhhh my fucking god your cock feels sssssss…aaaaaa… Uuuuuuuhhhh….so good…” She moaned as she really started to ride me hard and fast.

“Fffffffffffuck you are so tight baby…” I moaned as I throw my head back as very intense pleasure started to rip through me like hot knives.

I started to thrust in time with her, but she put all of her weight on me to keep me from thrusting.

“Mmm mmmm, it’s my turn to fuck your brains out.” She moaned as she started to fuck me really hard.

I moaned out loud and my body started to tighten and shake like crazy. I could feel every inch of her pussy walls as they started to spasm, squeezing my cock like crazy. She moaned and started crying out as her body started to shake as well. I feel her pussy get wetter and wetter as she started to cum all over my cock. Her back arched and she throw her head back as she started sucking air in through her teeth. She started moaning like crazy as she continue to ride me hard and fast.

“Fffffffuck I swear I’m going to cum baby.” I moaned as the pleasure I was experiencing started to get more and more powerful.

“Yeah baby…uuuuuuuuuhhhhh, cum in my pussy baby…aaaaa ffffffuck I’m cummimg, oh god, oh god, oh my ffffff .aaaaaaaaa.. uuuhhhh ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…aaaaaaahhhhh!!! She moaned as her pussy squeezed my cock as it spasmed all over me.

I tried like hell to keep from blowing, but I failed. Just as I felt her cum soak the shit out of my cock I fell back against the backrest of the couch and my back arched. My balls tightened to the point that they hurt. I then I felt my cum rushing up the entire length of my cock. My hips jerked up and down as my cock filled her womb with my cum. That senther over the edge again, making her cum even harder.

She fell forward against me and jerked as she rode her orgasm out. I lifted her ass up and started to thrust slowly as her body jerked. I slide her robe off of her and kept thrusting and amazingly, I didn’t go down. My cock twitched inside of her as I really started to thrust. Her incredibly tight pussy was very well lubed by our combined juices, making it easier to fuck her. Sloshing noises came from her pussy as our juices leaked out of her and all over my balls.

I stood up and held her by her ass and started to fuck her hard as she wrapped her arms around my neck. She held on for dear life as I bounced her up and down on my cock as I thrusted. Her head rested on mine as she moaned and whimpered. I watched her cheeks start jiggling and felt her pussy start spasming around my cock again. Her eyes were partially closed and her eye browsers were slanted. Her mouth was wide opened and she blew her hot breathinto my mouth as she groaned and moaned. Our lips brushed against each other and we kissed several times. Her facial expressions made my cock throb inside of her, and it made me start fucking her brains out.

She fell back as we held on for dear life as she started to cum really hard. She inhaled really sharply and held her breath as her body started to convulse in my arms. Soon I feel her cum force it’s way from around my cock and and soak my legs. She tried to moan but the way she was breathing, it made it almost impossible. She kept making these really sharp high pitched whimpers through extremely sharp gasps and exhales.

I kept fucking her hard and she started to have one orgasm after another. I laid her on the arm rest of the couch and held onto her hips as I kept fucking the shit out of her. Our bodies were very sweety and making loud slapping noises as I continued pound her hard. Her back arched hard and her body shook and trembled like crazy. I felt her pussy walls pulse and spasm. Her arms flailed around and she tried to find something to grip, with no success. Her body rolled from side to side and she started to thrust her hips. Her body completely tensed up and became as stiff as a board and shook. I pulled out of her just as she started to cum. She squirted me all over the bottom half of my body. Her body then arched as her hips thrusted up and down jerkingly. She rolled off onto the couch and almost on the floor, but I caught her. I started to kiss her neck as I rolled her over onto her back. I kissed her mouth as she started coming down from her high. She reached down and grabbed my cock and started to stroke me hard and fast as we kissed hard and passwordately. She broke the kiss and kept stroking me as she looked up at me.

“Guys like you should never be this good of a fuck, it should be illegal.” She whimpered.

“I learned from you, you know that right?” I asked as she sat upand pulled my cock against her soft skin as she jerked me.

“Hun, I didn’t have to teach you a thing, you’re just a natural.” She whispered.

Before I could say another word and slide me into her mouth making me moan. I watched my cock slide between her lips and slide into her hot wet mouth. She placed her hands on my ass and started to pull me in deeper. She gagged and backed off sliding her tongue all over the underside of my cock. I started thrusting my hips involuntarily as she started to fuck me with her mouth. She licked every inch of my cock and looked up at me with an extremely sexy grin.

“Mmmmmmmmm, I can still taste my pussy baby.” She moaned as she opened her mouth wide.

“You taste really good don’t you?” I asked as she smiled.

“Yeah, I actually do.” She said before sliding me into her mouth again.

She slid me into her mouth deeper and deeper asshe stared up at me. My cock twitched in her mouth as she started sliding me into her throat. I groaned as I felt her throat relax and her push her throat down the length of my shaft. I just about blew my was down her esophagus when I saw that only one inch of my cock was all that remained. She slide her tongue out until it touched my balls and moved her head side to side. I feel my cock slide deeper and deeper inside of her throat slowly as she worked it in. My legs started to buckle and shake when I feel her lips touch my balls and saw her lips press against my body.

“Oooooooooooohhhhhhh, ffffffffffffffuck, oh god, oh shhhhhit!” I moaned as my entire body started spasming.

She started sliding me out of her mouth and throat and looked up at me. I could feel her saliva dripping of my cock and balls as she finally got out of her mouth.

“You like that baby?” She asked.

“Oh my fucking god yes.” I moaned asshe stroked my entire length, using her saliva as lube.

“Mmmmm, good baby, I’ve been practicing just for youhhhh.” She hissed.

She then licked up the entire length of my cock slowly gathering her slobber in her mouth as she did. She then opened her mouth wide and slid me deep into her throat again. I couldn’t see straight it felt so good! She continued to deep throat me for a little while before she stood up, spun me around and shoved me on to the couch. She climbed into my lap and kissed me really hard. She started to grind her pussy on my cock as she and I kissed really hard. She grabbed my cock and lifted herself up and put my cock head right inside of her pussy.

“Fuck I love how your cock feels deep inside of my little pussyhhh.” She moaned as she slid me deep inside of her.

“Oooohhhhhhhhh gggggggggoooooooooooooooodddd!” I moaned as she sat all the way down on me.

She placed her arms aroundnd my neck and started riding me like crazy. I started thrusting in time with her, pushing my cock balls deep inside of her. It was the very first time I had gotten every inch of my cock inside of her. She and I both started going crazy and our bodies started to shake tension up. I felt my balls start to tighten, but I knew it was going to be a little while before I blew my wad. I felt her pussy start to spasm again as my thick cock raked Against her g spot. She groaned and her back arched. I watched the goose bumps form on her skin as her orgasm started to build more and more. She started gasping for air, then all of a sudden she held her breath and stopped bouncing on my cock. I slide my ass to the edge of her couch and laid back.

I grabbed her ass and held her up and started to thrust as fast and hard as I possible go. She started to cry out between very sharp high pitched gasps. Her eyes were clnched shut and her mouth was wide opened. She fell back and rested on my knees. I sat up, picked her up and laid her on the couch and kept fucking her sexy brains out. She started to have one massive orgasm after another. I didn’t stop at all, every time she had an orgasm, she would all but spray her cum all over me. She rolled from side to side and tried to grip anything she could as her body convulsed. Her back arched violently multiple times as her pussy spasmed non stop.

Soon I felt my balls begin to hurt and my cock start swelling more and more inside of her. I slowed down to stop my impending orgasm, but the way that her pussy was contracting and pulsing around my cock, I knew that it wasn’t going to work. I tried to pull out, but she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me into her balls deep and held me there. My entire body felt really warm and tingly. I couldn’t breath and my entire body started to jerk and convulse. I pulled out just a little and slammed my cock balls deep inside of her several times.

“Ooooooooohhhhhh…I’m cummimg! I moaned.

She pulled me deep inside of her and held me there and sat up and looked into my eyes. Her orgasm was still ripping through her body, so even though neither one of us were thrusting, there was still a shit ton of stimulation. Her pussy kept spasming it started to bring me closer and closer. My body tensed up and my cock swelled even more. She started thrusting slightly, making the pleasure increase. My balls then tightened up and my body jerked as my cum started to shoot up the length of my cock. I opened my eyes to see her back arched, that sent me over the edge. I pulled out just a little and slammed my cock deep inside of her just as the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced ripped through me. I groaned and fell forward as I started pumping Janine full of my seed.

“Yeah baby, fill my little pussy baby…” She whimpered as she sat up and watched me.

I can’t count how many times Ishot a load inside of her. All I know was that I fell forward on top of her. My body continued to jerk along with my hips. After several minutes I was finally able to lift my head up. She placed both of her hands in my face and started to kiss me passwordately, but slowly. When I finally came down from my orgasm, we both just laid there with a look of complete satisfaction on our faces. She and I kissed over and over again as I started going soft inside of her. After several more minutes, we separately respectfully and got up.

“God I’m so glad you came over tonight.” She said.

“What would you have done if I hadn’t?” I asked as I climbed onto the couch.

“I would have come to your room and fucked you there.” She said as she cuddled up against me.

“We might have awakened my mom and her girlfriend.” I said.

“So?” She asked as she giggled.

“I wouldn't care.” I said as I wrapped my arm around her.

“You know, those girls at school have no idea what they’re missing.” She said.

“I thought they did.” I said.

“They do, but they don’t. All they know about is that your ex girlfriend said that you’re huge, but they have no clue how amazing you are at using it.” She said.

“What do you think would happen if I would fuck them?” I asked.

“Are you kidding me? They would never let you go!” She said as she laughed.

“I don’t know, my ex ran off.” I said.

“That’s because she couldn’t handle a real man.” She said.

“What makes you think the girls at school might be able to?” I asked.

“You have a point.” She said as she laughed.

“Not only that but I’m actually a nice guy. Girls do not likenice guys, they prefer the bad boys.” I said.

“Most girls like bad boys, not all of them. They also like really big guys. You probably don’t know this, but every one of my cheerleaders have been talking about you a lot.” She said.

“What have they been saying.” I asked as I turned and looked at her as she sat up.

“Look, I’ve said it before, you have the reputation of being a protector of women. They have all said that they would date you over any bad boy because they would feel very safe with you. They all like you Adam. They all call you a gentle giant, which they aren’t that far off, damn you’re like what, 7’4 now?” She asked.

“Yeah I am actually.” I said.

“And you’re not fat either. Your body has changed a lot since the first time we had sex.” She said.

“In a good way of bad way?” I asked with a smile.

“A very, very good way. You have one of those bodies that girls like me drool over. Except you have an 8 pack instead of a six pack. You have a very amazing body. I will just say this, your future girlfriend is going to be very, vvvvvery lucky to have you. She just has to pass my tests first.” She said.

“Thank you.” I said.

“You’re very welcome.” She said. “I mean every word of it too. If I was your age, I would have snatched you up already.” She said.

“I would have let you. You’re my idea of ​​a perfect woman, and I really hope that my next girlfriend is like you.

“What do you mean like me?” She asked.

“Sex brought us together and we became really great friends. I have seen and gotten to know a side of you that no one else in that school has ever seen. That’s why I am so protective of you. You’re an amazing person. And your next suitor better pass my test. You deserve to be treated like a queen. If they can’t do that, then they need to walk away. It’s that simple.” I said.

“See? That’s why you would make an amazing boyfriend. If we weren’t such good friends and all, I would snatch you up.” She said.

“I am so happy that you are my friend. Friends like you are very hard to find. We are best friends with amazing benefits.” She said as she cuddled up to me again.

“Yes we are. I never thought in a million years that one of my own teachers would be my best friend.” I replied.

“I never though that one of my own students would be mine.” She said as she laid her head on my chest.

We just sat there for quite a while. She rubbed my entire upper body with her fingertips as we sat there watching a movie. She got me so relaxed by doing that, that my entire body felt like jello. After a while longer, we got up and we both took shows. I slept with her that night, and we both slept naked. I woke up buried deep inside of her and we both ended up fucking for at least two hours that morning. She for some reason loved it when I filled her up with cum, because I ended up doing that twice that morning. When we were done, we took shows again. She came over to the house and helped me with my homework that day. Mom had this sheepish grin on her face the entire time. That night she ended up sleeping in my bed with me.

From the day on, she and I were almost inseparable. It felt like we were actually dating almost. We did go on a lot of dates disguised just quality brother and sister time. As far I as I was concerned at his point, Miss Roberts was my girl. I would never admit that to her or anyone else, but that’s how I felt. She and I would hang out together all the time. We held hands and snuggled like a real couple. But we always referred to each other as best friends and siblings. As time passed I started noticing that she was getting sick. She and I honestly though she was pregnant with my baby. To be honest, yeah I was scared, but at the same time I was excited as hell.

To have her as the mother of my child would have been the best thing I cold have thought of. She would have made an amazing mom and I would be there for her through the entire process. Unfortunately all of the tests came back negative. I was bummed. How weird is it that a senior in high school actually wanted to have a kid, and be there for that child? I’m weird I guess. If it was with anyone else, I doubt that I would have felt the same way, but it was Janine.


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