One in a Million Ch.2 (edited ver.)

I woke up somwhere between death and life, or at least that’s what it felt like. I couldn’t seem to say anything or see anything at all except for blackness. But I could hear. Ever since I woke I coud hear everything. I could also feel everything. It’s like I was a bat, whenever someone spoke, I could hear them clear and see what they looked like. Like whenever my family came for a visit, or the doctor came in, or when the sexy nurse comes in to take care of me. She often came in to fix my IV or to refill my life supporter, so I saw her alat. she has bright blue eyes and blonde hair and her chest! she had to be at least a G-cup! I had alat of fansys about her and Her cow sized breast.

One day, when everyone had left the hospital where I was staying, the nurse had come into my room to check my vitals and do my IV again. I had thought of moving the IV over so she would have to lean over me to reach it, when suddenly it starting rolling away! I was shocked, did I just move that with my mind? The nurse reached slightly for the IV then frowned as it was farther away than she thought. She leaned over me, squishing her large melons on my chest. a wave of excitment passed through me that I haven’t felt in a while. My cock stood up straight and was noticed by the nurse who stared at it for a moment. While she was thinking I had a great idea. If I can move things with my mind, what else can I do with it? I decided I have nothing to lose. I consentrated on the nurses mind and imagined myself going into her head, suddenly I was standing in the middle of a gray area with a bunch of nerves all over the place. I was amazed at how fast everything moved, but I seemed to be able to understand excitedly what parts did what, influenced what and moved what. It was like Everything was color-coded, Emotions and feelings are red, thoughts and memories are blue, and body movements and systems are yellow. I went to the section of thoughts where I could hear and see all of her memories and thoughts.

I learned her name was Tiffany Black and she was 24 years old. she’s married but her husband, Ryan Cuttler, is always away somwhere and she is starting to suspect him cheating. I moved away to the thoughts section where she and her consciousness were raging war. ‘Oh come on! Get a grip girl! Are you really about to have sex with a kid? I mean really! Just think about if anyone saw you, you could get fired!’
‘But… Ryan hasen’t been home in months and it’s not like anybody’s here, everyone checked out hours ago. Besides, he’s kinda cute.’
‘But still! What would Ryan say if he found out his WIFE was acting like a whore?’

I tried to input my thoughts inside of her mind to help give her a push. It helped to think about having a control station inside of each section. Soon, I was controlling her thoughts with ease. After my work was done I exsited the busty hospital workers mind. In my own body now, I could see that Tiffany was licking her lips and rubbing her legs together. Lust was bright in her eyes as she pulled up my hospital gown and slid down my boxers which caused my dick to spring out. My dick isn’t small, in fact, it’s bigger than most guys standing at 6in long and about 1cm thick at half-mast, but stood 11in tall and 3in thick. Tiffany almost drooled at the sight of it. She carrassed it softly, feeling along every inch, before sticking her tounge out and licking the head slightly. After that, she acted like a nympo queen, slobbering and sucking like a wild animal.

I was in heaven, and because of my new senses, I coud feel everything a whole lot better, like her tounge rubbing the underside of my shaft as she deep-throated me. I almost lost my seed right then, her tight throat was so far on my dick, her nose almost touched my balls. Almost. Tiffany kept sucking up and down, till I felt my sac tighten. I couldn’t warn her so I gave her a small nudge that it was coming. Suprisingly, she didn’t move from her post, she kept on sucking, trying to get all of my dick down her throat, till I exploded. I was cumming so much, I was sure it made her stomach a little bigger. Tiffany swallowed it all, swishing it in her mouth a bit to save the flavor, before swallowing it erotically. “Oh no, we’re not done yet mister!” she grew when she saw my deflating member.

She unbuttoned her shirt and took off her lacey, white bra, revealing her amazing tits. At the sight of those fleshy moutains uneashed, my dick jumped back into postion. “Ahh, I see you ready for another round.” She spit right in between her two mounds and rubbed them together before pushing my cock right between them. I thought I had died for a second time in a row. The feeling of two gigantically sized, soft but firm, boobs on each side of your dick is undeCribable. She started to rotate them softly around my dick before lifting them up and dropping them down, softly and slowly at first, but then faster and harder till she was slamming them up and down. I was trying hard not to blow uo to soon, but after a few minutes I felt that familiar tingling in my balls. I sent her another warning but once again supresed me, this time by putting her mouth on the head of my penis and pumping her boobs even faster. I shot another load into her mouth so hard, it hurt. Tiffany let some of it in her mouth before pulling off and letting the rest all over her face.

I relaxed as I finally realized what the hell just happened here: I just controlled someone to fuck me with my mind! But how? I started thinking back to all of the things that happened to me before. Did they inject me with something? Maybe I got bit by some radioactive animal, or was exposed to it. Finally It hit just like it did in that field. The lightning! When it struck me itMust’ve zapped something into to me that gave me these powers!

I did a quick mental search on myself and was amazed at what I found. Instead of it being cramped and close like Tiffany’s mind (who had gone to get cleaned up by the way.) It was huge. I wondered why it was like then, when I remembered something about humans only being able to use like 5% of our brains. I went to the main control section of my brain and immediately searched for a data analysis of how much my brain usage has increased. Wow, I don’t even know what the fuck I just said. Shaking my head, I resumed seaching until I came across a type of diagram that showed how much brain power I was using and frankly, I was stunned. If the average human uses about 5% of their brain, then that means I am five times smarter than the average person. I stared at the 25% percent on the screen. There was no way this was possible.

I, a nerd and wallflower who couldn’t try out for a sportEven if he tried, now suddenly has superhuman abilities? This sounded like something made up by Marvel. I could do anything I wanted to! While I was thinking about all the shit I could do, I remember reading about a guy who lived his life seeing things like it was an RPG. I decided to make some changes off of that to make this mental area thing a bit cooler. I tweaked the mental image until I was back in my regular body with a screen like they have in the RPG games, only visible to me and anyone else I chose. I looked at it and consentrated on an Info screen and the screen in front of me switched to a information screen, showing stats, health and a yellow paralization icon at the end of the health bar. I looked at my stats and was dissapointed at how low my STR and EDR (Strength and Endurance) was kind low, but was nicestly Surprised to see my SPD and INT (Speed ​​and Intelligence) were really high. I made my way over to the ability section, expecting to see nothing there, but was suprised. I had 6 abilities: Telekinesis (I could move things with my thoughts) Mind-reading, limited Physical Manipulation (I can change how I or other living things look, act and increase or decrease how strong or fast something is, but I can’t create things.) Mental Shift (When I leave my body and can see and hear everything ) and two things things I didn’t know, the first one called Discharge and the second one, Unbind.

I looked at Discharge first to see what It was about. It said discharge was the ability to unleash bursts of electricity, but I would be unable to control it. I mulled over that, Being able to use electricity in burst, but not being able to control it? Best leave that one alone for now. I moved over to Unbind and read what was under it. It said that unbind would allow me to increase my brain usage allowing to be able to control my abilities better and even gain new ones, but at the cost of I would be in a comatose state for three weeks. Underneaththat it showed a red timer counting down from One week. I guess it means I had used Unbind in the field when the lightning struck me, which explained why I was in a coma.

The timer must be how much time I have left till I can wake up physically, which means I have been in here for almost two weeks! I groaned as I thought of the amount of work would be awaiting me when I returned.Then I grinned as I remembered I have these powers, I can just copy all the answers. I thought about what that will do to e and I witnessed as I realized I can’t do that, It’s like that old saying from spider-man: “With great power, comes great responsibility.” I can’t just be using my power all willy-nilly, I could be discovered and shipped of to some government facility. I just had to be careful about how I used it, but that’s not saying I couldn’t use It for my own enjoyment. I grinned mentally as I remembered what I did to the sexy nurse. Oh yeah, this was going tobe a fun three weeks.


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