When Cheaters Pay

“The secret to a Happy married life is, an affair.” he thought just before entering his girlfriend on the flight itself while it was heading towards Miami airport.

This was what he told his wife to be his “business” trip.

But, probably the husband wasn’t as smart enough to hide the details of his business as he thought he was, otherwise the wife wouldn’t be at home crying her eyes out at the confirmation of the flight destination from New York to Miami rather than Boston, as the husband told her he would go.

It’s not like her didn’t love her, but the dick between his legs was always had a much stronger influence on him than anything else and the dick always had a taste for a variety. But, he always did love her, in fact he loved her more passwordately than most.

She doesn’t Know all this though. She knows that he has a dick, and she knows that it’s a desperate little prick. Little, she thought.

The crying didn’t stop for hours. How could it? They both had so much love between them. So much love, and she couldn’t help but remember what a beast that guy was in the sack.

It’s not like he had some huge asset. His little brother was merely average, but, he knew how to use it. Both her wife and the girlfriend bent before him on the plane right now, would agree to that. ‘Skilled little prick.’ both the ladies thought, but in different emotional states obviously.

‘It’s not worth it!’ thought the wife cleaning off the tears off of her face. She looked herself in the mirror, looking into the damages the hours of weeping had on her face. Sore red eyes, eye liner spread down along her face along the tears probably. “He’s not worth this!” she said out loud to the weird make up girl in the mirror.

It’s all the motivation she needed to plan everything that was gonna happen two nights from this.

The next day it was her time to “shop”. She took her quality time buying everything. Thinking how she was gonna make him pay for his “acts” with every single thing she bought.

A great smell emerged from the kitchen. He was coming home today. The cooking had taken her to a world where she did still love her, ‘NO!’ her mind shouted as soon as her mind diverted to the concept of love.

They had dinner, and wasn’t she the sweetest she ever was! The candle lit table and the half eaten delicious dinner were suddenly nothing of importance.

Their lips were locked and she was down to her satin bright red lingerie and silk fish net stockings. She pushed him to the bed so that he could see her. It’s not like she was extra sensitive or sexy but, his little dick couldn’t handle the intensity of that very situation. She had some weird and extremely sultry thing about her actions, like a vixen. The effect was strong enough to make him strip naked, down to his clean saden body. If the speed of getting naked wasn’t enough evidence to mark her aura, then his little price could add on to the evidence which was as tall as it ever had been or ever would be.

Even the way she stood. Everything about her was red. From her red hot lipstick to her bright red lingerie to her 6 inch inch pointy silettos that she was pushing into his erect right nipple while she caressed his dick. Even his hips had given into her, moved as fast as she wanted it to, as slow as she moved her hands. She bent over and grabbed a bunch of his hair and increased the pressure on his nipple making him a bit or uncomfortable. He tried to kiss her but she just looked into his eyes. Looked into his eyes and caressed his dick. He could see that it wasn’t what it looked like but his dick wasn’t gonna let him think anything other than the hand job he was getting. He was on the verge of exploiting and she knew it.

“Do you love me?” she asked looking straight into his eyes. To which he nodded in agreement.

She removed her leg from his chest and jerked his dick a bit more but she wasn’t gonna let him have the pleasure obviously.

Suddenly her left knee bent and shot to his desperate-to-ejaculate balls. One shot was enough to bring him down to the floor squirming and shouting in pain. He wasn’t the only thing that came down, so did his little prick. He was on the verge of shooting his load but it never happened. He was lying at her feet holding her crotch. He felt like his balls had launched back into his body because of the strength of the shot, and his dick had shrunk back to the size of her thumb aching in pain.

She let him suffer while she walked to the cabinet, slowly. She wasn’t in any hurry and she wanted him to listen to click of her heels, to feel her smiling while his balls ached and ached more by knowing that she was enjoying every single moment of his pain. She pulled the transcript from the cabinet and throw it at his face. He knew it was meant for him to read it or she would make sure he did, but it would be painful. It was his flight plan to Miami, rather then Boston.

Shekicked the paper out of his hands giving him enough to realize that she knew, and with enough force for him to know that he was gonna pay for it. He thought that he could speak her out of it, but his balls made sure that he couldn’t speak properly. He tried to look at her face but he could only turn enough to see a bright red coloured ball gag and a handcuff hanging from both her hands.

She knelt beside him and slapped his hands away from his crotch and pushed him to lay on his back. She grabbed his balls into a fist and squeezed them enough for him to open his mouth and her to stuff that ball gag into his mouth. She gave it a nice crush and left it for once and buckled the gag behind his head and cuff his hands behind his back.

She grabbed his shrunken dick and balls again and jerked at them, “Get on your knees!” she shouted. He struggled to his knees moving in the vertical direction led by her hand.

While he knelt there she went to a cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass and walked to where he knelt. She pulled his hair and said, “Come here you desperate fuck!” and pulled him to the chair in the room and he followed obediently on his knees afraid to get up and be brought down again. She sat in front of him and placed her right leg in between his knees. She kicked both his tights as if telling him to move them apart, as he did. she looked at him and drank her glass of wine, looking close enough to realize that her terror had struck him hard. She kept the empty glass aside and bent forward to grab a bunch of his hair and bent his head up to make him look into her eyes.

“I know about your slut you cheating conniving bitch!” she said and slapped his left cheek red, like the ball stuck to his mouth.

“Were you on a business trip?” She asked.

He said yes nodding his head up and down.

And just as instantly she kicked his balls hard.

He was in pain, you could see it in his eyes.

“Were youon a business trip?” She asked again.

He said no with nodding his head sideways this time.

She kicked again, just not as hard a before.

“Good boy.” She said. “Let’s keep it all true, and I won’t kick you hard. Okay?”

He nodded in agreement happy to do anything she asked her to do, if it means that his balls would be hurt less, even a bit.

“How long have you been seeing her?”

He tried to say 5 months but the sound was muffled and unclear because of the ball that was dripping saliva by now.

She kicked him hard

“I can’t hear you.” She said. “Louder bitch! Louder!” and she kicked him again.

He tried to say it a few more times with the same result but she kept on cracking his balls.

“Louder bitch! Come on. You are a good little bitch of mine aren’t you?”

And finally she let go of this question when his muffled shout was much clearer than before.

She slapped him hard 5 times on each chef. “Once for every month.” She said.

She pushed his upper body over the chair where she was sitting and pulled out a riding crop from a drawer near by.

She walked behind him caressing his left butt chef with the leather of the crop.

“You thought you were a calmion, eh?” she said, “I’m going to break you tonight, tame you into being a petty little bitch. Into my little bitch!” she exclamated the statement with a swift movement of her crop landing straight on his ass. Strong enough to leave a straight red line across his left butt chef. The first was followed by and uncountable number of other strokes. Each stronger than the one prior to it. Each leaving a red line across his ass. Each making him trying to shout through big bright red ball stuffed in his face. Each resulting in a fresh line of sweat dropping from his forehead. one making him trying to shrug away from the chair, away from her but he couldn’t she had pinned him beneath her left leg siletto strongly to keep her aim in place.

He started wagging his ass trying to avoid the crop and he wagged it hard trying to make it hard for her, a moving bullseye is always tough to hit.

This only made her laugh, and she kept her crop coming at his pathetic attempt to dodge her shots. She stopped for two seconds but he kept on wagging his ass moving it with the inertia and she laughed harder seeing that.

“I thought I’ll have to whip This ass all night to make it obedient, but look at you, wagging away, telling me that you are my bitch!” she said, laughing! And she resumed her whipping and he couldn’t help but wag away, thinking it was a bit less painful which in fact, it wasn’t. His screams still muffled by the gag.

She stopped and opened his gag. He hung his head, wishing it was over. She pulled his hair to make him face her.

“Did you ever love me?” She asks.

He took his time to look into her eyes. Those beautiful eyes are furious and red, furious and still so beautiful he thought.

Andhe says, “Yes.”

“Yes I did and I still do!” he ended.

She kicks him hard.

“You’re lying!” She shouts but he didn’t budget.

She slapses him hard, again and again and again while he just hung there, helpless.

“I’m going to make you pay for all you did!” she shouted with a hint of tears in her eyes, but she didn’t cry.

She went back to whipping his pulp red ass again and this time you could here him shout from far away. But she didn’t care. His shouts made her more powerful. Making him squeal in pain under her feet made her more happy than anything else at that moment.

She stopped again. Pushed him to his knees in the same position as before and sat down on the chair again.

“Now you get to justify yourself.” she said yanking hard at his hair.

“I love you more than anything else!” he replied.

And then came the kick right at his balls making him shout in pain. He couldn’t even bring his hands to protect his balls from the sadistic wife of his.

“That’s not what I asked you.” she said with another kick comparedally much lighter just to waken up his senses it seemed.

“She tried to lure me to herself!” he tried his hand at this resulting in another squeal.

“Please please! Stop! I can’t take it any more!” he pleased.

“Then answer my question. You know what the truth is, what I want to listen to. You’ve heard me call it to one of your friends cheating on his wife before.”

“Because I am a slut with a desperate dick!” he said ashamed of each and every word coming out of his mouth. True words but still shameful.

And she kicked him again.




Each word came with a kick on his already painful balls.

“You want to be with me?” she asked with his hair still in her hand.

“Yes yes. I am sorry and I want to be with you.” he said still in pain.

“I have some conditions” she said.

“I’ll do anything. Anything you want me to do. Please don’t leave me!”

She went round him to open another drawer and from behind him she put a collar round his neck.

“The way you treated me. You’re gonna pay for it.” She said. “I’m gonna own you from now on.”

She put the leash on the collar and tugged at it to make him turn towards her.

“Get on all fours, Bitch!” She said and as he did, she put a leg in his back and pressed it hard to leave a mark. A mark of ownership.

“You’re gonna take a week off of work bitch. Make amends for all you did.” she said while he hung his head from his shoulders drained out from all the pain and humiliation he had gone through the whole night.

“You’re gonna do all the house chores from now on.” she continued.

“You’ll wash the clothes.

Hand wash them.”

“You’ll make the food.”

“You’ll wash the dishes.”

“Clean the house dust the place and everything. Everything that I tell you to do.”

“You are my entertainment too, I’m going to use you the way I please and all you will do is work to earn for me and come home and put on your collar work for my ease and entertain me as ever I want you to.”

“Is that clear?”

“Yes” he said sounding ashamed of his present prediction.

“Oh and one more thing. Address me as Mistress from now on.” she laughed and tugged at his leanh.

She realized he wasn’t gonna speak up so she slapped his butt hard and shouted, “Say it you dumb bitch!”

“Yes…. Yes Mistress! As you say.” He said. She laughed harder.

She tugged at his leash and he followed her on all fours to the wardrobe, she opened it to show him a black and white dress. Something an authentic age old French maid would wear. Short enough to cover her crotch, and long enough to just cover her crotch. There were a pair of stockings hanging just beside the dress. He just stared at it, confused what she means with this.

“That’s your uniform bitch, for the week.” she said, smiling as she did.

“Oh nooh no oh no!” he said. “I can’t wear that! I’d rather stay naked for the whole week, rather than be a sissy in fishnet stockings! Please don’t make me wear that!” he pleased.

Hahahahahaha! She laughed loudly imagine him the way he put it, stark naked collared wearing nothing but fishnet stocking and his beaten up dick and crushed pair of balls hanging in between them. “You wear what I want you to and I want you to look like a sissy little fucking bitch that you are from now on. But, it’s cute how you think I gave you and option.” she laughed, and kicked in a pair of black 5 inch tall heels. “These too!” she said.

She sat on the chair again and pulled him closer by the leash.

“I am not going to force you into anything. You want to accept these conditions?” she asked him with all seriousness.

He nodded unable to find words.

“You’re my bitch from now on.” she said, “Do you understand that?”

He nodded.

“Say it! Out loud.”

“I am your bitch”he said, earning a tight hard slap across his face.

“You’re forgetting something.”

“I’m your bitch, Mistress!” He says looking at her feet.

“I’ll punish you whatever way I see fit. You miss a chore I’ll punish you. You fuck up a chore I’ll punish you. You are late I’ll punish you. You forget to address me properly I’ll punish you.” she stopped to kick his balls, see if they are still responsive, they were.

“If I feel like punishing you, I will take your fucking balls and squeeze the shit out of them till I feel tired.”

She slapped across his face, “Is that clear bitch?”

“Ye……yes Mistress!” he stammered.

“You want to be my bitch?” She asked with a kick on his balls.

“Yes Mistress” he squirmed in pain.

“You do, do you?”

“Yes Mistress”

“Then beg me.” she smiled, “Beg me to make you my bitch!”

He looked at her for a moment.

“Be quick about it! I don’t have all night!” she scolded.

“Mistress. I beg you.Please let me be your bitch!” he sort of begged.

She busted his balls hard. “That’s how you beg! It’s pathetic!” she said.

He joined his hands together and said, “Please Mistress! I beg you, I’ll do anything, just please! Please make me your bitch!”

“More!” she said “I WANT MORE BEGGING YOU BITCH!” kicking at his chest this time.

“I beg you! I beg you! Please!” he said, but not looking at her face, or staring at his folded hands like before, she was bent over, grabbing her legs.

She smiled. She had done it. All she had wanted since the moment she looked at her messed up face out of hours of crying and a broken heart.

‘Time to enjoy the lucks of my win!’ she thought.

“Kiss it.” she said.

“What?” he seemed confused.

“Kiss my feet you dumb bitch!” she told “Kiss them and show me that I own you.”

and he does, without thinking it through, without giving it a second to sink it. He kept on kissing and she laughed at her victory.

‘Enough for one night’ she thought and she put her other leg on his shoulder and pushed him aside.

Stuffed the ball of the gag back in his mouth and buckled it behind his head and cuffed his hands behind his back.

Lying on his back, she crushed his gagged face with her kissed, worshipped feet like a worm that he was.

Tied his legs with a rope and left him naked on the floor tied up and miserable.

Shamed and cuffed and collared.

“You are my Sissy Little Bitch from now on.” she said before she wrote against his bare clean sad chest


With her red hot lipstick and walked out of the room.


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