When first they met…
It was raining. The drops hitting the window at a quick pace, the cloud-tainted light filtering through the wet glass made the room seem colder. She rose from her bed and stretched, running her hand through her straggly bed-head hairstyle. On the small table to her right, a tiny beep could be heard. The occupying flashing light notified her that there was a message on her cell.
” 9am be prompt. ” Chewing on her bottom lip, she glanced at the clock. “Oh god no! 8:55.”
The room suddenly a flurry of activity as she tried to dig out her lap top from where she stored it. It was all plugged in and booted up, web cam and all but the time was 9:05.
“I am so screwed,” she muttered looking at the chat window that popped up.
“You my dear, are five minutes late. Turn on your speakers, microphone and camera now.”
Clicking the icon, her picture came into view. The rumpled bed clearly visible behind her. The speakers cracked and she barelyhad time to turn on her microphone before the calling signal could be heard.
“My dear..” his velvet voice slide over her skin.
“Master,” she sat on the bed, legs parted and eyes looking directly into the camera lens as she had been instructed all those weeks ago.
“Why are you late?”
“I am sorry Master. I had a headache last night so took some pills and went to bed.” She squirmed slightly
“So you were ill. Very well, your tardiness will not be punished…this time.”
Letting out the breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding, her body relaxed slightly. A subtle coough from her speakers soon made her sit perfectly straight and upright again.
“Today’s lesson.. ” there was a pause, his voice amused by her reactions to him. “You will wear something suitable to meet someone. You will be at your train station in 30 minutes. He will hand you my instructions. Am I clear?”
“Yes Master,” her nod was possible a little over enthusiastic.
The chatwindow closed and her web cam flicked off. Without a second to spare, she turned her laptop off and found her clothes. Staring in horror at the contents of her wardrobe.. what would He consider suitable? Five minutes passed before she dressed. Knee length boots, snug fitting skirt and a loose flowing bloom with a low neck. To accessorise, she put on the velvet picker she had received as an anniversary gift from him.
She just made the train station with four minutes to spare. Inwardly cursing the bus service for actually being on time for a change, had meant that she had to run part the way. Standing by the exit, she waited, unsure quite who or what to expect.
The train pulled into the platform, about 20 or so people getting off it. Ignoring the women and children, she nervously scanned the men as they left the platform. She became aware of someone standing behind her and turned slowly. He stood at six foot, his hair raven and short. His chin square and covered with a light dusting of hair like a shadow. His eyes the colour of steel, they seemed to devour her on the spot. On his back was a back pack, he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. He held out an envelope which she took. Inside it was a picture of her, a CD inside a case and a handwritten note.
“Little one,” she read, “please take this man home with you.”
She looked up into his face again, a small smile on his lips. She told and shook her head. “I’m sorry.. I can’t. “
His arm rose, fingertips brushing her cheek. His voice a slight whisper but so familiar non the less, “My most precious.”
She gasped, his smile broadened to a wolfish grin. His mouth descended upon hers in a soul-searing kiss that claimed her and melted her bones to mush. Had he not been holding her up, she would have slid to the floor.
“Now take me home, I have much to teach you.”
As usual, his girl was very eager to oblige.
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